480 research outputs found

    Robot matricial

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    Considerando el rápido desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología en un mundo globalizado, dónde existen cambios e innovaciones, se puede profundizar en un tema tan actual e interesante como es la robótica. Una rama de la tecnología relativamente nueva, pero, a pesar de ello, un motor que ha impulsado el avance de la humanidad. Esta trata sobre el diseño, desarrollo y creación de máquinas capaces de realizar tareas que para el ser humano son difíciles y hasta peligrosas de efectuarDepartamento de Tecnología ElectrónicaIngeniero Técnico de Telecomunicación, Especialidad en Sistemas Electrónico

    El Test de retención visual de Benton en Lesionados cerebrales adultos

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    La memoria visual y sus alteraciones han sido estudiadas por los neuropsicólogos como síntoma de la presencia de alteraciones orgánicas cerebrales y como medida del deterioro de las operaciones mentales. Siguiendo los estudios de A. L. Benton, Wahler, Breidt, Von Kerekjarto, etcétera, los autores han comparado el comportamiento de un grupo de lesionados cerebrales adultos con un grupo de control en la tarea que supone el Test de Retención visual de Benton, Forma C, Administración A. Los resultados hallados indican que existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la valoración global del test, tanto en los diseños correctos como en los errores cometidos entre ambas muestras: los lesionados cerebrales realizan menos dibujos y más errores que el grupo de control. Estos resultados son coincidentes con los de autores anteriores y ponen de manifiesto la validez, de la prueba para la discriminación de alteraciones cerebrales. Igualmente, los autores han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambas muestras, en cuanto a las categorías de errores. Así, los lesionados cerebrales realizan más rotaciones, distorsiones y perseverancias que el grupo de control. Los resultados son igualmente coincidentes con los de autores anteriores, pudiendo establecerse que la categoría de rotación supone el signo orgánico favorito.The visual memory and its alterations have been studied by the neuropsychologists as un indication of the presence of organic alterations of the brain and to measure the damage of the brain activity. Following the studies of A. L. Benton, Wahler, Breidt, Von Kerekjarto, etc., the authors of this work have compared the behaviour of a group of brain damage adults, with a control group in the task of doing the Visual Retention Test of Benton, Form C, Administration. A, and they have found statisticaly significant differences in the overall assessment of the test not only in the correc designes but in the mistakes mude in 60th test: the brain damaged group draw less drawings and make more errors than the control group. Those results agree with the ones of the authors previously mentioned and slow the validity of the test to detect brain damages. At the sume time, the authors have found differences statisticaly significant, in 60th test, in the type of mistakes. The people with brain damage make more rotations, distortions and perseverantes than the control group. The results coincide with the ones of the authors mentioned and also can be said that rotations type shapes are the favorite organic figure

    Melhoria da Atenção à Saúde da Mulher: Prevenção do Câncer de Colo de Útero e Controle do Câncer de Mama na UBS Virgílio Costa, Pelotas/RS

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    A UBS Virgílio Costa localiza-se no bairro Fragata, em zona urbana na cidade de Pelotas. Presta serviço a, aproximadamente, 12.000 pessoas. A comunidade do Passo do Salso, pela qual a nossa equipe é responsável, não conta com uma unidade de saúde na localidade, por isso a UBS Virgílio Costa foi alocada para atender essa população que consta em 2606 habitantes. Com base em uma análise situacional identificamos que das 1307 mulheres da comunidade 680 estavam com idades entre 25 e 64 anos. Contudo, apenas 57 mulheres eram acompanhadas na UBS para prevenção de câncer de colo de útero no momento da análise, representando apenas 8%. Em relação ao controle do câncer de mama não é possível sequer avaliar devido à falta de registros. Segundo a OMS, em 2008, ocorreram 1.384.155 casos novos de câncer da mama em todo o mundo, o que torna o tipo de câncer mais comum entre as mulheres. Nesse mesmo ano, foram registrados cerca de 530 mil casos novos de câncer do colo do útero. Deste modo, este trabalho objetivou melhorar a atenção à saúde da mulher na UBS Virgílio Costa. Para isso foram elencadas ações, metas e estabelecidos indicadores para acompanhar a intervenção com base nos protocolos do Ministério da Saúde sustentando-se no monitoramento e avaliação, organização e gestão do serviço, engajamento público e qualificação da prática clínica. Após 12 semanas de intervenção, com ações sistematizadas, aumentamos nossa cobertura, além de garantir registro adequado que possibilita a coordenação do cuidado, primordial na atenção primária à saúde. Consideramos que a intervenção foi produtiva para unidade, pois houve aumento do acompanhamento das mulheres e da qualidade da atenção ao público alvo. Tal resultado só foi possível devido ao engajamento de toda a equipe nas ações propostas

    Assessment of respiratory flow cycle morphology in patients with chronic heart failure

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    Breathing pattern as periodic breathing (PB) in chronic heart failure (CHF) is associated with poor prognosis and high mortality risk. This work investigates the significance of a number of time domain parameters for characterizing respiratory flow cycle morphology in patients with CHF. Thus, our primary goal is to detect PB pattern and identify patients at higher risk. In addition, differences in respiratory flow cycle morphology between CHF patients (with and without PB) and healthy subjects are studied. Differences between these parameters are assessed by investigating the following three classification issues: CHF patients with PB versus with non-periodic breathing (nPB), CHF patients (both PB and nPB) versus healthy subjects, and nPB patients versus healthy subjects. Twenty-six CHF patients (8/18 with PB/nPB) and 35 healthy subjects are studied. The results show that the maximal expiratory flow interval is shorter and with lower dispersion in CHF patients than in healthy subjects. The flow slopes are much steeper in CHF patients, especially for PB. Both inspiration and expiration durations are reduced in CHF patients, mostly for PB. Using the classification and regression tree technique, the most discriminant parameters are selected. For signals shorter than 1 min, the time domain parameters produce better results than the spectral parameters, with accuracies for each classification of 82/78, 89/85, and 91/89 %, respectively. It is concluded that morphologic analysis in the time domain is useful, especially when short signals are analyzed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A cost of living index for Spanish cities

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    Artículo de revistaCitizens’ well-being depends both on their income levels and on the cost of living in their specific place of residence. However, very limited data are available on differences in price levels across geographical areas within a single country. This article presents a price index for Spanish urban areas covering the period 2004-2020. By way of example, according to this index, the cost of living in the two largest cities (Madrid and Barcelona) in 2020 was nearly 20% higher than the average of other Spanish urban areas. Thus, while average private sector wages in Madrid and Barcelona were 45% higher than in other cities, this gap narrows to 21% when wages are adjusted to reflect purchasing power

    Anticonvulsant Activity of Extracts of Plectranthus barbatus Leaves in Mice

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    Plectranthus barbatus is a medicinal plant used to treat a wide range of disorders including seizure. However, the anticonvulsant activity of this plant has not been studied in depth. We therefore sought to evaluate the anticonvulsant activity of a hydroalcoholic extract of P. barbatus leaves on seizures induced by strychnine sulphate (2.0 mg/kg) and pilocarpine (600 mg/kg) in mice. The extract was administered orally at 1, 10, 30, and 100 mg/kg. We report that the P. barbatus extract had marked anticonvulsant activity against strychnine-induced convulsions, but was quite ineffective against pilocarpine-induced convulsions. Further experiments will be required to identify the active molecules(s) and their mechanism(s) of action

    ¿Qué cambiaría si el Crown Hall se pintara de blanco? Walter Peterhans : fundamentos de lo arquitectónico en el Visual Training

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    Walter Peterhans (1897-1960) es un fotógrafo alemán llamado a formar parte de importantes reformas en los planes de estudio de escuelas tan significativas como la Bauhaus bajo la dirección de Meyer, la creación del IIT de Chicago al frente de Mies van der Rohe, y la fundación de la Hochschule für Gestaltung de Ulm con Max Bill como director. El legado docente del Visual Training de Walter Peterhans en Chicago es tan poderoso que ha llegado actualizado hasta nuestros días. Este texto aborda su contribución a la docencia de los cursos básicos los estudios de arquitectura, cuyo método de enseñanza se basa en enseñar a mirar. Las cuestiones centrales de su didáctica se concretan en un viaje de ida y vuelta de Alemania a Chicago, que destila una aproximación científica a la enseñanza de la percepción de las cualidades visuales del espacio. Walter Peterhans (1897-1960) is a German photographer who took part in the major curricula reforms in schools as significant as the Bauhaus under the direction of Meyer, the foundation of the IIT of Chicago with Mies van der Rohe as responsible, and the founding of the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Ulm with Max Bill as one of the precursors. The teaching legacy of German photographer Walter Peterhans and his course Visual Training is so powerful that remains up to date nowadays. This text discusses his contribution to the basic courses of architectural studies, whose teaching method is based on visual training. The central issues of their teaching are specified in a round trip from Germany to Chicago, which distills a scientific approach to teaching visual skills

    De la intuición a la metodología. Propedéutica del proyectar en el curso básico de la HfG Ulm

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    El curso básico –Grundlehre– de la Hoschschule für Gestaltung fue uno de los departamentos en que se organizaban las enseñanzas preparatorias del primer curso de la escuela alemana de diseño y arquitectura. Durante su existencia, el curso básico experimentó una evolución no solo en su planteamiento pedagógico sino también en la contribución a los objetivos sociales de la escuela. Las enseñanzas transitaron por procesos más intuitivos en sus inicios hasta momentos donde el enfoque dominante estaba estrictamente gobernado por la metodología. El Grundlehre nace como continuación del Vorkurs de la Bauhaus y se extingue como departamento independiente durante el curso 1960/61. Los protagonistas y sus diferentes aproximaciones al proyecto son los que determinan la evolución del curso básico. Este artículo propone un recorrido a través de estas enseñanzas para identificar dónde se encuentra el verdadero carácter propedéutico del curso básico, el que preparará de forma óptima a los futuros formgeber de la HfG para su actividad proyectual en los departamentos

    Study of ancient forging devices: 3D modelling and analysis using current computer methods

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    An ancient forging device in Spain has been studied, namely the forge with a waterwheel and air-blowing tube or hydraulic trompe, found near the village of Santa Eulalia de Oscos (province of Asturias, Spain). Three procedures using ad hoc methods were applied: 3D modelling, finite element analysis (FEA), and computational-fluid dynamics (CFD). The CFD results indicated the proper functioning of the trompe, which is a peculiar device based on the Venturi effect to take in air. The maximum air volume flow rate supplied to the forge by the trompe was shown to be 0.091 m3/s, and certain parameters of relevance in the trompe design presented optimal values, i.e. offering maximum air-flow supply. Furthermore, the distribution of stress over the motion-transmission system revealed that the stress was concentrated most intensely in the cogs of the transmission shaft (a kind of camshaft), registering values of up to 7.50 MPa, although this value remained below half of the maximum admissible work stress. Therefore, it was confirmed that the oak wood from which the motion system and the trompe were made functioned properly, as these systems never exceeded the maximum admissible working stress, demonstrating the effectiveness of the materials used in that period