298 research outputs found

    Synthesis of new fluorescent pyrylium dyes and study of their interaction with N-protected amino acids

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    Six new 6-styryl-2,4-diarylpyrylium salts have been synthesized and fully characterized by means of 1H/13C NMR, HRMS, UV-vis and Steady-State/Time-Resolved Fluorescence spectroscopies. This set of molecules is composed of a core pyrylium fluorophore, an amino acid (valine or phenylalanine), and an alkylic chain of variable length. The emissive properties (fluorescence quantum yields and lifetimes and radiative deactivation rate constants) in dichloromethane, acetonitrile and PBS have been recorded. The interaction of these pyrylium salts with aminoacids in their N-protected forms has been studied by means of fluorescence quenching, using the Stern–Volmer methodology. It has been found that dynamic (collisional) quenching is the most prevalent process for all the fluorescent molecules, irrespective of the amino acid building block or the length of the alkyl chain. The emission of the pyrylium molecules is strongly quenched by Z-Trp-OH and to a lesser extent by Z-Tyr-OH and Z-Met-OH and no quenching was measured with Z-Ala-OH, Z-Val-OH and Z-Phe-OH. A small degree of ground-state complexation was observed for receptor 8a and by Z-Trp-OH (upward curvature in the Stern–Volmer plot). Complementary 1H-NMR titrations demonstrated the existence of such a weak ground state complex

    Oxidative and Inflammatory Imbalance in Placenta and Kidney of sFlt1-Induced Early-Onset Preeclampsia Rat Model

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    Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy-specific disorder characterized by the new onset of hypertension plus proteinuria and/or end-organ dysfunction. Here, we investigate the role of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase system as a major component of reactive oxygen species generation, in a rodent model of early-onset preeclampsia induced by excess sFlt1 (soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1). Placenta and kidney samples were obtained from normal pregnant and PE rats to measure the sFlt1/PlGF (placental growth factor) ratio in addition to oxidative stress-related parameters, including the activities and expressions of NADPH oxidase isoforms (NOX1, NOX2, and NOX4), components of nitric oxide (NO) metabolism, and antioxidant enzymes. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARα, PPARγ) and cytokines IL1β, IL3, IL6, IL10, and IL18 were also measured to evaluate the inflammation status in our experimental setting. Excessive O2●− production was found in rats that were treated with sFlt1; interestingly, this alteration appears to be mediated mainly by NOX2 in the placenta and by NOX4 in the kidney. Altered NO metabolism and antioxidant defense systems, together with mitochondrial dysfunction, were observed in this model of PE. Preeclamptic animals also exhibited overexpression of proinflammatory biomarkers as well as increased collagen deposition. Our results highlight the role of NADPH oxidase in mediating oxidative stress and possibly inflammatory processes in the placenta and kidney of an sFlt1-based model of early-onset preeclampsia

    Diseño y control de filtros activos mediante simulación HIL

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    La implementación de los filtros activos es una de las soluciones más eficientes a la problemática que plantea el creciente uso de cargas no lineales en la red eléctrica y la proliferación de cargas distribuidas provenientes de energías renovables conectadas a la misma. El diseño de un filtro activo y del algoritmo para su control pueden realizarse mediante la simulación “Hardware in the loop” (HIL) en tiempo real. Estas simulaciones sirven de interfaz entre el modelo matemático de todos los elementos dinámicos relacionados con el sistema eléctrico bajo control (simulación de la planta) y el sistema integrado bajo prueba. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado la simulación en la máquina virtual de Typhoon HIL, tanto del modelo del filtro activo como de su algoritmo de control. Tras la comprobación de los modelos se ha implementado el algoritmo en una tarjeta de procesamiento digital (DSP). Para la elaboración del código de programación necesario en este sistema de control de prueba se incorporan las herramientas Simulink de Matlab y Code Composer Studio (CCS). Los resultados han sido satisfactorios en general y ofrecen la posibilidad de la implementación física del sistema propuesto con un coste reducido.Active Power Filter implementation is one of the most efficient solutions for problems which raises non-linear loads in the electric net and proliferation of the distributed charges which are coming from the connection of renewable energy sources. The active filter design and its control algorithm can do with the real time simulation “Hardware in the loop” (HIL). These simulations work as interface between the mathematician model of all dynamic elements, which relate to the under control electric system, and the integrated system which is under test. In this project, the simulation in the virtual machine of Typhoon HIL has been developed, including the filter active model and its control algorithm. After checking the model, the algorithm has been implanted in a digital signal processor card. To write the necessary programming code in this embedded system under test, Simulink of Matlab and Code Composer Studio tools are used. In general, results have been satisfactory, so the designed model give us the chance of implementing physically the system with a reduced price

    Monitoring UF membrane performance treating surface-groundwater blends: limitations of FEEM-PARAFAC on the assessment of the organic matter role

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    The decrease of water quantity and quality in water scarcity areas is palliated by improving water treatments with membrane technologies. System performance and efficiency, and then cost, is mainly affected by membrane fouling, which is still not well understood and controlled appropriately. In this study, the influence of content and composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on a membrane ultrafiltration (UF) stage from a full-scale UF stage in a drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) fed with surface water, groundwater (or blends of them) was investigated. Excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) was used to characterize and assess DOM changes in water samples Water streams feeding the UF stage showed high variability in DOM content and composition. FEEM-PARAFAC analysis allowed the differentiation of seven different organic components. Additionally to the characterization and monitoring of DOM in the full-scale UF stage, a bench scale UF pilot was run to experimentally correlate the impact of water quality with membrane performance. The experiments included testing synthetic solutions of model foulants (synthetic humic acid and bovine serum albumin) and blends of complex waters. To quantify fouling, the total fouling index (TFI) and the hydraulically irreversible fouling index (HIFI) were calculated for each filtration run. According to the results obtained, the correlation plots between the PARAFAC components and the fouling indices pointed at microbial byproducts (C1) and humic-like components (C2, C4, C5) as the ones showing higher correlations

    A bright radio HH object with large proper motions in the massive star-forming region W75N

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    We analyze radio continuum and line observations from the archives of the Very Large Array, as well as X-ray observations from the \emph{Chandra} archive of the region of massive star formation W75N. Five radio continuum sources are detected: VLA 1, VLA 2, VLA 3, Bc, and VLA 4. VLA 3 appears to be a radio jet; we detect J=1-0, v=0 SiO emission towards it, probably tracing the inner parts of a molecular outflow. The radio continuum source Bc, previously believed to be tracing an independent star, is found to exhibit important changes in total flux density, morphology, and position. These results suggest that source Bc is actually a radio Herbig-Haro object, one of the brightest known, powered by the VLA~3 jet source. VLA 4 is a new radio continuum component, located a few arcsec to the south of the group of previously known radio sources. Strong and broad (1,1) and (2,2) ammonia emission is detected from the region containing the radio sources VLA~1, VLA~2, and VLA~3. Finally, the 2-10 keV emission seen in the \emph{Chandra}/ACIS image shows two regions that could be the termination shocks of the outflows from the multiple sources observed in W75N.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    The Inhibitive Effect of Sebacate-Modified LDH on Concrete Steel Reinforcement Corrosion

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    In recent decades, layered double hydroxides (LDH) have been proposed as innovative corrosion inhibitors for reinforced concrete. Their protective action is based on the ability to intercalate specific anions in the interlayer and on their ability to exchange the intercalated anion. In the present study, an organically charged LDH, with sebacate anions in the interlayer (LDH-S), is proposed as a water-repellent additive for mortar. The waterproofing efficiency of LDH-S and the associated corrosion inhibition ability has been evaluated in reinforced mortar samples. A 42% decrease in the water capillary absorption coefficient has been estimated when 3% LHD-S is added to a mortar. Both the passivation processes of the steel rebars during the curing period and the initiation of corrosion due to chloride exposure have been studied by electrochemical measurements. Three different mortars have been evaluated: reference mortar (REF), mortar with Mg-Al LDH (LDH), and mortar with LDH-sebacate (LDH-S). The latter has shown an important protective capacity for preventing the initiation of corrosion by chloride penetration, with an inhibitory efficiency of 74%. The presence of LDHs without sebacate in the interlayer also improved the performance of the mortar against rebar corrosion, but with lower efficiency (23% inhibitory efficiency). However, this protection is lost after continued chloride exposure over time, and corrosion initiates similarly to the reference mortar. The low corrosion current density values registered when LDH-S is added to the mortar may be related to the increased electrical resistance recorded in this mortar

    Influence of immune activation and inflammatory response on cardiovascular risk associated with the human immunodeficiency virus

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    Patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have an increased cardiovascular risk. Although initially this increased risk was attributed to metabolic alterations associated with antiretroviral treatment, in recent years, the attention has been focused on the HIV disease itself. Inflammation, immune system activation, and endothelial dysfunction facilitated by HIV infection have been identified as key factors in the development and progression of atherosclerosis. In this review, we describe the epidemiology and pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease in patients with HIV infection and summarize the latest knowledge on the relationship between traditional and novel inflammatory, immune activation, and endothelial dysfunction biomarkers on the cardiovascular risk associated with HIV infectionThis work has been supported by grants from FIS (Programa Miguel Servet: CP10/00479, PI13/00802 and PI14/00883) and Spanish Society of Nephrology to Juan Antonio Moren

    Análisis del lanzamiento a canasta en baloncesto en silla de ruedas.

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue desarrollar una revisión sistemática sobre el lanzamiento en Baloncesto en Silla de Ruedas. Para la búsqueda de los documentos, se utilizaron las siguientes palabras clave: “Basketball”, “Wheelchair” y “Shooting”. Las bases de datos empleadas fueron Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed y SPORTDiscus, incluyendo todos los manuscritos publicados hasta enero de 2023, garantizando así los documentos más recientes. Para la búsqueda, se establecieron una serie criterios de inclusión: i) Seleccionar cualquier tipo de documento científico, ii) Incluir aquellos documentos que analicen el lanzamiento en BSR, y, su incidencia en el rendimiento (mínimo 50 palabras), iii) Estar escrito en inglés, español o portugués, y, por último, iv) Estar disponible a texto completo o disponer del resumen, obteniéndose un número final de veinte documentos manuscritos. Los manuscritos seleccionados se caracterizan por ser Estudios empíricos con una metodología cuantitativa. Como conclusión, parece que el lanzamiento es uno de los principales indicadores de rendimiento en Baloncesto en Silla de Ruedas, pero no se ha investigado la influencia de la Clasificación Funcional en la efectividad y el Tipo de lanzamientos, lo que permitiría conocer y analizar el rendimiento de los jugadores en función de su capacidad motriz.post-print258 K