1,736 research outputs found

    Iskustva i mišljenja učitelja instrumenata o inkluziji učenika s teškoćama

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    Based on the right to equal access to quality education for all learners, inclusive education contributes to overall social inclusion, allowing children with disabilities to engage and interact with other pupils in line with their abilities, predispositions, and interests. Based on the social model, this paper aimed to examine the perceptions and experiences of instrumental music teachers about the inclusion of learners with disabilities in primary music education. The research study took place in 2021 on a sample of instrumental music teachers (N=9) employed at public primary music schools. Semi-structured online interviews and thematic analysis served to collect and process the empirical data. According to the research results, instrumental music teachers identified both challenges and the positive and negative aspects of teaching learners with disabilities. Teachers considered their formal education inadequate regarding teaching learners with disabilities and expressed the need to advance their competencies for the area.. Among the barriers to inclusion, they observed a shortage of curricula for teaching learners with disabilities and inadequate methods for assessing learning outcomes. Finally, teachers signalled a need for improvements concerning human resources and organisation, which could enhance the inclusion mechanisms in music education.Obrazovna inkluzija, kao jedan od aspekata inkluzije, temelji se na pravu kvalitetnoga obrazovanja svih učenika podjednako, čime se djeci s teškoćama omogućuje da zajedno s drugim učenicima sudjeluju i surađuju prema svojim sposobnostima, mogućnostima i interesima. Ovaj rad temelji se na socijalnom modelu i cilj mu je steći uvid u mišljenja i iskustva učitelja instrumenata o inkluziji učenika s teškoćama u osnovnim glazbenim školama. Istraživanje je provedeno 2021. godine na uzorku učitelja instrumenata zaposlenih u javnim osnovnim glazbenim školama (N = 9). U svrhu prikupljanja empirijske građe korišten je polustrukturirani online intervju, a dobivena građa podvrgnuta je tematskoj analizi. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da učitelji instrumenta u svojem radu s učenicima s teškoćama prepoznaju određene izazove te pozitivne i negativne aspekte rada. Mišljenja su da je njihovo formalno obrazovanje za učitelja instrumenta bilo neadekvatno za rad s učenicima s teškoćama te prepoznaju potrebu za razvojem dodatnih, specifičnih kompetencija za rad s njima. Kao prepreke inkluziji prepoznaju nepostojanje nastavnoga plana i programa za rad s učenicima s teškoćama te postupke provjere znanja i sposobnosti učenika. Njihova iskustva ukazuju na potrebu stvaranja kadrovskih i organizacijskih preduvjeta za primjenu načela inkluzije u glazbenom odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu

    Investigación en el Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree WOP-P. Guía de Buenas prácticas (versión Octubre 2018)

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    El presente documento tiene por objeto ser una guía orientadora para los tutores en la fase de investigación. Con tal objeto analizaremos las diferentes fases que configuran el proceso de investigación en el Master Erasmus + WOP-P, en concreto, se analizaran los outputs esperados (Position Paper (o Project), Research Paper y Master Thesis), los roles y responsabilidades clave de los tutores HOME y HOST, la evaluación y el calendari

    Where is the chromospheric response to conductive energy input from a hot pre-flare coronal loop?

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    Before the onset of a flare is observed in hard X-rays there is often a pro- longed pre-flare or pre-heating phase with no detectable hard X-ray emission but pronounced soft X-ray emission suggesting that energy is being released and deposited into the corona and chromosphere already at this stage. This work analyses the temporal evolution of coronal source heating and the chromospheric response during this pre-heating phase to investigate the origin and nature of early energy release and transport during a solar flare. Simultaneous X-ray, EUV, and microwave observations of a well observed flare with a prolonged pre-heating phase are analysed to study the time evolution of the thermal emission and to determine the onset of particle acceleration. During the 20 minutes duration of the pre-heating phase we find no hint of accelerated electrons, neither in hard X-rays nor in microwave emission. However, the total energy budget during the pre-heating phase suggests that energy must be supplied to the flaring loop to sustain the observed temperature and emission measure. Under the assumption of this energy being transported toward the chromosphere via thermal conduc- tion, significant energy deposition at the chromosphere is expected. However, no detectable increase of the emission in the AIA wavelength channels sensitive to chromospheric temperatures is observed. The observations suggest energy release and deposition in the flaring loop before the onset of particle acceleration, yet a model in which energy is conducted to the chromosphere and subsequent heating of the chromosphere is not supported by the observations

    Osteonecrosis associated with bisphosphonates and its relationship with dental implants - literature review

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    Bisphosphonates are drugs used to treat diseases such as osteoporosis, Paget's disease, and bone metabolism changes that might be associated with neoplasms. These drugs have some side effects, one of them is a new complication of great interest to the dental class, namely, osteonecrosis of the jaws associated with bisphosphonates (OAB). How bisphosphonates develop such a disease is still unknown. However, the type of bisphosphonate, the treatment duration and the route of administration may have a direct relationship with the occurrence of OAB. Due to the care required by patients who use bisphosphonates and the risk of developing osteonecrosis after implant surgery, this study aims to conduct a literature review about the context of bisphosphonates in implant dentistry, as well as their mechanism of action and most common complications. As this is a recently discovered disease, there is still no consensus on the installation of dental implants in patients who have taken or are taking bisphosphonates, therefore, communication between the dental surgeon and the patient's physician is vital, so that all preventive measures are taken always aiming at the patient's well-being.&nbsp

    Relación del personal sanitario con su organización y su trabajo: Un estudio cross-cultural

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    Se analizan las diferencias, mediante t de Student y ANOVA, entre personal de enfermería y médicos de Portugal, Polonia, España y Reino Unido en cuanto a su relación con el trabajo y con la organización. En total, 1.401 profesionales contestaron el cuestionario HSA-QHPR. Existen niveles diferentes de vínculo entre médicos y personal de enfermería. En Reino Unido se obtienen los niveles más bajos de vínculo con el trabajo, y en Portugal los niveles más altos de relación con la organización. Los resultados proporcionan guías para la elaboración de políticas y estrategias diferenciales orientadas a la mejora de la calidad del servicio asistencial.We analyzed the differences, by Student’s t-test and ANOVA, between nurses and physicians from Portugal, Poland, Spain, and United Kingdom regarding their relationship with their work and organization. In total, 1,401 professionals answered the HSA-QHPR questionnaire. There are different levels of connection between physicians and nurses. The United Kingdom has the lowest levels of connection with the work while Portugal has the highest levels of relationship with the organization. The results provide guidelines for the development of policies and differential strategies aimed at improving the quality of healthcare service

    The Need And Experience Of Drawing With Ingeniuty. An Analysis Of The Graphic Practice In Architectural Education

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    [EN] The difficulty of teaching drawing during the first college stage, in visual arts, is clearly laborious, but not impossible. We know about students immaturity at the beginning of architectural learning and we know what professors in schools of architecture can offer them in relation to their drawing needs: increase their ability to think, feel, and their creative abilities, curiosity and ingenuity. But we do not intend to indicate the best method, but rather to reflect on the fact of the drawing itself, and how it is possible to discover its enigmatic part and necessity through three sketches. First: phonetic diversity; second: need of drawing what we see; third: ways of drawing with ingeniuty. This study is completed with an analysis of the early drawings in architectural education and the graphical maturity reached after an academic year.S2505251419

    Teamwork: Assessment of teamwork competence in higher education

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    [EN] Teamwork is a competence highly demanded among workers and an academic field with an extensive specialized literature. Based on this knowledge that comes from the study of organizational behavior, this communication presents a model to understand teamwork in higher education settings. The theoretical model considers structural components (i.e., task interdependence and task uncertainty), processes (i.e., team development and team climate for learning) and results (i.e., team effectiveness). Moreover, an assessment tool (and attitude questionnaire with 42 items-Likert scale with a range from 1 to 7) is also presented to measure these critical components that can allow us to distinguish between effective and ineffective teams in higher education. First results of the application of these tools to 18 team students show good consistency values of the tools being able to distinguish among teams. Additionally, we propose a procedure to obtain aggregated measures per group from the members’ responses considering the degree of agreement among members.Navarro, J.; Bosch, JL.; Palacín, M.; Solé, M.; Berger, R.; Leiva, D.; Ceppi, F.... (2017). Teamwork: Assessment of teamwork competence in higher education. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1024-1032. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.55071024103

    La valutazione medico-legale delle malattie dell’apparato digerente integrata da accertamenti specialistici non invasivi

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    Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) present a symptomatology characterised by periods of remission followed by clinical and endoscopic worsening; this makes the assignment of the functional damage for a correct medical-legal evaluation difficult, especially as far as the judgment of “permanency” in taken into consideration. Invasive investigations, such as endoscopic procedures, are not allowed for medical-legal evaluations. So it may prove particularly useful and resolving in such diseases using abdomen echography which, together with some other supplementary tests, allows the gathering of a fundamental quantity of data for the diagnosis, the research for the complications, the definition of the state of activity of the pathology and the follow up of the patients. A reasoned and competent use of the abdomen echography – well-endured, non-invasive and economical – can help in reducing the employment of endoscopic exams or other types of tests otherwise contraindicated, and it represents a precious impletion of the specialist gastroenterological medical examination guiding the forensic doctor to the meditated evaluation of the damage