155 research outputs found

    The Equating of the Unequal

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    This is an English translation of Waldenfels' German essay: Equality and inequality are basic elements of law, justice and politics. Equality integrates each of us into a common sphere by distributing rights, duties and chances among us. Equality turns into mere indifference as far as we get overintegrated into social orders. When differences are fading away experience loses its relief and individuals lose their face. Our critical reflections start from the inevitable paradox of making equal what is not equal. In various ways they refer to Nietzsche’s concept of order, to Marx’s analysis of money, to Lévinas’s ethics of the Other, and to novelists like Dostoevsky and Musil. Our critique turns against two extremes, on the one hand against any sort of normalism fixed on functioning orders, on the other hand against any sort of anomalism dreaming of mere events and permanent ruptures. Responsive phenomenology shows how we are confronted with extraordinary events. Those deviate from the ordinary and transgress its borders, without leaving the normality of our everyday world behind. The process of equalizing moves between the ordinary and the extraordinary. What makes the difference and resists mere indifference are creative responses which are to be invented again and again

    Attention suscitée et dirigée

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    Il est évident que l’attention ne fait pas partie des grands thèmes de la philosophie occidentale en tant que celle-ci s’occupe de l’être, du temps, de l’espace, de la liberté ou du sujet. Une telle réserve donne à penser. Il me semble qu’elle s’explique par quelques points faibles, inhérents aux interprétations traditionnelles. Premièrement, l’attention se réduit à une étape préparatoire, à une double fonction : il faut ouvrir les yeux et dresser les oreilles, et le reste viendra. Deuxièmeme..

    Paul Ricœur: Raconter, se souvenir et oublier

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    This excerpt by Bernhard Waldenfels is from the second part of his book, Sociality and Otherness – Modes of Social Experience (Sozialität und Alterität – Modi sozialer Erfahrung (Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2015), 363-85), where he tests and further pursues his theory of responsiveness through a series of debates with Husserl, Schütz and Gurwitsch, Searle, Castoriadis, Foucault, and Ricœur. In his discussion of the latter’s work, he focuses on the themes of memory and forgetting, primarily in Time and Narrative and Memory, History, Forgetting. The text is divided into four sections. In the first two, Waldenfels revisits Ricœur’s arguments which he insists did not sufficiently attend to the importance of forgetting in narratives. In the last two, the author proposes a revision of the Ricœurian philosophy of forgetting under the heading of a responsive phenomenology. Both with and against Ricœur, Waldenfels considers forgetting as a pathos that forces us to respond.Ce texte de Bernhard Waldenfels est issu de la seconde partie de son livre Socialité et altérité – modes de l’expérience sociale (Sozialität und Alterität – Modi sozialer Erfahrung (Berlin, Suhrkamp, 2015), 363-85), où l’auteur met à l’épreuve et approfondit sa théorie de la responsivité à travers une série de débats avec Husserl, Schütz et Gurwitsch, Searle, Castoriadis, Foucault et Ricœur. Dans sa discussion avec ce dernier, il insiste sur les thèmes du souvenir et de l’oubli, en prenant pour base Temps et récit et La mémoire, l’histoire, l’oubli. Le texte se compose de quatre sections. Dans les deux premières, Waldenfels retrace les arguments de Ricœur en insistant notamment sur le manque d’importance accordé à l’oubli dans le récit par Ricœur. Dans les deux dernières, l’auteur propose une révision de la philosophie ricoeurienne de l’oubli sous le signe d’une phénoménologie responsive. À la fois à partir de Ricœur et aussi contre lui, Waldenfels considère l’oubli comme un pathos face auquel nous n’avons pas d’autre choix que répondre

    From Intentionality to Responsivity

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    The Unconscious as the Alien

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    Through a comparison of the phenomenological motif of the alien and the psychoanalytic motif of the unconscious, a critique is advanced against Cartesian dualism, which recurs today in the natural sciences and in the split of the contemporary individual, divided between spirit and nature, the proper world and the alien world, the inner sphere and the outer sphere. It is a matter of thinking of an original subtraction, an absent presence that begins with ourselves, in a slippage that achieves no synthesis.Through a comparison of the phenomenological motif of the alien and the psychoanalytic motif of the unconscious, a critique is advanced against Cartesian dualism, which recurs today in the natural sciences and in the split of the contemporary individual, divided between spirit and nature, the proper world and the alien world, the inner sphere and the outer sphere. It is a matter of thinking of an original subtraction, an absent presence that begins with ourselves, in a slippage that achieves no synthesis

    La extrañeza del cuerpo propio

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    The Birth of Ethos out of Pathos

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    An ethical epoché is required to leave the terrain of a self-evident morality and question its origin. In particular, four fundamental motifs of the ethical dimension are identified: pathos, to be thematised as an alternative to the persistent activist unilateralism; response, which always involves body and soul; diastasis with its stumbles and subtractions; and finally coaffection, in which the social dimension of experience is announced. Ethical behaviour feeds on the magma of pathos, which in turn would be blind and directionless without any ethos.An ethical epoché is required to leave the terrain of a self-evident morality and question its origin. In particular, four fundamental motifs of the ethical dimension are identified: pathos, to be thematised as an alternative to the persistent activist unilateralism; response, which always involves body and soul; diastasis with its stumbles and subtractions; and finally coaffection, in which the social dimension of experience is announced. Ethical behaviour feeds on the magma of pathos, which in turn would be blind and directionless without any ethos

    Response und Responsivität in der Psychologie

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    Der Beitrag greift das bekannte Konzept der Response auf, indem er es von seinem behavioristischen Beiwerk befreit und es als Korrektiv empfiehlt gegen kognitivistische und funktionalistische Tendenzen in der Psychologie, die auf eine sozialtechnologische Normalisierung des Verhaltens hinauslaufen. Der Grundzug der Responsivität, der auf K. Goldsteins Bestimmung der Krankheit als mangelnde Responsivität zurückverweist, steht für ein Verhalten, das nicht bloß repetitiv nach Regeln abläuft, sondern immer wieder kreativ von bestehenden Regeln abweicht in der Antwort auf Ansprüche des Fremden. Von daher lassen sich Fremdheitszonen in den verschiedensten Antwortdimensionen ausmachen, so etwa das Hören von Unerhörtem, die Erschließungskraft der Gefühle, die Beunruhigung durch Vergangenes, das Hören auf die fremde Stimme und die nicht individuell zu verrechnenden Ansprüche künftiger Generationen. Eine responsive Orientierung könnte die Human- und Sozialwissenschaften aus dem Schlummer einer selbstbezüglichen Normalität wecken