1,388 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Pengangkatan Serta Perlindungan Anak di Indonesia

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    Latar belakang dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah adanya anak-anak yang dilahirkan tanpa adanya pemenuhan hak yang seimbang, sehingga pada Kenyataannya orang tua akan menyerahkan anak tersebut ke panti asuhan dengan pengharapan anak tersebut tidak akan terlantar. Permasalahan pada pelaksanaan adopsi anak di Indonesia adalah Bagaimana pencegahan akibat-akibat pengangkatan anak yang dapat menjadikan anak sebagai korban, bagaimanakah prosedur pengangkatan anak di Indonesia dan Apakah hambatan-hambatan yang ditemui dalam pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak di Indonesia dalam prosedur pengangkatan anak, baik pegangkatan anak yang berwarga Negara Indonesia diangkat oleh orangtua angkat yang berwarga Negara Indonesia, pengangkatan anak yang berwarga Negara Indonesia diangkat oleh orangtua angkat yang berwarga Negara Asing, pengangkatan anak yang berwarga Negara Asing diangkat oleh orangtua angkat yang berwarga Negara Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan penelitian normatif dan empiris. Dalam penelitian hukum normatif, penulis menggunakan bahan-bahan hukum berupa peraturan Perundangan, dalam penelitian ini seorang peneliti selalu mendasarkan pemikirannya pada aturan Perundangan sebagai bahan hukum utama penelitian. Penelitian hukum empiris dikenal juga sebagai penelitian lapangan (field research), dalam hal ini Penulis menggunakan wawancara terhadap Dinas Sosial dan Kementrian Sosial Nasional. Hasil penelitian mengenai prosedur pelaksanaan adopsi anak oleh orang tua adopsi adalah pelaksanaan adopsi anak terbagi menjadi 4 (empat) tahap yaitu tahap permintaan izin pengangkatan anak, tahap laporan sosial izin pengasuhan anak, tahap pengesahan izin pengkatan anak di Pengadilan Negeri, dan tahap pemberitahuan tentang izin pengangkatan anak kepada pihak- pihak yang terkait. Sedangkan hambatan-hambatan yang ditemui dalam pelaksanaan pengangkatan anak di Indonesia adalah ketidak jelasan asal-usul anak. Dan untuk pencegahan akibat-akibat pengangkatan anak yang menjadikan anak sebagai korban adalah memenuhi syarat-syarat dan melaksanakan prosedur pengangkatan anak sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-Undang yang berlaku. Kesimpulan pada penulisan ini adalah persyaratan dan prosedur pengangkatan anak harus dilaksanakan sesuai dengan peraturan Perundang-Undanga

    Roots of Ehrhart Polynomials of Smooth Fano Polytopes

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    V. Golyshev conjectured that for any smooth polytope P of dimension at most five, the roots z\in\C of the Ehrhart polynomial for P have real part equal to -1/2. An elementary proof is given, and in each dimension the roots are described explicitly. We also present examples which demonstrate that this result cannot be extended to dimension six.Comment: 10 page

    The Role of AtMUS81 in Interference-Insensitive Crossovers in A. thaliana

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    MUS81 is conserved among plants, animals, and fungi and is known to be involved in mitotic DNA damage repair and meiotic recombination. Here we present a functional characterization of the Arabidopsis thaliana homolog AtMUS81, which has a role in both mitotic and meiotic cells. The AtMUS81 transcript is produced in all tissues, but is elevated greater than 9-fold in the anthers and its levels are increased in response to gamma radiation and methyl methanesulfonate treatment. An Atmus81 transfer-DNA insertion mutant shows increased sensitivity to a wide range of DNA-damaging agents, confirming its role in mitotically proliferating cells. To examine its role in meiosis, we employed a pollen tetrad–based visual assay. Data from genetic intervals on Chromosomes 1 and 3 show that Atmus81 mutants have a moderate decrease in meiotic recombination. Importantly, measurements of recombination in a pair of adjacent intervals on Chromosome 5 demonstrate that the remaining crossovers in Atmus81 are interference sensitive, and that interference levels in the Atmus81 mutant are significantly greater than those in wild type. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that AtMUS81 is involved in a secondary subset of meiotic crossovers that are interference insensitive

    Flutter Analysis of the Shuttle Tile Overlay Repair Concept

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    The Space Shuttle tile overlay repair concept, developed at the NASA Johnson Space Center, is designed for on-orbit installation over an area of damaged tile to permit safe re-entry. The thin flexible plate is placed over the damaged area and secured to tile at discreet points around its perimeter. A series of flutter analyses were performed to determine if the onset of flutter met the required safety margins. Normal vibration modes of the panel, obtained from a simplified structural analysis of the installed concept, were combined with a series of aerodynamic analyses of increasing levels of fidelity in terms of modeling the flow physics to determine the onset of flutter. Results from these analyses indicate that it is unlikely that the overlay installed at body point 1800 will flutter during re-entry

    Audio vs. Video: Does Viewing Support Learning? A Comparision of an Audio-Visual with an Auditory Virtual Lecture

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    Häufig wird behauptet, dass audiovisuelle Informationen gegenüber auditiven lernwirksamer sind. Dies wird meist mit der kognitiv-anregenden Funktion begründet, die der audiovisuellen Darstellung zugeschrieben wird. Bisherige empirische Arbeiten konnten das auch tendenziell bestätigen; allerdings beziehen sich diese Befunde überwiegend auf das video- oder fernsehgestützte Lernen, bei dem den Lernenden keine zusätzlichen textbasierten Informationen zur Verfügung stehen. Für den Bereich der virtuellen Vorlesung wurde noch nicht untersucht, ob sich eine audiovisuelle Präsentation des Vortragenden gegenüber einer rein auditiven Präsentation positiv auf den Lernerfolg auswirkt. In einer empirischen Studie mit 61 Versuchspersonen wurde daher Lernenden ein Ausschnitt aus einer Online-Vorlesung in zwei Variationen präsentiert. Während die eine Gruppe eine Lerneinheit bearbeitete, in der sie neben textbasierten Informationen eine Videosequenz (Aufnahme des Dozenten) präsentiert bekam, bearbeitete die zweite Gruppe die gleiche Lerneinheit; hier war jedoch nur die Stimme des Dozenten hörbar. In einem direkt anschließenden Wissens- und späteren Behaltenstest zeigten sich keine signifikanten Leistungsunterschiede zwischen den beiden Gruppen. Jedoch berichtete die Mehrheit der Versuchspersonen, dass sie die Videovariante für affektiv-unterstützender hält als die Tonvariante. (ZPID

    PAWS: A performance evaluation tool for parallel computing systems

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    A description is given of PAWS (parallel assessment window system), a set of tools that provides an interactive user-friendly environment for analysis of existing, prototype, and conceptual machine architectures running a common application. PAWS consists of an application tool, an architectural characterization tool, a performance assessment tool, and an interactive graphical display tool. The application characterization tool provides a facility for evaluating the level and degree of an application's parallelism. The architecture characterization tool allows users to create, store, and retrieve descriptions of machines in a database. This approach permits users to evaluate conceptual machines before building any hardware. The performance assessment tool generates profile plots through the interactive graphical display tool. It shows both the ideal parallelism inherent in the machine-independent dataflow graph and

    Effectiveness of control measures to prevent occupational tuberculosis infection in health care workers: a systematic review

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    Background A number of guideline documents have been published over the past decades on preventing occupational transmission of tuberculosis (TB) infection in health care workers (HCWs). However, direct evidence for the effectiveness of these controls is limited particularly in low-and middle-income (LMIC) countries. Thus, we sought to evaluate whether recommended administrative, environmental and personal protective measures are effective in preventing tuberculin skin test conversion among HCWs, and whether there has been recent research appropriate to LMIC needs. Methods Using inclusion criteria that included tuberculin skin test (TST) conversion as the outcome and longitudinal study design, we searched a number of electronic databases, complemented by hand-searching of reference lists and contacting experts. Reviewers independently selected studies, extracted data and assessed study quality using recommended criteria and overall evidence quality using GRADE criteria. Results Ten before-after studies were found, including two from upper middle income countries. All reported a decline in TST conversion frequency after the intervention. Among five studies that provided rates, the size of the decline varied, ranging from 35 to 100%. Since all were observational studies assessed as having high or unclear risk of bias on at least some criteria, the overall quality of evidence was rated as low using GRADE criteria. Conclusion We found consistent but low quality of evidence for the effectiveness of combined control measures in reducing TB infection transmission in HCWs in both high-income and upper-middle income country settings. However, research is needed in low-income high TB burden, including non-hospital, settings, and on contextual factors determining implementation of recommended control measures. Explicit attention to the reporting of methodological quality is recommended. Trial registration This systematic review was registered with PROSPERO in 2014 and its registration number is CRD42014009087