102 research outputs found

    La educación escolar y los educadores profesionales como problema en Charles Dickens

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    This article studies the evolution of the Dickensian view of school education and teachers through the literary production of the famous English author. For this purpose, three basic elements are used: biographical school experiences; the schools and educators described in their fifteen great novels; references to the school world in letters, speeches and minor publications. The result of the study is that Dickens's initial confidence in the educational and reforming capacity of schools and professional teachers was declining over time until he arrived in his latest novels to turn the professional teacher into a villain.En este artículo se estudia la evolución de la concepción dickensiana de la educación escolar y del maestro a través de la producción literaria del afamado autor inglés. Para ello se recurre a la conexión de tres elementos básicos: las experiencias escolares biográficas; las escuelas y educadores descritos en sus quince grandes novelas y las referencias al mundo escolar en cartas, discursos y publicaciones menores. El resultado del estudio es que la confianza inicial de Dickens en la capacidad educativa y reformadora de las escuelas y los maestros profesionales fue decayendo a lo largo del tiempo hasta llegar en sus últimas novelas a convertir al maestro profesional en villano

    Transformations of Social Control in Pandemic Times – Reasons for Hope Beyond Science: Editorial

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    Postmodernity has brought new forms of social control which are exercised through new forms of communication. Paradoxically, however, postmodernity also seemed to be heading towards the exaltation of the individual in their absolute freedom. The 20th century pushed, in the name of science and progress, the secularization of Western societies, often distancing people from their traditional community ties, including ties to the ecclesial community. Thus, the postmodern individual initially appeared free of ancestral community pressures. However, subtle new forms of social control have replaced traditional ones. Mechanisms such as social media, new forms of work and sexual exploitation, or the impossibility of maintaining privacy in the face of the power of private and public corporations, thus expose the individual to the asocial elements. Frequently, these new social control mechanisms (a clear example being the leadership of the WHO in the policies implemented worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic) are presented to us not as repressive, but scientifically and paternally protective. In this context, the vindication of religious freedom and the community experience of faith represent decisive touchstones for the vitality and validity of a social and political order in which the personal being is truly the highest value. The authors of this monograph are professors, some of them with twenty or thirty years of university teaching, others halfway between Generation X and Y, but all with a deep vocation as teachers called to understanding the world around them. A vocation to collaborate with their students so that the seed of love for the knowledge of reality and the joyful experience of contact with the truth may bear fruit in them. Such an experience only makes sense as a shared experience. And this is what the authors of this monograph usually do: share their concerns, worries, and research. In formal terms, this shared experience has been developing in recent times under the mantle of research projects such as the one that forms the basis of this issue of Scientia et Fides: “Social Control, Postmodernism and Political Community” (COSOPOC). Sharing the results of their research is also a way of inviting the specialized public to this experience without forgetting that the first circle of this community work is formed by the students themselves, whom this monograph aims to serve as a stimulus in their personal trajectories as students, as future professionals and, above all, as people in charge of their actions and responsible and capable of facing the worrying challenges that face us all. (from the Editorial

    Contribution to the Experimental Characterization and 1-D Modelling of Turbochargers for IC Engines

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    At the end of the 19th Century, the invention of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) marked the beginning of our current lifestyle. Soon after the first ICE patent, the importance of increasing air pressure upstream the engine cylinders was revealed. At the beginning of the 20th Century turbo-machinery developments (which had started time before), met the ICE what represented the beginning of turbocharged engines. Since that time, the working principle has not fundamentally changed. Nevertheless, stringent emissions standards and oil depletion have motivated engine developments; among them, turbocharging coupled with downsized engines has emerged as the most feasible way to increase specific power while reducing fuel consumption. Turbocharging has been traditionally a complex problem due to the high rotational speeds, high temperature differences between working fluids (exhaust gases, compressed air, lubricating oil and cooling liquid) and pulsating flow conditions. To improve current computational models, a new procedure for turbochargers characterization and modelling has been presented in this Thesis. That model divides turbocharger modelling complex problem into several sub-models for each of the nonrecurring phenomenon; i.e. heat transfer phenomena, friction losses and acoustic non-linear models for compressor and turbine. A series of ad-hoc experiments have been designed to aid identifying and isolating each phenomenon from the others. Each chapter of this Thesis has been dedicated to analyse that complex problem proposing different sub-models. First of all, an exhaustive literature review of the existing turbocharger models has been performed. Then a turbocharger 1-D internal Heat Transfer Model (HTM) has been developed. Later geometrical models for compressor and turbine have been proposed to account for acoustic effects. A physically based methodology to extrapolate turbine performance maps has been developed too. That model improves turbocharged engine prediction since turbine instantaneous behaviour moves far from the narrow operative range provided in manufacturer maps. Once each separated model has been developed and validated, a series of tests considering all phenomena combined have been performed. Those tests have been designed to check model accuracy under likely operative conditions. The main contributions of this Thesis are the development of a 1-D heat transfer model to account for internal heat fluxes of automotive turbochargers; the development of a physically-based turbine extrapolation methodology; the several tests campaigns that have been necessary to study each phenomenon isolated from others and the integration of experiments and models in a comprehensive characterization procedure designed to provide 1-D predictive turbocharger models for ICE calculation.Reyes Belmonte, MÁ. (2013). Contribution to the Experimental Characterization and 1-D Modelling of Turbochargers for IC Engines [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/34777TESI

    La fenomenología del resentimiento según Scheler y Girard a la luz de la acedia en la Suma de Teología de Tomás de Aquino

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    After Friedrich Nietzsche explained the phenomenon of resentment through a supposed unmasking of a hidden emotional complex, later writers, like Max Scheler and René Girard, qualified Nietzschean analysis by applying it to various areas of anthropology and society. Many of the main contributions from these contemporary analyses find their roots in earlier authors, both modern and medieval. Six and a half centuries before Scheler, Thomas Aquinas offered in two questions of his Summa Theologiae dedicated to sloth and envy, a series of conceptual clarifications and psychological observations, which, in large part, share the same content and, at times, the form, with certain characterisations of resentment. Using many text references, we show the parallels between Schelerian phenomenology of resentment and the Thomasian explanation of the deadly sins.Después de que Friedrich Nietzsche expusiera el fenómeno del resentimiento mediante un supuesto desenmascaramiento de un complejo emotivo oculto, autores posteriores, como Max Scheler y René Girard, matizaron el análisis nietzscheano aplicándolo a diversos ámbitos antropológicos y sociales. Muchas de las principales aportaciones de estos análisis contemporáneos encuentran sus precedentes en autores anteriores, modernos y medievales. Seis siglos y medio antes de Scheler, Tomás de Aquino ofrece en dos cuestiones de su Summa Theologiae dedicadas a la acedia y la envidia una serie de precisiones conceptuales y observaciones psicológicas que coinciden en gran parte de su fondo y, en ocasiones, en la forma, con ciertas caracterizaciones del resentimiento. Demostramos, apoyándonos en numerosas referencias textuales, los paralelismos entre la fenomenología scheleriana del resentimiento y la exposición tomasiana de los vicios capitales

    Prudencia, orden y vida política. De Aristóteles a Weber (y vuelta)

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    Aristóteles desarrolló un concepto de prudencia, como instancia ordenadora de la vida política, cuyo olvido por parte de la modernidad daña irreparablemente al pensamiento político,tal como queda reflejado en la reflexión weberiana. Para demostrar tal tesis recorremos el siguiente camino: en primer lugar, analizamos a fondo el papel que desempeña la prudencia política en el conjunto de la filosofía política aristotélica, especialmente en relación con los conceptos de vida política, amistad, bien común, naturaleza, ley, orden político y acción política. En segundo lugar, rastreamos el concepto de prudencia política a lo largo de la historia del pensamiento poniendo de realce el contraste entre Aristóteles y la modernidad con especial énfasis en el estudio de autores como Maquiavelo, Hobbes, Spinoza y Kant. En tercer lugar, y como término principal de comparación con la prudencia política aristotélica, la confluencia sui generis en la obra de Max Weber de los principales elementos de la filosofía política moderna, teñidos de nietzscheanismo, justifica el análisis de aquellos aspectos de su obra relacionados con cuestiones como la vida política, el líder político y la misión y alcance del conocimiento político práctico. Su perspicacia al juzgar tales asuntos, le lleva en ocasiones, a pesar de sus propios presupuestos ideológicos y metodológicos, a coincidir parcialmente con la caracterización aristotélica de la prudencia política. Pero, sobre todo, la idea weberiana de política, con sus tensiones internas, da testimonio del olvido y ausencia en la modernidad de aquella noción aristotélica. Precisamente la presunta rehabilitación de la phronesis en el siglo XX, retorno que se revela insuficiente, sirve para concluir un recorrido en el que quedan manifiestas las implicaciones del moderno olvido de la prudencia política: la racionalidad de la phronesis queda sustituida por una dialéctica insalvable entre racionalismo e irracionalismo; la atención a la realidad de las cosas queda mermada por el nihilismo en que desemboca la modernidad; la noción misma de orden político queda imposibilitada por la negación de un bien común objetivo, convirtiendo la acción política en voluntad de poder y desvirtuando irremediablemente el sentido originario de la vida política

    Análisis de las actuaciones de protección ambiental y gestión turística en el Parque Regional de Calblanque, Monte de las Cenizas y Peña del Águila (Murcia, SE España)

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    The Regional Park of Calblanque, Monte de las Cenizas and Peña del Águila has 2,822 hectares and more than 13 km of coastline in the municipalities of Cartagena and La Union. With the objective of evaluating the management, environmental and tourist conservation between 2000-2017, the analysis of the reports and reports of the administration is used as a methodology. The result is the participation of 7 professionals, an annual budget of over 600 thousand euros for maintenance and cleaning, surveillance, information and visitor assistance, infrastructures and equipment for public use, conservation of some salt mines, the Tetraclinis articulata forest and limitation of vehicle accesses in summer.El Parque Regional de Calblanque, Monte de las Cenizas y Peña del Águila tiene 2.822 ha y más de 13 Km de costa en los municipios de Cartagena y la Unión. Con el objetivo de evaluar la gestión, conservación ambiental y turística entre 2000-2017, se utiliza como metodología el análisis de las memorias e informes de la administración. El resultado es la participación de 7 profesionales, un presupuesto anual superior a 600 mil euros para mantenimiento y limpieza, vigilancia, información y atención al visitante, infraestructuras y equipamientos de uso público, conservación de unas salinas, del bosque de Tetraclinis articulata y limitación de accesos de vehículos en verano

    Assessment of a methodology to mesh the spatial domain in the proximity of the boundary conditions for one-dimensional gas dynamic calculation

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    [EN] Solution of governing equations for one-dimensional compressible unsteady flow has been performed traditionally using a homogenously distributed spatial mesh. In the resulting node structure, the internal nodes are solved by applying a shock capturing finite difference numerical method whereas the solution of the end nodes, which define the boundary conditions of the pipe, is undertaken by means of the Method of Characteristics. Besides the independent solution of every method, the coupling between the information obtained by the method of characteristics and the finite difference method is key in order to reach a good accuracy in gas dynamics modeling. The classical spatial mesh could provide numerical problems leading the boundary to generate lack of mass, momentum and energy conservation because of the interpolation methodology usually applied to draw the characteristics and path lines from its departure point at calculation time to the end of the pipe during the next time-step. To deal with this undesirable behavior, in this work a modification of the traditional grid including an extra node close to the boundary is proposed in order to explore its ability to provide numerical results with higher conservation fulfillment. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.J.R. Serrano; Arnau Martínez, FJ.; Piqueras, P.; Reyes Belmonte, MA. (2011). Assessment of a methodology to mesh the spatial domain in the proximity of the boundary conditions for one-dimensional gas dynamic calculation. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 54:1747-1752. doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2010.11.073S174717525

    Inference of fault and fracture systems beneath the Matatlan waste dump basement, a VLF study

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    AbstractWe used the VLF technique to infer fault or major fracture zones that might serve as path for contaminant waste fluids in the Matatlan dumpsite, in Guadalajara, western Mexico. To interpret the data we used the Fraser, and Karous-Hjelt filters.Profiles were interpreted with 2D direct modeling based on Karous-Hjelt modified filter (K-H). The Fraser and Karous-Hjelt conjugated filter were applied to the entire data. The results of both techniques show similarities in the directions and positions of anomalous features, which are assumed fault or fracture zones. We observed one fault zone at the centre of the site, with a NEE-SWW strike. Other important inferred structures have NW-SE directions at the western part of the site.The cooperative use of both techniques, based on K-H filter and the Fraser filter give results as an N-S inferred structure in the westernmost part of the zone, as well as NW-SE linear anomalies, mainly in the western half of the site. The N-S structure has the same direction as that of Rio Grande de Santiago Canyon. The NW-SE features coincide with the directions of the Tepic-Zacoalco rift. Others NE-SW lineaments are located towards the centre of the area. These facts coincide strongly with the predominance of fracture groups show in the fracture analysis. The inferred structures could serve as conduits for the leachates to migrate towards the Coyula canyon as well as towards the Rio Grande de Santiago Canyon.Statistic analysis of fracture orientations showed N-S (A), N75-80E (B), N60-65W (C), and N25-30W (D) main directions, and N45-55E (E), and 90E (F) secondary directions. Group A coincides with the direction of the Rio Grande de Santiago Canyon, whereas pattern F have the same direction as Coyula Canyon

    Gestión del paisaje en los montes públicos de la región de Murcia, España

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    The Region of Murcia, in the Southeast of Spain, has a great landscape diversity and the public forests contribute in an important way to that diversity. The European Landscape Convention obliges and commits to the management thereof, being developed through rules and strategies by local and regional administrations. In this work, landscape management in the public forests of the Region of Murcia is studied, according to different normative documents, both general and specific, referring to protected natural areas. The documents, international, national and regional, have been analyzed and valued, with incidence in the management of the landscape of the public forests. It was found that the largest number of measures fall on those included within the protected areas.La Región de Murcia, en el Sureste de España, cuenta con una gran diversidad paisajística y los montes públicos contribuyen de forma importante a esa diversidad. El Convenio Europeo del Paisaje obliga y compromete a la gestión del mismo, siendo desarrollado mediante normas y estrategias por parte de las administraciones locales y Regionales. En este trabajo, se estudia la gestión del paisaje en los montes públicos de la Región de Murcia, según diferentes documentos normativos, tanto de carácter general como específico referidos a los espacios naturales protegidos. Se han analizado y valorado los documentos, internacionales, naciones y regionales, con incidencia en la gestión del paisaje de los montes públicos. Se pudo comprobar que el mayor número de medidas recaen sobre los incluidos dentro de los espacios protegidos

    Importance of Heat Transfer Phenomena in Small Turbochargers for Passenger Car Applications

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    [EN] Nowadays turbocharging the internal combustion engine has become a key point in the reduction on pollutant emissions and the improvement on engine performance. The matching between the turbocharger and the engine is vital due to the highly unsteady flow the turbocharger works with. In the present paper the importance of the heat transfer phenomena inside small automotive turbochargers will be analyzed. This phenomenon will be studied from the point of view of both the turbine and the compressor in one-dimensional modelling. The goodness of the model will be demonstrated predicting turbine and compressor outlet temperatures. An accurate prediction of these parameters will be key designing the intercooler and the after treatment devices. A series of tests in a gas stand with steady and pulsating hot flow in the turbine side will be modeled to show the good agreement in turbocharger enthalpies prediction.This paper is partially supported by the Universitat Politècnica de València PAID-06-11 2034.Serrano Cruz, JR.; Olmeda González, PC.; Arnau Martínez, FJ.; Reyes Belmonte, MA.; Lefebvre, A. (2013). Importance of Heat Transfer Phenomena in Small Turbochargers for Passenger Car Applications. SAE International Journal of Engines. 6(2):1-13. doi:10.4271/2013-01-0576S1136