130 research outputs found

    Les méthodes quantitatives en histoire de la santé : bilan d'une étude d'épidémiologie historique

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    International audienceThe association with an epidemiologist, historian also, allowed to undertake an epidemiological study of history, centered on the modern period of the Hotel des Invalides – from its founding in 1670 to its reorganization in 1791 by the will of the National Constituante Assembly –, an experience that had never been attempted in France. Among the large archives bequeathed by the founding of King Louis XIV, reception records – officers soldiers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers of the earth-force, too old to be used, worn out by the fatigues of military life and / or wounded in the fighting, having applied there, are a source of extreme interest, which lends itself to a quantitative exploitation. The army has played, in fact, an essential role in the definition of identity and human reporting. Faced with managing a growing number of troops from the second half of the seventeenth century, it has sought to develop procedures and define categories for identification of men. The admission records at the Royal HĂŽtel des Invalides illustrate this patient work of “Body Writing”, in the same way that the troops control registers, formerly studied by AndrĂ© Corvisier. On arrival, each applicant was registered by the secretary-archivist of the Hotel des Invalides or his deputy, and then examined by the surgeon staff before appearing in front of the board who decided to receive or send him away. From 1670-1791, more than 110,000 personal notices have been recorded in 47 folio records and 3 registers in 4o. A page on ten was fully divested through the 47 records that cover the modern period. 10 % of all written notices have been selected in this way, representing 11,528 soldiers records. The actual data processing was conducted in two times : it began with a lexicographical discourse analysis on health status, using the Excel and Alceste software. This analysis identified the words and lemmas employees, to measure the frequency of their use, to identify stereotyped expressions, in order to build categories of morbidity, disability and handicap that are relevant for historical analysis and for historical epidemiological analysis. Then, were performed statistical calculations to determine the sociodemographic and health characteristics and the fate of the soldiers, but also to identify factors associated with certain types of pathology or to become and risk groups. It seems futile to oppose nowadays the quantitative to the qualitative history, serial history to micro-storia. The experiment described here shows instead that the study of a micro-society can go through a quantitative approach.L’association avec un mĂ©decin Ă©pidĂ©miologiste, Ă©galement historien, a permis d’entreprendre une Ă©tude d’épidĂ©miologie historique centrĂ©e sur la pĂ©riode moderne de l’HĂŽtel des Invalides – de sa fondation en 1670 Ă  sa rĂ©organisation en 1791 par la volontĂ© de l’AssemblĂ©e nationale Constituante –, une expĂ©rience qui n’avait encore jamais Ă©tĂ© tentĂ©e en France. Parmi les archives volumineuses lĂ©guĂ©es par la fondation du roi Louis XIV, les registres de rĂ©ception des militaires – officiers, bas-officiers, soldats de l’armĂ©e de terre –, trop ĂągĂ©s pour servir, usĂ©s par les fatigues de la vie militaire et/ou blessĂ©s dans les combats, y ayant sollicitĂ© leur admission, constituent une source d’une extrĂȘme richesse, qui se prĂȘte Ă  une exploitation quantitative. L’armĂ©e a jouĂ©, en effet, un rĂŽle essentiel dans l’histoire de la dĂ©finition de l’identitĂ© et du signalement humain. ConfrontĂ©e Ă  la gestion d’un nombre croissant de troupes Ă  partir de la seconde moitiĂ© du xviie siĂšcle, elle s’est efforcĂ©e d’élaborer des procĂ©dures et de dĂ©finir des catĂ©gories servant Ă  l’identification des hommes. Les registres d’admission Ă  l’HĂŽtel royal des Invalides illustrent ce patient travail « d’écriture du corps », au mĂȘme titre que les registres de contrĂŽle des troupes, naguĂšre Ă©tudiĂ©s par AndrĂ© Corvisier. À son arrivĂ©e, chaque postulant Ă©tait enregistrĂ© par le secrĂ©taire garde des archives de l’HĂŽtel des Invalides ou son adjoint, puis examinĂ© par le chirurgien-major avant de se prĂ©senter devant le conseil d’administration qui dĂ©cidait de le recevoir ou de le renvoyer. De 1670 Ă  1791, plus de 110 000 notices nominatives ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© consignĂ©es dans 47 registres in-folio et 3 registres in 4o. Une page sur dix a Ă©tĂ© intĂ©gralement dĂ©pouillĂ©e dans les 47 registres qui couvrent la pĂ©riode moderne. 10 % de l’ensemble des notices rĂ©digĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s de la sorte, reprĂ©sentant 11 528 enregistrements de soldats. Le traitement proprement dit des donnĂ©es s’est dĂ©roulĂ© en deux temps : il a commencĂ© par une analyse lexicographique du discours sur l’état de santĂ©, au moyen des logiciels Excel et Alceste ; cette analyse a permis d’identifier les mots et lemmes employĂ©s, de mesurer la frĂ©quence de leur emploi, de repĂ©rer des expressions stĂ©rĂ©otypĂ©es, de façon Ă  construire des catĂ©gories de morbiditĂ©, d’incapacitĂ© et de handicap qui soient pertinentes pour l’analyse historique et Ă©pidĂ©miologique. On a ensuite procĂ©dĂ© Ă  des calculs statistiques pour dĂ©terminer les caractĂ©ristiques sociodĂ©mographiques et sanitaires ainsi que le devenir des soldats, mais aussi pour identifier les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  certains types de pathologie ou de devenir et les groupes Ă  risques. Il semble vain d’opposer aujourd’hui l’histoire quantitative Ă  l’histoire qualitative, l’histoire sĂ©rielle Ă  la micro-storia. L’expĂ©rience exposĂ©e ici, montre au contraire que l’étude d’une micro-sociĂ©tĂ© peut passer par une approche quantitative


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    Establishment of a character of the influence of geometric parameters on shear rigidity, determination of maximum stresses in a layer of elastic shell located between the cables and the drum, and development of an algorithm for determination of shear rigidity of rubber-cable rope (belt) shell relatively to the driving drum. Determination of a lower boundary of the efficiency coefficient in a process of interaction of the rubber-cable rope (belt) with sheaves and drums, that are driving and driven, lined with elastic materials and with hard operating surfaces

    Mixed Message Media: Girls’ Voices and Civic Engagement in Student Journalism

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedited version of an article published in Girlhood Studies. The definitive publisher-authenticated version, Belmas, G. I., & Bobkowski, P. S. (2017). Mixed Message Media: Girls’ Voices and Civic Engagement in Student Journalism. Girlhood Studies 10, no. 1: 89–106, is available online at: https://doi.org/10.3167/ghs.2017.100107Prior research has illustrated the benefits of media literacy and production programs for girls’ self-expression and civic engagement. This study examines whether formal high school journalism programs can be similarly beneficial. A survey of 461 high school journalists shows that girls want to use student media to address serious topics that can contribute to their civic development. But school employees also tell girls more often than boys not to cover sensitive issues in the student media, and girls are more likely than boys to acquiesce to such requests. Girls will not glean the full benefits of journalism education until such disparate treatment is addressed. Journalism educators and school administrators may profit from the feminist pedagogical approaches developed in out-of-school media-focused programs in which girls have demonstrated significant willingness to express themselves and are unencumbered to do so

    The stress-strain state of the flat rope of hoisting engine with considering their technical state

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    Obtained an analytical dependence for determining the tensile forces acting in cables of the fl at rubberized rope. It takes into account the design of the hoisting engine – the deviations of generating line of the drum from a straight and of the possible break of the cable in rope. A comprehensive account of the impact of various factors on the stress-strain state of the rope allows determining the loss of tractive capacity in operation on the hoisting engine. The results should be taken into account in the design and operation of hoisting and transporting machines with fl at traction bodies

    In the Dark: A Consumer Perspective on FCC Broadcast Indecency Denials

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    Indecency regulation has been a hot political and social topic since Janet Jackson revealed her breast during the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show. The number of indecency complaints the FCC receives each year continues to rise. Moreover, to further complicate matters, in 2007 the Second Circuit overturned the FCC policy that so-called fleeting expletives would be considered indecent. However, there has been no systematic review of the complaints from the perspective of the complainant. How has the FCC managed its increasing indecency complaint load, and what does it tell consumers who have taken the time to write formal complaints about what they perceive to be indecent programming? The authors obtained indecency complaints about broadcast programming received and denied by the FCC in 2004 through a Freedom of Information Act request. The nature of the complaint, geographic area, and FCC response were examined from the standpoint of the consumer. The authors make several suggestions to improve the FCC\u27s handling of its increasing load of indecency complaints and its correspondence with the complainants. The authors also take a critical look at activist groups and their effect on the complaint process

    A Paper Shield? Whether State Privilege Protections Apply to Student Journalists

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    Most states recognize a privilege for journalists to protect confidential sources from compelled disclosure. The privilege varies from state to state, and a major difference is how they define a journalist—i.e., a person qualified to claim the privilege. Some schemes are narrow and limit their coverage to employees of professional news organizations. Others are broad and cover freelancers, filmmakers, bloggers, and others who gather information for publication. But what about student journalists? Are they covered? In recent years, as traditional media have adapted to changing circumstances, student journalists have played a vital role in meeting their communities’ needs for news. This Article explores whether state reporter’s privilege protections cover student journalists by reviewing existing privilege schemes, ultimately finding that most exclude student journalists. This poses a unique problem because, as one commentator put it, “[i]f we’re going to ask students to fulfill the responsibility of being front-line newsgatherers, the least we can do is send them out into the field with the confidence of meaningful legal protection.” With that in mind, the Article offers solutions and calls for legislative action, arguing that student journalists need more than a paper shield to fulfill their editorial responsibilities. This is the first comprehensive scholarly analysis of these issues

    In the Dark: A Consumer Perspective on FCC Broadcast Indecency Denials

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    Indecency regulation has been a hot political and social topic since Janet Jackson revealed her breast during the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show. The number of indecency complaints the FCC receives each year continues to rise. Moreover, to further complicate matters, in 2007 the Second Circuit overturned the FCC policy that so-called fleeting expletives would be considered indecent. However, there has been no systematic review of the complaints from the perspective of the complainant. How has the FCC managed its increasing indecency complaint load, and what does it tell consumers who have taken the time to write formal complaints about what they perceive to be indecent programming? The authors obtained indecency complaints about broadcast programming received and denied by the FCC in 2004 through a Freedom of Information Act request. The nature of the complaint, geographic area, and FCC response were examined from the standpoint of the consumer. The authors make several suggestions to improve the FCC\u27s handling of its increasing load of indecency complaints and its correspondence with the complainants. The authors also take a critical look at activist groups and their effect on the complaint process

    Participant experiences of the DWELL programme: focus group findings on motivation, experiences, facilitators and barriers

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    Initiatives to increase effective, low-cost self-management are essential to the sustainability of care for type 2 diabetes (T2D), however research shows that there is currently no standard approach. The DWELL programme seeks to motivate and empower people with T2D to better self-manage their condition through focussed content underpinned by motivational interviewing. As part of the DWELL evaluation study, end-of-programme focus groups were conducted to elicit participant experiences. 33 focus groups with 153 participants (including a small number of partners) took place in the two UK DWELL delivery sites. The focus group data was subjected to thematic content analysis to elicit key themes. Findings indicate that DWELL participants are motivated through a desire for better knowledge and management of their diabetes. Facilitating factors of the programme include: facilitator and peer support; the holistic and autonomous approach which provides participants with the opportunity to better understand the condition and its impact on their whole lives; and a tailored individual approach. Barriers and suggested improvements include content and operational changes, which are fed back to DWELL facilitators as part of the process evaluation in order that they can continually update the programme. Participants report positive outcomes in terms of wellbeing, social and mental health, enhanced knowledge and positive lifestyle changes. These themes align with quantitative outcome measures for participants, including weight loss, reduced BMI and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), enhanced empowerment and improved eating behaviours and illness perceptions and control. Interim findings suggest that DWELL outcomes include improved health literacy, participant empowerment and self-management. These findings underscore the need to incorporate a holistic, tailored approach to structured patient education for T2D
