141 research outputs found

    An emotional roller coaster - family members’ experiences of being a caregiver throughout a cancer trajectory

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    Purpose To explore family members’ experiences of caregiving throughout a cancer trajectory from diagnosis until around one year after chemotherapy and radiation treatment ended. Method We conducted a longitudinal qualitative study using in-depth interviews with 13 family members at one to three points of time: before, during, and after treatment. To analyse the interviews, we leaned on Braun and Clark procedure for thematic analysis. Result The analysis revealed three themes in family members’ experiences of being a caregiver to a cancer patient throughout a cancer trajectory. These were: (1) From the time of diagnosis—overwhelming and uncertain; (2) During and after treatment—invisible and not involved; (3) Throughout the cancer trajectory—an emotional roller coaster. Conclusion The results indicated that the family members felt invisible and not involved and they experienced being a caregiver throughout the cancer trajectory as an emotional roller coaster. Our empirical findings thus indicate that in cancer care, family perspectives are yet to be implemented in daily practice. This is in contrast to explicit goals in current health policies underlining support and involvement of family members as a core aspect in cancer care

    In Limbo: Seven Families` Experiences of Encounter with Cancer Care i Norway

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    Introduction: Like many other countries, Norway has seen a shift from inpatient to outpatient cancer care, with pathways aimed at improving the integration and coordination of health services. This study explores the perspectives of seven patients and their family members in light of this change. We focus on one particular phase of the pathway: the first encounter. Our interviews were set in the period from referral until the start of treatment. Methods: Nineteen individual in-depth interviews were conducted in seven families. Seven patients with cancer and 12 family members were interviewed. Results: Three categories of experiences stood out in the empirical material: ‘Being in between different health professionals’, ‘Overwhelmed by written and oral informationʼ and ‘Lack of involvement’. Conclusion: This study provides insight into families’ experiences with cancer care from referral until the start of treatment. Our findings indicate that families often experience cancer care as fragmented and confusing. Although evaluations have shown that the introduction of cancer pathways seems to have a positive effect on waiting times and standardization of examinations across hospitals and regions, there is still potential for improvement in coordination between services, family involvement, and emotional and practical support. We argue that our findings highlight the tension between two ideals of professional care: standardization and patient-centredness. The study illustrates shortcomings in translating the ideal of patient-centredness into professional practice

    Unpacking Healthcare Professionals’ Work to Achieve Coherence in the Healthcare Journey of Elderly Patients: An Interview Study

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    Aim: Today, seamless, person-centered healthcare is emphasized when dealing with elderly patients with comprehensive needs. Studies have uncovered a complex healthcare terrain. Despite a great deal of effort on the part of policy makers and healthcare providers, the work healthcare professionals undertake to develop seamless healthcare is still unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to uncover the work that healthcare professionals undertake to achieve coherent and comprehensive healthcare for elderly patients with multiple health problems during their journey through the complex healthcare terrain. Methods: This study has an explorative design with individual interviews. Twenty-five healthcare professionals from primary and specialist care agreed to participate. A thematic analysis method was employed. Results: The analyses revealed three central themes in the healthcare professionals’ work to build coherence in the patients’ care trajectory: Working to manage a patient’s illness trajectory during the course of the patient’s life, working to achieve a comprehensive overall picture, and considering multiple options in a “patchwork” terrain. Conclusion: Healthcare professionals have a common understanding that hospital stays are a short part of the elderly person’s journey in the healthcare system. In the comprehensive work to obtain the overall picture of the illness trajectory within the patient’s life story, healthcare professionals emphasized the importance of working in an interdisciplinary manner. Interprofessional consulting and collaboration should be strengthened to build coherence in the older patient’s complex care trajectory. Keywords: older, care trajectory, complex healthcare, health personnel, interdisciplinarypublishedVersio

    Dilemmas and deliberations in managing the care trajectory of elderly patients with complex health needs: a single‑case study

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    Today, the ageing population is larger than ever before, and people who are living longer with chronic illnesses and multimorbidity need support from multiple healthcare service levels. Similarly, healthcare systems are becoming increasingly specialised and fragmented. The World Health Organization has highlighted novel policies for developing integrated and person-centred services. However, patients, next of kin and health professionals face several challenges in managing healthcare during the care trajectory. Limited literature has addressed the challenges experienced by these groups. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the dilemmas and deliberations faced by patients, next of kin and health professionals during the care trajectory of elderly patients with complex healthcare needs.Dilemmas and deliberations in managing the care trajectory of elderly patients with complex health needs: a single‑case studypublishedVersio


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh karakter masyarakat Sunda yang sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai pandangan hidup sebagai alat kontrol dalam berpikir dan berperilaku. Salah satunya, upaya penempatan representasi peran dan posisi seseorang tersebut terjadi di lingkungan masyarakat Soreang, Kabupaten Bandung. Penelitian ini betujuan mengklasifikasikan dan mendeskripsikan konsep pamali bahasa Sunda, mendeskripsikan fungsi dan nilai kearifan dari konsep pamali bahasa Sunda, dan mendeskripsikan pembentukan kultur representasi perempuan dalam konsep pamali bahasa Sunda pada penutur bahasa Indonesia yang memiliki latar belakang bahasa pertamanya bahasa Sunda. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan etnosemantik serta metode etnografi komunikasi dalam penjaringan data sebagai bagian dari kajian etnolinguistik. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan enam hal, yaitu (1) konsep pamali masyarakat Soreang memang mewakili dua belas kategori, yaitu kehamilan, kelahiran, masa anak-anak, pekerjaan rumah, pekerjaan/profesi, hubungan sosial, perjodohan, kematian, perilaku, kehidupan rumah tangga, alam gaib, dan religi/agama, (2) semua ungkapan konsep pamali termasuk ungkapan imperatif yang ditunjukkan dengan keberadaan leksikon ulah dan entong, (3) konsep pamali memiliki fungsi sosial, individu, pendidikan, dan keagamaan, (4) konsep pamali mengandung nilai kearifan lokal harmonisasi antarmasyarakat, Tuhan, dan alam, (5) masyarakat Soreang, Kabupaten Bandung sangat memiliki pengalaman, pengetahuan, perasaan, dan menaruh harapan terhadap konsep pamali bahasa Sunda, dan (6) berdasarkan konsep representasi, perempuan mengungguli representasi laki-laki dalam konsep pamali. Dibandingkan laki-laki, perempuan memiliki peranan dan posisi khusus di dalam pandangan masyarakat Sunda. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan keberadaan ungkapan pamali khusus perempuan. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kesadaran bahwa keberadaan bahasa sebagai produk budaya dapat menjadi cerminan sebuah perbendaharaan ilmu pengetahuan dan kebudayaan suatu masyaraka

    Research on the significance of universal design in the physical environment for persons with mental or cognitive disability: a systematic literature search with categorization

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    Source at https://www.fhi.no/.Personer med psykisk funksjonsnedsettelse har rett til å få det fysiske miljøet utformet på en slik måte at det legger til rette for deres likeverdige bruk. Vi utførte en systematisk kunnskapsoppsummering av typen ‘systematisk litteratursøk med sortering’, for å identifisere litteraturoversikter om betydningen av universell utforming i det fysiske miljøet for personer med psykisk eller kognitiv funksjonsnedsettelse. Vi søkte i januar 2023 i ulike samfunnsvitenskapelige databaser etter litteraturoversikter, publisert 2012-2023. Forskere gikk gjennom identifiserte referanser og vurderte relevans i henhold til inklusjonskriteriene. De beskrev i korte trekk hver litteraturoversikt som møtte inklusjonskriteriene. 12 litteraturoversikter møtte inklusjonskriteriene: Alle inkluderte studier med både menn og kvinner • Fire oversikter fokuserte på barn og/eller unge og tre fokuserte på voksne (fem spesifiserte el. avgrenset ikke) Oversiktene tok for seg ulike typer psykiske funksjonsnedsettelser, og hyppigst studert var autismespekterforstyrrelser Oversiktene tok for seg ulike typer bygg, særlig skolebygninger (n=7) og arbeidsplasser (n=5) Oversiktene fokuserte hyppigst på lys og lyd/støy Ni oversikter undersøkte funksjonsnivå (inkludert helse) og fire undersøkte likeverdig tilgjengelighet Ingen av oversiktene fokuserte på behov og/eller ønsker mht. universell utforming Denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen viser at det fins flere litteraturoversikter om universell utforming for personer med psykisk eller kognitiv funksjonsnedsettelse. Ingen fokuserer på personers behov og/eller ønsker, personer med fobier eller psykisk utviklingshemninger og kun et fåtall type bygg er studert i disse litteraturoversiktene

    Interviews with Community Healthcare Registered Nurses in Norway: Examination Practices and Clinical Evaluation Processes

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    Abstract Aim This study describes the examination practices and clinical evaluation processes that Registered Nurses in Norway perform in the community healthcare sector. Design A qualitative exploratory design. Methods Twenty interviews were conducted with Registered Nurses employed in the community healthcare sector in Norway. The data were analysed using a thematic analysis. Results We found four major themes: (1) evaluations are embedded in nurses’ daily work, (2) significance of a Registered Nurse's clinical competency, (3) different tasks require various roles and (4) access to resources and equipment. Registered Nurses possess several skills in a range of different examination techniques and clinical evaluation processes in the community healthcare sector. They perform complex assessments in their daily work and must rely on other healthcare professionals, facilities and equipment to provide high-quality care. Ongoing education and training will enable Registered Nurses to complete accurate assessments in their community healthcare practice.publishedVersio

    Discards of cod (Gadus morhua) in the Norwegian coastal fisheries: improving past and future estimates

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    Discarding can be an unknown source of biases and uncertainties in stock assessments. Discarding patterns and quantities vary so a routine methodology for estimating discards is important to give a better picture of total catches, and potentially mortality, in fisheries. Using data from the Norwegian Reference Fleet between 2012 and 2018, this study presents a revised methodology for estimating discards of cod (Gadus morhua) in the Norwegian coastal gillnet fisheries, which accounts for variations in discarding between vessels and uncertainties in the conversion of numbers to weight discarded. The estimated average discard rate of cod (weight of cod discarded as percentage of total weight caught) is 0.55% (95% confidence interval: 0.45–0.70%), although discard rates in southern areas were an order of magnitude higher than in northern areas. We also present an exploratory analysis of the drivers behind discarding using a random forest regression model. Spatial variations and fishing intensity were identified as the most important drivers of discarding. Results from this study suggest ways in which self-sampled data can be used to estimate discards in Norwegian coastal fisheries, and where the accuracy of future estimates can be improved when a higher resolution data collection programme is established.publishedVersio

    Use of immobilized cryopreserved bovine semen in a blind artificial insemination trial

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    AbstractTo make timing of artificial insemination (AI) relative to ovulation less critical, methods for prolonging shelf life of spermatozoa in vivo after AI have been attempted to be developed. Encapsulation of sperm cells is a documented technology, and recently, a technology in which sperm cells are embedded in alginate gel has been introduced and commercialized. In this study, standard processed semen with the Biladyl extender (control) was compared with semen processed by sperm immobilization technology developed by SpermVital AS in a blind field trial. Moreover, in vitro acrosome and plasma membrane integrity was assessed and compared with AI fertility data for possible correlation. Semen from 16 Norwegian Red young bulls with unknown fertility was collected and processed after splitting the semen in two aliquots. These aliquots were processed with the standard Biladyl extender or the SpermVital extender to a final number of 12 × 106 and 25 × 106 spermatozoa/dose, respectively. In total, 2000 semen doses were produced from each bull, divided equally by treatment. Artificial insemination doses were set up to design a blinded AI regime; 5 + 5 straws from each extender within ejaculates in ten-straw goblets were distributed to AI technicians and veterinarians all over Norway. Outcomes of the inseminations were measured as 56-day nonreturn rate (NRR). Postthaw sperm quality was assessed by flow cytometry using propidium iodide and Alexa 488–conjugated peanut agglutinin to assess the proportion of plasma membrane and acrosome-intact sperm cells, respectively. In total, data from 14,125 first inseminations performed over a 12-month period, 7081 with Biladyl and 7044 with SpermVital semen, were used in the statistical analyses. There was no significant difference in 56-day NRR for the two semen categories, overall NRR being 72.5% and 72.7% for Biladyl and SpermVital, respectively. The flow cytometric results revealed a significant higher level of acrosome-intact live spermatozoa in Biladyl-processed semen compared to SpermVital semen. The results indicate that the level of acrosome-intact live spermatozoa in the AI dose did not affect the 56-day NRR for the two semen processing methods. In conclusion, this study has showed that immobilized spermatozoa provide equal fertility results as standard processed semen when AI is performed in a blinded field trial, although the immobilization procedure caused increased sperm damage evaluated in vitro compared to standard semen processing procedure
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