60 research outputs found

    Development of a calibration satellite for a CMB telescope flying in formation about L2 libration point

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    Trabajo presentado a la 8th European Conference for aeronautics and aerospace sciences (EUCASS), celebrada en Madrid (España) del 1 al 4 de julio de 2019.The new generation of cosmic microwave background (CMB) telescopes have reached unprecedented levels of sensitivity. These telescopes measure several cosmological parameters with different levels of accuracy. In particular, considerable effort has been made to measure the B-mode polarization, which is related to the inflationary process of the universe. The power spectrum of this signal is about four orders of magnitude fainter than the CMB temperature power spectrum. Due to the signal weakness, the instruments must be subjected to calibration processes before and after launching. Additionally, data from the same sky area is gathered repeatedly to mitigate during data analysis the systematic errors induced by instruments. Celestial sources are often used as an external reference for calibration after launch, but these sources are not perfectly characterized. In this paper we study the concept of using a calibration satellite (CalSat) flying in formation with a CMB telescope in an orbit located at the second Lagrange point (L2). The CalSat is conceived as a micro satellite (10-100 kg) and serves as a perfectly known source of a reference signal to reduce the polarization angle measurement uncertainty. According to the scanning law followed by the telescope, the influence of the relative position between the spacecrafts in the calibration process is studied. The relative motion of the spacecrafts is considered with a simplified dynamic model. Based on the mission requirements, the different subsystems are sized and a preliminary design to evaluate the feasibility is obtained. The design has been carried out under the principle of reducing at minimum the impact on the telescope architecture. It would require to be launched along with the telescope to reach L2 at the same time and being able to communicate with the telescope. This new calibration element could have a huge impact on the performance of this kind of missions, providing a significant improvement in the measurements accuracy without requiring new and costly technological developments.The authors would like to thank Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (currently Ministry of Science,innovation and Universities) for the financial support provided under the projects with references ESP2017-92135-EXP all co-financed with EU FEDER funds

    Impact of new technologies and social networks on a secondary education theatre project

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    This paper describes the potential impact of social media and new technologies in secondary education. The case of study has been designed for the drama and theatre subject. A wide set of tools like social networks, blogs, internet, multimedia content, local press and other promotional tools are promoted to increase students’ motivation. The experiment was developed at the highschool IES Al-Satt located in Algete in the Comunidad de Madrid. The students included in the theatre group present a low academic level, 80% of them had previously repeated at least one grade, half of them come from programs for students with learning difficulties and were at risk of social exclusion. This action is supported by higher and secondary education professors and teachers who look forward to implanting networked media technologies as new tools to improve the academic results and the degree of involvement of students. The results of the experiment have been excellent, based on satisfactory opinions obtained from a survey answered by students at the end of the course, and also revealed by the analytics taken from different social networks. This project is a pioneer in the introduction and usage of new technologies in secondary high-schools in Spain

    Choice of the initial antiretroviral treatment for HIV-positive individuals in the era of integrase inhibitors

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    BACKGROUND: We aimed to describe the most frequently prescribed initial antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimens in recent years in HIV-positive persons in the Cohort of the Spanish HIV/AIDS Research Network (CoRIS) and to investigate factors associated with the choice of each regimen. METHODS: We analyzed initial ART regimens prescribed in adults participating in CoRIS from 2014 to 2017. Only regimens prescribed in >5% of patients were considered. We used multivariable multinomial regression to estimate Relative Risk Ratios (RRRs) for the association between sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and the choice of the initial regimen. RESULTS: Among 2874 participants, abacavir(ABC)/lamivudine(3TC)/dolutegavir(DTG) was the most frequently prescribed regimen (32.1%), followed by tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF)/emtricitabine (FTC)/elvitegravir(EVG)/cobicistat(COBI) (14.9%), TDF/FTC/rilpivirine (RPV) (14.0%), tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)/FTC/EVG/COBI (13.7%), TDF/FTC+DTG (10.0%), TDF/FTC+darunavir/ritonavir or darunavir/cobicistat (bDRV) (9.8%) and TDF/FTC+raltegravir (RAL) (5.6%). Compared with ABC/3TC/DTG, starting TDF/FTC/RPV was less likely in patients with CD4100.000 copies/mL. TDF/FTC+DTG was more frequent in those with CD4100.000 copies/mL. TDF/FTC+RAL and TDF/FTC+bDRV were also more frequent among patients with CD4<200 cells//muL and with transmission categories other than men who have sex with men. Compared with ABC/3TC/DTG, the prescription of other initial ART regimens decreased from 2014-2015 to 2016-2017 with the exception of TDF/FTC+DTG. Differences in the choice of the initial ART regimen were observed by hospitals' location. CONCLUSIONS: The choice of initial ART regimens is consistent with Spanish guidelines' recommendations, but is also clearly influenced by physician's perception based on patient's clinical and sociodemographic variables and by the prescribing hospital location

    Hyperoxemia and excess oxygen use in early acute respiratory distress syndrome : Insights from the LUNG SAFE study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2020 The Author(s). Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Background: Concerns exist regarding the prevalence and impact of unnecessary oxygen use in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). We examined this issue in patients with ARDS enrolled in the Large observational study to UNderstand the Global impact of Severe Acute respiratory FailurE (LUNG SAFE) study. Methods: In this secondary analysis of the LUNG SAFE study, we wished to determine the prevalence and the outcomes associated with hyperoxemia on day 1, sustained hyperoxemia, and excessive oxygen use in patients with early ARDS. Patients who fulfilled criteria of ARDS on day 1 and day 2 of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure were categorized based on the presence of hyperoxemia (PaO2 > 100 mmHg) on day 1, sustained (i.e., present on day 1 and day 2) hyperoxemia, or excessive oxygen use (FIO2 ≥ 0.60 during hyperoxemia). Results: Of 2005 patients that met the inclusion criteria, 131 (6.5%) were hypoxemic (PaO2 < 55 mmHg), 607 (30%) had hyperoxemia on day 1, and 250 (12%) had sustained hyperoxemia. Excess FIO2 use occurred in 400 (66%) out of 607 patients with hyperoxemia. Excess FIO2 use decreased from day 1 to day 2 of ARDS, with most hyperoxemic patients on day 2 receiving relatively low FIO2. Multivariate analyses found no independent relationship between day 1 hyperoxemia, sustained hyperoxemia, or excess FIO2 use and adverse clinical outcomes. Mortality was 42% in patients with excess FIO2 use, compared to 39% in a propensity-matched sample of normoxemic (PaO2 55-100 mmHg) patients (P = 0.47). Conclusions: Hyperoxemia and excess oxygen use are both prevalent in early ARDS but are most often non-sustained. No relationship was found between hyperoxemia or excessive oxygen use and patient outcome in this cohort. Trial registration: LUNG-SAFE is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02010073publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Visibility study in a chief-deputy formation for CMB polarization missions

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    Scientific instruments on board satellites are becoming increasingly sensitive, making it imperative to submit these instruments to a thorough calibration. In-flight calibration could be largely improved by using an ancillary microsatellite flying in formation with the main satellite and emitting a well-defined and known reference signal. Due to the main satellite attitude motion, the calibration satellite and therefore, its calibration signal, will only enter the instrument FoV (Field of View) at certain instants. It is not intuitive how frequently and during how much time this will happen, or how this depends on the scan strategy. In the present work, the available time for calibration and its characteristics in terms of total, mean, and maximum duration are studied, deriving analytical expressions for these quantities. These expressions are validated numerically and allow us to assess the impact of different scan strategies and to evaluate the most suitable region to locate the calibration satellite. The focal plane of the instrument is also modelled to evaluate the calibration process at detector level, calculating the number of detectors viewed and the direction of the polarized signal that they received. For this last analysis, only numerical methods have been employed. The tools are finally used in a case study in order to show how they can be employed to test, evaluate, and optimize scanning strategies and relative positions. The tools presented in this work can be easily adapted to evaluate more generally the characteristics of the observation of each point in the sky for a given scan strategy and instrument FoV.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.This research was funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI, MICIU) by means of the project with reference PID2019-110610RB-C21.Peer reviewe

    Alternative analytic method for computing mean observation time in space-telescopes with spin-precession attitude motion

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    Trabajo presentado a la 17th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, celebrada virtualmente del 4 al 7 de septiembre de 2021.Peer reviewe

    To expand beyond LiteBIRD full success scientific goals

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    Trabajo presentado al LiteBIRD Global Face to Face Meeting, celebrado en Sagamihara (Japón) del 3 al 5 de julio de 2019