1,827 research outputs found

    Design study for LANDSAT D attitude control system

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    A design and performance evaluation is presented for the LANDSAT D attitude control system (ACS). Control and configuration of the gimballed Ku-band antenna system for communication with the tracking and data relay satellite (TDRS). Control of the solar array drive considered part of the ACS is also addressed

    Design study for LANDSAT-D attitude control system

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    The gimballed Ku-band antenna system for communication with TDRS was studied. By means of an error analysis it was demonstrated that the antenna cannot be open loop pointed to TDRS by an onboard programmer, but that an autotrack system was required. After some tradeoffs, a two-axis, azimuth-elevation type gimbal configuration was recommended for the antenna. It is shown that gimbal lock only occurs when LANDSAT-D is over water where a temporary loss of the communication link to TDRS is of no consequence. A preliminary gimbal control system design is also presented. A digital computer program was written that computes antenna gimbal angle profiles, assesses percent antenna beam interference with the solar array, and determines whether the spacecraft is over land or water, a lighted earth or a dark earth, and whether the spacecraft is in eclipse

    Sulphur-bearing molecules in diffuse molecular clouds: new results from SOFIA/GREAT and the IRAM 30 m telescope

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    We have observed five sulphur-bearing molecules in foreground diffuse molecular clouds lying along the sight-lines to five bright continuum sources. We have used the GREAT instrument on SOFIA to observe the 1383 GHz 2Π3/2J=5/2−3/2^2\Pi_{3/2} J=5/2-3/2 transitions of SH towards the star-forming regions W31C, G29.96-0.02, G34.3+0.1, W49N and W51, detecting foreground absorption towards all five sources; and the EMIR receivers on the IRAM 30m telescope at Pico Veleta to detect the H2_2S 1(10)-1(01), CS J=2-1 and SO 3(2)-2(1) transitions. In nine foreground absorption components detected towards these sources, the inferred column densities of the four detected molecules showed relatively constant ratios, with N(SH)/N(H2_2S) in the range 1.1 - 3.0, N(CS)/N(H2_2S) in the range 0.32 - 0.61, and N(SO)/N(H2_2S) in the range 0.08 - 0.30. The observed SH/H2_2 ratios - in the range (0.5-2.6) ×10−8\times 10^{-8} - indicate that SH (and other sulphur-bearing molecules) account for << 1% of the gas-phase sulphur nuclei. The observed abundances of sulphur-bearing molecules, however, greatly exceed those predicted by standard models of cold diffuse molecular clouds, providing further evidence for the enhancement of endothermic reaction rates by elevated temperatures or ion-neutral drift. We have considered the observed abundance ratios in the context of shock and turbulent dissipation region (TDR) models. Using the TDR model, we find that the turbulent energy available at large scale in the diffuse ISM is sufficient to explain the observed column densities of SH and CS. Standard shock and TDR models, however, fail to reproduce the column densities of H2_2S and SO by a factor of about 10; more elaborate shock models - in which account is taken of the velocity drift, relative to H2_2, of SH molecules produced by the dissociative recombination of H3_3S+^+ - reduce this discrepancy to a factor ~ 3.Comment: 30 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Alteraciones de las carnes congeladas y enfriadas : Medios para evitarlas

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    Primera parte (por Juan E. Richelet): Mohosidades. Slime. Mould. Moisissnres. Brown o Black Spot. Cómo se pueden evitar las mohosidades de las carnes. Segunda parte (por Juan E. Richelet): Bone Stink. Bola hedionda. Hediondez de huesos. Procedimientos adoptados por las empresas de los frigoríficos establecidos en el país para evitar el Bone Stink. Operación que se realiza en los frigoríficos antes de embarcar carnes, para cerciorarse si están atacadas de esta alteración. Medidas a tomarse. Tercera parte (por el Dr. Desiderio Bernier): Onchocerca Gibsoni. Onchocerciasis. Familia de los Filarideos. Comprobación del parásito y medidas tomadas. Consideraciones sobre el parásito y los nódulos. Distribución geográfica del parásito. Descripción del parásito. Caracteres. Nomenclatura. Acción patológica del parásito. Conclusiones.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Kinetically Inhibited Order in a Diamond-Lattice Antiferromagnet

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    Frustrated magnetic systems exhibit highly degenerate ground states and strong fluctuations, often leading to new physics. An intriguing example of current interest is the antiferromagnet on a diamond lattice, realized physically in A-site spinel materials. This is a prototypical system in three dimensions where frustration arises from competing interactions rather than purely geometric constraints, and theory suggests the possibility of unusual magnetic order at low temperature. Here we present a comprehensive single-crystal neutron scattering study of CoAl2O4, a highly frustrated A-site spinel. We observe strong diffuse scattering that peaks at wavevectors associated with Neel ordering. Below the temperature T*=6.5 K, there is a dramatic change in the elastic scattering lineshape accompanied by the emergence of well-defined spin-wave excitations. T* had previously been associated with the onset of glassy behavior. Our new results suggest instead that T* signifies a first-order phase transition, but with true long-range order inhibited by the kinetic freezing of domain walls. This scenario might be expected to occur widely in frustrated systems containing first-order phase transitions and is a natural explanation for existing reports of anomalous glassy behavior in other materials.Comment: 40 pages, 9 figures, Introduction and discussion altered and expanded. Additional section and figure added to Supplementary Informatio

    Management of radiation dermatitis in patients receiving cetuximab and radiotherapy for locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: proposals for a revised grading system and consensus management guidelines

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    Background: Radiation dermatitis developing in patients receiving cetuximab concomitantly with radiotherapy for locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (LA SCCHN) is now recognized to have different pathophysiological and clinical characteristics to the radiation dermatitis associated with radiotherapy or concomitant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Current grading tools were not designed to grade this type of radiation dermatitis; their use may lead to misclassification of reactions and inappropriate management strategies, potentially compromising cancer treatment. Patients and methods: An advisory board of seven leading European specialists (three medical oncologists, three radiation oncologists and a dermatologist) with extensive experience of the use of cetuximab plus radiotherapy produced consensus guidelines for the grading and management of radiation dermatitis in patients receiving cetuximab plus radiotherapy. Results: Modifications to the current, commonly used National Cancer Institute—Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.3 for grading radiation dermatitis were proposed. Updated management guidelines, building on previously published guidelines from 2008, were also proposed. Conclusions: The proposed revisions to the grading system and updated management guidelines described here represent important developments toward the more appropriate grading and effective management of radiation dermatitis in patients receiving cetuximab plus radiotherapy for LA SCCH

    Controlling suction by vapour equilibrium technique at different temperatures, application to the determination of the water retention properties of MX80 clay

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    Problems related to unsaturated soils are frequently encountered in geotechnical or environmental engineering works. In most cases, for the purpose of simplicity, the problems are studied by considering the suction effects on volume change or shear strength under isothermal conditions. Under isothermal condition, very often, a temperature independent water retention curve is considered in the analysis, which is obviously a simplification. When the temperature changes are too significant to be neglected, it is necessary to account for the thermal effects. In this paper, a method for controlling suction using the vapour equilibrium technique at different temperatures is presented. First, calibration of various saturated saline solutions was carried out from temperature of 20 degrees C to 60 degrees C. A mirror psychrometer was used for the measurement of relative humidity generated by saturated saline solutions at different temperatures. The results obtained are in good agreement with the data from the literature. This information was then used to determine the water retention properties of MX80 clay, which showed that the retention curve is shifting down with increasing of temperature

    Science results from the imaging Fourier transform spectrometer SpIOMM

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    SpIOMM is an imaging Fourier transform spectrometer designed to obtain the visible range (350 to 850 nm) spectrum of every light source in a circular field of view of 12 arcminutes in diameter. It is attached to the 1.6-m telescope of the Observatoire du Mont Megantic in southern Quebec. We present here some results of three successful observing runs in 2007, which highlight SpIOMMs capabilities to map emission line objects over a very wide field of view and a broad spectral range. In particular, we discuss data cubes from the planetary nebula M27, the supernova remnants NGC 6992 and M1, the barred spiral galaxy NGC7479, as well as Stephans quintet, an interacting group of galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, to appear in "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II", SPIE conference, Marseille, 23-28 June 200
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