Zapach kobiety i zapach... mężczyzny - językowo-kulturowy wizerunek kobiecości i męskości we współczesnych tekstach perswazyjnych


Ewa Biłas-Pleszak and Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz show image of femininity and masculinity in descriptions of perfumes which were placed in mass media both for women and for men. The choice of image of femininity and masculinity in texts which are analysed depend on product and target audience. The authors divide sentences into four group: 1. The fragrance of woman (texts for women). In this kind of texts emerge portrait of businesswoman, a woman who is active and self confident. Second image in this group is beautiful, romantic and sensual woman. 2. The fragrance of woman (texts for men). In this kind of texts woman is usually introduced like a femme fatale and a sexual object. 3. The fragrance of man (texts for women). The man is introduced like a true man: strong, brave and independent. Second image in this group is romantic, sensual, spontaneous and delicate man (like a woman). 4. The fragrance of man (texts for men). In this kind of texts emerge portrait of lover or free and lonely traveler. The new type is a contemporary man - full of contrasts, undecided - like a woman

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