111 research outputs found

    The Challenges and Opportunities of lncRNAs in Ovarian Cancer Research and Clinical Use

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    [Abstract] Ovarian cancer is one of the most lethal gynecological malignancies worldwide because it tends to be detected late, when the disease has already spread, and prognosis is poor. In this review we aim to highlight the importance of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment choice, to make progress towards increasingly personalized medicine in this malignancy. We review the effects of lncRNAs associated with ovarian cancer in the context of cancer hallmarks. We also discuss the molecular mechanisms by which lncRNAs become involved in cellular physiology; the onset, development and progression of ovarian cancer; and lncRNAs’ regulatory mechanisms at the transcriptional, post-transcriptional and post-translational stages of gene expression. Finally, we compile a series of online resources useful for the study of lncRNAs, especially in the context of ovarian cancer. Future work required in the field is also discussed along with some concluding remarks.This work was funded by Plan Estatal I + D + I by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII, Spain) under grant agreement AES number PI18/01714, cofounded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional-FEDER (The European Regional Development Fund-ERDF) “A way of Making Europe,” and by Xunta de Galicia (Consolidación Grupos Referencia Competitiva contract number ED431C 2016-012). M.S.M. was funded by a predoctoral fellowship from FPU-2018 (Spain)Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-01

    Retrato robot del perfil geográfico de la delincuencia juvenil. Un análisis de la movilidad criminal en la ciudad de Albacete

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    En la actualidad todas las disciplinas que abordan el estudio de la delincuencia reconocen que la comprensión del fenómeno delictivo mejora si se tiene en cuenta el componente espacial o geográfico. Los ambientes han mostrado poseer ciertas características que fomentan o facilitan el delito, y los delincuentes gravitan en torno a aquellos ambientes vulnerables o lucrativos. En este sentido, gran parte de la literatura científica enmarcada en la categoría de criminología ambiental se ha consagrado a estudiar la existencia de patrones en el desplazamiento de los delincuentes en la búsqueda de objetivos. Un hallazgo compartido por la mayoría de investigaciones es que, por lo general, los individuos responden al principio del mínimo esfuerzo y se desplazan distancias relativamente cortas para cometer delitos. No obstante, se han documentado que dicha distancia es dependiente de otros factores como la naturaleza del hecho delictivo, la franja horaria, la relación víctima-victimario, el valor del bien deseado, etc. En el caso de la delincuencia juvenil, la evidencia empírica apunta a una menor movilidad criminal que en el caso de los adultos. A pesar de ello, en España no se ha realizado estudios que apoyen esta afirmación. Por ello, el objetivo de presente trabajo se dirige a conocer si los viajes sirven a algún propósito útil para los delincuentes juveniles, es decir, que les mueve a desplazarse. Para tratar de dar respuesta a esta pregunta, se ha analizado la relación entre distancia de decaimiento y algunas características del delito. Los resultados obtenidos han evidenciado que, por lo general, los delincuentes juveniles cometen los delitos en un entorno cercano, durante el desarrollo de otras actividades cotidianas no delictivas. Así, parecería confirmarse la idea de que el delito surge más bien como una oportunidad, en medio de las actividades normales de los jóvenes, en dónde existe algún elemento que funciona como precipitador de la conducta delictiva.Este trabajo se ha realizado con una ayuda del Plan Nacional I+D+i del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, “Análisis criminológico de la justicia penal en España. Una profundización sobre el proceso de producción de datos oficiales y sobre la eficacia del sistema de justicia” (DER2011-28769)

    Impedance spectroscopy characterisation of highly efficient silicon solar cells under different light illumination intensities

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    Highly efficient silicon solar cells have been characterised by impedance spectroscopy and current–potential characteristic in the dark and with different illumination intensities. For each illumination the impedance behaviour has been analysed at different applied bias potentials, in the forward and reverse region, comparing the results with the current–potential characteristic. Different cell parameters, as series and parallel resistances, capacitance, diode factor, minority carrier lifetime, acceptor impurities density and depletion layer charge density have been obtained as a function of bias voltage for different light illumination intensities. The effect of light-generated carriers and applied bias in the behaviour of the solar cell under illumination is discusse

    Software Tool for Acausal Physical Modelling and Simulation

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    Modelling and simulation are key tools for analysis and design of systems and processes from almost any scientific or engineering discipline. Models of complex systems are typically built on acausal Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAE) and discrete events using Object-Oriented Modelling (OOM) languages, and some of their key concepts can be explained as symmetries. To obtain a computer executable version from the original model, several algorithms, based on bipartite symmetric graphs, must be applied for automatic equation generation, removing alias equations, computational causality assignment, equation sorting, discrete-event processing or index reduction. In this paper, an open source tool according to OOM paradigm and developed in MATLAB is introduced. It implements such algorithms adding an educational perspective about how they work, since the step by step results obtained after processing the model equations can be shown. The tool also allows to create models using its own OOM language and to simulate the final executable equation set. It was used by students in a modelling and simulation course of the Automatic Control and Industrial Electronics Engineering degree, showing a significant improvement in their understanding and learning of the abovementioned topics after their assessment

    The HMGB1-2 Ovarian Cancer Interactome: the Role of HMGB Proteins and Their Interacting Partners MIEN1 and NOP53 in Ovary Cancer and Drug-Response

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    [Abstract] High mobility group box B (HMGB) proteins are overexpressed in different types of cancers such as epithelial ovarian cancers (EOC). We have determined the first interactome of HMGB1 and HMGB2 in epithelial ovarian cancer (the EOC-HMGB interactome). Libraries from the SKOV-3 cell line and a primary transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) ovarian tumor were tested by the Yeast Two Hybrid (Y2H) approach. The interactome reveals proteins that are related to cancer hallmarks and their expression is altered in EOC. Moreover, some of these proteins have been associated to survival and prognosis of patients. The interaction of MIEN1 and NOP53 with HMGB2 has been validated by co-immunoprecipitation in SKOV-3 and PEO1 cell lines. SKOV-3 cells were treated with different anti-tumoral drugs to evaluate changes in HMGB1, HMGB2, MIEN1 and NOP53 gene expression. Results show that combined treatment of paclitaxel and carboplatin induces a stronger down-regulation of these genes in comparison to individual treatments. Individual treatment with paclitaxel or olaparib up-regulates NOP53, which is expressed at lower levels in EOC than in non-cancerous cells. On the other hand, bevacizumab diminishes the expression of HMGB2 and NOP53. This study also shows that silencing of these genes affects cell-viability after drug exposure. HMGB1 silencing causes loss of response to paclitaxel, whereas silencing of HMGB2 slightly increases sensitivity to olaparib. Silencing of either HMGB1 or HMGB2 increases sensitivity to carboplatin. Lastly, a moderate loss of response to bevacizumab is observed when NOP53 is silenced.This work has been funded by the Projects Nº PI14/01031 and PI18/01714, integrated in the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2013–2016 of the ISCIII- General Subdirection of Assesment and Promotion of the Research – European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) “A way of making Europe”. Funding is also acknowledged from Xunta de Galicia (Consolidación Grupos Referencia Competitiva Contract no. ED431C 2016–012). Aida Barreiro-Alonso was funded by a predoctoral fellowship from Xunta de Galicia-2013 (Spain) cofinanced by FEDERXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016–01

    Micafungin as antifungal prophylaxis in non-transplanted haemotological patients

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    Introduction. Fungal infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the haematological patients. These infections are mainly due to Candida spp. and Aspergillus spp. Mortality by these infections is high, but rates have descended in the latest series due to better antifungal agents. Echinocandins are, in vitro, very active against Candida and Aspergillus spp. The objective of the study is to analyse the efficacy and safety of micafungin in the antifungal prophylaxis of haematological patients on chemotherapy. Material and methods. A multicentre, observational retrospective study was performed in 7 Haematology Departments in Spain. Patients admitted to these departments with chemotherapy or immunosuppressive treatment, and who had received antifungal prophylaxis with micafungin between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2014 were included. Results. There were 5 cases of probable or proven fungal infection (4.8%) according to the 2008 EORTC criteria: 2 proven, 3 probable. The types of fungal infection were 3 aspergillosis and 2 candidiasis. There were no drop-outs from the prophylaxis with micafungin due to toxicity. Conclusion. Micafungin is an antifungal agent which, used in prophylaxis, has demonstrated good efficacy and an excellent toxicity profile, making it an apparently interesting option in patients requiring antifungal prophylaxis during their hospitalisation episode

    An eclipsing post-common-envelope binary in the field of the Kepler mission

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    We present a new eclipsing post-common-envelope binary, identified inside the Kepler field prior to the launch of the spacecraft. Multifilter photometry and radial velocity data are analysed with an eclipsing-binary modelling code to determine the physical parameters of the binary. Spectra of the system within the primary eclipse and uneclipsed allow us to identify the spectral characteristics of the primary and secondary components. The primary component of the binary is a DA white dwarf, with M≃ 0.61 M⊙, log g≃ 7.95 and Teff≃ 20 500 K. The detection of two flares and the emission signatures displayed in the spectra show that the secondary component of the system is chromospherically active and is classified as an active M4 main-sequence star. Its mass, radius and temperature are estimated as M≃ 0.39 M⊙, R≃ 0.37 R⊙ and Teff≃ 3200 K. The ephemeris of the system is HJD = 245 3590.436 126(10) + 0.350 468 722(6) ×E. This binary is a new post-common-envelope binary (PCEB), with physical parameters within the range found in other systems of this small group of evolved binarie

    Tailoring the Photophysical Signatures of BODIPY Dyes: Toward Fluorescence Standards across the Visible Spectral Region

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    The modern synthetic routes in organic chemistry, as well as the recent advances in high-resolution spectroscopic and microscopic techniques, have awakened a renewable interest in the development of organic fluorophores. In this regard, boron-dipyrrin (BODIPY) dyes are ranked at the top position as luminophores to be applied in photonics or biophotonics. This chromophore outstands not only by its excellent and tunable photophysical signatures, but also by the chemical versatility of its core, which is readily available to a myriad of functionalization routes. In this chapter, we show that, after a rational design, bright and photostable BODIPYs can be achieved along the whole visible spectral region, being suitable as molecular probes or active media of lasers. Alternatively, the selective functionalization of the dipyrrin core, mainly at meso position, can induce new photophysical phenomena (such as charge transfer) paving the way to the development of fluorescent sensors, where the fluorescent response is sensitive to a specific environmental property

    Analysis of the incidence of age in the digital competence of Spanish pre-university teachers

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    Este artículo presenta una investigación en la que analiza la incidencia de la edad en la competencia digital de 611 docentes españoles preuniversitarios. La muestra se ha obtenido a través de la técnica de muestreo por estratos en diferentes centros educativos públicos, concertados y privados españoles en ocho comunidades autónomas. A través de una metodología cuantitativa se han aplicado la prueba Chi-cuadrado de Pearson (χ2) para la comparación entre las distintas variables presentadas y la prueba V de Cramer (VCramer) para determinar la fuerza de asociación entre las mismas. Los resultados muestran que en las tres primeras áreas de la competencia digital percibida: “Información y alfabetización informacional” (ÁREA1); “Comunicación y colaboración” (ÁREA2) y “Creación de contenidos digitales” (ÁREA3), los docentes que tienen una edad no superior a 40 años poseen un nivel más alto de desarrollo competencial. Con respecto al área de “Seguridad en entornos digitales” (ÁREA4), el grupo entre 40 y 49 años es el que mayor competencia demuestra. Asimismo, en relación con la “Resolución de problemas tecnológicos” (ÁREA5) no se identifican diferencias significativas entre los diferentes grupos de edad.This article presents a research that analyzes the incidence of age in the digital competence of 611 pre-university Spanish teachers. The sample has been obtained through the sampling technique by strata in different public, private and Spanish educational centers in eight autonomous Communities. Through a quantitative methodology, the Chi-square Pearson test (χ2) was applied to compare the different variables presented and the Cramer V test (VCramer) to determine the strength of association between them. The results show that in the first three areas of perceived digital competence: "Information and information literacy" (AREA1); "Communication and collaboration" (ÁREA2) and "Creation of digital content" (ÁREA3), teachers who are no older than 40 years have a higher level of digital competence. With respect to the area of "Security in digital environments" (AREA4), the group between 40 and 49 years old is the one that shows the greatest competence. Also, in relation to the "Resolution of technological problems" (AREA5) no significant differences are identified between the different age groups

    HMGB Proteins from Yeast to Human. Gene Regulation, DNA Repair and Beyond

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    HMGB proteins are characterized for containing one or more HMG-box domains and are well conserved from yeasts to higher eukaryotes. The HMG-box domain is formed by three α-helices with an L-shaped fold. Although HMGB proteins also have cytoplasmic and extracellular functions, they bind to nuclear or mitochondrial DNA in a highly dynamic process that affects chromatin organization. In this review, we mainly focus on HMGB proteins from yeast and their human homologs as functionally involved in DNA repair and transcriptional regulation. Recent research reveals that these proteins participate in epigenetic control of gene expression, aging, disease, or stem-cell biology