250 research outputs found

    Carbon export and regeneration in the coastal upwelling system of Monterey Bay, central California

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    In order to quantify the role of coastal upwelling regions as source or sink areas for carbon, the relationships between particulate organic carbon (POC) production, export, remineralization, and accumulation were examined in Monterey Bay from 1989 through 1992. During a normal upwelling year (1989–90), a high positive correlation (r = 0.91) is observed between biweekly primary production and POC export at 450 m. Primary production values range from 500 mgC m−2 d−1 during the winter, to 2600 mgC m−2 d−1 in the spring and summer upwelling months. Corresponding deep-water (450 m) POC fluxes vary from a minimum of 10 mgC m−2 d−1 in December, to 120 mgC m−2 d−1 in May. In contrast, the mid-1991 through 1992 data sets obtained during the \u2791–92 El Nino period, show a relatively poor correlation (r = 0.23) between productivity and carbon export. Calculated ratios of POC export to POC production (defined as e-ratios) display a trend for the three-year data sets in which the e-ratio values are greatest during periods of low productivity and decrease to minimal values when surface production is high. Upwelling-induced, offshore Ekman transport of organic matter and probable seasonal changes in the planktonic community structure are the mechanisms likely to be responsible for the e-ratio trends. Based on the data sets reported from this work, a simple box model of the annual export and regeneration of particulate organic carbon is presented for the Monterey Bay region. An appreciable advective and/or recycling “loss” from the euphotic zone of 362.8 gC m−2 y−1 is estimated, representing primarily algal material transported offshore and/or recycled within the upper 100 m of the water column. Annual mid-water (≈100– 450 m) and deep-water (\u3e450 m) POC remineralization rates of 71.8 gC m−2 y−1 of 7.2 gC m−2 y−1, respectively, are reported for Monterey Bay. The average POC rain rate to the underlying slope sediments is sufficient to satisfy reported benthic utilization requirements without invoking an additional input source of POC via deep lateral advection and/or the downslope movement of particulate material

    Catalysis and chemical mechanisms of calcite dissolution in seawater

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    Near-equilibrium calcite dissolution in seawater contributes significantly to the regulation of atmospheric CO_2 on 1,000-y timescales. Despite many studies on far-from-equilibrium dissolution, little is known about the detailed mechanisms responsible for calcite dissolution in seawater. In this paper, we dissolve ^(13)C-labeled calcites in natural seawater. We show that the time-evolving enrichment of ÎŽ^(13)C in solution is a direct measure of both dissolution and precipitation reactions across a large range of saturation states. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer profiles into the ^(13)C-labeled solids confirm the presence of precipitated material even in undersaturated conditions. The close balance of precipitation and dissolution near equilibrium can alter the chemical composition of calcite deeper than one monolayer into the crystal. This balance of dissolution–precipitation shifts significantly toward a dissolution-dominated mechanism below about Ω= 0.7. Finally, we show that the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) increases the dissolution rate across all saturation states, and the effect is most pronounced close to equilibrium. This finding suggests that the rate of hydration of CO_2 is a rate-limiting step for calcite dissolution in seawater. We then interpret our dissolution data in a framework that incorporates both solution chemistry and geometric constraints on the calcite solid. Near equilibrium, this framework demonstrates a lowered free energy barrier at the solid–solution interface in the presence of CA. This framework also indicates a significant change in dissolution mechanism at Ω= 0.7, which we interpret as the onset of homogeneous etch pit nucleation

    A Kinetic Pressure Effect on Calcite Dissolution in Seawater

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    This study provides laboratory data of calcite dissolution rate as a function of seawater undersaturation state (1-Ω) under variable pressure. ^(13)C-labeled calcite was dissolved in unlabeled seawater and the evolving ÎŽ^(13)C composition of the fluid was monitored over time to evaluate the dissolution rate. Results show that dissolution rates are enhanced by a factor of 2-4 at 700 dbar compared to dissolution at the same Ω under ambient pressure (10 dbar). This dissolution rate enhancement under pressure applies over an Ω range of 0.65 to 1 between 10 dbar and 700 dbar. Above 700 dbar (up to 2500 dbar), dissolution rates become independent of pressure. The observed enhancement is well beyond the uncertainty associated with the thermodynamic properties of calcite under pressure (partial molar volume ΔV), and thus should be interpreted as a kinetic pressure effect on calcite dissolution. Dissolution at ambient pressure and higher pressures yield non-linear dissolution kinetics, the pressure effect does not significantly change the reaction order n in Rate = k(1-Ω^)n, which is shown to vary from 3.1±0.3 to 3.8±0.5 from 10 dbar to 700 dbar over Ω = 0.65 to 0.9. Furthermore, two different dissolution mechanisms are indicated by a discontinuity in the rate-undersaturation relationship, and seen at both ambient and higher pressures. The discontinuity, Ω_(critical) = 0.87±0.05 and 0.90±0.03 at 10 dbar and 1050 dbar respectively, are similar within error. The reaction order, n, at Ω > 0.9 is 0.47±0.27 and 0.46±0.15 at 10 dbar and 700 dbar respectively. This Ω_(critical) is considered to be the threshold between step retreat dissolution and defect-assisted dissolution. The kinetic enhancement of dissolution rate at higher pressures is related to a decrease in the interfacial energy barrier at dissolution sites. The impact of pressure on the calcite dissolution kinetics implies that sinking particles would dissolve at shallower depth than previously thought

    Biogenic Matter Diagenesis on the Sea Floor: A Comparison Between Two Continental Margin Transects

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    Benthic chamber measurements of the reactants and products involved with biogenic matter diagenesis (oxygen, ammonium, nitrate, silicate, phosphate, TCO2, alkalinity) were used to define fluxes of these solutes into and out of the sediments off southern and central California. Onshore to offshore transects indicate many similarities in benthic fluxes between these regions. The pattern of benthic organic carbon oxidation as a function of water depth, combined with published sediment trap records, suggest that the supply of organic carbon from vertical rain can just meet the sedimentary carbon oxidation + burial demand for the central California region between the depths 100-3500 m. However, there is not enough organic carbon raining through the upper water column to support its oxidation and burial in the basins off southern California. Lateral transport and focusing of refractory carbon within these basins is proposed to account for the carbon buried. The organic carbon burial efficiency is greater off southern California (40-60%) compared to central California (2-20%), even though carbon rain rates are comparable. Oxygen uptake rates are not sensitive to bottom water oxygen concentrations nor to the bulk wt. % organic carbon in surficial sediments. Nitrate uptake rates are well defined by the depth of oxygen penetration into the sediments and the overlying water column nitrate concentration. Nitrate uptake accounts for about 50% of the total denitrification taking place in shelf sediments and denitrification (0.1-1.0 mmolN/m2d) occurs throughout the entire study region. The ratio of carbon oxidized to opal dissolved on the sea floor is constant (0.8 ± 0.2) through a wide range of depths, supporting the hypothesis that opal dissolution kinetics may be dominated by a highly reactive phase. Sea floor carbonate dissolution is negligible within the oxygen minimum zone and reaches maximal rates just above and below this zone (0.2-2.0 mmol/m2d)

    Pelagic calcium carbonate production and shallow dissolution in the North Pacific Ocean

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    Funding was provided by NSF Grants OCE1220600 and OCE1220302 awarded to JA and WB, respectively, MINECO PID2020-113526RB-I00, the Generalitat de Catalunya MERS (#2017 SGR-1588) awarded to PZ and NERC grant NE/N011716/1 awarded to JR.Planktonic calcifying organisms play a key role in regulating ocean carbonate chemistry and atmospheric CO2. Surprisingly, references to the absolute and relative contribution of these organisms to calcium carbonate production are lacking. Here we report quantification of pelagic calcium carbonate production in the North Pacific, providing new insights on the contribution of the three main planktonic calcifying groups. Our results show that coccolithophores dominate the living calcium carbonate (CaCO3) standing stock, with coccolithophore calcite comprising ~90% of total CaCO3 production, and pteropods and foraminifera playing a secondary role. We show that pelagic CaCO3 production is higher than the sinking flux of CaCO3 at 150 and 200 m at ocean stations ALOHA and PAPA, implying that a large portion of pelagic calcium carbonate is remineralised within the photic zone; this extensive shallow dissolution explains the apparent discrepancy between previous estimates of CaCO3 production derived from satellite observations/biogeochemical modeling versus estimates from shallow sediment traps. We suggest future changes in the CaCO3 cycle and its impact on atmospheric CO2 will largely depend on how the poorly-understood processes that determine whether CaCO3 is remineralised in the photic zone or exported to depth respond to anthropogenic warming and acidification.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A Mechanistic Study of Carbonic Anhydrase Enhanced Calcite Dissolution

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    Carbonic anhydrase (CA) has been shown to promote calcite dissolution (Liu, 2001, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1755-6724.2001.tb00531.x; Subhas et al., 2017, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1703604114), and understanding the catalytic mechanism will facilitate our understanding of the oceanic alkalinity cycle. We use atomic force microscopy (AFM) to directly observe calcite dissolution in CA‐bearing solution. CA is found to etch the calcite surface only when in extreme proximity (~1 nm) to the mineral. Subsequently, the CA‐induced etch pits create step edges that serve as active dissolution sites. The possible catalytic mechanism is through the adsorption of CA on the calcite surface, followed by proton transfer from the CA catalytic center to the calcite surface during CO2 hydration. This study shows that the accessibility of CA to particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) in the ocean is critical in properly estimating oceanic CaCO3 and alkalinity cycles

    Distribution of extracellular flavins in a coastal marine basin and their relationship to redox gradients and microbial community members

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    The flavins (including flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and riboflavin (RF)) are a class of organic compounds synthesized by organisms to assist in critical redox reactions. While known to be secreted extracellularly by some species in laboratory-based cultures, flavin concentrations are largely unreported in the natural environment. Here, we present pore water and water column profiles of extracellular flavins (FMN and RF) and two degradation products (lumiflavin and lumichrome) from a coastal marine basin in the Southern California Bight alongside ancillary geochemical and 16S rRNA microbial community data. Flavins were detectable at picomolar concentrations in the water column (93–300 pM FMN, 14–40 pM RF) and low nanomolar concentrations in pore waters (250–2070 pM FMN, 11–210 pM RF). Elevated pore water flavin concentrations displayed an increasing trend with sediment depth and were significantly correlated with the total dissolved Fe (negative) and Mn (positive) concentrations. Network analysis revealed a positive relationship between flavins and the relative abundance of Dehalococcoidia and the MSBL9 clade of Planctomycetes, indicating possible secretion by members of these lineages. These results suggest that flavins are a common component of the so-called shared extracellular metabolite pool, especially in anoxic marine sediments where they exist at physiologically relevant concentrations for metal oxide reduction

    A Mechanistic Study of Carbonic Anhydrase Enhanced Calcite Dissolution

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    Carbonic anhydrase (CA) has been shown to promote calcite dissolution (Liu, 2001, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1755-6724.2001.tb00531.x; Subhas et al., 2017, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1703604114), and understanding the catalytic mechanism will facilitate our understanding of the oceanic alkalinity cycle. We use atomic force microscopy (AFM) to directly observe calcite dissolution in CA‐bearing solution. CA is found to etch the calcite surface only when in extreme proximity (~1 nm) to the mineral. Subsequently, the CA‐induced etch pits create step edges that serve as active dissolution sites. The possible catalytic mechanism is through the adsorption of CA on the calcite surface, followed by proton transfer from the CA catalytic center to the calcite surface during CO2 hydration. This study shows that the accessibility of CA to particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) in the ocean is critical in properly estimating oceanic CaCO3 and alkalinity cycles

    RADIv1: a non-steady-state early diagenetic model for ocean sediments in Julia and MATLAB/GNU Octave

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    We introduce a time-dependent, one-dimensional model of early diagenesis that we term RADI, an acronym accounting for the main processes included in the model: chemical reactions, advection, molecular and bio-diffusion, and bio-irrigation. RADI is targeted for study of deep-sea sediments, in particular those containing calcium carbonates (CaCO3). RADI combines CaCO3 dissolution driven by organic matter degradation with a diffusive boundary layer and integrates state-of-the-art parameterizations of CaCO3 dissolution kinetics in seawater, thus serving as a link between mechanistic surface reaction modeling and global-scale biogeochemical models. RADI also includes CaCO3 precipitation, providing a continuum between CaCO3 dissolution and precipitation. RADI integrates components rather than individual chemical species for accessibility and is straightforward to compare against measurements. RADI is the first diagenetic model implemented in Julia, a high-performance programming language that is free and open source, and it is also available in MATLAB/GNU Octave. Here, we first describe the scientific background behind RADI and its implementations. Following this, we evaluate its performance in three selected locations and explore other potential applications, such as the influence of tides and seasonality on early diagenesis in the deep ocean. RADI is a powerful tool to study the time-transient and steady-state response of the sedimentary system to environmental perturbation, such as deep-sea mining, deoxygenation, or acidification events
