540 research outputs found

    Backward Compatible Multi-Path Routing

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    This project studies the behaviour of multipath routing compared to single path routing in order to demonstrate the different benefits that multipath offers. For this purpose, it have been implemented routers that have 2 routing tables with the capability of storing in one these routing tables the primary next hop for a destination through the shortest path which is calculated by the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) algorithm, as well as storing a secondary next hop calculated by the Ideal Multipath Routing Expedient (IMRE) algorithm in order to have different paths for the same destination. Besides matching on the destination address, the routers select between the primary and secondary tables based on the Time To Live (TTL) field of the IP header. The end-system can change the forwarding path immediately upon it senses the degradation of the current path by sending the packets with a different TTL value, without waiting for the slow convergence of OSPF to the changed topology. This multipath behaviour is measured for 3 different use cases. First use case measures the throughput and transmission time when transmitting a file in an ideal scenario where there are no other transmissions at the same time. Second use case performs the measurements for the same transmission as before but when there is a transmission that makes 2 links of the shortest path to be overloaded in order to check the load balancing capability of multipath routing. Finally, the third use case studies the behaviour of multipath routing when there is a failure in a link during the transmission and checks its failure resilience characteristic. Furthermore, I have studied the paths provided by the IMRE algorithm with a specific TTL match rule. I have demonstrated that in this architecture some TTLs might result in loops, hence, the set of available TTLs for the end-system has to be selected with care

    Trans-formative theatre : living further realities

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    This thesis studies the relationship between human bodies and theatrical events through selected European examples of the emergence of transformative ‘inbetween’ experimental performance in the early 21th century. It aims to explore the nature of participatory practices and their attributes. How does the theatrical event interact with the everyday and its theatricality creating ‘embodied’ experiences? What are the attributes and the implications of the relationships that emerge through this bodily engagement? The study questions emergent relational parameters of the theatrical experience in order to explicate its affects and effects in the bodies of participants, whether professional artists, skilled amateur practitioners, theatre/performance researchers, and accidental or intentional audiences and spectators. Its investigation challenges the (im)possibilities of performance knowledge through an experimental method based on a practice-as-research approach. The introductory chapter aims to facilitate understandings of the operational conditions through which the ‘embodied’ is materialized in theatrical performance. The conditions, are named as ‘nomadism’, ‘net-gaming’ and ‘transductions’, and are drawn respectively from the theories and method of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Bruno Latour and John McKenzie. In unfolding these operational conditions significant ‘ecological’, social, political, geographical concerns are identified as critical to how the thesis accounts for key elements of current experimental theatrical performance. The rest of its chapters examine three productions of the international touring companies Roger Bernat (Barcelona), Stan’s Cafe (Birmingham) and Rimini Protokoll (Berlin). Each chapter examines different specific yet comparable aspects of their participatory theatre/performance methods – namely: expectations, time, atmosphere, labour, and transformation – a thorough writing that is metaphorical, analytical and performative. Metaphors evoke the ‘common’, they interlace bodily expectations and they trigger the sense of the fleeting experience, establishing a shared sphere between the shows, the audiences and the researcher, immersing the reader in the theatrical events. Thus the thesis aims to present the significance of the ungraspable in participatory experimental performance, paradoxically because only in its evanescent in-betweeness might the ‘embodied’ be envisioned

    “¡Ay de nosotros si nos equivocamos de camino!” Diagnosis sobre la arquitectura española de posguerra en un texto inédito de Joaquín Gili

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    This text is an extract from the author’s doctoral thesis, currently being written up, “Crossed studies around b+g’s architecture”. (The mentioned abbreviation is formed with the first letter of the surname of architects Francisco Bassó Birulés and Joaquin Gili Moros, connected by the addition symbol. These initials were used by the architects to identify the work done together). The text intends to show the reader the relevance of an unpublished manuscript written during the first Spanish post- war years by Joaquin Gili Moros, a member of the R group. Through the analysis of the original text, the concern of this rationalist architect for the architecture that was to be carried out at that moment becomes clear. At the time, many colleagues were torn between a folkloric architecture and recovering a classic monumentality, none  of which were in keeping with the time. The text, understood as an architectonic attitude, makes all its validity show today, in the midst of a paradigm shift since the star or corporate monumental architecture that had prevailed during the first decade of the 21st century has proven itself exhausted. A new direction seems to be discernible, but with divergent parameters. “Woe to us should we choose the wrong path!”Este texto es un extracto de la tesis doctoral del autor, actualmente en redacción: “Estudios cruzados entorno a la arquitectura de b+g”. (Las siglas mencionadas se forman con la letra inicial del primer apellido de los arquitectos Francisco Bassó Birulés y Joaquín Gili Moros, unidos por el símbolo de suma. Estas siglas fueron utilizadas por los arquitectos para identificar la obra realizada conjuntamente). El escrito pretende mostrar al lector la relevancia de un manuscrito inédito redactado, durante los primeros años de la posguerra española, por Joaquín Gili Moros, miembro del grupo R. A través del análisis del texto original, se evidencia la preocupación de este arquitecto racionalista por la arquitectura que se debía realizar en aquel momento en que tantos otros compañeros de profesión se debatían entre una arquitectura folclórica o la recuperación de una monumentalidad clásica, ambas arquitecturas impropias para la época. El texto, entendido como actitud arquitectónica, patentiza toda su vigencia en el momento actual, en pleno cambio de paradigma, una vez manifestado el agotamiento de la arquitectura monumental estelar o corporativa que se había impuesto durante el primer decenio del siglo XXI. Un nuevo rumbo parece vislumbrarse, pero con parámetros divergentes. “¡Ay de nosotros si nos equivocamos de camino!

    Policy and planning of prevention in Italy: results from an appraisal of prevention plans developed by Regions for the period 2010-2012

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    Health policies on disease prevention differ widely between countries. Studies suggest that different countries have much to learn from each other and that significant health gains could be achieved if all countries followed best practice. This paper describes the policy development and planning process relating to prevention activities in Italy, through a critical appraisal of Regional Prevention Plans (RPPs) drafted for the period 2010-2012. The analysis was performed using a specific evaluation tool developed by a Scientific Committee appointed by the Italian Ministry of Health. We appraised nineteen RPPs, comprising a total of 702 projects, most of them in the areas of universal prevention (62.9%) and prevention in high risk groups (27.0%). Italian Regions established prevention activities using an innovative combination of population and high-risk individuals approaches. However, some issues, such as the need to reduce health inequalities, were poorly addressed. The technical drafting of RPPs required some improvement; e.g. the evidence of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the health interventions proposed was seldom reported. There were significant geographical differences across the Regions in the appraisal of RPPs. Our research suggests that continuous assessment of the planning process of prevention may become a very useful tool for monitoring, and ultimately strengthening, public health capacity in the field of prevention. Further research is needed to analyze determinants of regional variation

    La participación de los estudiantes universitarios en programas de movilidad : factores y motivos que la determinan

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    El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior pone en marcha de manera primigenia la creación efectiva de un marco compartido a nivel de enseñanza superior. Dentro de este nuevo marco se busca y se promueve, de manera esencial, la movilidad de los estudiantes y profesores como una línea fundamental de actuación en materia de política educativa. Partiendo de esta premisa se ha realizado un estudio sobre la movilidad de los estudiantes en el contexto universitario español analizando su participación en los programas Erasmus y Sicue. En este artículo se presentan los principales resultados referentes a los factores y motivos que promue­ven e inhiben la movilidad entre el estudiantado, factores que están vinculados tanto a las carac­terísticas personales y contextuales como a las propias características de los programas. En este sentido, y teniendo en cuenta la importancia de la movilidad en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, se plantea una serie de propuestas para optimizar la movilidad y para potenciar el logro de los objetivos que los propios programas persigue

    Propuesta de diseño para la cabeza del robot humanoide Teo, mediante la adaptación del dispositivo Kinect de Microsoft

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es proponer un diseño para la cabeza de TEO. El diseño habrá de incluir además de la cabeza, el cuello del robot, finalizando este en el comienzo del torso. Para esta propuesta de diseño utilizaremos el dispositivo Kinect de Microsoft, adaptándolo e integrándolo en el interior de la carcasa de la cabeza que diseñemos, para de esta manera sacar el máximo partido posible a todas sus capacidades como son la captura de movimiento en 3D, reconocimiento facial, y capacidades de reconocimiento de voz; con el objetivo de que nuestro robot posea un reconocimiento e interpretación del entorno de alta calidad.Ingeniería Técnica en Electrónic

    Reconstructing the direction of reactor antineutrinos via electron scattering in Gd-doped water Cherenkov detectors

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    The potential of elastic antineutrino-electron scattering in a Gd-doped water Cherenkov detector to determine the direction of a nuclear reactor antineutrino flux was investigated using the recently proposed WATCHMAN antineutrino experiment as a baseline model. The expected scattering rate was determined assuming a 13-km standoff from a 3.758-GWt light water nuclear reactor and the detector response was modeled using a Geant4-based simulation package. Background was estimated via independent simulations and by scaling published measurements from similar detectors. Background contributions were estimated for solar neutrinos, misidentified reactor-based inverse beta decay interactions, cosmogenic radionuclides, water-borne radon, and gamma rays from the photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), detector walls, and surrounding rock. We show that with the use of low background PMTs and sufficient fiducialization, water-borne radon and cosmogenic radionuclides pose the largest threats to sensitivity. Directional sensitivity was then analyzed as a function of radon contamination, detector depth, and detector size. The results provide a list of experimental conditions that, if satisfied in practice, would enable antineutrino directional reconstruction at 3σ\sigma significance in large Gd-doped water Cherenkov detectors with greater than 10-km standoff from a nuclear reactor.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Estudio de las nuevas exigencias del código técnico sobre un edificio existente : la Casa Bloc

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    El presente Proyecto Final de Carrera desarrolla la aplicación de algunos de los documentos básicos que componen el Código Técnico de la Edificación, estudiando un ejemplo concreto de edificio de la ciudad de Barcelona. El estudio de este edificio se plantea desde dos puntos de vista diferentes: en primer lugar se estudia el cumplimiento del edificio y más concretamente de sus diferentes elementos constructivos ante las exigencias que plantea la normativa; para, en segundo lugar, proponer soluciones de mejora de la edificación que consigan cumplir con dichas exigencias.Así pues, los objetivos principales del presente documento son tanto el desarrollar los conocimientos de la citada normativa y exponer su procedimiento de aplicación y verificación de exigencias, como el estudio de algunas de las soluciones constructivas utilizadas en la Casa Bloc y el análisis de la vigencia de dichas propuestas en la edificación actual