23 research outputs found

    NO Dioxygenase Activity in Hemoglobins Is Ubiquitous In Vitro, but Limited by Reduction In Vivo

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    Genomics has produced hundreds of new hemoglobin sequences with examples in nearly every living organism. Structural and biochemical characterizations of many recombinant proteins reveal reactions, like oxygen binding and NO dioxygenation, that appear general to the hemoglobin superfamily regardless of whether they are related to physiological function. Despite considerable attention to “hexacoordinate” hemoglobins, which are found in nearly every plant and animal, no clear physiological role(s) has been assigned to them in any species. One popular and relevant hypothesis for their function is protection against NO. Here we have tested a comprehensive representation of hexacoordinate hemoglobins from plants (rice hemoglobin), animals (neuroglobin and cytoglobin), and bacteria (Synechocystis hemoglobin) for their abilities to scavenge NO compared to myoglobin. Our experiments include in vitro comparisons of NO dioxygenation, ferric NO binding, NO-induced reduction, NO scavenging with an artificial reduction system, and the ability to substitute for a known NO scavenger (flavohemoglobin) in E. coli. We conclude that none of these tests reveal any distinguishing predisposition toward a role in NO scavenging for the hxHbs, but that any hemoglobin could likely serve this role in the presence of a mechanism for heme iron re-reduction. Hence, future research to test the role of Hbs in NO scavenging would benefit more from the identification of cognate reductases than from in vitro analysis of NO and O2 binding

    Genome-enabled insights into the biology of thrips as crop pests

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    Background The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), is a globally invasive pest and plant virus vector on a wide array of food, fiber, and ornamental crops. The underlying genetic mechanisms of the processes governing thrips pest and vector biology, feeding behaviors, ecology, and insecticide resistance are largely unknown. To address this gap, we present the F. occidentalis draft genome assembly and official gene set. Results We report on the first genome sequence for any member of the insect order Thysanoptera. Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Ortholog (BUSCO) assessments of the genome assembly (size = 415.8 Mb, scaffold N50 = 948.9 kb) revealed a relatively complete and well-annotated assembly in comparison to other insect genomes. The genome is unusually GC-rich (50%) compared to other insect genomes to date. The official gene set (OGS v1.0) contains 16,859 genes, of which ~ 10% were manually verified and corrected by our consortium. We focused on manual annotation, phylogenetic, and expression evidence analyses for gene sets centered on primary themes in the life histories and activities of plant-colonizing insects. Highlights include the following: (1) divergent clades and large expansions in genes associated with environmental sensing (chemosensory receptors) and detoxification (CYP4, CYP6, and CCE enzymes) of substances encountered in agricultural environments; (2) a comprehensive set of salivary gland genes supported by enriched expression; (3) apparent absence of members of the IMD innate immune defense pathway; and (4) developmental- and sex-specific expression analyses of genes associated with progression from larvae to adulthood through neometaboly, a distinct form of maturation differing from either incomplete or complete metamorphosis in the Insecta. Conclusions Analysis of the F. occidentalis genome offers insights into the polyphagous behavior of this insect pest that finds, colonizes, and survives on a widely diverse array of plants. The genomic resources presented here enable a more complete analysis of insect evolution and biology, providing a missing taxon for contemporary insect genomics-based analyses. Our study also offers a genomic benchmark for molecular and evolutionary investigations of other Thysanoptera species

    Slow Ligand Binding Kinetics Dominate Ferrous Hexacoordinate Hemoglobin Reactivities and Reveal Differences between Plants and Other Species

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    Hexacoordinate hemoglobins are found in many living organisms ranging from prokaryotes to plants and animals. They are named “hexacoordinate” because of reversible coordination of the heme iron by a histidine side chain located in the heme pocket. This endogenous coordination competes with exogenous ligand binding and causes multiphasic relaxation time courses following rapid mixing or flash photolysis experiments. Previous rapid mixing studies have assumed a steady-state relationship between hexacoordination and exogenous ligand binding that does not correlate with observed time courses for binding. Here, we demonstrate that this assumption is not valid for some hexacoordinate hemoglobins, and that multiphasic time courses are due to an appreciable fraction of pentacoordinate heme resulting from relatively small equilibrium constants for hexacoordination (KH). CO binding reactions initiated by rapid mixing are measured for four plant hexacoordinate hemoglobins, human neuroglobin and cytoglobin, and Synechocystis hemoglobin. The plant proteins, while showing a surprising degree of variability, differ from the others in having much lower values of KH. Neuroglobin and cytoglobin display dramatic biphasic time courses for CO binding that have not been observed using other techniques. Finally, an independent spectroscopic quantification of KH is presented that complements rapid mixing for the investigation of hexacoordination. These results demonstrate that hexacoordination could play a much larger role in regulating affinity constants for ligand binding in human neuroglobin and cytoglobin than in the plant hexacoordinate hemoglobins

    Microbiota and pathogens in an invasive bee: Megachile sculpturalis from native and invaded regions

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    International audienceThe present study aimed to characterise the bacterial, fungal and parasite gut community of the invasive bee Megachile sculpturalis sampled from native (Japan) and invaded (USA and France) regions via 16S rRNA and ITS2 amplicon sequencing and PCR detection of bee microparasites. The bacterial and fungal gut microbiota communities in bees from invaded regions were highly similar and differed strongly from those obtained in Japan. Core amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) within each population represented environmental micro-organisms commonly present in bee-associated niches that likely provide beneficial functions to their host. Although the overall bacterial and fungal communities of the invasive M. sculpturalis in France and the co-foraging native bees Anthidium florentinum and Halictus scabiosae, were significantly different, five out of eight core ASVs were shared suggesting common environmental sources and potential transmission. None of the 46 M. sculpturalis bees analysed harboured known bee pathogens, while microparasite infections were common in A. florentinum, and rare in H. scabiosae. A common shift in the gut microbiota of M. sculpturalis in invaded regions as a response to changed environmental conditions, or a founder effect coupled to population re-establishment in the invaded regions may explain the observed microbial community profiles and the absence of parasites. While the role of pathogen pressure in shaping biological invasions is still debated, the absence of natural enemies may contribute to the invasion success of M. sculpturalis

    Correlations Between Oxygen Affinity and Sequence Classifications of Plant Hemoglobins

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    Plants express three phylogenetic classes of hemoglobins (Hb) based on sequence analyses. Class 1 and 2 Hbs are full-length globins with the classical eight helix Mb-like fold, whereas Class 3 plant Hbs resemble the truncated globins found in bacteria. With the exception of the specialized leghemoglobins, the physiological functions of these plant hemoglobins remain unknown. We have reviewed and, in some cases, measured new oxygen binding properties of a large number of Class 1 and 2 plant nonsymbiotic Hbs and leghemoglobins. We found that sequence classification correlates with distinct extents of hexacoordination with the distal histidine and markedly different overall oxygen affinities and association and dissociation rate constants. These results suggest strong selective pressure for the evolution of distinct physiological functions

    Correlations Between Oxygen Affinity and Sequence Classifications of Plant Hemoglobins

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    Plants express three phylogenetic classes of hemoglobins (Hb) based on sequence analyses. Class 1 and 2 Hbs are full-length globins with the classical eight helix Mb-like fold, whereas Class 3 plant Hbs resemble the truncated globins found in bacteria. With the exception of the specialized leghemoglobins, the physiological functions of these plant hemoglobins remain unknown. We have reviewed and, in some cases, measured new oxygen binding properties of a large number of Class 1 and 2 plant nonsymbiotic Hbs and leghemoglobins. We found that sequence classification correlates with distinct extents of hexacoordination with the distal histidine and markedly different overall oxygen affinities and association and dissociation rate constants. These results suggest strong selective pressure for the evolution of distinct physiological functions. The leghemoglobins evolved from the Class 2 globins and show no hexacoordination, very high rates of O2 binding (∼250 μM-1 s -1), moderately high rates of O2 dissociation (∼5-15 s-1), and high oxygen affinity (Kd or P50 ≈ 50 nM). These properties both facilitate O2 diffusion to respiring N2 fixing bacteria and reduce O2 tension in the root nodules of legumes. The Class 1 plant Hbs show weak hexacoordination (K HisE7 ≈ 2), moderate rates of O2 binding (∼25 μM-1 s-1), very small rates of O2 dissociation (∼0.16 s-1), and remarkably high O2 affinities (P50 ≈ 2 nM), suggesting a function involving O 2 and nitric oxide (NO) scavenging. The Class 2 Hbs exhibit strong hexacoordination (KHisE7 ≈ 100), low rates of O2 binding (∼1 μM-1 s-1), moderately low O2 dissociation rate constants (∼1 s-1), and moderate, Mb-like O2 affinities (P50 ≈ 340 nM), perhaps suggesting a sensing role for sustained low, micromolar levels of oxygen

    MUC1* ligand, NM23-H1, is a novel growth factor that maintains human stem cells in a more naïve state.

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    We report that a single growth factor, NM23-H1, enables serial passaging of both human ES and iPS cells in the absence of feeder cells, their conditioned media or bFGF in a fully defined xeno-free media on a novel defined, xeno-free surface. Stem cells cultured in this system show a gene expression pattern indicative of a more "naïve" state than stem cells grown in bFGF-based media. NM23-H1 and MUC1* growth factor receptor cooperate to control stem cell self-replication. By manipulating the multimerization state of NM23-H1, we override the stem cell's inherent programming that turns off pluripotency and trick the cells into continuously replicating as pluripotent stem cells. Dimeric NM23-H1 binds to and dimerizes the extra cellular domain of the MUC1* transmembrane receptor which stimulates growth and promotes pluripotency. Inhibition of the NM23-H1/MUC1* interaction accelerates differentiation and causes a spike in miR-145 expression which signals a cell's exit from pluripotency