35 research outputs found

    Quantifying and mitigating privacy risks in biomedical data

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    Die stetig sinkenden Kosten für molekulares Profiling haben der Biomedizin zahlreiche neue Arten biomedizinischer Daten geliefert und den Durchbruch für eine präzisere und personalisierte Medizin ermöglicht. Die Veröffentlichung dieser inhärent hochsensiblen und miteinander verbundenen Daten stellt jedoch eine neue Bedrohung für unsere Privatsphäre dar. Während die IT-Sicherheitsforschung sich bisher hauptsächlich auf die Auswirkung genetischer Daten auf die Privatsphäre konzentriert hat, wurden die vielfältigen Risiken durch andere Arten biomedizinischer Daten – epigenetischer Daten im Speziellen – größtenteils außer Acht gelassen. Diese Dissertation stellt Verfahren zur Messung und Abwehr solcher Privatsphärerisiken vor. Neben dem Genom konzentrieren wir uns auf zwei der wichtigsten gesundheitsrelevanten epigenetischen Elemente: microRNAs und DNA-Methylierung. Wir quantifizieren die Privatsphäre für die folgenden realistischen Angriffe: (1) Verknüpfung von Profilen über die Zeit, Verknüpfung verschiedener Datentypen und verwandter Personen, (2) Feststellung der Studienteilnahme und (3) Inferenz von Attributen. Unsere Resultate bekräftigen, dass die Privatsphärerisiken solcher Daten ernst genommen werden müssen. Zudem präsentieren und evaluieren wir Lösungen zum Schutz der Privatsphäre. Sie reichen von der Anwendung von Differential Privacy unter Berücksichtigung des Nutzwertes bis zu kryptographischen Protokollen zur sicheren Auswertung eines Random Forests.The decreasing costs of molecular profiling have fueled the biomedical research community with a plethora of new types of biomedical data, allowing for a breakthrough towards a more precise and personalized medicine. However, the release of these intrinsically highly sensitive, interdependent data poses a new severe privacy threat. So far, the security community has mostly focused on privacy risks arising from genomic data. However, the manifold privacy risks stemming from other types of biomedical data – and epigenetic data in particular – have been largely overlooked. In this thesis, we provide means to quantify and protect the privacy of individuals’ biomedical data. Besides the genome, we specifically focus on two of the most important epigenetic elements influencing human health: microRNAs and DNA methylation. We quantify the privacy for multiple realistic attack scenarios, namely, (1) linkability attacks along the temporal dimension, between different types of data, and between related individuals, (2) membership attacks, and (3) inference attacks. Our results underline that the privacy risks inherent to biomedical data have to be taken seriously. Moreover, we present and evaluate solutions to preserve the privacy of individuals. Our mitigation techniques stretch from the differentially private release of epigenetic data, considering its utility, up to cryptographic constructions to securely, and privately evaluate a random forest on a patient’s data

    A framework for constructing Single Secret Leader Election from MPC

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    The emergence of distributed digital currencies has raised the need for a reliable consensus mechanism. In proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies, the participants periodically choose a closed set of validators, who can vote and append transactions to the blockchain. Each validator can become a leader with the probability proportional to its stake.Keeping the leader private yet unique until it publishes a new block can significantly reduce the attack vector of an adversary and improve the throughput of the network. The problem of Single Secret Leader Election(SSLE) was first formally defined by Boneh et al. in 2020. In this work, we propose a novel framework for constructing SSLE protocols, which relies on secure multi-party computation (MPC) and satisfies the desired security properties. Our framework does not use any shuffle or sort operations and has a computational cost for N parties as low as O(N) of basic MPC operations per party. We improve the state-of-the-art for SSLE protocols that do not assume a trusted setup. Moreover, our SSLE scheme efficiently handles weighted elections. That is, for a total weight S of N parties, the associated costs are only increased by a factor of log S. When the MPC layer is instantiated with techniques based on Shamir’s secret-sharing, our SSLE has a communication cost of O(N^2) which is spread over O(log N) rounds, can tolerate up to t < N/2 of faulty nodes without restarting the protocol, and its security relies on DDH in the random oracle model. When the MPC layer is instantiated with more efficient techniques based on garbled circuits, our SSLE re-quires all parties to participate, up to N−1 of which can be malicious, and its security is based on the random oracle model

    Quantifying Privacy Risks of Prompts in Visual Prompt Learning

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    Large-scale pre-trained models are increasingly adapted to downstream tasks through a new paradigm called prompt learning. In contrast to fine-tuning, prompt learning does not update the pre-trained model's parameters. Instead, it only learns an input perturbation, namely prompt, to be added to the downstream task data for predictions. Given the fast development of prompt learning, a well-generalized prompt inevitably becomes a valuable asset as significant effort and proprietary data are used to create it. This naturally raises the question of whether a prompt may leak the proprietary information of its training data. In this paper, we perform the first comprehensive privacy assessment of prompts learned by visual prompt learning through the lens of property inference and membership inference attacks. Our empirical evaluation shows that the prompts are vulnerable to both attacks. We also demonstrate that the adversary can mount a successful property inference attack with limited cost. Moreover, we show that membership inference attacks against prompts can be successful with relaxed adversarial assumptions. We further make some initial investigations on the defenses and observe that our method can mitigate the membership inference attacks with a decent utility-defense trade-off but fails to defend against property inference attacks. We hope our results can shed light on the privacy risks of the popular prompt learning paradigm. To facilitate the research in this direction, we will share our code and models with the community.Comment: To appear in the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium, August 14-16, 202

    Data Poisoning Attacks Against Multimodal Encoders

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    Traditional machine learning (ML) models usually rely on large-scale labeled datasets to achieve strong performance. However, such labeled datasets are often challenging and expensive to obtain. Also, the predefined categories limit the model's ability to generalize to other visual concepts as additional labeled data is required. On the contrary, the newly emerged multimodal model, which contains both visual and linguistic modalities, learns the concept of images from the raw text. It is a promising way to solve the above problems as it can use easy-to-collect image-text pairs to construct the training dataset and the raw texts contain almost unlimited categories according to their semantics. However, learning from a large-scale unlabeled dataset also exposes the model to the risk of potential poisoning attacks, whereby the adversary aims to perturb the model's training dataset to trigger malicious behaviors in it. Previous work mainly focuses on the visual modality. In this paper, we instead focus on answering two questions: (1) Is the linguistic modality also vulnerable to poisoning attacks? and (2) Which modality is most vulnerable? To answer the two questions, we conduct three types of poisoning attacks against CLIP, the most representative multimodal contrastive learning framework. Extensive evaluations on different datasets and model architectures show that all three attacks can perform well on the linguistic modality with only a relatively low poisoning rate and limited epochs. Also, we observe that the poisoning effect differs between different modalities, i.e., with lower MinRank in the visual modality and with higher Hit@K when K is small in the linguistic modality. To mitigate the attacks, we propose both pre-training and post-training defenses. We empirically show that both defenses can significantly reduce the attack performance while preserving the model's utility

    On how zero-knowledge proof blockchain mixers improve, and worsen user privacy

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    One of the most prominent and widely-used blockchain privacy solutions are zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) mixers operating on top of smart contract-enabled blockchains. ZKP mixers typically advertise their level of privacy through a so-called anonymity set size, similar to k-anonymity, where a user hides among a set of kk other users. In reality, however, these anonymity set claims are mostly inaccurate, as we find through empirical measurements of the currently most active ZKP mixers. We propose five heuristics that, in combination, can increase the probability that an adversary links a withdrawer to the correct depositor on average by 51.94% (108.63%) on the most popular Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) mixer, respectively. Our empirical evidence is hence also the first to suggest a differing privacy-predilection of users on ETH and BSC. We further identify 105 Decentralized Finance (DeFi) attackers leveraging ZKP mixers as the initial funds and to deposit attack revenue (e.g., from phishing scams, hacking centralized exchanges, and blockchain project attacks). State-of-the-art mixers are moreover tightly intertwined with the growing DeFi ecosystem by offering ``anonymity mining'' (AM) incentives, i.e., mixer users receive monetary rewards for mixing coins. However, contrary to the claims of related work, we find that AM does not always contribute to improving the quality of an anonymity set size of a mixer, because AM tends to attract privacy-ignorant users naively reusing addresses

    A Review of National-Level Adaptation Planning with Regards to the Risks Posed by Climate Change on Infectious Diseases in 14 OECD Nations

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    Climate change is likely to have significant implications for human health, particularly through alterations of the incidence, prevalence, and distribution of infectious diseases. In the context of these risks, governments in high income nations have begun developing strategies to reduce potential climate change impacts and increase health system resilience (i.e., adaptation). In this paper, we review and evaluate national-level adaptation planning in relation to infectious disease risks in 14 OECD countries with respect to “best practices” for adaptation identified in peer-reviewed literature. We find a number of limitations to current planning, including negligible consideration of the needs of vulnerable population groups, limited emphasis on local risks, and inadequate attention to implementation logistics, such as available funding and timelines for evaluation. The nature of planning documents varies widely between nations, four of which currently lack adaptation plans. In those countries where planning documents were available, adaptations were mainstreamed into existing public health programs, and prioritized a sectoral, rather than multidisciplinary, approach. The findings are consistent with other scholarship examining adaptation planning indicating an ad hoc and fragmented process, and support the need for enhanced attention to adaptation to infectious disease risks in public health policy at a national level

    Privacy-Preserving Similar Patient Queries for Combined Biomedical Data

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    The decreasing costs of molecular profiling have fueled the biomedical research community with a plethora of new types of biomedical data, enabling a breakthrough towards more precise and personalized medicine. Naturally, the increasing availability of data also enables physicians to compare patients’ data and treatments easily and to find similar patients in order to propose the optimal therapy. Such similar patient queries (SPQs) are of utmost importance to medical practice and will be relied upon in future health information exchange systems. While privacy-preserving solutions have been previously studied, those are limited to genomic data, ignoring the different newly available types of biomedical data. In this paper, we propose new cryptographic techniques for finding similar patients in a privacy-preserving manner with various types of biomedical data, including genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic data as well as their combination. We design protocols for two of the most common similarity metrics in biomedicine: the Euclidean distance and Pearson correlation coefficient. Moreover, unlike previous approaches, we account for the fact that certain locations contribute differently to a given disease or phenotype by allowing to limit the query to the relevant locations and to assign them different weights. Our protocols are specifically designed to be highly efficient in terms of communication and bandwidth, requiring only one or two rounds of communication and thus enabling scalable parallel queries. We rigorously prove our protocols to be secure based on cryptographic games and instantiate our technique with three of the most important types of biomedical data – namely DNA, microRNA expression, and DNA methylation. Our experimental results show that our protocols can compute a similarity query over a typical number of positions against a database of 1,000 patients in a few seconds. Finally, we propose and formalize strategies to mitigate the threat of malicious users or hospitals