130 research outputs found

    O regime de metas de inflação: uma análise do caso brasileiro de 1999 a 2009

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    Análise dos custos do Regime de Metas de Inflação (RMI) para a economia brasileira de 1999 a 2009, além de verificar sua eficácia quanto ao controle da inflação no período em questão. Para tal, será apresentada a teórica novo-clássica que embasa o RMI. Além disso, será feita uma descrição ano a ano do regime quanto ao cumprimento das metas através das atas do Copom e Relatórios de Inflação do Banco Central do Brasil. Por fim, os custos para a economia brasileira serão apresentados a partir da análise de algumas variáveis macroeconômicas selecionadas: a taxa de câmbio, a dívida pública e o crescimento econômico

    An exploration of the corporate objectives of the Rio 2016 Olympic Sponsors

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the corporate objectives of the “Rio 2016” Olympic Games sponsors program, expanding the literature by investigating the first Latin American edition of the Olympic Games and by introducing a multi categorical framework for understanding why sponsors invest in mega sport events. The data for this study derives from 6 in-depth interviews with highly standing managers of Rio 2016 official sponsors. All of the interviewees had a sports sponsorship background, indicating that the specific knowledge contributes positively for business reflections and decision making. This study revealed five categories of corporate objectives relevant to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, including Corporate Social Responsibility, Branding, Organizational capability, Network, and Financial Performance. International and national companies affiliated with the Rio games had a strong interest in branding and especially in the possibility of being recognized as pioneers in Latin America in delivering the games and showing that the country can be appealing to new business and growth. The networking of the sponsors in the context of sponsor-sponsor and sponsor-sponsee was a new set of corporate objectives highlighted by this research. This indicates that events can be the beginning of a great institutional relationship between the sponsor and the sponsee. The least cited sponsors’ objective was CSR and related more with financial and branding sub-objectives. Also, the study offers evidence that sponsors may use the event as an opportunity to create a legacy after the Olympics, which can be exploited beyond the games for business benefits

    Invasive monitoring of the clinical effects of high intra-abdominal pressure for insertion of the first trocar.

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    Background: To analyze the effects of transitory, high intra-abdominal pressure on clinical, hemodynamic, blood gas and metabolic parameters.

Methods: Sixty-seven laparoscopic patients were divided into groups P12 (n = 30, maximum intra-abdominal pressure of 12 mmHg) and P20 (n = 37, maximum intra-abdominal pressure of 20 mmHg). Through radial artery cannulation, mean arterial pressure (MAP) was assessed and blood gas analysis – pH, arterial oxygen tension (PaO2), arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2), bicarbonate (HCO3) and base excess (BE) – was performed. These parameters were evaluated in both groups at time point zero, before CO2 insufflation; at time point one (TP1), when intra-abdominal pressure of 12 mmHg was reached in both groups; at time point two (TP2), 5 minutes after reaching intra-abdominal pressure of 12 mmHg in group P12 and of 20 mmHg in group P20; and at time point three (TP3), 10 minutes after reaching intra-abdominal pressure of 12 mmHg in group P12 and 10 minutes after TP1 in group P20, when intra-abdominal pressure decreased from 20 mmHg to 12 mmHg. Values out of the normal range or the occurrence of atypical phenomena suggestive of organic disease indicated clinical changes.

Results: Significant variations in MAP, pH, HCO3 and BE were observed in group P20; these changes, however, were within normal limits. Clinical changes were also within normal limits, and no pathological phenomena were observed.

Conclusions: Brief, intra-abdominal hypertension for the insertion first trocar insertion causes variations in MAP, pH, HCO3 and BE without adverse effects, and it may protect from iatrogenic injury


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    Este estudo trata-se de um relato de experiência, vivenciado por uma farmacêutica inserida na Atenção Básica e teve como objetivo relatar a experiência da utilização do PES e a construção de um Plano Operativo para melhoria da infraestrutura de um Farmácia Pública de Saúde em um município do Rio Grande do Sul. Foi realizada uma oficina com diferentes atores, sendo que a mesma correspondeu ao Momento Explicativo do Plano Operativo. O problema priorizado foi a infraestrutura inadequada da farmácia municipal. Sabe-se que o armazenamento inadequado de medicamentos pode acarretar em prejuízos importantes para sua ação terapêutica, bem como um possível ganho de ação toxicológica, que poderá resultar em tratamentos ineficazes, podendo aumentar os gastos com saúde. Dessa forma, pode-se destacar a importância do resultado prático obtido, que foi a construção da sala para armazenamento dos medicamentos, que cumpre a legislação vigente, além da reforma da área da dispensação, que proporciona aos pacientes um atendimento mais humanizado, apenas com a realização da etapa do momento explicativo do Plano Operativo, demonstrando a viabilidade da utilização desta ferramenta (PES)

    Experiência de estágio na atenção básica como meio de aprendizagem na graduação em medicina / Internship experience in basic care as a device of medical undergraduate learning

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    Este estudo visou apresentar as experiências de acadêmicas de Medicina relacionada ao estágio de atenção à saúde como instrumento da formação médica. Trata-se de um relato de experiência consistente em visitas a uma residência familiar escolhida previamente pela equipe de saúde, nos meses de fevereiro e março de 2020. Durante as visitas, observou-se que o paciente índice previamente indicado não demandava dos serviços dispostos na unidade de saúde como sua esposa, outra moradora da casa, embora tenha sido percebido que esta detinha conhecimentos acerca de cuidados com a saúde por ter sido cuidadora de seu esposo e por tê-lo acompanhado por muito tempo, contudo não se cuidava. Dessa forma, as visitas domiciliares proporcionaram as discentes o conhecimento da rotina dos moradores da residência, suas relações com a equipe de saúde e os equipamentos sociais presentes no bairro, bem como as relações interpessoais estabelecidas entre os membros da família e com os vizinhos. Com isso, é imperioso ressaltar a importância das atividades práticas que induzem as relações de vínculo responsáveis pela humanização do cuidado e favorecem o êxito da formação médic

    Electrocardiographic Aspects of Singleton Pregnancy and Neonatal Period in American Miniature Horse Breed

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    Background: During pregnancy, cardiovascular adaptations occur in order to meet maternal demands and adequate support for fetal development, but they are still unclear in the equine species, especially in the American Miniature horse breed. The main hemodynamic changes that occur during pregnancy are increased heart rate, cardiac output, and blood volume. It is necessary to use the reference values for the miniature breeds, in addition to the age range and reproductive condition, so the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of pregnancy on electrocardiographic (ECG) parameters in mares and also of age in newborns foals of American Miniature horse breed. Materials, Methods & Results: Ten American Miniature Horse mares, between 7 and 19 years old (12.14 ± 4.05 years), 116.85 ± 24.09 kg of body weight were used in the experiment. All these mares were pluriparous, with 5.9 ± 3.5 of births, minimum of 2, and maximum of 12 foaling times. They were maintained in common social group in an indoor house stable with straw bed, with access to an outdoor paddock for several h per day. Twice a day they were fed with hay. Mineral supplements and water were available ad libitum. The ECG were obtained in 10 pregnant mares and in 10 neonates. All females were examined at a representative time of each trimester of pregnancy, at 30, 210, 300 days before and 21 days after delivery. Neonates were examined on different times: first 24 h after delivery, weekly on the 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and 35th days of age. The ECG parameters considered were the heart rate and rhythm, duration and intervals (P, PR, QRS, QT, T) and amplitude (P, R, S, T) of ECG waves. The mean of pregnancy duration was 319.4 ± 4.97 days. Heart Rate (HR) varied between 51 to 59 bpm during pregnancy and 56 bpm on the 21st day after delivery. Comparing the clinical parameters of pregnant mares, non-pregnant mares and foal a difference was found for HR, Respiration Rate (RR) and Temperature (P = 0.001). All ECG parameters of pregnant, non-pregnant and foal mares showed a significant difference (P = 0.0001), except for the amplitude of the P1, P2 and R waves, which was similar for the 3 groups. The mean values of HR and amplitude of the positive T wave were higher in foals when compared to pregnant and non-pregnant mares, which in turn did not differ from each other. The mean duration of the P wave, PR segment, QRS complex, QT segment and T wave were the same among mares and greater than in foals. Comparing pregnant and non-pregnant mares, there was a difference in only 3 parameters: duration of the QTc segment, amplitude of the S wave and negative T wave. The non-pregnant mares had a longer duration of the QTc segment and a greater amplitude of the negative T wave, while the foals had a greater amplitude of the S wave.Discussion: Although this study did not measure HR at delivery time, it is worth to consider the action of the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system close to delivery, which reduces the HR of mares. This is because at delivery, sympathetic-adrenal activation should be avoided since the increase in sympathetic tone can cause uterine atony via B2 receptors. For this reason, it has been shown that, during physiological birth, horses are under parasympathetic control, and stress response mechanisms are not activated. It was conclude that the morphometry of the waves, intervals and ECG complexes, during the evolution of the reproductive state, the electrocardiographic aspects were generally associated with heart rate (PR and QT intervals). As for neonates, there was a discrepancy among the most of ECG parameters when compared to the adult female, regardless of reproductive status, clarifying the importance of ECG patterns not only for the breed, but also for the age group

    Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Angola show the StctVMNT haplotype in the pfcrt gene

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Effective treatment remains a mainstay of malaria control, but it is unfortunately strongly compromised by drug resistance, particularly in <it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>, the most important human malaria parasite. Although <it>P. falciparum </it>chemoresistance is well recognized all over the world, limited data are available on the distribution and prevalence of <it>pfcrt </it>and <it>pfmdr1 </it>haplotypes that mediate resistance to commonly used drugs and that show distinct geographic differences.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>-infected blood samples collected in 2007 at four municipalities of Luanda, Angola, were genotyped using PCR and direct DNA sequencing. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the <it>P. falciparum pfcrt </it>and <it>pfmdr1 </it>genes were assessed and haplotype prevalences were determined.</p> <p>Results and Discussion</p> <p>The most prevalent <it>pfcrt </it>haplotype was <b>S</b><sub>tct</sub>VMN<b>T </b>(representing amino acids at codons 72-76). This result was unexpected, since the <b>S</b><sub>tct</sub>VMN<b>T </b>haplotype has previously been seen mainly in parasites from South America and India. The CV<b>IET</b>, CVMN<b>T </b>and CV<b>I</b>N<b>T </b>drug-resistance haplotypes were also found, and one previously undescribed haplotype (CVM<b>DT</b>) was detected. Regarding <it>pfmdr1</it>, the most prevalent haplotype was <b>Y</b>EYSNVD (representing amino acids at codons 86, 130, 184, 1034, 1042, 1109 and 1246). Wild haplotypes for <it>pfcrt </it>and <it>pfmdr1 </it>were uncommon; 3% of field isolates harbored wild type <it>pfcrt </it>(CVMNK), whereas 21% had wild type <it>pfmdr1 </it>(NEYSNVD). The observed predominance of the <b>S</b><sub>tct</sub>VMN<b>T </b>haplotype in Angola could be a result of frequent travel between Brazil and Angola citizens in the context of selective pressure of heavy CQ use.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The high prevalence of the <it>pfcrt </it><b>S</b>VMN<b>T </b>haplotype and the <it>pfmdr1 </it>86<b>Y </b>mutation confirm high-level chloroquine resistance and might suggest reduced efficacy of amodiaquine in Angola. Further studies must be encouraged to examine the <it>in vitro </it>sensitivity of <it>pfcrt </it><b>S</b>VMN<b>T </b>parasites to artesunate and amodiaquine for better conclusive data.</p

    Chemoresistance of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax parasites in Brazil: consequences on disease morbidity and control

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    In Brazil, malaria still remains a clinically important febrile syndrome for local populations and travelers, occurring mostly in the Amazon Basin. This review aims to report the main efforts employed to control this disease since the 1940s and the emergence of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax chemoresistance to chloroquine and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine among other drugs. Additionally, in vivo, in vitro and molecular studies as well as malaria chemoresistance consequences on disease morbidity and policy treatment guidelines were commented

    PARTILHAS VIRTUAIS, ATOS COMPARTILHADOS:: transposição de acervos de pesquisas e construções coletivas de “pesquisadores nativos”

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    The article reflects on the dynamics of the digital platform of the “Observatório do Patrimônio Cultural do Sudeste”, created with the aim of giving visibility to the processes of patrimonialization and safeguarding of cultural manifestations in the states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo. Going beyond the "functions" of an ethnographic research data repository, the platform is highlighted as a sociotechnical complex co-built by different, multicentered relationships and memories. Considering the respective component pages of the site “Matrizes do Samba do Rio de Janeiro”, “Pequena África Paulistana” and “Dança do Samba” and the process of their conception and production from the perspective of the protagonism of native-researchers, political-epistemological displacements/transformations are outlined in the practices and representations listed in the field of intangible heritage. From the “heritage gesture” to the so-called “shared act”, it is possible to observe and to participate in a cultural proposal radically linked to democracy and historical reparation.O artigo reflete sobre as dinâmicas da plataforma digital do “Observatório do Patrimônio Cultural do Sudeste”, criada com o intuito de dar visibilidade aos processos de patrimonialização e salvaguarda de manifestações culturais nos estados de Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo.&nbsp; Ultrapassando as "funções" de um repositório de dados de pesquisas etnográficas, a plataforma é ressaltada como um complexo sociotécnico co-construído por relações e memórias distintas. A partir das respectivas páginas componentes do sítio “Matrizes do Samba do Rio de Janeiro”, “Pequena África Paulistana” e “Dança do Samba”, e do protagonismo de pesquisadores-nativos em suas dinâmicas de confecção, são tratados os deslocamentos/transformações político-epistemológicos nas práticas e representações arroladas no campo do patrimônio imaterial. Do “gesto patrimonial” ao denominado “ato compartilhado”, aponta-se para uma proposta de cultura radicalmente atrelada à democracia e à reparação histórica