142 research outputs found

    Balloon dilation of mitral stenosis in adult patients: Postmortem and percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty studies

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    Preliminary reports have documented the utility of percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty of the mitral valve in adult patients with mitral stenosis, but the mechanism of successful valve dilation and the effect of mitral valvuloplasty on cardiac performance have not been studied in detail. Accordingly, mitral valvuloplasty was performed in five postmortem specimens and in 18 adult patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis, using either one (25 mm) or two (18 and 20 mm) dilation balloons. Postmortem balloon dilation resulted in increased valve orifice area in all five postmortem specimens, secondary to separation of fused commissures and fracture of nodular calcium within the mitral leaflets. In no case did balloon dilation result in tearing of valve leaflets, disruption of the mitral ring or liberation of potentially embolic debris.Percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty in 18 patients with severe mitral stenosis (including 9 with a heavily calcified valve) resulted in an increase in cardiac output (4.3 ± 1.1 to 5.1 ± 1.5 liters/min, p < 0.01) and mitral valve area (0.9 ± 0.2 to 1.6 ± 0.4 cm2, p < 0.0001), and a decrease in mean mitral pressure gradient (15 ± 5 to 9 ± 4 mm Hg, p < 0.0001), pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (23 ± 7 to 18 ± 7 mm Hg, p < 0.0001) and mean pulmonary artery pressure (36 ± 12 to 33 ± 12 mm Hg, p < 0.01). Left ventriculography before and after valvuloplasty in 14 of the 18 patients showed a mild (≤1 +) increase in mitral regurgitation in five patients and no change in the remainder. Embolic phenomena were not observed in any patient.Serial radionuclide ventriculography showed an increase in left ventricular peak filling rate (2.20 ± 1.20 to 2.50 ± 1.20 end-diastolic volumes per second [EDV/s], p < 0.05). Serial echocardiography/phonocardiography showed improvement in mitral valve excursion (11 ± 6 to 14 ± 6 mm, p < 0.001), mitral EF slope (7 ± 4 to 13 ± 5, p < 0.001), left atrial diameter (5.7 ± 0.9 to 5.3 ± 0.8 cm, p < 0.001), S2-opening snap interval (0.07 ± 0.03 to 0.08 ± 0.02 second, p < 0.02) and mitral valve area (0.9 ± 0.2 to 1.5 ± 0.4 cm2, p < 0.0001). All patients were discharged from the hospital with de- creased symptoms after valvuloplasty.It is concluded that percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty can be performed in adult patients with mitral stenosis, including patients with calcific disease, and can result in significant improvement in valvular function. The mechanisms of successful dilation include commissural separation and fracture of nodular calcium

    Interaction between Myelodysplasia-Related Gene Mutations and Ontogeny in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Accurate classification and risk stratification are critical for clinical decision making in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In the newly proposed World Health Organization and International Consensus classifications of hematolymphoid neoplasms, the presence of myelodysplasia-related (MR) gene mutations is included as 1 of the diagnostic criteria for AML, AML-MR, based largely on the assumption that these mutations are specific for AML with an antecedent myelodysplastic syndrome. ICC also prioritizes MR gene mutations over ontogeny (as defined in the clinical history). Furthermore, European LeukemiaNet (ELN) 2022 stratifies these MR gene mutations into the adverse-risk group. By thoroughly annotating a cohort of 344 newly diagnosed patients with AML treated at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, we show that ontogeny assignments based on the database registry lack accuracy. MR gene mutations are frequently observed in de novo AML. Among the MR gene mutations, only EZH2 and SF3B1 were associated with an inferior outcome in the univariate analysis. In a multivariate analysis, AML ontogeny had independent prognostic values even after adjusting for age, treatment, allo-transplant and genomic classes or ELN risks. Ontogeny also helped stratify the outcome of AML with MR gene mutations. Finally, de novo AML with MR gene mutations did not show an adverse outcome. In summary, our study emphasizes the importance of accurate ontogeny designation in clinical studies, demonstrates the independent prognostic value of AML ontogeny, and questions the current classification and risk stratification of AML with MR gene mutations

    An Introduction to Temporal Graphs: An Algorithmic Perspective

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    A \emph{temporal graph} is, informally speaking, a graph that changes with time. When time is discrete and only the relationships between the participating entities may change and not the entities themselves, a temporal graph may be viewed as a sequence G1,G2,GlG_1,G_2\ldots,G_l of static graphs over the same (static) set of nodes VV. Though static graphs have been extensively studied, for their temporal generalization we are still far from having a concrete set of structural and algorithmic principles. Recent research shows that many graph properties and problems become radically different and usually substantially more difficult when an extra time dimension in added to them. Moreover, there is already a rich and rapidly growing set of modern systems and applications that can be naturally modeled and studied via temporal graphs. This, further motivates the need for the development of a temporal extension of graph theory. We survey here recent results on temporal graphs and temporal graph problems that have appeared in the Computer Science community

    Pediatric Acupuncture: A Review of Clinical Research

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    Practiced in China for more than 2000 years, acupuncture has recently gained increased attention in the United States as an alternative treatment approach for a variety of medical conditions. Despite its growing prevalence and anecdotal reports of success among pediatric populations, few empirically based studies have assessed the efficacy of acupuncture for children and adolescents. This article presents a review of the current literature, including a systematic appraisal of the methodological value of each study and a discussion of potential benefits and adverse effects of acupuncture. While acupuncture holds great promise as a treatment modality for diverse pediatric conditions, a significant amount of additional research is necessary to establish an empirical basis for the incorporation of acupuncture into standard care

    Location of pathogenic variants in PSEN1 impacts progression of cognitive, clinical, and neurodegenerative measures in autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease

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    Although pathogenic variants in PSEN1 leading to autosomal-dominant Alzheimer disease (ADAD) are highly penetrant, substantial interindividual variability in the rates of cognitive decline and biomarker change are observed in ADAD. We hypothesized that this interindividual variability may be associated with the location of the pathogenic variant within PSEN1. PSEN1 pathogenic variant carriers participating in the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN) observational study were grouped based on whether the underlying variant affects a transmembrane (TM) or cytoplasmic (CY) protein domain within PSEN1. CY and TM carriers and variant non-carriers (NC) who completed clinical evaluation, multimodal neuroimaging, and lumbar puncture for collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as part of their participation in DIAN were included in this study. Linear mixed effects models were used to determine differences in clinical, cognitive, and biomarker measures between the NC, TM, and CY groups. While both the CY and TM groups were found to have similarly elevated A beta compared to NC, TM carriers had greater cognitive impairment, smaller hippocampal volume, and elevated phosphorylated tau levels across the spectrum of pre-symptomatic and symptomatic phases of disease as compared to CY, using both cross-sectional and longitudinal data. As distinct portions of PSEN1 are differentially involved in APP processing by gamma-secretase and the generation of toxic beta-amyloid species, these results have important implications for understanding the pathobiology of ADAD and accounting for a substantial portion of the interindividual heterogeneity in ongoing ADAD clinical trials

    A Human-Curated Annotation of the Candida albicans Genome

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    Recent sequencing and assembly of the genome for the fungal pathogen Candida albicans used simple automated procedures for the identification of putative genes. We have reviewed the entire assembly, both by hand and with additional bioinformatic resources, to accurately map and describe 6,354 genes and to identify 246 genes whose original database entries contained sequencing errors (or possibly mutations) that affect their reading frame. Comparison with other fungal genomes permitted the identification of numerous fungus-specific genes that might be targeted for antifungal therapy. We also observed that, compared to other fungi, the protein-coding sequences in the C. albicans genome are especially rich in short sequence repeats. Finally, our improved annotation permitted a detailed analysis of several multigene families, and comparative genomic studies showed that C. albicans has a far greater catabolic range, encoding respiratory Complex 1, several novel oxidoreductases and ketone body degrading enzymes, malonyl-CoA and enoyl-CoA carriers, several novel amino acid degrading enzymes, a variety of secreted catabolic lipases and proteases, and numerous transporters to assimilate the resulting nutrients. The results of these efforts will ensure that the Candida research community has uniform and comprehensive genomic information for medical research as well as for future diagnostic and therapeutic applications

    Transcription Factors Bind Thousands of Active and Inactive Regions in the Drosophila Blastoderm

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    Identifying the genomic regions bound by sequence-specific regulatory factors is central both to deciphering the complex DNA cis-regulatory code that controls transcription in metazoans and to determining the range of genes that shape animal morphogenesis. We used whole-genome tiling arrays to map sequences bound in Drosophila melanogaster embryos by the six maternal and gap transcription factors that initiate anterior–posterior patterning. We find that these sequence-specific DNA binding proteins bind with quantitatively different specificities to highly overlapping sets of several thousand genomic regions in blastoderm embryos. Specific high- and moderate-affinity in vitro recognition sequences for each factor are enriched in bound regions. This enrichment, however, is not sufficient to explain the pattern of binding in vivo and varies in a context-dependent manner, demonstrating that higher-order rules must govern targeting of transcription factors. The more highly bound regions include all of the over 40 well-characterized enhancers known to respond to these factors as well as several hundred putative new cis-regulatory modules clustered near developmental regulators and other genes with patterned expression at this stage of embryogenesis. The new targets include most of the microRNAs (miRNAs) transcribed in the blastoderm, as well as all major zygotically transcribed dorsal–ventral patterning genes, whose expression we show to be quantitatively modulated by anterior–posterior factors. In addition to these highly bound regions, there are several thousand regions that are reproducibly bound at lower levels. However, these poorly bound regions are, collectively, far more distant from genes transcribed in the blastoderm than highly bound regions; are preferentially found in protein-coding sequences; and are less conserved than highly bound regions. Together these observations suggest that many of these poorly bound regions are not involved in early-embryonic transcriptional regulation, and a significant proportion may be nonfunctional. Surprisingly, for five of the six factors, their recognition sites are not unambiguously more constrained evolutionarily than the immediate flanking DNA, even in more highly bound and presumably functional regions, indicating that comparative DNA sequence analysis is limited in its ability to identify functional transcription factor targets

    Dopamine signaling enriched striatal gene set predicts striatal dopamine synthesis and physiological activity in vivo

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    The polygenic architecture of schizophrenia implicates several molecular pathways involved in synaptic function. However, it is unclear how polygenic risk funnels through these pathways to translate into syndromic illness. Using tensor decomposition, we analyze gene co-expression in the caudate nucleus, hippocampus, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of post-mortem brain samples from 358 individuals. We identify a set of genes predominantly expressed in the caudate nucleus and associated with both clinical state and genetic risk for schizophrenia that shows dopaminergic selectivity. A higher polygenic risk score for schizophrenia parsed by this set of genes predicts greater dopamine synthesis in the striatum and greater striatal activation during reward anticipation. These results translate dopamine-linked genetic risk variation into in vivo neurochemical and hemodynamic phenotypes in the striatum that have long been implicated in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia