31 research outputs found

    Sediment history mirrors Pleistocene aridification in the Gobi Desert (Ejina Basin, NW China)

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    Central Asia is a large-scale source of dust transport, but it also held a prominent changing hydrological system during the Quaternary. A 223 m long sediment core (GN200) was recovered from the Ejina Basin (synonymously Gaxun Nur Basin) in NW China to reconstruct the main modes of water availability in the area during the Quaternary. The core was drilled from the Heihe alluvial fan, one of the world's largest alluvial fans, which covers a part of the Gobi Desert. Grain-size distributions supported by endmember modelling analyses, geochemical-mineralogical compositions (based on XRF and XRD measurements), and bioindicator data (ostracods, gastropods, pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs, and n-alkanes with leaf-wax delta D) are used to infer the main transport processes and related environmental changes during the Pleistocene. Magnetostratigraphy supported by radionuclide dating provides the age model. Grain- size endmembers indicate that lake, playa (sheetflood), fluvial, and aeolian dynamics are the major factors influencing sedimentation in the Ejina Basin. Core GN200 reached the pre-Quatemary quartz- and plagioclase-rich "Red Clay" formation and reworked material derived from it in the core bottom. This part is overlain by silt-dominated sediments between 217 and 110 m core depth, which represent a period of lacustrine and playa-lacustrine sedimentation that presumably formed within an endorheic basin. The upper core half between 110 and 0 m is composed of mainly silty to sandy sediments derived from the Heihe that have accumulated in a giant sediment fan until modem time. Apart from the transition from a siltier to a sandier environment with frequent switches between sediment types upcore, the clay mineral fraction is indicative of different environments. Mixed-layer clay minerals (chlorite/smectite) are increased in the basal Red Clay and reworked sediments, smectite is indicative of lacustrine-playa deposits, and increased chlorite content is characteristic of the Heihe river deposits. The sediment succession in core GN200 based on the detrital proxy interpretation demonstrates that lake-playa sedimentation in the Ejina Basin has been disrupted likely due to tectonic events in the southern part of the catchment around 1 Ma. At this time Heihe broke through from the Hexi Corridor through the Heli Shan ridge into the northern Ejina Basin. This initiated the alluvial fan progradation into the Ejina Basin. Presently the sediment bulge repels the diminishing lacustrine environment further north. In this sense, the uplift of the hinterland served as a tipping element that triggered landscape transformation in the northern Tibetan foreland (i.e. the Hexi Corridor) and further on in the adjacent northern intracontinental Ejina Basin. The onset of alluvial fan formation coincides with increased sedimentation rates on the Chinese Loess Plateau, suggesting that the Heihe alluvial fan may have served as a prominent upwind sediment source for it

    Generalization of Integral Parameters to Fatigue Loading in Room Temperature

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    In this paper a numerical approach coupling independent path integrals, such as M-integral, to compute the crack driving forces namely the stress intensity factors, and empirical models, for instance Paris-Erdogan’s law, to assess the cumulative fatigue damage (i.e. crack size) during the crack growth process, is proposed. The M-integral derived from Nother’s theorem combines the real and virtual mechanical deformation and stress fields. A finite element routine is developed in order to compute the energy release rate according to the stress intensity factors. Results are given for a simple standard Al7075-T6 tensile test specimen. Finally, numerical estimates are compared to experimental data for various crack length in order to prove the efficiency and the accuracy of the proposed model

    Generalization of Integral Parameters to Fatigue Loading in Room Temperature

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    In this paper a numerical approach coupling independent path integrals, such as M-integral, to compute the crack driving forces namely the stress intensity factors, and empirical models, for instance Paris-Erdogan’s law, to assess the cumulative fatigue damage (i.e. crack size) during the crack growth process, is proposed. The M-integral derived from Nother’s theorem combines the real and virtual mechanical deformation and stress fields. A finite element routine is developed in order to compute the energy release rate according to the stress intensity factors. Results are given for a simple standard Al7075-T6 tensile test specimen. Finally, numerical estimates are compared to experimental data for various crack length in order to prove the efficiency and the accuracy of the proposed model

    Expedition 361 summary

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    International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 361 drilled six sites on the southeast African margin (southwest Indian Ocean) and in the Indian-Atlantic Ocean gateway, from 30 January to 31 March 2016. In total, 5175 m of core was recovered, with an average recovery of 102%, during 29.7 days of on-site operations. The sites, situated in the Mozambique Channel at locations directly influenced by discharge from the Zambezi and Limpopo River catchments, the Natal Valley, the Agulhas Plateau, and Cape Basin, were targeted to reconstruct the history of the greater Agulhas Current system over the past ~5 My. The Agulhas Current is the strongest western boundary current in the Southern Hemisphere, transporting some 70 Sv of warm, saline surface water from the tropical Indian Ocean along the East African margin to the tip of Africa. Exchanges of heat and moisture with the atmosphere influence southern African climates, including individual weather systems such as extratropical cyclone formation in the region and rainfall patterns. Recent ocean model and paleoceanographic data further point at a potential role of the Agulhas Current in controlling the strength and mode of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) during the Late Pleistocene. Spillage of saline Agulhas water into the South Atlantic stimulates buoyancy anomalies that may influence basin-wide AMOC, with implications for convective activity in the North Atlantic and global climate change. The main objectives of the expedition were to establish the role of the Agulhas Current in climatic changes during the Pliocene–Pleistocene, specifically to document the dynamics of the Indian-Atlantic Ocean gateway circulation during this time, to examine the connection of the Agulhas leakage and AMOC, and to address the influence of the Agulhas Current on African terrestrial climates and coincidences with human evolution. Additionally, the expedition set out to fulfill the needs of Ancillary Project Letter number 845, consisting of high-resolution interstitial water sampling to help constrain the temperature and salinity profiles of the ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum. The expedition made major strides toward fulfilling each of these objectives. The recovered sequences allowed generation of complete spliced stratigraphic sections that range from 0 to between ~0.13 and 7 Ma. This sediment will provide decadal- to millennial-scale climatic records that will allow answering the paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic questions set out in the drilling proposal

    Striatal mRNA expression patterns underlying peak dose L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in the 6-OHDA hemiparkinsonian rat

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    L-DOPA is the primary pharmacological treatment for relief of the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD). With prolonged treatment (⩾5 years) the majority of patients will develop abnormal involuntary movements as a result of L-DOPA treatment, known as L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of dyskinesia is a crucial step toward developing treatments for this debilitating side effect. We used the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) rat model of PD treated with a three-week dosing regimen of L-DOPA plus the dopa decarboxylase inhibitor benserazide (4 mg/kg and 7.5 mg/kg s.c., respectively) to induce dyskinesia in 50% of individuals. We then used RNA-seq to investigate the differences in mRNA expression in the striatum of dyskinetic animals, non-dyskinetic animals, and untreated parkinsonian controls at the peak of dyskinesia expression, 60 min after L-DOPA administration. Overall, 255 genes were differentially expressed; with significant differences in mRNA expression observed between all three groups. In dyskinetic animals 129 genes were more highly expressed and 14 less highly expressed when compared with non-dyskinetic and untreated parkinsonian controls. In L-DOPA treated animals 42 genes were more highly expressed and 95 less highly expressed when compared with untreated parkinsonian controls. Gene set cluster analysis revealed an increase in expression of genes associated with the cytoskeleton and phosphoproteins in dyskinetic animals compared with non-dyskinetic animals, which is consistent with recent studies documenting an increase in synapses in dyskinetic animals. These genes may be potential targets for drugs to ameliorate L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia or as an adjunct treatment to prevent their occurrence