13 research outputs found

    Wp艂yw nawyk贸w 偶ywieniowych i u偶ywek na zapadalno艣膰 na nowotwory z艂o艣liwe tarczycy w wojew贸dztwie olszty艅skim

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    Wst臋p: Celem pracy by艂o zbadanie wp艂ywu nawyk贸w 偶ywieniowych i u偶ywek na zapadalno艣膰 na raka tarczycy. Materia艂 i metody: Badanie przeprowadzono w艣r贸d chorych obj臋tych rejestrem raka tarczycy. W przygotowanej ankiecie zawarto dane osobowe, wywiady i osobnicze czynniki ryzyka: nawyki 偶ywieniowe, spo偶ycie alkoholu i palenie papieros贸w. Uzyskane dane poddano analizie statystycznej. Wyniki: Badaniem obj臋to 297 chorych na raka tarczycy (89% kobiet) i 589 zdrowych ochotnik贸w. Czterdzie艣ci sze艣膰 procent badanych cz臋sto spo偶ywa艂o mleko i jego przetwory. Pacjenci chorzy na raka tarczycy istotnie cz臋艣ciej ni偶 grupa kontrolna spo偶ywali warzywa krzy偶owe (p = 0,0001), spo偶ycie jaj by艂o podobne w obu grupach. Niskie spo偶ycie ryb oraz 艣rednie spo偶ycie soli i podobne spo偶ycie alkoholu charakteryzowa艂o obie grupy. Chorzy na raka tarczycy rzadziej palili papierosy. Na podstawie modelu regresji logistycznej wykazano, 偶e cz臋ste spo偶ywanie warzyw krzy偶owych 1,5-krotnie zwi臋ksza艂o ryzyko wyst膮pienia nowotworu z艂o艣liwego tarczycy (95% CI 1,19–1,96) w stosunku do os贸b spo偶ywaj膮cych te warzywa niezbyt cz臋sto. Osoby niepal膮ce w stosunku do pal膮cych mia艂y 0,54-krotne wi臋ksze ryzyko zachorowania na nowotwory z艂o艣liwe tarczycy. Wnioski: 1. Nie mo偶na jednoznacznie okre艣li膰 czynnik贸w sprawczych wzrostu zapadalno艣ci na raka tarczycy w wojew贸dztwie olszty艅skim. 2. Wydaje si臋, 偶e jednym z czynnik贸w 艣rodowiskowych maj膮cych wp艂yw na wzrost zapadalno艣ci na raka tarczycy w tym regionie s膮 nawyki 偶ywieniowe w postaci nadmiernego spo偶ycia warzyw krzy偶owych. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (2): 145–150)Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the roles of nutritional habits and addictions in the incidence of thyroid carcinoma. Material and methods: The study of risk factors affecting the incidence of thyroid carcinoma was conducted in patients included in a register of thyroid carcinoma. For that purpose, a questionnaire was prepared. The questionnaire covered: personal information, medical history, individual risk factors of thyroid carcinoma such as nutritional habits, alcohol consumption and smoking. Statistical analysis was conducted. Results: The register comprised 297 patients with thyroid carcinoma (89% women) and 589 healthy subjects. 46% of patients declared frequent consumption of milk and dairy products. The patients with thyroid carcinoma consumed cruciferous plants significantly more often than healthy subjects (p = 0.0001) whereas egg consumption among both groups of patients was similar. Low consumption of fish and average table salt consumption was typical of both groups. Alcohol consumption was similar in both groups and was, respectively, 42.18% and 47.59%. The patients with thyroid cancer smoked less frequently than subjects from the control group. Logistic regression analysis showed that carcinoma risk increased in patients who consumed cruciferous vegetables (brassicas). Their regular intake was related to a 1.5-fold (CI 1.19–1.96) higher risk of thyroid carcinoma incidence. Despite the demonstrated decreased risk of thyroid cancer, smoking (OR 0.54) was not considered a protective factor. Conclusions: 1. It is not possible to determine unequivocally the causative factors for the growth in the incidence of thyroid cancer in Olsztyn province. 2. It appears that one of the environmental factors causing the increase is overconsumption of cruciferous vegetables.(Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (2): 145–150

    Czy awaria elektrowni w Czarnobylu mia艂a wp艂yw na zapadalno艣膰 na nowotwory z艂o艣liwe gruczo艂u tarczowego w wojew贸dztwie olszty艅skim?

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    Material and methods: A study of incidence rates of thyroid carcinoma was conducted in Olsztyn province from 1 January 1994 to 31 December 2003 within its former boundaries, in spite of Poland’s new administrative division. The criteria for register entry were as follows: residence in Olsztyn province, newly-diagnosed case of thyroid malignancy in the given calendar year, and histopathological verification in the Department of Anatomical Pathology of the District Specialist Hospital in Olsztyn. The study of selected risk factors comprised patients included in the register of thyroid carcinoma. For that purpose a questionnaire was prepared which covered information about the Chernobyl accident: place of residence, time of carcinoma diagnosis after the accident, and iodine prophylaxis during the accident. The control group consisted of 589 healthy subjects selected based on age and place of residence. Results: In the years 1993-2003, 462 (395 women and 67 men) cases of thyroid cancer were registered. The questionnaire study comprised 297 patients with thyroid carcinoma and 589 healthy subjects. Study subjects from both the affected and control groups stayed mainly in their place of residence during the Chernobyl accident (97.28% v. 94.24%). Thyroid carcinoma was diagnosed on average 13.58 ± 2.61 years after irradiation. There were no significant differences in iodine prophylaxis during the Chernobyl accident. Lugol’s solution was given to 31% of patients and 34% of healthy respondents. Conclusions: 1. It cannot be stated that the Chernobyl disaster had any influence on the incidence rate of thyroid carcinoma in the province of Olsztyn. 2. Iodine prophylaxis using Lugol’s solution could have an influence on lack of significant increase of the thyroid carcinoma incidence rate in the age group 1–18 years. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (5): 437-442)Materia艂 i metody: Badanie nad zapadalno艣ci膮 na nowotwory z艂o艣liwe tarczycy prowadzono w wojew贸dztwie olszty艅skim od 01.01.1994 do 31.12.2003 roku w jego dawnych granicach pomimo nowego podzia艂u administracyjnego Polski. Do rejestru w艂膮czono chorych spe艂niaj膮cych kryteria: zachorowanie nast膮pi艂o w omawianym okresie, dotyczy艂o sta艂ych mieszka艅c贸w wojew贸dztwa, rozpoznanie ustalono na podstawie pooperacyjnego badania histopatologicznego w Zak艂adzie Patomorfologii Wojew贸dzkiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego w Olsztynie. Wybrane czynniki ryzyka badano w艣r贸d chorych za pomoc膮 specjalnie skonstruowanej ankiety, w kt贸rej zawarto dane zwi膮zane z awari膮 w Czarnobylu: miejsce zamieszkania, czas zachorowania na nowotwory z艂o艣liwe gruczo艂u tarczowego po awarii, stosowanie profilaktyki jodowej podczas awarii. Grup臋 kontroln膮 stanowi艂o 589 zdrowych os贸b dobranych pod wzgl臋dem wieku oraz miejsca zamieszkania. Wyniki: W latach 1994-2003 rejestrem obj臋to 462 chorych na nowotwory z艂o艣liwe gruczo艂u tarczowego: 395 p艂ci 偶e艅skiej i 67 p艂ci m臋skiej. W badaniach ankietowych wzi臋艂o udzia艂 297 os贸b z grupy chorych oraz 589 os贸b z grupy kontrolnej. Chorzy, jak i osoby z grupy kontrolnej w czasie awarii w Czarnobylu przebywali g艂贸wnie w miejscu sta艂ego zamieszkania (97,28% v. 94,24%). Chorzy na nowotwory z艂o艣liwe zachorowali 艣rednio w 13,58 ± 2,61 lat po ekspozycji na promieniowanie jonizuj膮ce. Nie wykazano statystycznie istotnych r贸偶nic w zastosowanej podczas awarii profilaktyce jodowej. P艂yn Lugola otrzyma艂o 31% chorych i 34% os贸b z grupy kontrolnej. Wnioski: 1. Nie udowodniono jednoznacznie wp艂ywu awarii w Czarnobylu na zapadalno艣膰 na nowotwory z艂o艣liwe tarczycy. 2. Zastosowana profilaktyka p艂ynem Lugola mog艂a mie膰 wp艂yw na niewielk膮 zapadalno艣膰 obserwowan膮 w grupie wiekowej 0-18 lat. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (5): 437-442

    Effect of individual and socio-economic risk factors on the incidence of thyroid carcinoma in Olsztyn province

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    Wst臋p: Celem pracy by艂o zbadanie osobniczych i socjoekonomicznych czynnik贸w ryzyka zapadalno艣ci na raka tarczycy. Materia艂 i metody: Badanie przeprowadzono w艣r贸d chorych obj臋tych rejestrem raka tarczycy na podstawie przygotowanej ankiety. Ankieta zawiera艂a: informacje osobnicze, histori臋 medyczn膮 oraz czynniki socjoekonomiczne. Uzyskane dane poddano analizie statystycznej. Wyniki: Rejestrem obj臋to 297 chorych (89% kobiet) i 589 zdrowych ochotnik贸w dobranych odpowiednio pod wzgl臋dem wieku i miejsca zamieszkania. Najcz臋stsz膮 grup臋 stanowili chorzy w wieku 50-54, z dominuj膮c膮 grup膮 kobiet. Kobiety chore na raka tarczycy rodzi艂y tak samo cz臋sto, jak kobiety z grupy kontrolnej; 10% stosowa艂o leki antykoncepcyjne. Wi臋kszo艣膰 chorych urodzi艂o si臋 w wojew贸dztwie olszty艅skim (obszar umiarkowanego niedoboru jodu). U 9,72% w dzieci艅stwie rozpoznano chorob臋 tarczycy. Rodzinne obci膮偶enie chorobami tarczycy mia艂o 32,41%. Wykszta艂ceniem podstawowym legitymowa艂o si臋 36%, 14% zawodowym, 38% 艣rednim i 13% wy偶szym. Na podstawie modelu regresji logistycznej wykazano, 偶e ryzyko raka tarczycy wzrasta艂o 0,98-krotnie u ka偶dej osoby m艂odszej o rok i 0,98-krotnie z mas膮 cia艂a ni偶sz膮 o 1 kg. Wnioski: Czynniki ryzyka zapadalno艣ci na raka tarczycy to: p艂e膰 偶e艅ska, wiek rozpoznania raka tarczycy, niska masa cia艂a. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (5): 671-682)Introduction: The aim of this study was an investigation into the individual and socio-economic risk factors of the incidence of thyroid carcinoma. Material and methods: Our study was into risk factors affecting the incidence of thyroid carcinoma conducted in patients included in a register of thyroid carcinoma. For that purpose, a questionnaire was prepared which covered personal information, medical history and socio-economic factors. A statistical analysis was conducted. Results: The register comprised 297 patients (89% female) with thyroid carcinoma and 589 healthy subjects. Age group distribution was similar for both groups. The largest group was aged 50-54. The number of children born to women with carcinoma and women in the control group did not differ significantly. 10% of the women with carcinoma had used contraception. Patients were most frequently born in Olsztyn province, an area of relative iodine deficiency. 9.72% had suffered from thyroid disease in childhood. 32.41% had a family history of thyroid disease. Mothers of patients most frequently also came from regions of similar iodine level. The fathers most frequently came from Warsaw province (17.08%). The origin of the remainder was the same as of the mothers. 36% of patients had elementary, 14% vocational, 38% secondary and 13% higher education. Logistic regression showed that the risk of carcinoma increased 0.98 times in each person younger by a year. Individuals with body mass lower had 0.98 times greater risk of the disease by each kilogram. Conclusions: The risk factors for the incidence of thyroid carcinoma: female sex, age at onset, low body mass (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (5): 671-682

    The Natural Cytotoxicity Receptors in Health and Disease

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    The Natural Cytotoxicity Receptors (NCRs), NKp46, NKp44, and NKp30, were some of the first human activating Natural Killer (NK) cell receptors involved in the non-MHC-restricted recognition of tumor cells to be cloned over 20 years ago. Since this time many host- and pathogen-encoded ligands have been proposed to bind the NCRs and regulate the cytotoxic and cytokine-secreting functions of tissue NK cells. This diverse set of NCR ligands can manifest on the surface of tumor or virus-infected cells or can be secreted extracellularly, suggesting a remarkable NCR polyfunctionality that regulates the activity of NK cells in different tissue compartments during steady state or inflammation. Moreover, the NCRs can also be expressed by other innate and adaptive immune cell subsets under certain tissue conditions potentially conferring NK recognition programs to these cells. Here we review NCR biology in health and disease with particular reference to how this important class of receptors regulates the functions of tissue NK cells as well as confer NK cell recognition patterns to other innate and adaptive lymphocyte subsets. Finally, we highlight how NCR biology is being harnessed for novel therapeutic interventions particularly for enhanced tumor surveillance

    Angiogenic Properties of NK Cells in Cancer and Other Angiogenesis-Dependent Diseases

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    The pathogenesis of many serious diseases, including cancer, is closely related to disturbances in the angiogenesis process. Angiogenesis is essential for the progression of tumor growth and metastasis. The tumor microenvironment (TME) has immunosuppressive properties, which contribute to tumor expansion and angiogenesis. Similarly, the uterine microenvironment (UME) exerts a tolerogenic (immunosuppressive) and proangiogenic effect on its cells, promoting implantation and development of the embryo and placenta. In the TME and UME natural killer (NK) cells, which otherwise are capable of killing target cells autonomously, enter a state of reduced cytotoxicity or anergy. Both TME and UME are rich with factors (e.g., TGF-尾, glycodelin, hypoxia), which support a conversion of NK cells to the low/non-cytotoxic, proangiogenic CD56brightCD16low phenotype. It is plausible that the phenomenon of acquiring proangiogenic and low cytotoxic features by NK cells is not only limited to cancer but is a common feature of different angiogenesis-dependent diseases (ADDs). In this review, we will discuss the role of NK cells in angiogenesis disturbances associated with cancer and other selected ADDs. Expanding the knowledge of the mechanisms responsible for angiogenesis and its disorders contributes to a better understanding of ADDs and may have therapeutic implications

    The Role of Zeolite Structure in Its β-cyclodextrin Modification and Tetracycline Adsorption from Aqueous Solution: Characteristics and Sorption Mechanism

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    Modification of zeolites with organic compounds is of increasing interest due to their significant potential in removing emerging pollutants from water. In this work, zeolites from fly ash with three different structure types, NaX (faujasite), NaA (Linde A) and NaP1 (gismondine), were modified with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD), and their adsorption efficacy towards tetracycline (TC) antibiotic in aqueous solutions have been studied. To assess the effect of modification on the zeolites, they were subjected to chemical, mineralogical and surface analyses using X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetry (TG), scanning electron microscope (SEM), N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The maximum adsorption capacity for NaX-CD, NaA-CD and NaP1-CD was around 48, 60, and 38 mg/g, respectively. The fastest adsorption rate was observed for NaP1-CD, which achieved adsorption equilibria after 200 min, while for NaX-CD and NaA-CD it was established after around 24 h. The kinetic data were best described by the Elovich model, followed by pseudo-second order, while the Sips and Redlich–Peterson models were the most suitable to describe the adsorption isotherms. Based on the adsorption data as well as FTIR and XPS results, TC adsorption efficacy is strongly related to the amount of CD attached to the mineral, and hydrogen bonding formation probably plays the major role between CDs and adsorbate

    The role of zeolite structure in Its 尾-cyclodextrin modification and tetracycline adsorption from aqueous solution:characteristics and sorption mechanism

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    Abstract Modification of zeolites with organic compounds is of increasing interest due to their significant potential in removing emerging pollutants from water. In this work, zeolites from fly ash with three different structure types, NaX (faujasite), NaA (Linde A) and NaP1 (gismondine), were modified with 尾-cyclodextrin (尾-CD), and their adsorption efficacy towards tetracycline (TC) antibiotic in aqueous solutions have been studied. To assess the effect of modification on the zeolites, they were subjected to chemical, mineralogical and surface analyses using X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetry (TG), scanning electron microscope (SEM), N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The maximum adsorption capacity for NaX-CD, NaA-CD and NaP1-CD was around 48, 60, and 38 mg/g, respectively. The fastest adsorption rate was observed for NaP1-CD, which achieved adsorption equilibria after 200 min, while for NaX-CD and NaA-CD it was established after around 24 h. The kinetic data were best described by the Elovich model, followed by pseudo-second order, while the Sips and Redlich鈥揚eterson models were the most suitable to describe the adsorption isotherms. Based on the adsorption data as well as FTIR and XPS results, TC adsorption efficacy is strongly related to the amount of CD attached to the mineral, and hydrogen bonding formation probably plays the major role between CDs and adsorbate

    A Role of NKR-P1A (CD161) and Lectin-like Transcript 1 in Natural Cytotoxicity against Human Articular Chondrocytes

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    International audienc

    Constitutive expression of ligand for natural killer cell NKp44 receptor (NKp44L) by normal human articular chondrocytes

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    International audienceNormal chondrocytes display susceptibility to lysis by natural killer (NK) cells and this phenomenon may play a role in some inflammatory cartilage disorders. The mechanisms of chondrocyte recognition and killing by NK cells remain unclear. Using flow cytometry and immunohistochemical staining we found that normal human articular chondrocytes constitutively express a ligand for NKp44, one of stimulatory NK cell receptors involved in recognition and killing of target cells. Expression of NKp44 ligand by normal articular chondrocytes is not involved in their killing by unstimulated NK cells ; however, it is responsible for anti-chondrocyte cytotoxicity mediated by long-term activated NK cells. Thus, expression of NKp44 ligand may play a role in chondrocyte destruction in course of chronic inflammatory cartilage disorders

    The evaluation of pharmaceutical pictograms among elderly patients in community pharmacy settings – a multicenter pilot study

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    Piotr Merks,1,2,* Damian 艢wieczkowski,3,* Marcin Balcerzak,4 Ewelina Drelich,4 Katarzyna Bia艂oszewska,5 Natalia Cwalina,3 Jerzy Krysinski,1 Mi艂osz Jaguszewski,3 Annie Pouliot,6 Regis Vaillancourt6 1Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus University in Torun, Bydgoszcz-Torun, Poland; 2Piktorex Sp. z.o.o., Warsaw, Poland; 3First Department of Cardiology, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland; 4Farenta Polska, Warsaw, Poland; 5Department of Medical Psychology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; 6Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON, Canada *These authors contributed equally to this work Introduction: The search for new ways to optimize the use of medications by patients has led the pharmaceutical community to promote the idea of introducing pictograms into routine practice. The main intention of pictograms is to ease patient adherence and to reduce potential risks or errors associated with the use of medications. Purpose: To evaluate a series of pharmaceutical pictograms for patient comprehension. Patients and methods: The study was conducted in community pharmacies within a European Union country that belongs to the professional research network. Structured interviews were used to evaluate the pictograms for patient comprehension. This consisted of an assessment of the following: the transparency and translucency of the pictograms, health literacy, and pictogram recall. Participants were also given the opportunity to provide feedback on how to improve the pictograms. The primary endpoint was pictogram comprehension. Secondary outcomes included recall of the pictograms and pictogram translucency. Results: The study included 68 patients with whom face-to-face interviews were performed. Low transparency results (≤25%) and extensive patient feedback in initial interviews led to the withdrawal of certain pictograms (n=15) from the evaluation. Among the pictograms included in the final stage of our research, 22 pictograms (62.8%) obtained an acceptable transparency level ≥66%. All pictograms passed the short-term recall test with positive results. Conclusion: A majority of the designed and modified pictograms reached satisfactory guessability scores. Feedback from patients enabled modification of the pictograms and proved that patients have an important voice in the discussion regarding the design of additional pictograms. Keywords: pharmaceutical pictograms, elderly population, health literacy, community pharmacy, Polan