117 research outputs found

    Plan de mercadeo para incrementar la colocación y facturación de la tarjeta corporativa Colsubsidio

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    El principal objetivo de esta investigación ha sido la elaboración de un plan de mercadeo que permita el crecimiento de la colocación de la tarjeta corporativa Colsubsidio, impactando la participación en los resultados comerciales de la empresa, la elaboración de esta estrategia se basa en identificar la problemática y en desarrollar los objetivos propuestos al inicio de esta investigación. Se realizó un diagnóstico estratégico para identificar las debilidades, oportunidades, fortalezas y amenazas que presenta Colsubsidio para la colocación de la tarjeta en la cual se extrajo información de las actas de los comités comerciales, se realizó un análisis del producto y de los servicios ofrecidos. De acuerdo a los resultados de la matriz DOFA podemos indicar que Colsubsidio tiene un ambiente externo favorable, lo cual quiere decir que las amenazas se están haciendo a un lado para concentrarse en las oportunidades que tenemos y explotarlas al máximo para que la organización tenga un mejor desempeño en el mercado. Para determinar el mercado objetivo se focalizara la colocación de la tarjeta corporativa, en el segmento con mayor potencial que son las empresas categorizadas como AA, el cual será nuestra población objeto de estudio, se tomó una muestra de 127 empresas y se utilizó el muestreo aleatorio simple proporcional para poblaciones finitas ya que no se conoce el valor de la varianza. Los resultados de la encuestas reflejaron tres hechos relevantes, en primer lugar las empresas se sienten inconforme con los cupos ya que son por poco monto para las actividades empresariales que ellos realizan, en segundo término el cupo rotativo de la tarjeta corporativa facilita el flujo de caja y da liquidez a las empresas y como tercer punto hay una población importante de empresas que no conocen la tarjeta corporativa y sus beneficios la cual es la que se debe abordar los ejecutivos del área comercial. La solución al problema objeto de la investigación es el desarrollo de un plan de mercadeo el cual logre el incremento de la tarjeta corporativa. Se analizaron las herramientas matriz DOFA y fuerzas de Porter con ellas se diseñaron estrategias de mercadeo estratégico y táctico para llegar a los resultados esperados, implementados en el siguiente trabajo.The main objective of this research has been the development of a marketing plan that allows growth of the placement of the corporate card Colsubsidio, affecting participation in the trade performance of the company, the development of this strategy is based on identifying the problems and developing the objectives set at the beginning of this research. A strategic diagnosis was performed to identify weaknesses , opportunities, strengths and threats presented Colsubsidio for placement of the card; information meeting minutes of the trade committees was extracted , an analysis of the product and services offered was performed. According to the results of the SWOT matrix we can indicate that Colsubsidio has a favorable external environment , which means that threats are being set aside to focus on the opportunities we have and exploit them to the maximum for the organization to have a better market performance . To determine the target market, will be focused the placement of the corporate card in the segment with greatest potential that are companies categorized as AA; which will be our study population ; a sample of 127 companies was taken and the proportional simple random sampling for finite populations was used because no variance value known. About the results of the surveys , these reflected three relevant facts ; first companies feel dissatisfied with the allocation of quotas as they are approved by very small amounts , which reaches not cover various business activities performed; secondly with a favorable acceptance , identify the rotary quota Corporate Card provides cash flow and provides liquidity to companies and as third point there is a significant population of companies that do not know the corporate card and its benefits, reflecting a new potential market which should be visited by executives from the commercial area . The solution to the problem under investigation is the development of a marketing plan which achieves the increase in the placement of the corporate card

    Role of Intestinal LXRα in Regulating Post-prandial Lipid Excursion and Diet-Induced Hypercholesterolemia and Hepatic Lipid Accumulation

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    Post-prandial hyperlipidemia has emerged as a cardiovascular risk factor with limited therapeutic options. The Liver X receptors (Lxrs) are nuclear hormone receptors that regulate cholesterol elimination. Knowledge of their role in regulating the absorption and handling of dietary fats is incomplete. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of intestinal Lxrα in post-prandial intestinal lipid transport. Using Lxrα knockout (nr1h3−/−) and intestine-limited Lxrα over-expressing [Tg(fabp2a:EGFP-nr1h3)] zebrafish strains, we measured post-prandial lipid excursion with live imaging in larvae and physiological methods in adults. We also conducted a long-term high-cholesterol dietary challenge in adults to examine the chronic effect of modulating nr1h3 gene dose on the development of hypercholesterolemia and hepatic lipid accumulation. Over-expression of Lxrα in the intestine delays the transport of ingested lipids in larvae, while deletion of Lxrα increases the rate of lipid transport. Pre-treating wildtype larvae with the liver-sparing Lxr agonist hyodeoxycholic acid also delayed the rate of intestinal lipid transport in larvae. In adult males, deletion of Lxrα accelerates intestinal transport of ingested lipids. Adult females showed higher plasma Lipoprotein lipase (Lpl) activity compared to males, and lower post-gavage blood triacylglycerol (TAG) excursion. Despite the sexually dimorphic effect on acute intestinal lipid handling, Tg(fabp2a:EGFP-nr1h3) adults of both sexes are protected from high cholesterol diet (HCD)-induced hepatic lipid accumulation, while nr1h3−/− mutants are sensitive to the effects of HCD challenge. These data indicate that intestinal Lxr activity dampens the pace of intestinal lipid transport cell-autonomously. Selective activation of intestinal Lxrα holds therapeutic promise

    Caracterización y modificaciones del motor honda gx – 35 y diseño del sistema eléctrico del vehículo tipo prototipo shell eco – marathon

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    En el presente proyecto se realiza la selección, caracterización y modificaciones del motor Honda GX-35 para su funcionamiento con etanol, biocombustible derivado de la caña de azúcar. Se diseña también los sistemas eléctricos y sistemas de emergencia para el vehículo Supermileage, basados en el reglamento de la competencia Shell Eco – marathon 2018. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica del uso de los biocombustibles a nivel mundial, prestando especial importancia al etanol y la incidencia de su uso en la disminución de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI), mostrando una tendencia favorable cuando se mezcla en bajas concentraciones con gasolina, teniendo poca información con mezclas mayores al 50%, dado que su utilización exige modificaciones en los motores de combustión interna (MCI). Con este panorama se decide participar en la SEM, en la categoría de etanol..

    The allied naval control between the Canary Islands and the Iberian peninsula during the Second World War (September 1939-June 1940)

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    En este artículo analizaremos las detenciones llevadas a cabo por los Aliados en la zona atlántica de Canarias, cómo y por qué se llevaban a cabo y qué suponían dichas detenciones en las relaciones anglo-españolas.In this article we are going to analyse the ships’s arrest carried out by the allies in the Atlantic area of the Canary Islands, how and why these detentions were carried out and what the arrest in anglo-spanish relations entail

    Understanding the High Ionic Conductivity in Nanostructured Ytterbium Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films

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    Recently, high ionic conduction has been reported in nanostructured materials. This increase in conductivity can be important in technological applications, including micro-Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, so the understanding of this phenomenon is essential. In this work, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, SEM, EDS maps, and UV-Visible spectroscopy measurements are used to have an insight into the relationship between structural and electrical properties in nanostructured ytterbium stabilized zirconia (YbSZ) thin films prepared by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis. Raman measurements allowed the identification of a mixture of tetragonal and cubic phases at 4% of Yb doping, which cannot be detected by XRD, while the compositional maps suggest that Yb can be located preferentially in the grain boundaries. Changes in the activation energy values in bulk and grain boundaries are related to the small grain sizes (≤10 nm). UV measurements support the ionic nature of the charge transport. These results indicate that the high conductivity is a consequence of different physical parameters in the films such as stress in the materials, different crystalline phases, impurities diffusion to the grain boundaries, and the presence or absence of electronic conduction. A model that explains the increase of conductivity in nanostructured materials must include all these aspects

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Bogotá, municipios de Madrid y Facatativá, Cundinamarca

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    En el siguiente documento el lector se encontrará con el desarrollo de un informe donde se evidencia las diversas realidades y contextos en que tienen lugar los diferentes hechos violentos en el marco del conflicto armado en Colombia, que enmarca una historia y relatos de vida. Se evidencia el relato del caso de Nelson, donde se realiza una reflexión y análisis de la experiencia de una memoria histórica, desde diferentes perspectivas; identificando los emergentes psicosociales, haciendo una revisión y análisis discursivo sobre su posicionamiento como víctima o sobreviviente. Se reflexiona alrededor de los significados de la violencia desde la experiencia subjetiva del protagonista, se identifican los recursos de afrontamiento y finalmente, se hace una exposición de los elementos resilientes que se dan en el discurso. En este sentido, se genera una formulación de preguntas, circulares, reflexivas y estratégicas para el caso. Por otra parte, en el segundo tema Masacre en El Salado desde el enfoque narrativo, se logra recopilar información de los hechos violentos vividos, donde se da muestra de la capacidad de adaptación y transformación que cada víctima tiene después de los hechos ocurridos, esta comunidad busca dignificar su existencia y la reconstrucción de sus realidades contextuales a causa del conflicto armado. Es posible comprender la trascendencia de este ejercicio en el que puede darse continuidad a la memoria histórica. Finalmente, se incluye un informe analítico y reflexivo sobre la imagen y la narrativa como instrumentos para la identificación de variables psicosociales y un video resultado de la experiencia.In the following document the reader will find the development of a report where the different realities and contexts in which the different violent events take place in the framework of the armed conflict in Colombia are evidenced, framing a history and life stories. The story of Nelson's case is evidenced, where a reflection and analysis of the experience of the story is made from different perspectives; identifying the psychosocial emergents, making a review and discursive analysis of his positioning as a victim or survivor, reflecting on the meanings of violence from the subjective experience of the protagonist, identifying the coping resources and finally, an exposition of the resilient elements that occur in the discourse. In this sense, a formulation of circular, reflexive and strategic questions is generated for the case. On the other hand, in the second topic, “Masacre en El Salado”, from the narrative approach, it is possible to compile information on the violent events experienced, where it is shown the capacity of adaptation and transformation that each victim has after the events occurred, this community seeks to dignify their existence and the reconstruction of their contextual realities due to the armed conflict. It is possible to understand the transcendence of this exercise in which continuity can be given to the historical memory. Finally, an analytical and reflective report on the image and narrative as instruments for the identification of psychosocial variables is included, as well as a video resulting from the experience

    Characterization of Organs and Systems Multiple Insufficiency. Polyvalent Intensive Care Unit. Carlos Juan Finlay Central Militar Hospital. March 2008-2009.

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    Se realizó  un estudio  descriptivo-transversal y retrospectivo con el objetivo de  caracterizar la Insuficiencia Múltiple de Órganos  en el Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos Polivalentes del Hospital Militar Central “Dr. Carlos Juan Finlay”, durante el  período comprendido  entre marzo del 2006 y febrero 2007. El estudio permitió conocer que los pacientes del sexo masculino fueron los más afectados, y en este mismo grupo y en personas de más de 60 años el porcentaje de fallecidos es mayor. Los órganos y sistemas más afectados fueron: respiratorio, cardiovascular,  renal y neurológico. En los pacientes a los cuales fallaron 5 órganos la mortalidad fue de 100% y las causas de origen infeccioso fueron las que más incidieron en el desarrollo de esta entidad.It was performed a transversal- descriptive and retrospective research with the objective to characterize the  Organs Multiple Insufficiency in the Polyvalent Intensive Care Unit of  Carlos Juan Finlay Militar Central Hospital during the period March- 2008 –February -2009. This research allowed us to know that male patients were the most affected and in this same group the percentage of deceased people was mainly in the ages of 60 and older.  The most affected organs and systems were: respiratory, cardiovascular, renal and neurological. In patients with five organs failure, the mortality was about 100% and the causes of infectious origin were the most frequent in the development of this center. 

    Deletion of lysophosphatidic acid receptor LPA1 reduces neurogenesis in the mouse dentate gyrus

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    Neurogenesis persists in certain regions of the adult brain including the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus wherein its regulation is essential, particularly in relation to learning, stress and modulation of mood. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is an extracellular signaling phospholipid with important neural regulatory properties mediated by specific G protein-coupled receptors, LPA1–5. LPA1 is highly expressed in the developing neurogenic ventricular zone wherein it is required for normal embryonic neurogenesis, and, by extension may play a role in adult neurogenesis as well. By means of the analyses of a variant of the original LPA1-null mutant mouse, termed the Malaga variant or “maLPA1-null,” which has recently been reported to have defective neurogenesis within the embryonic cerebral cortex, we report here a role for LPA1 in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Proliferation, differentiation and survival of newly formed neurons are defective in the absence of LPA1 under normal conditions and following exposure to enriched environment and voluntary exercise. Furthermore, analysis of trophic factors in maLPA1-null mice demonstrated alterations in brain-derived neurotrophic factor and insulin growth factor 1 levels after enrichment and exercise. Morphological analyses of doublecortin positive cells revealed the anomalous prevalence of bipolar cells in the subgranular zone, supporting the operation of LPA1 signaling pathways in normal proliferation, maturation and differentiation of neuronal precursors