26 research outputs found

    Неизвестный список поучений киевских митрополитов

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    As a result of the study of canonical collections, it was possible to find a previously unknown manuscript of the Cycles of homilies by Kiev metropolitans of the 16th century, preserved in a copy of the beginning of the 19th century. The list was apparently made for practical purposes – to use in sermons. The language of the monument has undergone a certain russification — the scribe tried to remove the obvious traces of the “simple language” in his text.The found manuscript allows us to present the cycle of the homilies by Kiev metropolitans as a complete work. Despite its largely compilatory nature, the homilies are a valuable source on the history of the era of confessionalism in Eastern Europe. They show ways of disciplining the laypeople and clergy in conditions when Orthodoxy did not have direct government support. The period of the 16th century is sparingly consecrated by the sources of the Kiev Metropolis – which makes the study of the homilies of the Kiev metropolitans of this period more valuable.В статье речь идет о новом списке цикла поучений киевских митрополитов, обнаруженном в собрании Е.В. Барсова в Государственном историческом музее. Сборник датируется началом XIX в. и близок к списку, хранившемуся в библиотеке Жировицкого монастыря. Ценность данной находки в том, что в рукописи читаются места, испорченные в Жировицком списке, а также окончание поучения, утраченного в списке XVII в. Новый список позволяет представить цикл киевских митрополитов как законченное произведение. Несмотря на свой во многом компилятивный характер, поучения киевских митрополитов являются ценным источником по истории эпохи конфессионализма в Восточной Европе. Они показывают способы дисциплинирования духовенства и мирян в условиях, когда православие не имело прямой государственной поддержки

    Communication Design of Indian Matrimonial Advertisements in the Sunday Times of India

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    The study addresses graphic and verbal elements as part of the communication design of matrimonial advertising. Following European trends and rules of the press, the Sunday Times of India newspaper preserves the traditional features in its design for the matrimonial column. It is argued that its communication design is a mixture of two design styles: universal (easily interpreted by the wide audience) and specifically Indian. This is not a problem, since matrimonial advertisements are addressed only to in-group members. For them, the use of ethnic motives in the verbal and non-verbal components of matrimonial advertising is more appealing. Through the signs of the semiotic matrimonial code, they enter the general space of cultural communication. This evokes their trust to the verbal content, creates a comfortable atmosphere for dealing with such a delicate topic and increases the chances of successful engagement. The pragmatic significance of graphic design elements prevails over text ones. All graphic elements, ornaments, lines, linings, vignettes, frames, etc., serve to create a respectful image of the person placing the advertisement, the person on whose behalf the advertisement is placed, and the potential bride/groom. Respect and traditions are key elements of Indian culture and are reflected in the space of newspaper communication. Understanding the requirements for the publication of matrimonial advertisements reflects the social structure and the specifics of interpersonal relations between men and women, parents and children. The interpretation of both visual and verbal signs by outsiders is largely dependent on his/her experience of Indian culture. Keywords: communication design, matrimonial advertisements, Indian culture, graphic and verbal design element

    Сказание об именах из Кормчей Кирилло-Белозерской редакции

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    This article for the first time publishes the Treatise on Names from the little known redaction of the nomocanon (Kormchaia). In the Treatise the unknown author protests against the widespread use of non-Christian names in his time, such as Tomilo, Shumilo, etc., and he says that it is unacceptable for a Christian to have any name other than the one he received at baptism. He allows adding to the name only some indications of a person’s trade, his fatherland or place of origin. In this article the author analyzes the manuscript tradition of the Kirillo-Belozersk redaction that occurred no later than the first quarter of the 17th century. The redaction is the shortened text of the Canon norms of the Daniil’s redaction. Thus its composition is expanded by sections addressing real-life problems, such as: icons painted by “infidels,” unrighteous wealth, and impious names. The paper also examines the issue of the attribution of the titles of this version, which historians formerly had ascribed to Maximus the Greek.Статья представляет собой первую публикацию Сказания об именах из малоизвестной редакции Кормчей книги. В публикуемом тексте неизвестный автор протестует против распространившихся в его время нехристианских имен (Томило, Шумило) и говорит о недопустимости христианину иметь другое имя, кроме данного ему при крещении. Он позволяет добавлять к имени только указания на ремесло человека, его отечество или место рождения. В статье также дан анализ рукописной традиции Кормчей книги Кирилло-Белозерской редакции, возникшей не позднее первой четверти XVII в. и представляющей собой сокращение соборных правил Даниловской редакции. При этом ее состав дополнен статьями на актуальные темы: иконы, написанные “неверными”, неправедное богатство, неблагочестивые имена. Рассмотрена также гипотеза об атрибуции ряда статей данной редакции Максиму Греку, высказанная в научной литературе ранее

    Introspectiveness of Higher Education Students: Study and Development

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    The change in strategic guidelines in Russian education is associated with a revision of the goals of teaching and upbringing. However, the emphasis of reforms has shifted towards the formation of the required professional competences at this stage in the development of the education system of the Russian Federation. We think that it is possible to achieve the set goal of higher education through the development of the introspectiveness as a quality of the personality of students. The formation of the introspectiveness in a future specialist will have an effect on the successful mastery, expansion and transformation of social experience, as well as the internal plan of action. Thus, demonstrating the formed introspectiveness as a personality trait, the student is able to organize his educational activities independently, activities to cognize the surrounding reality and his inner world, as well as self-determine in various life situations, including the development of general cultural and professional competences. In this regard, the emphasis in the issue of developing the introspectiveness of students is made on specifying the conditions that must be created at a higher education institution for the manifestation and formation of this personality quality. The purpose of the article is to study the level of the introspectiveness of university students and develop psychological and pedagogical conditions that develop this personality quality. The leading techniques for the study of this problem were the following: Q-sort Technique; the technique for diagnostics of an individual measure of the introspectiveness degree. At the stage of the ascertaining experiment, the levels of the introspectiveness of university students were revealed. The results of the ascertaining experiment convincingly demonstrated the need to organize special work to develop the introspectiveness of students. The authors substantiated that the success of developing students’ introspectiveness is ensured by the created psychological and pedagogical conditions. A model of developing the introspectiveness as a personality quality of a future professional has been developed and tested. The results of this study create opportunities for further development of the problem in the context of the organization of lectures in the learning process for students of different courses and types of specialization. The article is intended for psychologists, tutors, education managers

    Structural Characterization of the NodD Transcription Factor

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    Abstract Using computer analysis and modeling we studied NodD transcription factor which controls expression of nodulation genes of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria. On the basis of the amino acid sequences it was predicted that in the secondary structure of NodD protein it must be present ten alpha helices and three beta sheets which form two do mains after folding. Since NodD acts in oligo meric mode, it was analy zed all four known for other similar factors of transcription ways of assembly into dime rs. Using molecular docking the probable mechanism o f NodD act ivation by binding of low molecular weight inducer (on the model o f luteolin) was clarified

    Phase II clinical trial with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (Caelyx/ Doxil) and quality of life evaluation (EORTC QLQC30) in adult patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma. Sarcoma 2005; 9

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    Abstract Background: Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD), a formulation with pharmacokinetic differences with respect to doxorubicin (DXR), might benefit patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma (STS) pretreated with DXR. Patients and methods: Patients with measurable and progressive STS received PLD at 35 mg/m 2 every 3 weeks. Quality of life before and during treatment was assessed with EORTC QLQ-C30. Results: Twenty-eight patients, 22 DXR-pretreated, were given 140 cycles (median 3, range 1-18). Activity in 27 patients (5 GIST): one complete and one partial remission (both non-GIST and without prior DXR), 12 stabilizations and 13 progressions (response rate 7.4%, 95% CI: 0-17%). Grade 3 toxicity: palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia (19% of patients), stomatitis (4%) or cutaneous (4%). Neutropenia grade !3 was detected in 16% of patients. Median relative dose intensity was 95%. Progression-free rate at 3 and 6 months was, respectively, 48 and 22%, median progression-free survival 5.8 months and median overall survival 8.7 months. QLQ-C30 at baseline and at weeks 6-11 in 23 and 13 patients, respectively, showed good reliability and validity. Quality of life did not seem to worsen during therapy. Conclusions: PLD did not induce objective remissions in 22 STS patients pretreated with DXR, but progression-free rate figures support the use of this agent in patients who have not progressed under a DXR-containing regimen. The toxicity observed was comparable to that of other PLD schedules