Język a muzyka : lingwistyczne aspekty związów intersemiotycznych


The fact that music as a purely-tonic phenomenon is not free from the verbal medium of communication poses a question on which language signs are used to express and describe music. The attempts to find an answer to the question constituted the aim of the monograph. It dealt with the medium of communication within the language system, the lexis of music, terminology, language expressions literally and metaphorically connected to music and the sound of music which constitute a variety of ways of describing the art of sound, as well as create inter-semiotic ‘translations’ consisting in composing poetical works according to the rules ascribed to the music forms. An additional factor enriching this repertoire of the medium of communication are more or less acquired descriptive and metaphoric structures determined by the conceptualization and categorization processes based on a scheme of notional metaphors. The structures were selected via an analysis of opinions on music — definitions of the art of sound derived from the philosophical and musicological source text. In this work, the language is treated as an interpreter of culture. The observations made make it clear that the study on ways of describing music in a natural language is a way of interpreting the music itself

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