18 research outputs found


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    Literature data and own experience of the authors are demonstrated a connection between artificial pulmonary ventilation at the neonatal period and later forming of bronchopulmonary pathology. At the article results of medical supervision of 22 children, suffering from recurrent bronchoobstructive syndrome, are shown. The same children were ventilated atthe neonatal period because of acute pulmonary disorders.В статье представлены литературные данные и собственный опыт авторов, которые доводят, что существует связь между проведенной искусственной вентиляцией легких (ИВЛ) в неонатальном периоде и дальнейшим формированием бронхолёгочной патологии. Показанные результаты наблюдения 22 детей с рецидивным бронхообструктивным синдромом, которым после рождения по поводу острых респираторных нарушений проводилась ИВЛ.У статті представлені літературні дані і власний досвід авторів, які доводять, що існує взаємозв’язок між проведеною штучною вентиляцією легень (ШВЛ) в неонатальному періоді і подальшим формуванням бронхолегенево патологі . Показані результати спостережень 22 дітей, хворих на рецидивуючий бронхообструктивний синдром, яким після народження з приводу гострих респіраторних розладів проводилася ШВЛ

    Leptoquark pair production at the Fermilab Tevatron: Signal and backgrounds

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    We perform a Monte-Carlo simulation of scalar leptoquark pair production at the Tevatron (energy =1.8 TeV and luminosity =100 pb^{-1}) with ISAJET. We also investigate the dominant sources of Standard Model background: Z*jj, ZZ production and heavy quark top-antitop. We find that the top-antitop background is the most important except near the Z pole where the Z*jj background is peaked. We also evaluate the signal-to-background ratio and find a discovery reach of 130 GeV (170 GeV) for a branching ratio of B(LQ-> eq)=0.5 (B=1).Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, latex (revtex

    Scalar and Vector Leptoquark Pair Production at Hadron Colliders: Signal and Backgrounds

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    We perform a systematic analysis of scalar and vector leptoquark pair production at the Fermilab Tevatron and at the CERN LHC. We evaluate signal expectations and background levels for the processes pp (p ppar) -> 2 jets + e^{+} + e^{-} and 2 jets + e + missing p_T. The Monte Carlo event generator ISAJET is used to simulate the experimental conditions at the current (Sqrt{s}=1.8 TeV, Luminosity=100 pb^{-1}) and upgraded (Luminosity=100 pb^{-1}) Tevatron as well as the LHC (Sqrt{s}=14 TeV, Luminosity=10 fb^{-1}). Depending on the luminosity, and assuming a branching ratio B(LQ -> eq)=0.5, we find a discovery reach up to 170 (255) GeV for scalar leptoquarks at the current (upgraded) Tevatron. Similarly, we find vector leptoquarks to be detectable at masses below 300 (400) GeV depending on the coupling. At the LHC, the discovery reach is enhanced to 1 TeV for scalar leptoquarks and to 1.5 TeV for vectors.Comment: 15 pages (REVTEX), 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.


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    The aim of the work – to evaluate the state of development of pediatric education in Ukraine in the beginning of the 21st century, staffing of the branch in the field of pediatrics and to develop a plan of measures to overcome the crisis phenomena in pediatric health care. The main body. The article presents data on the development of pediatric education in the early 21st century after the restoration of the educational-scientific specialty “Pediatrics” in 2017. The development of up-to-date standards for the training of pediatric doctors, based on the acquisition of future master’s degrees in pediatrics, general and professional competencies and necessary practical skills is highlighted. The current problems in the provision of pediatric health care facilities are emphasized. Conclusion. A list of measures at the sectoral and national level has been developed to restore the necessary training рediatricians for childrenʼs health care of the country and to ensure the proper methodological provision of the educational process, which may cause difficulties in providing children with quality medical care in the future.Мета роботи – оцінити стан розвитку педіатричної освіти в Україні на початку ХХІ сторіччя, кадрове забезпечення галузі за спеціальністю «Педіатрія» та розробити план заходів щодо подолання кризових явищ у педіатричній охороні здоровʼя. Основна частина. У статті наведено дані щодо розвитку педіатричної освіти на початку ХХІ сторіччя після відновлення освітньо-наукової спеціальності «Педіатрія» у 2017 р. Висвітлено розробку сучасних стандартів підготовки дитячих лікарів, що базуються на набутті майбутніми магістрами педіатрії загальних та фахових компетенцій і необхідних практичних навичок. Наголошено на теперішніх проблемах у кадровому забезпеченні педіатричних закладів охорони здоровʼя, що може викликати складнощі у забезпеченні дітей якісною медичною допомогою у майбутньому. Висновок. Розроблений перелік заходів на галузевому та загальнодержавному рівні щодо відновлення необхідних для країни обсягів підготовки дитячих лікарів та забезпечення належного методичного забезпечення навчального процесу

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Modern Opportunities Increasing Motivation of Students to Study

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    This article reviews new opportunities increasing motivation of students to study. It is noted that during the formation of motivation a leading position have searching and selection of priority motives and determining the optimal structure of external and internal motivational sphere. Noted the necessity to motivate teachers pedagogical activity by activating intra-oriented motives, which are based on their own interest in the subject of teaching and externally oriented ones focused on getting results beyond pedagogical activities (remuneration, sanctions avoidance, etc.). This topicality forms the purpose of our research – having identified motivational component of professional training of the future doctors, set peculiarities of motivation’s influence on the quality of students’ study and determine current opportunities to motivate students to study. Motivational component of learning activities covers cognitive needs, motives and sense of education. To the most adequate motives in educational activity some scholars refer cognitive ones (broad cognitive, educational­ cognitive, self­motivational). Materials and methods. To study the training grounds and training of future doctors motivation was conducted the research, during which the following methods were used: observation, interviews, anonymous survey of 4th year students of medical faculty N 2 of Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University and Medical Faculty N 4 of O. O. Bohomolets National Medical University. 195 students were involved into the study. The study included questionnaires «Motivation criteria of professional competence obtaining». The questionnaire consists of 16 questions to determine the level of formation of the major internal and external motives of educational activities, entry, ratio of academic disciplines, the vision of their own place in the future profession, further specialization. Results. Based on the observation of teaching and studying activities of the students was found that motivation is based on the set of internal and external reasons, and dominated internal (the desire to help the sick, care for the health of people and their own health). However, most students are willing to be engaged in practical activities. We have identified three main types of motivational profiles that characterize both the level of formation of motivation study of future physicians: high (1st group of students), average (2nd group) and low (3rd group). First group consisted of 102 (52.3 %) students with a high level of harmonic formation of internal and external reasons, providing optimal motivational basis of their academic activities in order to achieve the main goal ­ work on the chosen specialty. Among the 73 (37.4 %) students of the second group was disproportionate ratio of external and internal reasons. In such students dominated the selective attitude to the subjects, their division into «necessary» and «unnecessary». Actually this group of students is a potential reserve to stimulate learning motivation and requires an active work of the teacher. Students of the third group (20 ­ 10.2 %) with a low learning motivation showed weak expression of internal and external motives of educational activity. They are characterized by the indifference to education, the low level of activity and cognitive performance. It is the highest percentage among them those who were at university at random and have a low educational level training. Conclusions. Cooperation between a teacher and a student in the class and during the extracurricular work along with the high professional level of teaching using innovative teaching methods is the best way to provide students’ motivation enhancement to study

    Кашель у дітей: діагностичні підходи та лікувальна тактика

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    It was showed the mechanisms of the origin and the physiological role of the cough. The main focus was on the need for a balanced campaign to diagnosis and treatment of cough among children.Key words: cough, diagnosis, treatment.Показаны механизмы возникновения и физиологическая роль кашля. Акцентируется внимание на необходимости взвешенного походак диагностике и лечению кашля у детей.Ключевые слова: кашель, диагностика, лечение.Показано механізми виникнення та фізіологічну роль кашлю. Наголошується на необхідності зваженого підходудо діагностики і лікування кашлю у дітей.Ключові слова: кашель, діагностика, лікування

    Dynamics of the Incidence Rate of Pneumonia in Children in Ukraine Over the Past 20 Years

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    Pneumonia ranks third in the structure of hospital mortality in infants after perinatal pathology and congenital malformations in Ukraine. Over the past 20 years in Ukraine, there has been a 33,7% increase in the incidence of pneumonia in children (p˂0.01), with the predominant detection of this pathology in children from regions of the country who have problematic issues in the proper provision of pediatric services. The highest incidence of pneumonia in all age groups was observed in children of Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Kyiv and Vinnitsa regions. Thanks to the progressive development of domestic pediatrics and the introduction of modern medical and diagnostic technologies, in particular, vaccine prophylaxis, over the past 20 years, the death rate of children from acute infections of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia and influenza has decreased by almost 5 times. Changes in recent years in the incidence of pneumonia in children correspond to the dynamics of the spread of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection, especially during the epidemics 2009-2010 and 2015-2016. Assessing the dynamics of this indicator in subsequent periods is extremely important in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which continues

    Динамика показателя заболеваемости пневмонией детей Украины за последние 20 лет

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    Pneumonia ranks third in the structure of hospital mortality in infants after perinatal pathology and congenital malformations in Ukraine. Over the past 20 years in Ukraine, there has been a 33,7% increase in the incidence of pneumonia in children (p˂0.01), with the predominant detection of this pathology in children from regions of the country who have problematic issues in the proper provision of pediatric services. The highest incidence of pneumonia in all age groups was observed in children of Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Kyiv and Vinnitsa regions. Thanks to the progressive development of domestic pediatrics and the introduction of modern medical and diagnostic technologies, in particular, vaccine prophylaxis, over the past 20 years, the death rate of children from acute infections of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia and influenza has decreased by almost 5 times. Changes in recent years in the incidence of pneumonia in children correspond to the dynamics of the spread of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection, especially during the epidemics 2009–2010 and 2015–2016. Assessing the dynamics of this indicator in subsequent periods is extremely important in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which continues.В Украине пневмония занимает третье место в структуре госпитальной летальности младенцев после перинатальной патологии и врожденных аномалий развития. За последние 20 лет в Украине наблюдается рост на 33,7% заболеваемости детей пневмонией (р˂0,01) с преимущественным выявлением этой патологии у детей из областей страны, имеющих проблемные вопросы в надлежащем обеспечении педиатрической службы. Наибольший уровень заболеваемости пневмонией во всех возрастных группах наблюдался у детей Ивано-Франковской, Ровенской, Киевской и Винницкой областей. Благодаря прогрессивному развитию отечественной педиатрии и внедрению современных лечебно-диагностических технологий, в частности вакцинопрофилактики, за последние 20 лет смертность детей от острых инфекций верхних дыхательных путей, пневмонии и гриппа снизилась почти в 5 раз. Изменения за последние годы в заболеваемости детей пневмонией соответствуют динамике распространения гриппа и ОРВИ, особенно во время эпидемий 2009–2010 гг. и 2015–2016 гг. Оценка в динамике этого показателя в последующие периоды крайне важна в контексте пандемии COVID-19, которая продолжается