27 research outputs found

    Ileocecal herniation through the foramen of Winslow : MDCT diagnosis.

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    We report a rare case of small bowel obstruction of a 45-year-old female which was caused by internal hernia of the terminal ileum and cecum through the foramen of Winslow. The patient presented to the emergency department with acute abdominal pain, distention, and nausea, suggesting an intestinal obstruction. The complete unambiguous preoperative diagnosis was achieved by a 64-row multi-detector computed tomography. This report enlightens the utility and performances of high-quality computed tomography multiplanar reconstructions combined with vascular volume rendering analysis for the diagnosis of internal hernia

    Drug delivery systems based on amphiphilic polyphosphate-copolymers

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    Thanks to their biocompatibility, biodegradability and their structure similar to natural biomacromoleculesn such as nucleic acids, polyphosphates (PPhos) are of prime interest as biomaterials. In contrast to poly--caprolactone and polylactides, PPhos properties and functionality are easily tuned via the nature of the pendant group of the starting cyclic monomer. For example, by varying the length of the alkyl chain the hydrophobicity of the PPhos can be adjusted. In this work, an efficient organo-catalytic system was developed to synthesize a series of amphiphilic diblock copolymers, i.e. poly(ethylene oxide)-b-polyphosphate (PEO-b-PPhos) by ring-opening polymerization of cyclic phosphates. This novel approach prevents metallic residues to polute the final product, and which is highly desirable when biomedical applications are foreseen. For drug delivery application, the micellization of these novel diblock copolymers in aqueous media was investigated, as well as, encapsulation of an hydrophobic drug. Data on, the influence of the polyphosphate nature of the polymer on drug loading will be presented

    Mechanistic coupling of protease signaling and initiation of coagulation by tissue factor

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    The crucial role of cell signaling in hemostasis is clearly established by the action of the downstream coagulation protease thrombin that cleaves platelet-expressed G-protein-coupled protease activated receptors (PARs). Certain PARs are cleaved by the upstream coagulation proteases factor Xa (Xa) and the tissue factor (TF)–factor VIIa (VIIa) complex, but these enzymes are required at high nonphysiological concentrations and show limited recognition specificity for the scissile bond of target PARs. However, defining a physiological mechanism of PAR activation by upstream proteases is highly relevant because of the potent anti-inflammatory in vivo effects of inhibitors of the TF initiation complex. Activation of substrate factor X (X) by the TF–VIIa complex is here shown to produce enhanced cell signaling in comparison to the TF–VIIa complex alone, free Xa, or Xa that is generated in situ by the intrinsic activation complex. Macromolecular assembly of X into a ternary complex of TF–VIIa–X is required for proteolytic conversion to Xa, and product Xa remains transiently associated in a TF–VIIa–Xa complex. By trapping this complex with a unique inhibitor that preserves Xa activity, we directly show that Xa in this ternary complex efficiently activates PAR-1 and -2. These experiments support the concept that proinflammatory upstream coagulation protease signaling is mechanistically coupled and thus an integrated part of the TF–VIIa-initiated coagulation pathway, rather than a late event during excessive activation of coagulation and systemic generation of proteolytic activity

    De Socrate Ă  Tintin

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    L’idĂ©e selon laquelle l’ĂȘtre humain est accompagnĂ©, durant sa vie et parfois jusque dans l’au-delĂ , par deux entitĂ©s, l’une bĂ©nĂ©fique, l’autre malĂ©fique, traverse l’histoire, de l’AntiquitĂ© Ă  nos jours. Quelles ont Ă©tĂ© la place et le rĂŽle des anges gardiens et des dĂ©mons familiers dans les cultures et les religions ? Dans quelle mesure ces notions se sont-elles construites l’une par rapport Ă  l’autre ? Quelle est la nature des liens qui se sont tissĂ©s entre les individus et leurs interlocuteurs, angĂ©liques, dĂ©moniques ou dĂ©moniaques ? Quelles relations entretiennent ces entitĂ©s entre elles ? Telles sont les questions auxquelles ce recueil d’études s’efforce de rĂ©pondre, en traitant le sujet dans la longue durĂ©e, en variant les approches et les sources, en Ă©tendant le regard de l’Orient musulman Ă  l’Occident mĂ©diĂ©val et moderne, du monde hellĂ©nistique aux productions culturelles contemporaines. Au cours de ce voyage dans le temps et l’espace, le lecteur rencontrera une grande diversitĂ© de figures de l’invisible, aux fonctions multiples, dĂ©bordant bien souvent les normes dĂ©finies par les autoritĂ©s religieuses. Gardiens et compagnons, agents d’une rĂ©vĂ©lation, assistants du magicien, porteurs d’une sagesse ou d’un pouvoir divinatoire, pĂŽles spirituels ou gĂ©nies inspirateurs, les anges, daimƍnes, dĂ©mons et djinns ont tissĂ© une gamme de relations trĂšs Ă©tendue avec l’ĂȘtre humain, des plus Ă©levĂ©es au moins avouables. Mais que l’on ne s’y trompe pas : par-delĂ  les aspects pittoresques de ces relations, le prĂ©sent ouvrage contribue Ă  renouveler de maniĂšre originale l’histoire de la construction des notions d’individu et de conscience de soi. Les diffĂ©rentes conceptions relatives Ă  ces ĂȘtres invisibles tendent Ă  faire de l’homme un champ de forces en mouvement, un ĂȘtre ouvert sur des Ă©tats supĂ©rieurs de la rĂ©alitĂ©, qui visent Ă  structurer son esprit et son rapport au monde