152 research outputs found

    Legal, Political and Practical Obstacles to the Enforcement of Labor Laws in Panama

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    The report describes past and present labor laws and reforms in Panama as they pertain to basic labor rights. Beluche offers a discussion on the legal, political, and practical obstacles that prevent compliance to labor laws

    Enhancing Social Protection in the Apparel and Footwear Industry

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide.  Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.FLA_ASEPROLA_Enhancing_Social_Protection.pdf: 371 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    El contrato de servicios: el derecho del cliente a desistir de forma unilateral

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    A partir de la propuesta académica de regulación del contrato de servicios que, en el ámbito europeo, plasma el Draft Common Frame of Reference, el objetivo esencial de este trabajo es proponer de lege ferenda una regulación estatal del derecho de desistimiento unilateral del cliente en este tipo contractual general. Tras una previa y necesaria conceptualización y caracterización de esta pretendida categoría genérica «contrato de servicios», después de una breve revisión de la facultad de desistimiento unilateral ad nutum en la Teoría General de las Obligaciones y su clara diferenciación con el singular derecho de desistimiento del consumidor, se sugiere una posible reglamentación del derecho del cliente a la ruptura unilateral del contrato, que da continuidad a las previsiones del Borrador de Anteproyecto sobre el contrato de servicios en el que la Comisión General de Codificación ha trabajado.This paper contains a de lege ferenda set of rules on the unilateral right to terminate a contract of services. The proposal is based on the concept and rules on the contract of services delineated in the Draft Common Frame of Reference. From a domestic point of view, the paper focuses on the rules to be adopted by the state in order to coordinate the solutions to be found among the autonomous regions of Spain and it tries to further the provisions of the Preliminary Draft about the contract of service in which our Civil Law Commission (Comisión General de Codificación) had been working. The paper begins with a preliminary conceptualization and characterization of the category of «service contract». It afterwards turns to a brief review of the right of unilateral termination ad nutum in the General Theory of Obligations, in order to make clear the differences between it and the consumer’s right to terminate a contract of services. On these bases, the paper finally suggests a plausible regulation of the consumer’s right to unilaterally terminate a contract of services.Este trabajo forma parte del Proyecto de Investigación «El contrato de servicios: hacia una nueva regulación en el marco del Derecho Europeo» (DER2013‐44620‐P), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, cuyos investigadores principales son J. Caffarena Laporta y M.J. Santos Morón

    Terminologia e linguagem documentária: uma perspectiva histórica

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    Este artigo visa a discutir algumas questões relacionadas à importância dos estudos terminológicos na elaboração de vocabulários controlados. Buscamos levantar algumas considerações sobre o papel das Linguagens Documentárias na transformação do conhecimento em informação. Pensamos, ainda, como a informação possa ser adequada aos diferentes segmentos sociais e retornar à esfera da circulação sendo novamente transformada em conhecimento. Para compreender melhor a contribuição da Terminologia na elaboração de vocabulários controlados, buscamos – orientados pelos estudos do filósofo francês Michel Foucault – desenvolver uma análise histórica da ordenação, divisão e a hierarquização que caracterizaram o mundo ocidental desde o século XIX. Para enriquecer a abordagem, utilizamos algumas idéias traçadas por Jorge Luis Borges, em seu ensaio O idioma analítico de John Wilkins


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    El contrato de servicios: El derecho del cliente a desistir de forma unilateral

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    A partir de la propuesta académica de regulación del contrato de servicios que, en el ámbito europeo, plasma el Draft Common Frame of Reference, el objetivo esencial de este trabajo es proponer de lege ferenda una regulación estatal del derecho de desistimiento unilateral del cliente en este tipo contractual general. Tras una previa y necesaria conceptualización y caracterización de esta pretendida categoría genérica “contrato de servicios”, después de una breve revisión de la facultad de desistimiento unilateral ad nutum en la Teoría General de las Obligaciones y su clara diferenciación con el singular derecho de desistimiento del consumidor, se sugiere una posible reglamentación del derecho del cliente a la ruptura unilateral del contrato, que da continuidad a las previsiones del Borrador de Anteproyecto sobre el contrato de servicios en el que nuestra Comisión General de Codificación ha trabajado

    La adaptación de la Directiva 85/374/CEE, de 25 de julio, en materia de responsabilidad por daños causados por productos defectuosos a la cuarta revolución industrial

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    : Liability for defective products was unified at European level with the enactment of Directive 85/374/EEC. This legislation has provided thus far a stable legal framework in which users and consumers have been sufficiently protected and at the same time reasonable legal certainty to encourage innovation. At present, however, progress and new emerging technologies have rendered it obsolete. Its updating is essential so that it can continue to respond adequately and sufficiently to claims for damages caused by defective products. The purpose of this paper is to analyze this new context and the answers that the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on product liability, published by the European Commission on 28 September 2022, gives to the problems arising from this fourth industrial revolution. La responsabilidad por los daños causados por productos defectuosos se unificó a nivel europeo con la promulgación de la Directiva 85/374/CEE. Esta normativa ha facilitado, hasta la fecha, un marco legal estable en el que los usuarios y consumidores han sido suficientemente protegidos, a la vez que ha procurado una razonable seguridad jurídica para incentivar la innovación. A día de hoy, sin embargo, el progreso y las nuevas tecnologías emergentes la han convertido en obsoleta, lo que exige inexcusablemente su actualización para que pueda seguir respondiendo de forma adecuada y suficiente a las reclamaciones por daños causados por productos defectuosos. El objeto del presente trabajo es el análisis de este nuevo contexto y de las respuestas que la Propuesta de Directiva del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo sobre responsabilidad por los daños causados por productos defectuosos, publicada por la Comisión Europea el 28 de septiembre de 2022, ofrece a los problemas nacidos en esta cuarta revolución industrial &nbsp

    Sexualidade, "Raça" e Nação: a construção das identidades "desviantes" no Brasil Imperial

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    Durante o último quarto do século XIX, a psiquiatria brasileira estruturou seus discursos em torno da sexualidade. Ela tornou-se o principal elemento na classificação/criação das identidades "desviantes" após 1870, portanto no período de decadência do Império. A ascensão das chamadas "novas idéias" e as medidas abolicionistas fizeram emergir temores sobre a população negra – entendida como perigo social - o que levou a uma nova forma de compreensão da sociedade brasileira e de seus "desvios". Estas reflexões utilizaram a sexualidade como uma das estratégias que possibilitaram a crítica da velha ordem imperial e também a consolidação da burguesa. Tudo se passou de forma a evitar mudanças sociais mais profundas preservando desigualdades e hierarquias sociais do passado

    The use of the global activity limitation Indicator and healthy life years by member states and the European Commission

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    Background: In 2005, the European Union (EU) started to use a disability-free life expectancy, known as Healthy Life Years (HLY), to monitor progress in the strategic European policies such as the 2000 Lisbon strategy. HLY are based on the underlying measure: the Global Activity Limitation Indicator (GALI). Twelve years after its implementation, this study aims to assess its current use in EU Member States and the European Commission. Methods: In March 2017, a questionnaire was sent to 28 Member states and the European Commission. The questionnaire inquired how the GALI and HLY are used to set policy targets, in which surveys the GALI has been introduced since 2005, how the GALI and HLY are presented, and what the capacity in each country is to investigate the GALI and HLY. Results: The survey was answered by 22 Member States and by the Commission. HLY are often used to set targets and develop strategies in health such as national health plans. Analysis of HLY has even led to policy change. In some countries, HLY have become the main indicator for health, gaining more importance than life expectancy. More recently, the GALI and HLY have also been used for policy targets outside the health sector such as in the area of pension and retirement age or in the context of sustainable development. Regarding surveys, the GALI is mostly obtained from the EU-SILC, SHARE and EHIS, but is also increasingly introduced in national surveys. National health reporting systems usually present HLY on their national statistics websites. Most countries have up to three specialists working on the GALI and HLY, which has been consistent through time. Others have increased their capacity over various institutions. Conclusion: HLY is an indicator that is systematically used to monitor health developments in most EU countries. The SHARE, EU-SILC and EHIS are commonly used to assess HLY through the GALI. The results are then described in reports and presented on national statistics websites and used in different policy settings. Expertise to analyse the GALI and HLY is available in most countries