475 research outputs found

    Responsabilidad civil de los administradores de sociedades comerciales en Colombia

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    En Colombia existen diferentes tipos societarios mediante los cuales los socios o accionistas ponen en manos de terceras personas su capital social, con el fin de que este prospere y les genere ganancias; a estas terceras personas se les ha denominado administradores. Los administradores de las sociedades comerciales tienen una gran responsabilidad, pues los errores o malas actuaciones de estas personas pueden acarrear daños al patrimonio de las compañías y, dependiendo de la gravedad, poner en peligro la existencia de las mismas, derivando así en daños en el patrimonio de los socios o accionistas. Por tal razón, por vía normativa, y a través de la evolución de la jurisprudencia de la honorable Corte Suprema de Justicia y de la Superintendencia de Sociedades, se han establecido estándares de comportamiento y de responsabilidad para los citados administradores.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira -- Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales -- Especialización en Derecho de Daños y Responsabilidad Pública y PrivadaIn Colombia there are different types of companies through which partners or shareholders place their capital stock in the hands of third parties in order for it to prosper and generate profits for them; These third parties have been called administrators.The administrators of the commercial companies have a great responsibility, since the errors or bad actions of these people can cause damage to the assets of the companies and, depending on the severity, endanger their existence, thus resulting in damage to the company. patrimony of the partners or shareholders, for this reason, through regulation and through the evolution of the jurisprudence of the honorable Supreme Court of Justice and the Superintendency of Companies, standards of behavior and responsibility have been established for the aforementioned administrators

    Decreased lung fibroblast growth factor 18 and elastin in human congenital diaphragmatic hernia and animal models.

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    International audienceRATIONALE: Lung hypoplasia in congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) seems to involve impaired alveolar septation. We hypothesized that disturbed deposition of elastin and expression of fibroblast growth factor 18 (FGF18), an elastogenesis stimulus, occurs in CDH. OBJECTIVES: To document FGF18 and elastin in human CDH and ovine surgical and rat nitrofen models and to use models to evaluate the benefit of treatments. METHODS: Human CDH and control lungs were collected post mortem. Diaphragmatic hernia was created in sheep at 85 days; fetal lungs were collected at 139 days (term = 145 days). Pregnant rats received nitrofen at 12 days; fetal lungs were collected at 21 days (term = 22 days). Some of the sheep fetuses with hernia underwent tracheal occlusion (TO); some of the nitrofen-treated pregnant rats received vitamin A. Both treatments are known to promote lung growth. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Coincidental with the onset of secondary septation, FGF18 protein increased threefold in control human lungs, which failed to occur in CDH. FGF18 labeling was found in interstitial cells of septa. Elastin staining demonstrated poor septation and markedly decreased elastin density in CDH lungs. Consistently, lung FGF18 transcripts were diminished 60 and 83% by CDH in sheep and rats, respectively, and elastin density and expression were diminished. TO and vitamin A restored FGF18 and elastin expression in sheep and rats, respectively. TO restored elastin density. CONCLUSIONS: Impaired septation in CDH is associated with decreased FGF18 expression and elastic fiber deposition. Simultaneous correction of FGF18 and elastin defects by TO and vitamin A suggests that defective elastogenesis may result, at least partly, from FGF18 deficiency

    Association between cervical cancer and dietary patterns in Colombia

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    Cervical cancer is a global public health problem. It is the second leading cause of death among women of childbearing age worldwide. Several factors, including diet, have been shown to influence the risk of persistent HPV infection and tumor progression. This paper determines the relationship between dietary patterns and cervical cancer. It is an ecological study of multiple groups, based on two national sources: the High-Cost Account and the National Survey of Nutritional Situation of Colombia of 2015. The population consisted of 3472 women aged 35 to 64. The incidence of cervical cancer was used as the dependent variable while the independent variables included food consumption according to established patterns, area of residence, age, physical activity, and BMI, among other variables. The statistical analysis performed through associations between variables was evaluated by multiple linear regression using R2. 38.9% of the evaluated population belonged to the first quartile of wealth, and 76.5% resided in the municipal capital. The incidence of cervical cancer in Colombia was associated with being affiliated to a state-subsidized health regime and having diabetes mellitus. A conservative eating pattern, as well as belonging to a rural area, are evidenced as protective factors. These results invite the need to encourage public policies and promote healthy lifestyles

    Surfactant Maturation Is Not Delayed in Human Fetuses with Diaphragmatic Hernia

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    In an autopsy study of human fetuses, Jacques Bourbon and colleagues report that pulmonary surfactant content is not decreased in congenital diaphragmatic hernia

    Direccionamiento estratégico para el período 2021 - 2023 de la Empresa Transportes Especiales del Valle Ltda ubicada en la ciuda de Cali.

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    En este documento se diseña la propuesta de un direccionamiento estratégico para la empresa TRANSPORTES ESPECIALES TOURS DEL VALLE LTDA por medio de la elaboración de un diagnóstico externo e interno, en el cual se implementaron diferentes herramientas de análisis, entre las cuales está la matriz DOFA, la matriz de evaluación de factores externos (EFE), la matriz de evaluación de factores internos (EFI) y la matriz del perfil competitivo (MPC). Las herramientas antes mencionadas hacen parte del modelo de direccionamiento estratégico de José María Sainz de Vicuña Ancín, además, se implementó el análisis del sector, por medio de las cinco fuerzas competitivas de Michael Porter para realizar un diagnóstico exhaustivo. En el desarrollo del direccionamiento estratégico se utiliza como herramienta de recolección de datos cuantitativo la encuesta, la cual se aplica a los colaboradores del área administrativa. Posteriormente se establecen los objetivos estratégicos y así diseñar un plan de acción que oriente a la organización de manera clara para la ejecución de los objetivos estratégicos planteados. Por último, se plantea un plan de seguimiento y control para las estrategias diseñadas, con el fin de mejorar y controlar los procesos de la empresa.PregradoADMINISTRADOR(A) DE EMPRESA

    Elaboración casera de crema humectante con potencial antibacteriano

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    Los compuestos antimicrobianos son altamente estudiados en la industria en diferentes áreas que van desde compuestos activos en medicamentos como antibióticos, hasta productos cosméticos de usos tópicos. Muchos de estos compuestos son encontrados en extractos de origen natural y son ampliamente utilizados e investigados en la industria gracias a sus propiedades y bajos efectos adversos en quienes los consume. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, conociendo las propiedades del ajo (Allium sativum), se pretende evaluar el extracto con potencialidad antimicrobiana en cultivos bacterianos caseros, para ser agregado en una crema humectante, como compuesto activo profiláctico y/o protector. Por otro lado, gracias a la crisis sanitaria que atraviesa la humanidad a nivel global con el Covid - 19, se han implementado este proyecto como una estrategias de aprendizaje desde la virtualidad, que lleva a prácticas de laboratorio limitadas, sin embargo, las temáticas abordadas en este proyecto son enfocadas en el alcance de conocimientos del área de la Biotecnología, biología, microbiología y la química, en donde, por medio de ensayos caseros, se pretende conocer los métodos necesarios para la elaboración de un producto con potencial comercial y tiene un acercamiento a los protocolos usados eventualmente en un laboratorio. El producto obtenido en este curso complementario puede ser mejorado con Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura (BPM) e introducirse al mercado bajo cumpliendo la reglamentación vigente, siendo este una proyección al emprendimiento empresarial del aprendiz, ampliando la visión de la ciencia aplicada a la industria

    Matrix Metalloproteinase Gene Polymorphisms and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Identification of MMP16 as a New Player in Lung Development

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    International audienceBACKGOUND: Alveolarization requires coordinated extracellular matrix remodeling, a process in which matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play an important role. We postulated that polymorphisms in MMP genes might affect MMP function in preterm lungs and thus influence the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). METHODS AND FINDINGS: Two hundred and eighty-four consecutive neonates with a gestational age of <28 weeks were included in this prospective study. Forty-five neonates developed BPD. Nine single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were sought in the MMP2, MMP14 and MMP16 genes. After adjustment for birth weight and ethnic origin, the TT genotype of MMP16 C/T (rs2664352) and the GG genotype of MMP16 A/G (rs2664349) were found to protect from BPD. These genotypes were also associated with a smaller active fraction of MMP2 and with a 3-fold-lower MMP16 protein level in tracheal aspirates collected within 3 days after birth. Further evaluation of MMP16 expression during the course of normal human and rat lung development showed relatively low expression during the canalicular and saccular stages and a clear increase in both mRNA and protein levels during the alveolar stage. In two newborn rat models of arrested alveolarization the lung MMP16 mRNA level was less than 50% of normal. CONCLUSIONS: MMP16 may be involved in the development of lung alveoli. MMP16 polymorphisms appear to influence not only the pulmonary expression and function of MMP16 but also the risk of BPD in premature infants