1,989 research outputs found

    Medida de tiempos de reacción y umbrales de contraste para distintos grupos de edad y distintos iluminantes urbanos

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    La adecuada iluminación de las vías urbanas es importante para evitar posibles situaciones de riesgo durante la conducción nocturna, actividad que se produce bajo iluminación mesópica. En este estudio comparamos la eficiencia de dos tipos de iluminantes urbanos (sodio de alta presión y halogenuros metálicos) midiendo el contraste umbral y el tiempo de reacción en sujetos de tres grupos de edad. Las medidas se realizan en varias luminancias mesópicas (de0.01 cd/m2 a 1 cd/m2) y a 10º de excentricidad retiniana, por ser la parte de retina más involucrada en la detección de obstáculos. Los umbrales de contraste se miden mediante el método de límites. Concluimos que debido a los diferentes ratios S/P de las lámparas y la dispersión que produce la opacificación de los medios oculares con la edad, la lámpara HM es más eficiente para sujetos jóvenes y medianos, mientras que los sujetos mayores no encuentran diferencias entre ambas.Grado en Óptica y Optometrí

    Síndrome metabólico en salud mental

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    El Síndrome metabólico (SM), está formado por un conjunto de factores de riesgo que correlacionados entre sí causan enfermedades como la diabetes, ECV y las relacionadas con la obesidad. Actualmente, no hay consenso que permita establecer una relación causal entre los criterios que unifican el SM, sin embargo, asociaciones y estudios llevados a cabo, establecen una serie de criterios que deben cumplir los pacientes para que sean diagnosticados de SM, siendo: la presión arterial (que será mayor o igual a 135/85); dislipemia (menos de 50 mg/dl de HDL en mujeres y menor de 40 mg/dl en hombres), obesidad central o abdominal (circunferencia abdominal mayor de 102 cm en hombres y mayor de 88 cm en mujeres); glucemia (niveles de glucemia en sangre mayores de 100 mg/dl en ayunas). Según la ATPIII los pacientes deben cumplir al menos tres de estos criterios. Las personas que padecen trastornos mentales graves serán más propensas a desarrollar SM, ya que en su gran mayoría no tienen incorporados a su vida hábitos saludables. Además, no solo los hábitos son un factor predisponente, sino que la propia enfermedad y muchos tratamientos antipsicóticos son potenciadores de la misma. Por todo ello, los profesionales de la salud tendrán un papel fundamental en el proceso ya que mediante la educación para la salud se tratará el SM o evitará la aparición de este. Facilitando la prevención y logrando con ello unos resultados óptimos para los pacientes.Grado en Enfermerí

    Soybean oil based copolymers containing silicon, boron or phosphorus: polymerization, characterization and fire retardance properties

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    Introducción y antecedentes El concepto de desarrollo sostenible surgió como idea principal tras la reunión de la comisión Brundtland en 1987. Esta reunión fue organizada por Naciones Unidas con el fin de tratar el deterioro del medio ambiente, originado por el desarrollo descontrolado de la humanidad. El desarrollo sostenible fue definido como un avance social y económico que asegure una vida sana y productiva al ser humano, pero que no comprometa las posibilidades de desarrollo de las generaciones venideras. Entre las conclusiones alcanzadas, se resaltó la necesitad de disponer de una mayor variedad de fuentes de energía. La filosofía de esta cumbre fue recogida en Agenda 21, un documento que pretendía servir como guía general de actuación para alcanzar un desarrollo sostenible a todos los niveles. Respecto a las ciencias, Agenda 21 subrayaba la necesidad de emplear todo el conocimiento científico en la consecución de los objetivos del desarrollo sostenible. En este sentido, la Environmental Protection Agency acuñó en 1998 un término, Green Chemistry, que reunía estas ideas y las aplicaba a la química a través de 12 principios que debían ser cumplidos en el camino hacia una química sostenible. Entre estos principios, el uso de fuentes renovables para la obtención de materias primas ha adquirido gran relevancia debido a las previsiones de agotamiento de una de las fuentes de energía y materias primas más importantes: el petróleo. Los aceites vegetales se incluyen entre estas fuentes renovables de materias primas, siendo actualmente una de las fuentes renovables más utilizadas por la industria química. Los aceites vegetales están básicamente compuestos por triglicéridos, que son moléculas formadas por glicerol y tres ácidos grasos. En general los ácidos grasos pueden ser completamente saturados o contener varios dobles enlaces que en algunos casos pueden encontrarse conjugados, pero también existen ácidos grasos que contienen grupos hidroxilo o epóxido. Cada aceite vegetal posee una distribución característica de ácidos grasos que determina sus propiedades físicas y químicas. En lo que respecta a la química de los polímeros, los aceites vegetales constituyen una atractiva materia prima debido a la amplia gama de transformaciones químicas que pueden llevarse a cabo para sintetizar monómeros de diversa naturaleza. La epoxidación de los dobles enlaces internos es la transformación más común, ya que permite, a través de la apertura del anillo oxiránico con diferentes reactivos, la introducción de una gran variedad de grupos funcionales. Los dobles enlaces internos pueden polimerizarse directamente en condiciones térmicas, con iniciadores de radicales o por polimerización catiónica.Introducction The sustainable development concept came out of the United Nations Commision on Environment and Development in 1987 (Bruntland Commission) and it is defined as "the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". From this point, both the society and the industry have considered what a sustainable development really means and the best ways to start to achieve it from their own standpoints. The principles of the United Nations Conference on environment and Development (UNCED) held in June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, and Agenda 21, were formulated with the aim of preparing the world for the challenges of the 21st century. In this context, during the early 1990s the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) coined the phrase Green Chemistry "To promote innovative chemical technologies that reduce or eliminate the use of generation of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and use of chemical products". The main challenges of Green Chemistry and Engineeiring can be summarized as: · utilizing renewable instead of scarce resources. · avoiding toxic/dangerous chemicals in safer processes to obtain safer products. · minimizing energy use. · minimizing waste and resource use, re-using products, recovering and recycling materials. So making processes globally more efficient. Plant oils are one of the most widely applied renewable raw materials in the chemical industry for non-fuel applications. Vegetable oils are triglycerides (tri-esters of glycerol with long-chain fatty acids) with varying composition of fatty acids depending on the plant they are extracted from. Depending on the composition of plant oils, their Chemicals and physical properties are different.Vegetable oils are very used in polymer chemistry. Triglycerides have different reactive points through which we can obtain polymers from plant oils.There are two main approaches:The first one is the chemical modification of the triglycerides obtaining a large number of polymerizable monomers like expoxides or alcohols. The second approach is the direct polymerization of the carbon-carbon doubles bonds of plant oils through a free radical or a cationic mechanism.The free radical polymerization of double bonds has received less attention than cationic mechanism which has been very studied by Larock's group.In both cases thermosetting polymers with comparable properties to those of industrial can be obtained. Because of increasing use of synthetic polymeric materials during the lasts decades and the large fraction of the fire load in homes, it is necessary the use of fire retardants to reduce combustibility of the polymers, and smoke or toxic fume production. To get these requirements, the development of effective flame retardant materials is a key factor. To reduce the flammability, flame retardants can act in the gas phase or in condensed phase. In the gas phase fire retardants act as scavengers of the highly reactive radical species that propagate the combustion. In the condensed-phase fire retardants interfere in the thermal degradation processes modifying the reaction pathways and promoting the formation of char instead of volatile degradation products. Finally some flame retardants can act in both phases. Objectives The main objective of this Thesis was to develop new fire retardant biobased thermosets from vegetable oils as renewable resources. To achieve this goal it was carried out the cationic copolymerization of soybean oil, styrene and divinylbenzene with different silicon-or boron-or phosphorus containing comonomers

    Integrated batch process development based on mixed-logic dynamic optimization

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    Specialty chemicals industry relies on batch manufacturing, since it requires the frequent adaptation of production systems to market fluctuations. To be first in the market, batch industry requires decision-support systems for the rapid development and implementation of chemical processes. Moreover, the processes should be competitive to ensure their long-term viability. General-purpose and flexible plants and the consideration of physicochemical insights to define an efficient operation are also cornerstones for the success of specialty chemical industries. Precisely, this thesis tackles the systematic development of batch processes that are efficient, economically competitive, and environmentally friendly, to assist their agile introduction into production systems in grassroots and retrofit scenarios. Synthesis of conceptual processing schemes and plant allocation subproblems are solved simultaneously, taking into account the plant design. With this purpose, an optimization-based approach is proposed, where all structural alternatives are represented in a State-Equipment Network (SEN) superstructure, following formulated into a Mixed-Logic Dynamic Optimization (MLDO) problem which is later solved to minimize an objective function. Essentially, the strength of the proposed methodology lies in the modeling strategy which combines the different kinds of decisions of the integrated problem in a unique optimization model. Accordingly, it considers: (i) synthesis and allocation alternatives combination, (ii) dynamic process performance models and dynamic control variable profiles, (iii) discrete events associated to transitions of batch phases and operations, (iv) quantitative and qualitative information, (v) material transference synchronization to ensure batch integrity between unit procedures, and (vi) batch and semicontinuous processing elements. Different strategies can be used to solve the resulting MLDO problem. A deterministic direct-simultaneous approach is first proposed. The mixed-logic problem is reformulated into a mixed-integer one, which is fully-discretized to provide a Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) that is optimized using conventional solvers. Then, a Differential Genetic Algorithm (DGA) and a hybrid approach are presented. The purpose of these evolutionary strategies is to pose solution alternatives that keep solution goodness while seek for the improvement of computational efficiency to handle industrial-size problems. The optimization-based approach is applied in retrofit scenarios to solve the simultaneous process synthesis and plant allocation, taking into account the physical restrictions of existing plant elements. The production of specialty chemicals based on a competitive reactions system in an existing reactor network is first defined through process development and improvement according to different economic scenarios, decision criteria, and plant modifications. Additionally, a photo-Fenton process is optimized to eliminate an emergent wastewater pollutant in a given pilot plant, pursuing the minimization of processing time and cost. Batch process development in grassroots scenarios is also proven to be a problem of utmost importance to deal with uncertainty in future markets. Seeking for plant flexibility in several demand scenarios, the expected profit is maximized through a two-stage stochastic formulation that includes simultaneous plant design, process synthesis, and plant allocation decisions. A heuristic solution algorithm is used to handle the problem complexity. A grassroots plant design is defined to implement the previous competitive reaction system, where decisions like the feed-forward trajectories or operating modes allow the adaptation of master recipes to different demands. Finally, an acrylic fiber production example is presented to illustrate process development decisions like the selection of tasks, technological alternatives, chemicals, and solvent reuse.La indústria de productes químics especials es basa en la fabricació discontinua, ja que permet adaptar de forma freqüent els sistemes de producció en funció de les fluctuacions de mercat. Per ser líder al sector, són necessàries eines de suport a la decisió que ajudin a l’àgil desenvolupament i implementació de nous processos. A més, aquests han de ser competitius per garantir la seva viabilitat a llarg termini. Altres peces clau per una operació eficient són l’ús de plantes flexibles així com l’estudi dels fenòmens fisicoquímics. Aquesta tesis aborda justament el desenvolupament sistemàtic de processos químics discontinus que siguin eficients, econòmicament competitius i ecològics, per contribuir a la seva ràpida introducció en els sistemes de producció, tant en escenaris de plantes existents com des de les bases. En concret, es planteja la resolució simultània de la síntesi conceptual d’esquemes de procés i l’assignació d’equips, tenint en compte el disseny de la planta. Amb aquest objectiu, es proposa una metodologia de solució basada en optimització, on les alternatives estructurals es representen en una Xarxa d’Estats i Equips (SEN per les sigles en anglès) que es formula mitjançant un problema d’Optimització Dinàmica Mixta-Lògica (MLDO per les sigles en anglès) que es resol minimitzant una funció objectiu. La solidesa de la metodologia proposada rau en la estratègia de modelat del problema MLDO, que integra els diferents tipus de decisions en un sol model d’optimització. En concret, es consideren: (i) la combinació d’alternatives de síntesi i assignació d’equips, (ii) models de procés i trajectòries de control dinàmics, (iii) esdeveniments discrets associats al canvi de fase i operació, (iv) informació quantitativa i qualitativa, (v) sincronització de transferències de material en tasques consecutives, i (vi) elements de processat discontinus i semi-continus. Existeixen diverses estratègies per resoldre el problema MLDO resultant. En aquesta tesi es proposa en primer lloc un mètode determinístic directe-simultani, on el model mixt-lògic es transforma en un mixt-enter. Aquest es discretitza al seu torn de forma completa per obtenir un problema de Programació No-Lineal Mixta-Entera (MINLP per les sigles en anglès) el qual es pot resoldre utilitzant algoritmes d’optimització convencionals. A més, es presenten un Algoritme Genètic Diferencial (DGA per les sigles en anglès) i un mètode híbrid. Totes dues estratègies esdevenen alternatives de cerca amb l’objectiu de mantenir la bondat de la solució i millorar l’eficàcia de computació per tractar problemes de dimensió industrial. La metodologia de solució proposada s’aplica al desenvolupament de processos discontinus en escenaris de plantes existents, tenint en compte les restriccions físiques dels equips. Un primer exemple aborda la manufactura de productes químics basada en un sistema de reaccions competitives. Concretament, es desenvolupa i millora el procés de producció implementat en una xarxa de reactors considerant diferents escenaris econòmics, criteris de decisió, i modificacions de planta. En un segon exemple, s’optimitza el procés foto-Fenton per ser executat en una planta pilot per eliminar contaminants emergents. Buscant integrar el desenvolupament de procés i el disseny de plantes flexibles en escenaris de base, es presenta una formulació estocàstica en dues etapes per a optimitzar el benefici esperat d’acord a diversos escenaris de demanda. Per gestionar la complexitat d’aquest problema es proposa la utilització d’una heurística. Com a exemple, es planteja el disseny d’una planta de base on implementar l’anterior sistema de reaccions competitives. Decisions com les trajectòries dinàmiques de control o la configuració d’equips permeten adaptar la recepta màster en funció de la demanda. Un darrer exemple defineix el procés de producció de fibra acrílica, il·lustrant decisions com la selecció de tasques, tecnologia, reactius o reutilització de dissolvents.La industria productos químicos especiales se basa en la fabricación discontinua, la cual permite la adaptación frecuente de los sistemas de producción en función de las fluctuaciones de mercado. Para ser líder en el sector, son necesarias herramientas de soporte a la decisión que contribuyan al ágil desarrollo e implementación de nuevos procesos. Además, éstos deben ser competitivos para garantizar su viabilidad a largo plazo. Otras piezas clave para una operación eficiente son la utilización de plantas flexibles y el estudio de los fenómenos fisicoquímicos. Esta tesis aborda justamente el desarrollo sistemático de procesos químicos discontinuos que sean eficientes, económicamente competitivos y ecológicos, para contribuir a su rápida introducción en los sistemas de producción, ya sea en escenarios de plantas existentes o desde las bases. En particular, se plantea la resoluciónsimultánea de la síntesis conceptual de esquemas de proceso y la asignación de equipos, teniendo en cuenta además el diseño de planta.Con este fin, se propone una metodología de solución basada en optimización, donde todas las alternativas estructurales se representan en una Red de Estados y Equipos (SENpor sus siglas en inglés) que se formula mediante un problema de Optimización Dinámica Mixta-Lógica (MLDO por sus siglas en inglés) que se resuelve minimizando una función objetivo. La solidez de la metodología propuesta reside en la estrategia de modelado delproblema MLDO, que integra los diferentes tipos de decisiones en un solo modelo de optimización. En concreto, se consideran: (i) la combinación de alternativas de síntesis y asignación de equipos, (ii) modelos de proceso y trayectorias de control dinámicos, (iii)eventos discretos asociados al cambio de fase y operación, (iv) información cuantitativa y cualitativa, (v) sincronización de la transferencia de material en tareas consecutivas, y(vi) elementos de procesado discontinuos y semicontinuos.Existen diversas estrategias para resolver el problema MLDO resultante. En esta tesis se propone en primer lugar un método determinístico directo-simultáneo, donde el problema mixto-lógico se reformula en un mixto-entero. A su vez, éste se discretiza de formacompleta para obtener un problema de Programación No-Lineal Mixta-Entera (MINLP por sus siglas en inglés) el cual se puede resolver mediante algoritmos de optimización convencionales. Además, se presentan un Algoritmo Genético Diferencial (DGA por sussiglas en inglés) y un método híbrido. Ambas estrategias se plantean como alternativas de búsqueda con objeto de mantener la bondad de la solución y mejorar la eficacia de computación para tratar problemas de dimensión industrial.La metodología de solución propuesta se aplica al desarrollo de procesos discontinuos en escenarios con plantas existentes, teniendo en cuenta las restricciones físicas de los equipos. Un primer ejemplo aborda la fabricación de productos químicos basada en un sistema de reacciones competitivas. En concreto, se desarrolla y mejora el proceso de producción a implementar en una red de reactores considerando diferentes escenarios económicos, criterios de decisión, y modificaciones de planta. En un segundo ejemplo,se optimiza el proceso foto-Fenton a ser ejecutado en una planta piloto para eliminar contaminantes emergentes.Persiguiendo la integración del desarrollo de proceso con el diseño de plantas flexi-bles en escenarios base, se presenta asimismo una formulación estocástica en dos etapas para optimizar el beneficio esperado de acuerdo a varios escenarios de demanda. Paramanejar la complejidad de dicho problema se propone la utilización de una heurística.Como ejemplo, se plantea el diseño de una planta de base para implementar el anterior sistema de reacciones competitivas, donde decisiones como las trayectorias dinámicas de control o la configuración de equipos permiten adaptar la receta máster en función de lademandas. Por último, se presenta un ejemplo donde se define el proceso de producción de fibra acrílica, ilustrando decisiones como la selección de tareas, alternativas tecnológicas, reactivos químicos o la reutilización de disolventes.Postprint (published version

    Quality assurance mechanisms in agrifood: The case of the Spanish fresh meat sector

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    The largest fresh meat brand names in Spain are analyzed here to study how quality is signaled in agribusiness and how the underlying quality -assurance organizations work. Results show, first, that organizational form varies according to the specialization of the brand name. Publicly-controlled brand names are grounded on market contracting with individual producers, providing stronger incentives. In contrast, private brands rely more on hierarchy, taking advantage of its superiority in solving specific coordination problems. Second, the seemingly redundant coexistence of several quality indicators for a given product is explained in efficiency terms. Multiple brands are shown to be complementary, given their specialization in guaranteeing different attributes of the product.Quality assurance, co-branding, agriculture, vertical integration, contracts

    Assisted Migration of Forests as a climate change economic mitigation strategy: Marie Curie Actions Final Report

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    The main purpose of this proposal was to provide the necessary tools to address a particular case ofadaptation and mitigation of forests to climate change in Western Europe: the translocation of treepopulation to compensate for climate change (Assisted Migration; AM).Tree populations have been moved with different purposes before, and we started analyzing theseparticular cases in Europe. In particular, we analyzed a well-document failed case of populationtranslocation of Pinus pinaster Ait from the Iberian peninsula to southern France, which entailed anenormous economic loss that led to the only case where the use of foreign tree populations wasprohibited by the European Union, which otherwise promotes the free exchange of seeds betweenecologically matched sites (EU Council Directive 1999/105/EC of 22 December 1999). An opinionpaper (Restoration Ecology 2013) and a reply letter (Bioscience 2013) are related to theseexperiences analyzing translocations in the past.A second step was devoted to propose new scenarios for translocations in the future based on climatedata and the fitness (measured as the volume/year as recorded in NFI). To do that, we producedscenarios (theoretical representation) of assisted migration actions for two important candidates forAM in Europe: Pinus pinaster and Pinus halepensis. We harmonized the Spanish and FrenchNational Forest Inventories for standing volume and mortality, which allowed us to run modelscovering Western Europe. Target zones were selected from provenances with high sensitivity andseed zones from provenances with low sensitivity to climate change; the latter can be considered“seed refugia” as the climate changes. Three plausible scenarios for translocation to the target zonewere developed on the basis of volume simulations calibrated with different planting Abies albastrategies: 1) seeds only from foreign provenances; 2) foreign provenances plus local seeds; and 3)only local seeds. Our results suggested that volume and mortality trends were not always correlatedwith seed sources and targets, that projected provenances mortality do not follow always asouthern-northern pattern and that seed refugia, if any, may be useful for compensating for the effectsof climate change only in a subset of provenances (this approximation has been published in thejournal New Forests 2015).To evaluate which native forests are likely candidates for AM we estimated the vulnerability of thenative species in Western Europe including the sensitivity, the exposure and the adaptive capacity ofthe major tree species in ecological models for creating scenarios for current climatic conditions andfuture ones. The results of these simulations are considering for publication in the journal EcologicalApplications. Our results suggest that management programs should be different for mountainconifers populations occurring at their rear-edge of their distribution that need to be sampled moreintensively to preserve their genetic resources compared to lowland widespread temperate specieswhere vulnerabilities seem lower and populations more homogeneous. Likewise, for rear-edgepopulations, ex-situ programs considering some compensation for climate change (assistedProject No.: 327778Period number: 1stRef: 327778_AMECO_Final_Report11_20151222_165135_CET.pdfPage - 3 of 11migration) may be essential to preserve the populations for which conditions become too harsh butthat may have a better chance in higher latitudes and altitudes.The adaptation of socio-ecological systems to climate change depends not only on the evolutionarypotential of natural populations but on the decisions taken by social actors that mediate naturalprocesses. To succeed in moving trees to compensate for climate change the development of adecision framework based on variations in tree fitness in relation with climate is a priority. In trees,provenance trials provide new insights to understand the future of populations under climate change.We use data from an European network of 33 provenance tests of Abies alba planted in 5 sites inFrance to predict spatial variation in tree height at 9 years old in the present and in the near future.We integrated the outputs of the height tree model in combination with the ones of habitat suitabilityfor each of the climate scenarios in a decision framework to guide assisted colonization tocompensate for climate change. We apply three decision rules to cope with the uncertain states of theworld represented by four climate change scenarios showing that there is no unique ‘best decision’and that the general recommendation of mixtures of populations, although probably not the mostproductive, can reduce uncertainty in the long term by allowing natural forests to evolve

    Graphitic carbon nanostructures from cellulose

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    Graphitic carbon nanostructures have been synthesized from cellulose via a simple methodology that essentially consists of the steps: (i) hydrothermal treatment of cellulose at 250 °C and (ii) impregnation of the carbonaceous product with a nickel salt followed by thermal treatment at 900 °C. The formation of graphitic carbon nanostructures seems to occur by a dissolution–precipitation mechanism in which amorphous carbon is dissolved in the catalyst nanoparticles and then precipitated as graphitic carbon around the catalyst particles. The subsequent removal of the nickel nanoparticles and amorphous carbon by oxidative treatment leads to graphitic nanostructures with a coil morphology. This material exhibits a high degree of crystallinity and large and accessible surface area.The financial support for this research work provided by the Spanish MCyT (MAT2008-00407) is gratefully acknowledged. M. S. acknowledges the assistance of the Spanish MCyT for the award of a Postdoctoral Mobility contract.Peer reviewe

    Superior Capacitive Performance of Hydrochar-Based Porous Carbons in Aqueous Electrolytes

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    This is the accepted version of the following article: Fuertes, A. B. and Sevilla, M. (2015), Superior Capacitive Performance of Hydrochar-Based Porous Carbons in Aqueous Electrolytes. ChemSusChem, 8: 1049–1057. doi: 10.1002/cssc.201403267, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cssc.201403267. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with the Wiley Self-Archiving PolicyBiomass-based highly porous carbons with excellent performances in aqueous electrolyte-based supercapacitors have been developed. The synthesis of these materials is based on the chemical activation of biomass-based hydrochar. The addition of melamine to the activation mixture leads to porous carbons with a porosity consisting of micropores/small mesopores. Furthermore, melamine promotes the introduction of nitrogen heteroatoms in the carbon framework, along with abundant oxygen functionalities, to improve the wettability. The materials produced in the presence or absence of melamine exhibit high specific capacitances in aqueous electrolytes (>270 F g−1 in H2SO4 and >190 F g−1 in Li2SO4). Additionally, the mesopores present in the melamine-based micro-/mesoporous carbons notably improve the ion-transport kinetics, especially in Li2SO4. Furthermore, in Li2SO4, they remain stable up to a cell voltage of 1.6 V; thus exhibiting superior energy and power characteristics than those in H2SO4.This research work was supported by the Spanish MINECO (MAT2012-31651). M. S. thanks the Spanish MINECO for her Ramón y Cajal contract.Peer reviewe

    Direct Synthesis of Highly Porous Interconnected Carbon Nanosheets and Their Application as High-Performance Supercapacitors

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    An easy, one-step procedure is proposed for the synthesis of highly porous carbon nanosheets with an excellent performance as supercapacitor electrodes. The procedure is based on the carbonization of an organic salt, i.e., potassium citrate, at a temperature in the 750–900 °C range. In this way, carbon particles made up of interconnected carbon nanosheets with a thickness of <80 nm are obtained. The porosity of the carbon nanosheets consists essentially of micropores distributed in two pore systems of 0.7–0.85 nm and 0.95–1.6 nm. Importantly, the micropore sizes of both systems can be enlarged by simply increasing the carbonization temperature. Furthermore, the carbon nanosheets possess BET surface areas in the ∼1400–2200 m2 g–1 range and electronic conductivities in the range of 1.7–7.4 S cm–1 (measured at 7.1 MPa). These materials behave as high-performance supercapacitor electrodes in organic electrolyte and exhibit an excellent power handling ability and a superb robustness over long-term cycling. Excellent results were obtained with the supercapacitor fabricated from the material synthesized at 850 °C in terms of both gravimetric and volumetric energy and power densities. This device was able to deliver ∼13 Wh kg–1 (5.2 Wh L–1) at an extremely high power density of 78 kW kg–1 (31 kW L–1) and ∼30 Wh kg–1 (12 Wh L–1) at a power density of 13 kW kg–1 (5.2 kW L–1) (voltage range of 2.7 V).This research work was supported by the Spanish MINECO (MAT2012-31651). M.S. acknowledges the award of a Ramón y Cajal contract.Peer reviewe

    Fabrication of porous carbon monoliths with a graphitic framework

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    [EN] Macro/mesoporous carbon monoliths with a graphitic framework were synthesized by carbonizing polymeric monoliths of poly(benzoxazine-co-resol). The overall synthesis process consists of the following steps: (a) the preparation of polymeric monoliths by co-polymerization of resorcinol and formaldehyde with a polyamine (tetraethylenepentamine), (b) doping the polymer with a metallic salt of Fe, Ni or Co, (c) carbonization and (d) the removal of inorganic nanoparticles. The metal nanoparticles (Fe, Ni or Co) formed during the carbonization step catalyse the conversion of a fraction of amorphous carbon into graphitic domains. The resulting carbon monoliths contain >50 wt.% of graphitic carbon, which considerably improves their electrical conductivity. The use of tetraethylenepentamine in the synthesis results in a nitrogen-containing framework. Textural characterization of these materials shows that they have a dual porosity made up of macropores and mesopores (∼2–10 nm), with a BET surface area in the 280–400 m2 g−1 range. We tested these materials as electrodes in organic electrolyte supercapacitors and found that no conductive additive is needed due to their high electrical conductivity. In addition, they show a specific capacitance of up to 35 F g−1, excellent rate and cycling performance, delivering up to 10 kW kg−1 at high current densities.The financial support for this research work provided by the Spanish MCyT (CQT2011-24776 and MAT2012-31651) is gratefully acknowledged. M. S. thanks the Spanish MCyT for the award of a Ramón y Cajal contract.Peer reviewe