2,562 research outputs found

    Effects of dietary protein and fat level and rapeseed oil on growth and tissue fatty acid composition and metabolism in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) reared at low water temperatures

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    A 12 week feeding trial was conducted to elucidate the interactive effects of dietary fat and protein contents and oil source on growth, fatty acid composition, protein retention efficiency (PRE) and β-oxidation activity of muscle and liver in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) at low water temperatures (4.2 oC). Triplicate groups of Atlantic salmon (initial weight 1168 g) were fed six isoenergetic diets formulated to provide either 390 g kg-1 protein and 320 g kg-1 fat (high protein (HP) diets) or 340 g kg-1 protein and 360 g kg-1 fat (low protein (LP) diets); within each dietary protein/fat level crude RO comprised 0, 30 or 60% (R0, R30, R60, respectively) of the added oil. After 12 weeks the overall growth and FCR were very good for all treatments (TGC; 4.76 (¹0.23), FCR; 0.85 (¹0.02)). Significant effects were shown due to oil source on SGR and TGC only. The liver and muscle FA compositions were highly affected by the graded inclusion of RO. The PRE was significantly affected by the dietary protein level, while no significant effects were shown in total β-oxidation capacity of liver and muscle. The results of this study suggest that more sustainable, lower protein diets with moderate RO inclusion can be used in Atlantic salmon culture at low water temperatures with no negative effects on growth and feed conversion, no major detrimental effects on lipid and fatty acid metabolism and a positive effect on protein sparing

    Do functional traits improve prediction of predation rates for a disparate group of aphid predators?

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    Aphid predators are a systematically disparate group of arthropods united on the basis that they consume aphids as part of their diet. In Europe, this group includes Araneae, Opiliones, Heteroptera, chrysopids, Forficulina, syrphid larvae, carabids, staphylinids, cantharids and coccinellids. This functional group has no phylogenetic meaning but was created by ecologists as a way of understanding predation, particularly for conservation biological control. We investigated whether trait-based approaches could bring some cohesion and structure to this predator group. A taxonomic hierarchy-based null model was created from taxonomic distances in which a simple multiplicative relationship described the Linnaean hierarchies (species, genera, etc.) of fifty common aphid predators. Using the same fifty species, a functional groups model was developed using ten behavioural traits (e.g. polyphagy, dispersal, activity, etc.) to describe the way in which aphids were predated in the field. The interrelationships between species were then expressed as dissimilarities within each model and separately analysed using PROXSCAL, a multidimensional scaling (MDS) program. When ordinated using PROXSCAL and then statistically compared using Procrustes analysis, we found that only 17% of information was shared between the two configurations. Polyphagy across kingdoms (i.e. predatory behaviour across animal, plant and fungi kingdoms) and the ability to withstand starvation over days, weeks and months were particularly divisive within the functional groups model. Confirmatory MDS indicated poor prediction of aphid predation rates by the configurations derived from either model. The counterintuitive conclusion was that the inclusion of functional traits, pertinent to the way in which predators fed on aphids, did not lead to a large improvement in the prediction of predation rate when compared to the standard taxonomic approach

    The impossible regularization of the Nambu Jona-Lasinio model with vector interactions

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    We show that the procedure of regularizing the real part of the euclidean action, while leaving the imaginary part unregularized, leads to a non-analytic and highly singular functional of the fields. It is customary to work with an imaginary time component of the vector field, in order to avoid regularization of the anomalous processes. We show that this procedure is flawed by the fact that a stationary point of the action occurs for a real, not imaginary, time component of the vector field. Furthermore the action in the vicinity of the stationary point is singular. The regularized action is thus not suitable for an evaluation of the partition function using a saddle point method. We discuss proposed solutions to this problem, as well as other regularizations. They all lead to practical problems.Comment: 13 pages in Latex, available from [email protected]

    A note on brain actuated spelling with the Berlin brain-computer interface

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    Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are systems capable of decoding neural activity in real time, thereby allowing a computer application to be directly controlled by the brain. Since the characteristics of such direct brain-tocomputer interaction are limited in several aspects, one major challenge in BCI research is intelligent front-end design. Here we present the mental text entry application ‘Hex-o-Spell’ which incorporates principles of Human-Computer Interaction research into BCI feedback design. The system utilises the high visual display bandwidth to help compensate for the extremely limited control bandwidth which operates with only two mental states, where the timing of the state changes encodes most of the information. The display is visually appealing, and control is robust. The effectiveness and robustness of the interface was demonstrated at the CeBIT 2006 (world’s largest IT fair) where two subjects operated the mental text entry system at a speed of up to 7.6 char/min

    A Note on the Integral Formulation of Einstein's Equations Induced on a Braneworld

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    We revisit the integral formulation (or Green's function approach) of Einstein's equations in the context of braneworlds. The integral formulation has been proposed independently by several authors in the past, based on the assumption that it is possible to give a reinterpretation of the local metric field in curved spacetimes as an integral expression involving sources and boundary conditions. This allows one to separate source-generated and source-free contributions to the metric field. As a consequence, an exact meaning to Mach's Principle can be achieved in the sense that only source-generated (matter fields) contributions to the metric are allowed for; universes which do not obey this condition would be non-Machian. In this paper, we revisit this idea concentrating on a Randall-Sundrum-type model with a non-trivial cosmology on the brane. We argue that the role of the surface term (the source-free contribution) in the braneworld scenario may be quite subtler than in the 4D formulation. This may pose, for instance, an interesting issue to the cosmological constant problem.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in the General Relativity and Gravitation Journa

    Use of novel sensors combining local positioning and acceleration to measure feeding behavior differences associated with lameness in dairy cattle

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    Time constraints for dairy farmers are an important factor contributing to the under-detection of lameness, resulting in delayed or missed treatment of lame cows within many commercial dairy herds. Hence, a need exists for flexible and affordable cow-based sensor systems capable of monitoring behaviors such as time spent feeding, which may be affected by the onset of lameness. In this study a novel neck-mounted mobile sensor system that combines local positioning and activity (acceleration) was tested and validated on a commercial UK dairy farm. Position and activity data were collected over 5 consecutive days for 19 high-yield dairy cows (10 lame, 9 non-lame) that formed a subset of a larger (120 cow) management group housed in a freestall barn. A decision tree algorithm that included sensor-recorded position and accelerometer data was developed to classify a cow as doing 1 of 3 categories of behavior: (1) feeding, (2) not feeding, and (3) out of pen for milking. For each classified behavior the mean number of bouts, the mean bout duration, and the mean total duration across all bouts was determined on a daily basis, and also separately for the time periods in between milking (morning = 0630–1300 h; afternoon = 1430–2100 h; night = 2230–0500 h). A comparative analysis of the classified cow behaviors was undertaken using a Welch -test with Benjamini-t Hochberg post-hoc correction under the null hypothesis of no differences in the number or duration of behavioral bouts between the 2 test groups of lame and nonlame cows. Analysis showed that mean total daily feeding duration was significantly lower for lame cows compared with non-lame cows. Behavior was also affected by time of day with significantly lower mean total duration of feeding and higher total duration of nonfeeding in the afternoons for lame cows compared with nonlame cows. The results demonstrate how sensors that measure both position and acceleration are capable of detecting differences in feeding behavior that may be associated with lameness. Such behavioral differences could be used in the development of predictive algorithms for the prompt detection of lameness as part of a commercially viable automated behavioral monitoring system

    Gamma-ray emission expected from Kepler's SNR

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    Nonlinear kinetic theory of cosmic ray (CR) acceleration in supernova remnants (SNRs) is used to investigate the properties of Kepler's SNR and, in particular, to predict the gamma-ray spectrum expected from this SNR. Observations of the nonthermal radio and X-ray emission spectra as well as theoretical constraints for the total supernova (SN) explosion energy E_sn are used to constrain the astronomical and particle acceleration parameters of the system. Under the assumption that Kepler's SN is a type Ia SN we determine for any given explosion energy E_sn and source distance d the mass density of the ambient interstellar medium (ISM) from a fit to the observed SNR size and expansion speed. This makes it possible to make predictions for the expected gamma-ray flux. Exploring the expected distance range we find that for a typical explosion energy E_sn=10^51 erg the expected energy flux of TeV gamma-rays varies from 2x10^{-11} to 10^{-13} erg/(cm^2 s) when the distance changes from d=3.4 kpc to 7 kpc. In all cases the gamma-ray emission is dominated by \pi^0-decay gamma-rays due to nuclear CRs. Therefore Kepler's SNR represents a very promising target for instruments like H.E.S.S., CANGAROO and GLAST. A non-detection of gamma-rays would mean that the actual source distance is larger than 7 kpc.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, minor typos correcte

    Methane emissions among individual dairy cows during milking quantified by eructation peaks or ratio with carbon dioxide

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    The aims of this study were to compare methods for examining measurements of CH4 and CO2 emissions of dairy cows during milking and to assess repeatability and variation of CH4 emissions among individual dairy cows. Measurements of CH4 and CO2 emissions from 36 cows were collected in 3 consecutive feeding periods. In the first period, cows were fed a commercial partial mixed ration (PMR) containing 69% forage. In the second and third periods, the same 36 cows were fed a high-forage PMR ration containing 75% forage, with either a high grass silage or high maize silage content. Emissions of CH4 during each milking were examined using 2 methods. First, peaks in CH4 concentration due to eructations during milking were quantified. Second, ratios of CH4 and CO2 average concentrations during milking were calculated. A linear mixed model was used to assess differences between PMR. Variation in CH4 emissions was observed among cows after adjusting for effects of lactation number, week of lactation, diet, individual cow, and feeding period, with coefficients of variation estimated from variance components ranging from 11 to 14% across diets and methods of quantifying emissions. No significant difference was detected between the 3 PMR in CH4 emissions estimated by either method. Emissions of CH4 calculated from eructation peaks or as CH4 to CO2 ratio were positively associated with forage dry matter intake. Ranking of cows according to CH4 emissions on different diets was correlated for both methods, although rank correlations and repeatability were greater for CH4 concentration from eructation peaks than for CH4-to-CO2 ratio. We conclude that quantifying enteric CH4 emissions either using eructation peaks in concentration or as CH4-to-CO2 ratio can provide highly repeatable phenotypes for ranking cows on CH4 output

    The role of insulin receptor substrate 2 in hypothalamic and β cell function

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    Insulin receptor substrate 2 (Irs2) plays complex roles in energy homeostasis. We generated mice lacking Irs2 in β cells and a population of hypothalamic neurons (RIPCreIrs2KO), in all neurons (NesCreIrs2KO), and in proopiomelanocortin neurons (POMCCreIrs2KO) to determine the role of Irs2 in the CNS and β cell. RIPCreIrs2KO mice displayed impaired glucose tolerance and reduced β cell mass. Overt diabetes did not ensue, because β cells escaping Cre-mediated recombination progressively populated islets. RIPCreIrs2KO and NesCreIrs2KO mice displayed hyperphagia, obesity, and increased body length, which suggests altered melanocortin action. POMCCreIrs2KO mice did not display this phenotype. RIPCreIrs2KO and NesCreIrs2KO mice retained leptin sensitivity, which suggests that CNS Irs2 pathways are not required for leptin action. NesCreIrs2KO and POMCCreIrs2KO mice did not display reduced β cell mass, but NesCreIrs2KO mice displayed mild abnormalities of glucose homeostasis. RIPCre neurons did not express POMC or neuropeptide Y. Insulin and a melanocortin agonist depolarized RIPCre neurons, whereas leptin was ineffective. Insulin hyperpolarized and leptin depolarized POMC neurons. Our findings demonstrate a critical role for IRS2 in β cell and hypothalamic function and provide insights into the role of RIPCre neurons, a distinct hypothalamic neuronal population, in growth and energy homeostasis

    Combining a ractopamine feeding regime and porcine somatotropin has additive effects on finisher pig performance

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    Treatment of finisher pigs with dietary ractopamine (RAC; PayleanÂŽ, Elanco Animal Health, NSW) improves daily gain and feed efficiency commensurate with increased protein deposition in finishing pigs (Dunshea et al., 1993). However, effects of RAC on P2 fat deposition are equivocal. Dunshea et al. (1993) found no change in gilts and barrows, whilst a trend towards reduced P2 depth was observed in boars fed dietary RAC. Exogenous porcine somatotropin (pST; ReporcinÂŽ, OzBioPharm Pty Ltd, Victoria) improves daily gain and feed efficiency and increases the ratio oflean to fat in carcases of boars, gilts and barrows (Campbell et al., 1989). As both technologies are applied at the end of the finishing phase, it is of interest to determine whether a combination of RAC and pST has additive effects on pig performance
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