653 research outputs found

    Determination of the Ileal Digestibility of Proteins and Amino Acids from Biscuit Bran and Wheat Gluten in Swine

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    To determine the apparent (AIDCP) and standardized (SIDCP) ileal digestibility coefficients of the protein and the apparent (AIDAA) and standardized (SIDAA) ileal digestibility coefficients of amino acids from biscuit bran and wheat gluten were used six castrated males swine in growth, on average weight from 22 to 60kg, with a T cannula on the terminal ileum, distributed in a randomized block design with three treatments, two periods and two repetitions per period. Each animal was considered a repeat. Treatments consisted of a protein free diet (PFD) for determination of the endogenous loss, PFD + biscuit bran (BB) and PFD + wheat gluten (WG). Each period lasted for six days, five days of adaptation of animals to the diet and 24 hours of collection of ileal digestion. The AIDCP of BB and WG were 82.33 and 90.07%, respectively and the SIDCP of BB and WG were 89.17% and 95.60%, respectively. The SIDAA were on average 80.84% (lysine), 83.94% (threonine), 90.57% (methionine + cystine) and 87.15% (valine) to BB. The SIDAA for the WG were on average 91.01% (lysine), 90.97% (threonine), 95.82% (methionine + cystine) and 90.04% (valine). The SID of protein and essential amino acids and non-essential elements identified in this study were on average, respectively, 89.17%, 88.54% and 89.20% of biscuit branand 95.60%, 93.71% and 89.20% of wheat gluten

    Planck pre-launch status: calibration of the Low Frequency Instrument flight model radiometers

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    The Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) on-board the ESA Planck satellite carries eleven radiometer subsystems, called Radiometer Chain Assemblies (RCAs), each composed of a pair of pseudo-correlation receivers. We describe the on-ground calibration campaign performed to qualify the flight model RCAs and to measure their pre-launch performances. Each RCA was calibrated in a dedicated flight-like cryogenic environment with the radiometer front-end cooled to 20K and the back-end at 300K, and with an external input load cooled to 4K. A matched load simulating a blackbody at different temperatures was placed in front of the sky horn to derive basic radiometer properties such as noise temperature, gain, and noise performance, e.g. 1/f noise. The spectral response of each detector was measured as was their susceptibility to thermal variation. All eleven LFI RCAs were calibrated. Instrumental parameters measured in these tests, such as noise temperature, bandwidth, radiometer isolation, and linearity, provide essential inputs to the Planck-LFI data analysis.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Desempenho de novilhos Simental alimentados com silagem de sorgo, cana-de-açúcar e palhada de arroz tratada ou não com amônia anidra.

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    Avaliou-se o desempenho de novilhos alimentados com dietas contendo palhada de arroz amonizada, palhada de arroz + uréia, cana-de-açúcar + uréia e silagem de sorgo. Utilizaram-se 16 novilhos, Simental PO, com peso vivo médio de 400 kg, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. O experimento teve duração de 88 dias, sendo 15 de adaptação e 61 dias de avaliação, divididos em três períodos de 21 dias. O consumo total de MS, que variou de 7,1 a 10,0 kg/dia, diferiu entre as dietas, registrando-se maiores consumos para os animais que receberam dietas contendo palhada de arroz amonizada e silagem de sorgo, que, por sua vez, não diferiram entre si. A conversão alimentar não diferiu entre as diferentes dietas, registrando-se valor médio de 6,6. Observou-se maior ganho de peso para os animais que receberam palhada de arroz amonizada (1,59 kg/dia) em relação à palhada mais uréia (1,25 kg/dia). O efeito da amonização, melhorando o valor nutritivo da palhada de arroz, resultou em maior consumo voluntário deste volumoso e, conseqüentemente, em maior ganho diário de peso vivo dos animais, em relação à palhada de arroz não-tratada e suplementada com uréia

    Planck pre-launch status: Low Frequency Instrument calibration and expected scientific performance

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    We give the calibration and scientific performance parameters of the Planck Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) measured during the ground cryogenic test campaign. These parameters characterise the instrument response and constitute our best pre-launch knowledge of the LFI scientific performance. The LFI shows excellent 1/f1/f stability and rejection of instrumental systematic effects; measured noise performance shows that LFI is the most sensitive instrument of its kind. The set of measured calibration parameters will be updated during flight operations through the end of the mission.Comment: Accepted for publications in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2010 (acceptance date: 12 Jan 2010

    Hábito alimentar de espécies de Thysanoptera associadas ao cajueiro.

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    A mild and efficient method for the preparation of 3-(2'-Aminoaryl)pyrazoles from 4-chloroquinolines

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    We describe a mild and efficient method for the formation of 3-(2'-aminoaryl)pyrazoles in excellent yields from reactions of 4-chloroquinolines with hydrazine. These heterocyclic ring opening reactions occur under much milder conditions then previously described
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