28 research outputs found

    Antisemitismens gensvar - En undersökning av judars utsatthet och otrygghet

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    Denna uppsats undersöker svenska judars utsatthet, trygghet och upplevda risk. Undersökningen har gjorts genom en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att presentera deskriptiv statistisk dataanalys och att nyansera och fÄ djupare förstÄelse för denna genom kvalitativa utsagor. Det empiriska materialet har teoretiserats utifrÄn en kombination av konventionella trygghets- och stigmatiseringsteorier. Vi har funnit att utsatthet för hot och trakasserier bland vÄra respondenter Àr vÀsentligt högre Àn bland det nationella genomsnittet. Fyra av fem respondenter uppger dessutom att de kÀnner oro inför att bÀra judiska symboler och ungefÀr tvÄ av fem uppger att de undvikit en religiös tillstÀllning pÄ grund av deras oro. Beteendeanpassningarna tycks avse att fungera som riskminimeringsstrategier för att undvika att bli utsatt för oönskade handlingar med antisemitiska förtecken. Ur det kvalitativa materialet kunde vi utlÀsa att vÄra respondenter skyler sin judiska identitet för att undvika stigmatisering. I praktiken inskrÀnker dessa konsekvenser av otryggheten de judiska respondenternas religions- och yttrandefrihet och utgör ett hot mot den svenska konstitutionen och FN:s deklaration om mÀnskliga rÀttigheter

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    I arbetsmarknadsparternas gemensamma intresse: Mellan rationalitet och ideologi : En uppsats om varför kollektivavtal utan centralt angivet löneutrymme trÀffas pÄ svensk arbetsmarknad

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    Denna uppsats undersöker varför kollektivavtal utan centralt löneutrymme trĂ€ffas pĂ„ svensk arbetsmarknad. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av svar frĂ„n tjugotre semistrukturerade intervjuer med arbetsmarknadsorganisationer och Medlingsinstitutet. Den empiriska datan analyseras utifrĂ„n Walter Korpis maktresursteori och Peter Swensons mellanklassteori och dess förklaringar av arbetsmarknadsorganisationernas beteende. Studien finner inget stöd för hypotesen hĂ€rledd ur maktresursteorins förklaring – att det skulle vara svaga förbund som tvingats till kollektivavtal utan centralt angivet löneutrymme. Huvudslutsatsen Ă€r istĂ€llet att kollektivavtal utan central angivet löneutrymme Ă€r en produkt sprungen ur parternas gemensamma intresse att skapa en mer segmentalistisk ordning med en mer prestationsbaserad lönebildning och större lönespridning. Bland förbunden finns tvĂ„ nĂ„got olika motiv till att lĂ€mna ett mer solidarisk lönebildningsarrangemang. Majoriteten av förbunden ser ett stort egenvĂ€rde i en mer segmentalistisk ordning i syfte att Ă„stadkomma större lönespridning och för att möjliggöra för den individuella medlemmen att pĂ„verka sin egen lön och möjlighet till lönekarriĂ€r. Det andra motivet Ă€r att anvĂ€nda det sifferlösa avtalet, och implicit de segmentalitska effekter det innebĂ€r, för att Ă„stadkomma relativlöneökningar för förbundsmedlemmarna som kollektiv. NĂ€r kollektivavtal utan centralt angivet löneutrymme vĂ€l har trĂ€ffats förĂ€ndrar det förutsĂ€ttningarna för beslut om kollektivavtal utan centralt angivet löneutrymme vid nĂ€sta avtalsrörelse. Avtalet stĂ€rker relationen till arbetsgivarparten pĂ„ alla nivĂ„er i avtals-och lönebildningsprocessen och alla nivĂ„er Ă€r nöjda med avtals- och löneproceduren – vilket gör det svĂ„rare att inte trĂ€ffa avtalet vid nĂ€sta avtalsrörelse

    Bolagsstyrning och politik i kommunala bostadsaktiebolag - Den politiskt tillsatta styrelsen

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    This thesis examines the corporate governance in a municipality owned Public Housing Company with a special focus on the politically elected board of directors. This is a qualitative case study were I have examined a large public housing company in a big town in Sweden. The empirical material is primarily from interviews with board members, CEO and management, but also from a field observation were I visited the annual meeting of shareholders, the company’s highest decision-making body. My theoretical framework consists of classical corporate governance and public administration theory, which includes: principal-agent theory, managerial hegemony theory, stewardship theory and stakeholder theory. I found out that political parties are important stakeholders and that party politics takes place inside the boardroom. My empirical results confirm an existing information asymmetry between board and management. My result also shows that the board of directors have given the management more freedom of action and are passive themselves. And the board perceives a tendency of managerial hegemony. One board member perceives managerial hegemony as a positive thing. And I have identified several differences between the board members, were the right winged member has a totally different way of looking at the public company, his role and the company’s external relations. My general conclusion is that there is an ambiguity in expectations, roles and relations regarding public owned companies, which constitutes the board members opportunities and limitations to govern beyond the law

    I arbetsmarknadsparternas gemensamma intresse: Mellan rationalitet och ideologi : En uppsats om varför kollektivavtal utan centralt angivet löneutrymme trÀffas pÄ svensk arbetsmarknad

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    Denna uppsats undersöker varför kollektivavtal utan centralt löneutrymme trĂ€ffas pĂ„ svensk arbetsmarknad. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av svar frĂ„n tjugotre semistrukturerade intervjuer med arbetsmarknadsorganisationer och Medlingsinstitutet. Den empiriska datan analyseras utifrĂ„n Walter Korpis maktresursteori och Peter Swensons mellanklassteori och dess förklaringar av arbetsmarknadsorganisationernas beteende. Studien finner inget stöd för hypotesen hĂ€rledd ur maktresursteorins förklaring – att det skulle vara svaga förbund som tvingats till kollektivavtal utan centralt angivet löneutrymme. Huvudslutsatsen Ă€r istĂ€llet att kollektivavtal utan central angivet löneutrymme Ă€r en produkt sprungen ur parternas gemensamma intresse att skapa en mer segmentalistisk ordning med en mer prestationsbaserad lönebildning och större lönespridning. Bland förbunden finns tvĂ„ nĂ„got olika motiv till att lĂ€mna ett mer solidarisk lönebildningsarrangemang. Majoriteten av förbunden ser ett stort egenvĂ€rde i en mer segmentalistisk ordning i syfte att Ă„stadkomma större lönespridning och för att möjliggöra för den individuella medlemmen att pĂ„verka sin egen lön och möjlighet till lönekarriĂ€r. Det andra motivet Ă€r att anvĂ€nda det sifferlösa avtalet, och implicit de segmentalitska effekter det innebĂ€r, för att Ă„stadkomma relativlöneökningar för förbundsmedlemmarna som kollektiv. NĂ€r kollektivavtal utan centralt angivet löneutrymme vĂ€l har trĂ€ffats förĂ€ndrar det förutsĂ€ttningarna för beslut om kollektivavtal utan centralt angivet löneutrymme vid nĂ€sta avtalsrörelse. Avtalet stĂ€rker relationen till arbetsgivarparten pĂ„ alla nivĂ„er i avtals-och lönebildningsprocessen och alla nivĂ„er Ă€r nöjda med avtals- och löneproceduren – vilket gör det svĂ„rare att inte trĂ€ffa avtalet vid nĂ€sta avtalsrörelse

    New concepts and methods for effect-based strategies on transboundary air pollution. Synthesis Report, April 2002

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    This report was prepared in connection with the scientific evaluation of the ASTA programme in May, 2002. It consists of a comprehensive summary of the approaches and results from the different ASTA sub programmes. ASTA is presently in its fourth and last year of the first phase. The report is not intended to give a full description of all relevant aspects of the problem of transboundary air pollution but rather discuss some crucial problems and their possible scientific solutions. After the preparation and submission of this report, ASTA has been positively evaluated and will continue into its second phase. The evaluation reports as well as a letter of intent for the second phase of the ASTA programme are available on the ASTA web page (http://asta.ivl.se). Further information of the programme is also available at the web page. For those who wish to receive more information of the programme, there is a list of contact persons at the end of the report. Many of the ASTA phase 1 activities are currently in a state of intense evaluation and reporting and additional scientific results as well as synthesises and assessments will be prepared during the remainder of 2002.This report was prepared in connection with the scientific evaluation of the ASTA programme in May, 2002. It consists of a comprehensive summary of the approaches and results from the different ASTA sub programmes. ASTA is presently in its fourth and last year of the first phase. The report is not intended to give a full description of all relevant aspects of the problem of transboundary air pollution but rather discuss some crucial problems and their possible scientific solutions. After the preparation and submission of this report, ASTA has been positively evaluated and will continue into its second phase. The evaluation reports as well as a letter of intent for the second phase of the ASTA programme are available on the ASTA web page (http://asta.ivl.se). Further information of the programme is also available at the web page. For those who wish to receive more information of the programme, there is a list of contact persons at the end of the report. Many of the ASTA phase 1 activities are currently in a state of intense evaluation and reporting and additional scientific results as well as synthesises and assessments will be prepared during the remainder of 2002

    and mRNA was purified with MBI either immediately after cell sorting or after 14 daf minor B-cell subpopulations in man

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    BACKGROUND: This report describes a method for the generation of global gene expression profiles from low frequent B-cell subsets by using fluorescence-activated cell sorting and RNA amplification. However, some of the differentiating compartments involve a low number of cells and therefore it is important to optimize and validate each step in the procedure. METHODS: Normal lymphoid tissues from blood, tonsils, thymus and bone marrow were immunophenotyped by the 8-colour Euroflow panel using multiparametric flow cytometry. Subsets of B-cells containing cell numbers ranging from 800 to 33,000 and with frequencies varying between 0.1 and 10 percent were sorted, subjected to mRNA purification, amplified by the NuGEN protocol and finally analysed by the Affymetrix platform. RESULTS: Following a step by step strategy, each step in the workflow was validated and the sorting/storage conditions optimized as described in this report. First, an analysis of four cancer cell lines on Affymetrix arrays, using either 100 ng RNA labelled with the Ambion standard protocol or 1 ng RNA amplified and labelled by the NuGEN protocol, revealed a significant correlation of gene expressions (r ≄ 0.9 for all). Comparison of qPCR data in samples with or without amplification for 8 genes showed that a relative difference between six cell lines was preserved (r ≄ 0.9). Second, a comparison of cells sorted into PrepProtect, RNAlater or directly into lysis/binding buffer showed a higher yield of purified mRNA following storage in lysis/binding buffer (p < 0.001). Third, the identity of the B-cell subsets validated by the cluster of differentiation (CD) membrane profile was highly concordant with the transcriptional gene expression (p-values <0.001). Finally, in normal bone marrow and tonsil samples, eight evaluated genes were expressed in accordance with the biology of lymphopoiesis (p-values < 0.001), which enabled the generation of a gene-specific B-cell atlas. CONCLUSION: A description of the implementation and validation of commercially available kits in the laboratory has been examined. This included steps for cell sorting, cell lysis/stabilization, RNA isolation, RNA concentration and amplification for microarray analysis. The workflow described in this report will enable the generation of microarray data from minor sorted B-cell subsets

    Inherited Inflammatory Response Genes Are Associated with B-Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Risk and Survival

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    Malignant B-cell clones are affected by both acquired genetic alterations and by inherited genetic variations changing the inflammatory tumour microenvironment.We investigated 50 inflammatory response gene polymorphisms in 355 B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (B-NHL) samples encompassing 216 diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and 139 follicular lymphoma (FL) and 307 controls. The effect of single genes and haplotypes were investigated and gene-expression analysis was applied for selected genes. Since interaction between risk genes can have a large impact on phenotype, two-way gene-gene interaction analysis was included.We found inherited SNPs in genes critical for inflammatory pathways; TLR9, IL4, TAP2, IL2RA, FCGR2A, TNFA, IL10RB, GALNT12, IL12A and IL1B were significantly associated with disease risk and SELE, IL1RN, TNFA, TAP2, MBL2, IL5, CX3CR1, CHI3L1 and IL12A were, associated with overall survival (OS) in specific diagnostic entities of B-NHL. We discovered noteworthy interactions between DLBCL risk alleles on IL10 and IL4RA and FL risk alleles on IL4RA and IL4. In relation to OS, a highly significant interaction was observed in DLBCL for IL4RA (rs1805010) * IL10 (rs1800890) (HR = 0.11 (0.02-0.50)). Finally, we explored the expression of risk genes from the gene-gene interaction analysis in normal B-cell subtypes showing a different expression of IL4RA, IL10, IL10RB genes supporting a pathogenetic effect of these interactions in the germinal center.The present findings support the importance of inflammatory genes in B-cell lymphomas. We found association between polymorphic sites in inflammatory response genes and risk as well as outcome in B-NHL and suggest an effect of gene-gene interactions during the stepwise oncogenesis