7,799 research outputs found


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    In vivo biomechanical investigations of human movement are needed to better understand function and injury mechanism of the musculoskeletal system and to validate models or methods that otherwise could not be validated. In this report, we showcase two biomechanical approaches that use in vivo experiments to directly measure skin movement artefacts and the role of hamstring neuromuscular control in protecting the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The study on skin movement artefacts revealed that surface markers provided kinematics which can present repeatable patterns within a participant for various movements. However these repeatable patterns must not be misinterpreted as accurately representing skeletal kinematics, at least beyond the sagittal plane of movement. In the second investigation the neuromuscular control of the hamstring and gastrocnemius muscles showed a protective mechanism to prevent excessive ACL elongation, whereas the quadriceps muscles resisted against the collapsing of the knee joint after foot impact with the ground. This paper highlights the value of in vivo experimentation in contributing to our understanding of biomechanical functions or processes

    Development of Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detectors for NIKA

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    Lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors(LEKIDs) have recently shown considerable promise as direct absorption mm-wavelength detectors for astronomical applications. One major research thrust within the N\'eel Iram Kids Array (NIKA) collaboration has been to investigate the suitability of these detectors for deployment at the 30-meter IRAM telescope located on Pico Veleta in Spain. Compared to microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKID), using quarter wavelength resonators, the resonant circuit of a LEKID consists of a discrete inductance and capacitance coupled to a feedline. A high and constant current density distribution in the inductive part of these resonators makes them very sensitive. Due to only one metal layer on a silicon substrate, the fabrication is relatively easy. In order to optimize the LEKIDs for this application, we have recently probed a wide variety of individual resonator and array parameters through simulation and physical testing. This included determining the optimal feed-line coupling, pixel geometry, resonator distribution within an array (in order to minimize pixel cross-talk), and resonator frequency spacing. Based on these results, a 144-pixel Aluminum array was fabricated and tested in a dilution fridge with optical access, yielding an average optical NEP of ~2E-16 W/Hz^1/2 (best pixels showed NEP = 6E-17 W/Hz^1/2 under 4-8 pW loading per pixel). In October 2010 the second prototype of LEKIDs has been tested at the IRAM 30 m telescope. A new LEKID geometry for 2 polarizations will be presented. Also first optical measurements of a titanium nitride array will be discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 12 figures; ISSTT 2011 Worksho

    Communication in the Gig Economy: Buying and Selling in Online Freelance Marketplaces

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    The proliferating gig economy relies on online freelance marketplaces, which support relatively anonymous interactions by text-based messages. Informational asymmetries thus arise that can lead to exchange uncertainties between buyers and freelancers. Conventional marketing thought recommends reducing such uncertainty. However, uncertainty reduction and uncertainty management theories indicate that buyers and freelancers might benefit more from balancing, rather than reducing, uncertainty, such as by strategically adhering to or deviating from common principles. With dyadic analyses of calls for bids and bids from a leading online freelance marketplace, this study reveals that buyers attract more bids from freelancers when they provide moderate degrees of task information and concreteness, avoid sharing personal information, and limit the affective intensity of their communication. Freelancers’ bid success and price premiums increase when they mimic the degree of task information and affective intensity exhibited by buyers. However, mimicking a lack of personal information and concreteness reduces freelancers’ success, so freelancers should always be more concrete and offer more personal information than buyers do. These contingent perspectives offer insights into buyer–seller communication in two-sided online marketplaces; they clarify that despite, or sometimes due to, communication uncertainty, both sides can achieve success in the online gig economy

    A Few Considerations on Structural and Logical Composition in Specification Theories

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    Over the last 20 years a large number of automata-based specification theories have been proposed for modeling of discrete,real-time and probabilistic systems. We have observed a lot of shared algebraic structure between these formalisms. In this short abstract, we collect results of our work in progress on describing and systematizing the algebraic assumptions in specification theories.Comment: In Proceedings FIT 2010, arXiv:1101.426

    Does the Vulnerable sun bear Helarctos malayanus damage crops and threaten people in oil palm plantations?

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    Largely as a result of the expansion of oil palm Elaeis guineensis, forest fragmentation has occurred on a large scale in Borneo. There is much concern about how forest-dependent species, such as the Vulnerable sun bear Helarctos malayanus, can persist in this landscape. The absence of sufficient natural food in forest fragments could drive sun bears into oil palm plantations, where they risk coming into conflict with people. We interviewed oil palm plantation workers and farmers in the Lower Kinabatangan region of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, to ascertain if sun bears were utilizing plantations, if they were causing damage to the crop, and how the bears were perceived by people. To obtain a comparative baseline we extended these questions to include other species as well. We found that bears were rarely encountered in plantations and were not considered to be destructive to the oil palm crop, although they were generally feared. Other species, such as macaques Macaca spp., bearded pigs Sus barbatus, and elephants Elephas maximus, had more destructive feeding habits. Sun bears could use this readily available food resource without being targeted for retribution, although incidental human-related mortality remains a risk. Although bears could gain some nutritional benefit from oil palm, plantations do not provide the diversity of food and cover available in a natural forest

    NIKA: A millimeter-wave kinetic inductance camera

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    Current generation millimeter wavelength detectors suffer from scaling limits imposed by complex cryogenic readout electronics. To circumvent this it is imperative to investigate technologies that intrinsically incorporate strong multiplexing. One possible solution is the kinetic inductance detector (KID). In order to assess the potential of this nascent technology, a prototype instrument optimized for the 2 mm atmospheric window was constructed. Known as the N\'eel IRAM KIDs Array (NIKA), it was recently tested at the Institute for Millimetric Radio Astronomy (IRAM) 30-meter telescope at Pico Veleta, Spain. The measurement resulted in the imaging of a number of sources, including planets, quasars, and galaxies. The images for Mars, radio star MWC349, quasar 3C345, and galaxy M87 are presented. From these results, the optical NEP was calculated to be around 1×10151 \times 10^{-15} W/ / Hz1/2^{1/2}. A factor of 10 improvement is expected to be readily feasible by improvements in the detector materials and reduction of performance-degrading spurious radiation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Anomalous Conductance Distribution in Quasi-One Dimension: Possible Violation of One-Parameter Scaling Hypothesis

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    We report measurements of conductance distribution in a set of quasi-one-dimensional gold wires. The distribution includes the second cumulant or the variance which describes the universal conductance fluctuations, and the third cumulant which denotes the leading deviation. We have observed an asymmetric contribution--or, a nonvanishing third cumulant--contrary to the expectation for quasi-one-dimensional systems in the noninteracting theories in the one-parameter scaling framework, which include the perturbative diagrammatic calculations and the random matrix theory.Comment: 5 PAGE

    Light-particle emission from the fissioning nuclei 126Ba, 188Pt and (266,272,278)/110: theoretical predictions and experimental results

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    We present a comparison of our model treating fission dynamics in conjunction with light-particle (n, p, alpha) evaporation with the available experimental data for the nuclei 126Ba, 188Pt and three isotopes of the element Z=110. The dynamics of the symmetric fission process is described through the solution of a classical Langevin equation for a single collective variable characterizing the nuclear deformation along the fission path. A microscopic approach is used to evaluate the emission rates for pre-fission light particles. Entrance-channel effects are taken into account by generating an initial spin distribution of the compound nucleus formed by the fusion of two deformed nuclei with different relative orientations