75 research outputs found

    Spodoptera frugiperda transcriptional response to infestation by Steinernema carpocapsae

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    Steinernema carpocapsae is an entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) used in biological control of agricultural pest insects. It enters the hemocoel of its host via the intestinal tract and releases its symbiotic bacterium Xenorhabdus nematophila. In order to improve our knowledge about the physiological responses of its different hosts, we examined the transcriptional responses to EPN infestation of the fat body, the hemocytes and the midgut in the lepidopteran pest Spodoptera frugiperda. The tissues poorly respond to the infestation at an early time post-infestation of 8 h with only 5 genes differentially expressed in the fat body of the caterpillars. Strong transcriptional responses are observed at a later time point of 15 h post-infestation in all three tissues. Few genes are differentially expressed in the midgut but tissue-specific panels of induced metalloprotease inhibitors, immune receptors and antimicrobial peptides together with several uncharacterized genes are up-regulated in the fat body and the hemocytes. Among the most up-regulated genes, we identified new potential immune effectors, unique to Lepidoptera, which show homology with bacterial genes of unknown function. Altogether, these results pave the way for further functional studies of the responsive genes' involvement in the interaction with the EPN

    Spodoptera frugiperda immune response to the nematobacterial complex Steinernema carpocapsae-Xenorhabdus nematophila

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    [i]Spodoptera frugiperda[/i] immune response to the nematobacterial complex [i]Steinernema carpocapsae-Xenorhabdus nematophila[/i]. Conférences Jacques Monod "Immunologie Intégrative des Insectes : Contrôle des Infections

    Downregulation of the Drosophila Immune Response by Peptidoglycan-Recognition Proteins SC1 and SC2

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    Peptidoglycan-recognition proteins (PGRPs) are evolutionarily conserved molecules that are structurally related to bacterial amidases. Several Drosophila PGRPs have lost this enzymatic activity and serve as microbe sensors through peptidoglycan recognition. Other PGRP family members, such as Drosophila PGRP-SC1 or mammalian PGRP-L, have conserved the amidase function and are able to cleave peptidoglycan in vitro. However, the contribution of these amidase PGRPs to host defense in vivo has remained elusive so far. Using an RNA-interference approach, we addressed the function of two PGRPs with amidase activity in the Drosophila immune response. We observed that PGRP-SC1/2–depleted flies present a specific over-activation of the IMD (immune deficiency) signaling pathway after bacterial challenge. Our data suggest that these proteins act in the larval gut to prevent activation of this pathway following bacterial ingestion. We further show that a strict control of IMD-pathway activation is essential to prevent bacteria-induced developmental defects and larval death

    Establishment and analysis of a reference transcriptome for Spodoptera frugiperda

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    International audienceBackground Spodoptera frugiperda (Noctuidae) is a major agricultural pest throughout the American continent. The highly polyphagous larvae are frequently devastating crops of importance such as corn, sorghum, cotton and grass. In addition, the Sf9 cell line, widely used in biochemistry for in vitro protein production, is derived from S. frugiperda tissues. Many research groups are using S. frugiperda as a model organism to investigate questions such as plant adaptation, pest behavior or resistance to pesticides.ResultsIn this study, we constructed a reference transcriptome assembly (Sf_TR2012b) of RNA sequences obtained from more than 35 S. frugiperda developmental time-points and tissue samples. We assessed the quality of this reference transcriptome by annotating a ubiquitous gene family - ribosomal proteins - as well as gene families that have a more constrained spatio-temporal expression and are involved in development, immunity and olfaction. We also provide a time-course of expression that we used to characterize the transcriptional regulation of the gene families studied.ConclusionWe conclude that the Sf_TR2012b transcriptome is a valid reference transcriptome. While its reliability decreases for the detection and annotation of genes under strong transcriptional constraint we still recover a fair percentage of tissue-specific transcripts. That allowed us to explore the spatial and temporal expression of genes and to observe that some olfactory receptors are expressed in antennae and palps but also in other non related tissues such as fat bodies. Similarly, we observed an interesting interplay of gene families involved in immunity between fat bodies and antennae

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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    RNA interference in Lepidoptera: An overview of successful and unsuccessful studies and implications for experimental design

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    Purification et etude de la proteine de transport de la 20-hydroxyecdysone chez un insecte : Locusta migratoria

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Réactions de défense cellulaire et leur dépression chez les insectes.

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    National audienceIn insects the main cellular defence reactions are phagocytosis and encapsulation of foreign bodies. Free cells of haemolymph called haemocytes are the effectors of these reactions. They are achieved under the control of humoral factors of the plasma or of the serum. Humoral factors are able to enhance or to decrease the cellular defence reactions. As in mammals, potential parasites or pathogens need to avoid or to inhibit the defence reactions before developing inside the insect body. As an example of the depression of immunity induced by a parasite we will study the relationships between an insect and a nematobacterial complex
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