19 research outputs found

    Studium przypadku dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym ze zdiagnozowanym rotacyzmem właściwym

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    The sonorant consonant “r” belongs to the group of consonants that children learn to produce very late and their pronunciation is often deformed. This is the consequence of high articulatory demands of this particular sound – efficient work of the tip of the tongue is required. The following paper presents how a six‑year‑old boy is gradually learning how to produce the sound “r”. The author describes how the sound “r” is replaced with some other well‑articulated sounds and next how the sounds very similar to “r” are gradually appearing in the boy’s speech. This process allowed the boy to start producing a short vocal element similar to “y” but pronounced with the mass of the tongue located in the back. This kind of articulation is known as sibilant. Finally, the paper describes the therapeutic process which resulted in the appearance of the correct pronunciation

    "Saksofon to świat" - językowy obraz instrumentów w Traktacie o łuskaniu fasoli Wiesława Myśliwskiego

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    In the article, the author investigates the artistic text in order to check what linguistic shapes the music fragments which appear in it assume, and which elements of cultural images of musical instruments have been reinforced in the descriptions of the treatise. The analyses conducted within the cultural linguistic framework open up new dimensions of interpretation, and demonstrate that the fragments of the novel which have been devoted to instruments are not merely linguistic pictures, but important elements of text structure that have had a significant influence on its plot. It is noteworthy that the main protagonist of Traktat o łuskaniu fasoli (The Treatise on Shelling Beans) is intermediately characterised by the instruments that appear in his life. Every instrument he comes across determines his personal development, strengthens the feeling of existential sense, and sometimes unites him with his predecessors

    Język a muzyka : lingwistyczne aspekty związów intersemiotycznych

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    The fact that music as a purely-tonic phenomenon is not free from the verbal medium of communication poses a question on which language signs are used to express and describe music. The attempts to find an answer to the question constituted the aim of the monograph. It dealt with the medium of communication within the language system, the lexis of music, terminology, language expressions literally and metaphorically connected to music and the sound of music which constitute a variety of ways of describing the art of sound, as well as create inter-semiotic ‘translations’ consisting in composing poetical works according to the rules ascribed to the music forms. An additional factor enriching this repertoire of the medium of communication are more or less acquired descriptive and metaphoric structures determined by the conceptualization and categorization processes based on a scheme of notional metaphors. The structures were selected via an analysis of opinions on music — definitions of the art of sound derived from the philosophical and musicological source text. In this work, the language is treated as an interpreter of culture. The observations made make it clear that the study on ways of describing music in a natural language is a way of interpreting the music itself

    Zapachowe autokreacje w tekstach kultury popularnej (na przykładzie wybranych wywiadów podróżniczych)

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    The article aims at illustrating how self‑presentation — one of the main objectives of popular culture — is realised in popular texts. The genre in which the elements of autocreation have been examined is “travel interview” (or, more precisely, interviews with travelling representatives of the world of media), conducted with the intention to describe the world by means of olfactory sensations. These interviews have been collected in K. Skawska and K. Świdrak’s book titled Świat w zasięgu nosa [The World Within Smell]. A careful observation of the selected forms of expression allows one to discern the capacities the sense of smell displays for cognition and classification of the world, and to see olfaction as an element that constitutes and expresses indentity of the authors of fragrance travel accounts. The use of the sense of smell in the process of world exploration may be regarded as part of the study on the condition of homo aistheticos — a human being who “experiences the world sensually” and creates his/her indentity on the basis of sensuality rather than rationality

    Pomiędzy autoprezentacją a autokreacją - sposoby (za)istnienia w sieci

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    The article is an attempt to show the mechanisms of creating an image used to create promotion texts placed on the Internet sites of artistic agencies acting as an agent in organizing the so called events. From this point of view, the strategic text position, that is, the beginning and ending of the message, were analysed. In most of the texts in question one can notice a relatively accurate realization of a selected genre model, however, sometimes decisions were made to modify it, which was caused by a desire to strengthen the message and its personalisation

    Blog muzyczny w otwartych granicach genologicznych przemian - status nadawcy

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    The aim of the article was to present why and how blog is becoming a genre existing within the limits designated by the musical discourse. From among the significant discursive categories, the sender has been discussed here. His/her status has been presented in confrontation with the diaristic tradition, which is often referred to when the origins of this media genre are being discussed. The preliminary analysis allowed the author to prove that the change of the sender is clearly connected with the specificity of the Internet. The so far elitist position of an author is replaced by the collaborative model, which provokes the musical discourse to open its limits — to become more egalitarian, also by means of the musical blog

    Strategiczne gry gatunkami - blog i recenzja w witrynach internetowych perfumerii

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    A blog and review, dealt with in the article, are used in virtual websites of perfumeries in a different role than was traditionally ascribed to them. The blog characteristics, explicitly associated with it, are the basis of a marketing usage of the very genre, both in the case of the shop corresponding with a convention of an Internet diary, and shops which placed a handbook under the name of a “blog”. The texts classified in the Internet websites of perfumeries as reviews are the texts evaluating either perfumes or the shop itself. Extra information appears imfrequently and usually serves a deliberate objectivisation of the message. Thanks to it, the text gets closer to the realization of the review model, but it is just illusion of the closeness as the texts in question do not possess any basic genological determinants of the very genre. These are undoubtedly the opinions and calling them reviews is pragmatic in nature. The authors make an attempt to reveal certain mechanisms of playing with these genres and show their persuasive overtone and marketing entanglement

    Zapach w powieściach Gabrieli Zapolskiej - próba palimpsestowej lektury

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    The article is an attempt to accept a new perspective in the reception of works by Zapolska, a perspective deriving from the choice of conception of a palimpsest reading, that is, such reading in which deeper, repetitive and specially hidden sense are derived from the surface. Referring to theoretical knowledge established by M. Riffaterre and Genette, the authors try to look at the works by Zapolska in a non-linear way. Such a research attitude allows for answering a question on the role of smell in novels by a modernist writer. Apart from conclusions which prove an immersion of writings by Zapolska in a sensitising Young Poland element, a closer analysis of oilfactory descriptions allows for making a statement that smell in her novels fulfills a kind of epistemological function — helps to “order” the world. It also serves to characterise the main characters in Zapolska who is very much interested in the fate of “fallen” women. She draws the process of changes of their life condition skillfully and multidimensionally. A palimpsest reading, this “revelation” of subsequent “layers” of meanings, allows for noticing that mental and social changes are also accompanied by the change of aura. One can hypothetise that the characters in Zapolska are accompanied by a kind of smell screenplay (script?) subtly marked on the pages of different novels, the repetitiveness of which is possible to be read just thanks to a global perspective

    Zapach kobiety i zapach... mężczyzny - językowo-kulturowy wizerunek kobiecości i męskości we współczesnych tekstach perswazyjnych

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    Ewa Biłas-Pleszak and Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz show image of femininity and masculinity in descriptions of perfumes which were placed in mass media both for women and for men. The choice of image of femininity and masculinity in texts which are analysed depend on product and target audience. The authors divide sentences into four group: 1. The fragrance of woman (texts for women). In this kind of texts emerge portrait of businesswoman, a woman who is active and self confident. Second image in this group is beautiful, romantic and sensual woman. 2. The fragrance of woman (texts for men). In this kind of texts woman is usually introduced like a femme fatale and a sexual object. 3. The fragrance of man (texts for women). The man is introduced like a true man: strong, brave and independent. Second image in this group is romantic, sensual, spontaneous and delicate man (like a woman). 4. The fragrance of man (texts for men). In this kind of texts emerge portrait of lover or free and lonely traveler. The new type is a contemporary man - full of contrasts, undecided - like a woman

    Uniwersytet wobec zmian i potrzeb współczesności : kilka uwag na temat kierunków studiów o profilu praktycznym

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    In the article the deliberations concerning university, its place in the present world, the status of academics and students, and cooperation between university and business were shown. Moreover, the authors pictured how amendments to the Higher Education Law in 2005 influenced the creation of new fields of study. Some new majors were presented, especially the practical ones created at the University of Silesia in Katowice. Particular attention was paid to the promotion and crisis communication, the field of study that was developed and still is managed in a substantive and organisational way by the academics in the Irena Bajerowa Institute of the Polish Language