92 research outputs found

    Healthy, educated and wealthy : Is the welfare state really harmful for growth?

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    In this paper, we study how public and private expenditures in health and education affect economic growth by their influence on people's health, abilities, skills and knowledge. We consider a growth accounting framework in order to test whether welfare expenditures more than offset the efficiency losses caused by distortionary taxation, and whether the effects of public expenditure on economic growth differ from those of private expenditure. Our empirical analysis is based on a panel of 19 OECD countries observed between 1971 and 1998. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the contribution of welfare expenditures more than compensates for the distortions caused by the tax system; and the estimated positive impact is stronger for health than for education. We also find some evidence that public expenditure influences GDP growth more than private expenditure.- En este trabajo se estudia cómo el gasto público y privado en sanidad y educación afectan el crecimiento económico a través de su influencia en la salud, las habilidades y el conocimiento de los individuos. Se considera un modelo de contabilidad del crecimiento para verificar si los beneficios de los gastos sociales compensan las pérdidas de eficiencia generadas por la imposición; y si los efectos del gasto público difieren de los efectos del gasto privado. El análisis empírico se basa en un panel de 19 países de la OCDE estudiados entre el periodo de 1971 y 1998. Los resultados son consistentes con la hipótesis que afirma que la contribución del gasto social compensa las distorsiones causadas por los impuestos; y que el impacto positivo del gasto en sanidad es superior al observado para la educación. También se observa que el gasto público tiene un efecto superior sobre el crecimiento del PIB que el gasto privad

    Healthy, Educated and Wealthy: Is the Welfare State Really Harmful for Growth?

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    In this paper, we study how public and private expenditures in health and education affect economic growth by their influence on peoples health, abilities, skills and knowledge. We consider a growth accounting framework in order to test whether welfare expenditures more than offset the efficiency losses caused by distortionary taxation, and whether the effects of public expenditure on economic growth differ from those of private expenditure. Our empirical analysis is based on a panel of 19 OECD countries observed between 1971 and 1998. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the contribution of welfare expenditures more than compensates for the distortions caused by the tax system; and the estimated positive impact is stronger for health than for education. We also find some evidence that public expenditure influences GDP growth more than private expenditure.health, economic growth, education, public and private expenditure

    2-Benzoyl­pyridine semicarbazone

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    The title compound, C13H12N4O, crystallizes with two independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit. The compound crystallizes as the ZE isomer, where Z and E refer to the configuration around the C=N and N—C bonds, respectively, with an N—H⋯Npy (py is pyridine) intra­molecular hydrogen bond. The dihedral angles between the least-squares planes through the semicarbazone group and the pyridyl ring are 22.70 (9) and 27.26 (9)° for the two mol­ecules. There are intermolecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    Bending waves excited by irregular gas inflow along warps

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    Gaia has revealed clear evidence of bending waves in the vertical kinematics of stars in the solar neighbourhood. We study bending waves in two simulations, one warped, with the warp due to misaligned gas inflow, and the other unwarped. We find slow, retrograde bending waves in both models, with the ones in the warped model having larger amplitudes. We also find fast, prograde bending waves. Prograde bending waves in the unwarped model are very weak, in agreement with the expectation that these waves should decay on short, approximately crossing, time-scales, due to strong winding. However, prograde bending waves are much stronger for the duration of the warped model, pointing to irregular gas inflow along the warp as a continuous source of excitation. We demonstrate that large-amplitude bending waves that propagate through the solar neighbourhood give rise to a correlation between the mean vertical velocity and the angular momentum, with a slope consistent with that found by Gaia. The bending waves affect populations of all ages, but the sharpest features are found in the young populations, hinting that short-wavelength waves are not supported by the older, kinematically hotter, populations. Our results demonstrate the importance of misaligned gas accretion as a recurrent source of vertical perturbations of disc galaxies, including in the Milky Way


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    This text aims to analyze political-pedagogical experiences carried out in School Physical Education classes during the pandemic and neoliberal educational reforms in federal schools, with a view to reflecting on what we can learn from these educational projects at the end of this teaching moment. emergency remote and reformed high school. Fifteen texts published in 2021 were selected for thematic analysis, which were divided into three themes: problematization of health in an expanded way; cultural diversity of bodily practices; and thematization of diverse manifestations of body culture with multiple teaching activities. The highlighted experiences indicated advances in relation to the teaching of the curricular component, evidencing the overcoming not only of knowledge centered on "know-how", but pointing to the deepening of the relationship between body practices and themes of social relevance. We defend this reality as a social function of the curricular component in the post-pandemic.Este texto tiene como objetivo analizar las experiencias político-pedagógicas realizadas en las clases de Educación Física durante la pandemia y las reformas educativas neoliberales en las escuelas federales, con miras a reflexionar sobre lo que podemos aprender de estos proyectos educativos al final de este momento de enseñanza a distancia de emergencia. y bachillerato reformado. Quince textos publicados en 2021 fueron seleccionados para el análisis temático, que fueron divididos en tres temas: problematización de la salud de forma ampliada; diversidad cultural de prácticas corporales; y tematización de diversas manifestaciones de la cultura corporal con múltiples actividades didácticas. Las experiencias destacadas indicaron avances en relación a la enseñanza del componente curricular, evidenciando la superación no sólo de saberes centrados en el "saber hacer", sino apuntando a la profundización de la relación entre prácticas corporales y temas de relevancia social. Defendemos esta realidad como una función social del componente curricular en la pospandemia.Este texto tem o objetivo de analisar experiências político-pedagógicas realizadas nas aulas de Educação Física Escolar durante a pandemia e reformas educativas neoliberais em escolas da rede federal, na perspectiva de refletir sobre o que podemos aprender com esses projetos educativos ao final desse momento de ensino remoto emergencial e Ensino Médio reformado. Foram selecionados 15 textos publicados no ano de 2021, para a análise temática, que foram divididos em três temas: problematização da saúde de forma ampliada; diversidade cultural das práticas corporais; e tematização de diversificadas manifestações da cultura corporal com múltiplas atividades de ensino. As experiências destacadas indicaram avanços em relação ao ensino do componente curricular, evidenciando a superação não apenas dos conhecimentos centrados no “saber fazer”, mas apontando para o aprofundamento da relação entre as práticas corporais e os temas de relevância social. Defendemos essa realidade como função social do componente curricular no pós-pandemia


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    The title compound, C10H12FN3S, crystallizes in the same space group (P21/c) as two polymorphic forms of 4-phenyl-1-(propan-2-yl­idene)thio­semicarbazone [Jian et al. (2005). Acta Cryst. E61, o653–o654; Venkatraman et al. (2005). Acta Cryst. E61, o3914–o3916]. The arrangement of mol­ecules relative to the twofold screw axes is similar to that in the crystal structure of the lower density polymorph. In the solid state, the mol­ecular conformation is stabilized by an intra­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bond. The mol­ecules form centrosymmetric R 2 2(8) dimers in the crystal through pairs of N—H⋯S hydrogen bonds

    The pattern speeds of vertical breathing waves

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    We measure and compare the pattern speeds of vertical breathing, vertical bending, and spiral density waves in two isolated N-body+SPH simulations, using windowed Fourier transforms over 1Gyr time intervals. We show that the pattern speeds of the breathing waves match those of the spirals but are different from those of the bending waves. We also observe matching pattern speeds between the bar and breathing waves. Our results not only strengthen the case that, throughout the disc, breathing motions are driven by spirals but indeed that the breathing motions are part and parcel of the spirals

    Técnica de Moiré aplicada al análisis de esfuerzos de compresión en el bambú Guadua

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    El bambú es considerado como una materia prima muy importante para los países en vías de desarrollo, pues combina levedad con una elevada resistencia mecánica. Hasta ahora no se conoce adecuadamente el comportamiento del material cuando es sometido a los ensayos de caracterización mecánica. En este trabajo se buscó evaluar probetas de bambú (Guadua angustifolia) sometidas al ensayo de compresión simple. Se utilizó la técnica de moiré de sombra para mapear las deformaciones de las probetas en función de la cantidad de nudos presentes en ella (0, 1 ó 2). Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron la adecuación de la técnica utilizada, permitiendo observar la distribución de las líneas de iso-deformación en el bambú. AbstractBamboo is considered an important raw material in developing countries because its physical characteristics associate lightness with high mechanical resistance. However its behavior obtained from mechanical tests is not yet well defined. This research work had the objective of evaluating bamboo (Guadua angustifolia) testing specimens under simple uniaxial compression loading. Shadow moiré optical methods had been employed to generate deformation mapping as function of knots (0, 1 or 2). Obtained results indicate that the technique is well adequate in generating iso-deformation contour lines in bamboo specimens


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    O reuso da água de efluentes é um dos principais desafios para alcançar o desenvolvimento sustentável. Corantes da indústria têxtil podem contaminar solos, percolar e atingir cursos hídricos. Os Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POA), como a fotocatálise heterogênea com radiação de luz UV e nanopartículas metálicas, geram espécies reativas de oxigênio e radicais hidroxilas que podem reduzir agentes poluidores de efluentes. Este trabalho sintetizou nanopartículas de óxido de zinco (ZnO-NP) e dióxido de titânio (TiO2-NP) a fim de fotodegradar o corante azul de metileno e amarelo de tartrazina. Foi realizada a caracterização cristalográfica e morfológica das nanopartículas por difração de raios-X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura de alta resolução. As sínteses produziram partículas nanométricas. O corante azul de metileno teve maior degradação por TiO2-NP (82 a 85%), já o corante amarelo de tartrazina com a ZnO-NP (79,6% de remoção). Conclui-se que as nanopartículas combinadas com POA são uma alternativa eficaz para a degradação fotocatalítica de corantes


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    O reuso da água de efluentes é um dos principais desafios para alcançar o desenvolvimento sustentável. Corantes da indústria têxtil podem contaminar solos, percolar e atingir cursos hídricos. Os Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POA), como a fotocatálise heterogênea com radiação de luz UV e nanopartículas metálicas, geram espécies reativas de oxigênio e radicais hidroxilas que podem reduzir agentes poluidores de efluentes. Este trabalho sintetizou nanopartículas de óxido de zinco (ZnO-NP) e dióxido de titânio (TiO2-NP) a fim de fotodegradar o corante azul de metileno e amarelo de tartrazina. Foi realizada a caracterização cristalográfica e morfológica das nanopartículas por difração de raios-X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura de alta resolução. As sínteses produziram partículas nanométricas. O corante azul de metileno teve maior degradação por TiO2-NP (82 a 85%), já o corante amarelo de tartrazina com a ZnO-NP (79,6% de remoção). Conclui-se que as nanopartículas combinadas com POA são uma alternativa eficaz para a degradação fotocatalítica de corantes