323 research outputs found

    Palatini wormholes and energy conditions from the prism of General Relativity

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    Wormholes are hypothetical shortcuts in spacetime that in General Relativity unavoidably violate all of the pointwise energy conditions. In this paper, we consider several wormhole spacetimes that, as opposed to the standard \emph{designer} procedure frequently employed in the literature, arise directly from gravitational actions including additional terms resulting from contractions of the Ricci tensor with the metric, and which are formulated assuming independence between metric and connection (Palatini approach). We reinterpret such wormhole solutions under the prism of General Relativity and study the matter sources that thread them. We discuss the size of violation of the energy conditions in different cases, and how this is related to the same spacetimes when viewed from the modified gravity side.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Significant changes mainly in introduction and conclusions. Accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    A New Tool for Assessing Environmental Impacts of Altering Short-Term Flow and Water Level Regimes

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    The computational tool InSTHAn (indicators of short-term hydrological alteration) was developed to summarize data on subdaily stream flows or water levels into manageable, comprehensive and ecologically meaningful metrics, and to qualify and quantify their deviation from unaltered states. The pronunciation of the acronym refers to the recording interval of input data (i.e., instant). We compared InSTHAn with the tool COSH-Tool in a characterization of the subdaily flow variability of the Colorado River downstream from the Glen Canyon dam, and in an evaluation of the effects of the dam on this variability. Both tools captured the hydropeaking caused by a dam operation, but only InSTHAn quantified the alteration of key flow attributes, highlighting significant increases in the range of within-day flow variations and in their rates of change. This information is vital to evaluate the potential ecological consequences of the hydrological alteration, and whether they may be irreversible, making InSTHAn a key tool for river flow management

    Causas y consecuencias de embarazos en adolescentes

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    Esta investigación busca la concientización sobre los conceptos básicos sobre las posibles causas y las consecuencias que conlleva un embarazo en la adolescencia. Sobre el tema se trata de afianzar los conocimientos de sensibilización, y prevención de dicha problemática, la cual se ha vuelto una de las problemáticas en Salud Pública de más inversión social a nivel mundial. Se encontró durante del desarrollo del trabajo que en nuestra sociedad existen muchos mandatos distintos para hombres y mujeres de lo que deben hacer o dejar de hacer; por ejemplo: las mujeres son señaladas si son activas sexualmente; tienen temor de que las pongan en evidencia, pues sienten que están haciendo algo malo. Les da temor comprar anticonceptivos y pese a toda la información que se les da, a muchas adolescentes les importa más el “qué pensarán de mí” y dejan de lado el cuidado de su cuerpo sin protegerse de un embarazo no planificado o de las ITS, el VIH y sida. Se da a conocer la escasa información, orientación y educación sexual adecuada, que no les permite a los adolescentes hablar abiertamente del tema con total confianza, sin temor a que las juzguen y que por desconocimiento no saben ni cómo funciona su cuerpo y de los posibles cambios que pueden ocurrir si se produce un embarazo en esta etapa.This research seeks awareness of the basics about the possible causes and consequences involved in teenage pregnancy. On the issue is consolidate the knowledge awareness, and prevention of this problem, which has become one of the problems in public health over social investment worldwide. It was found during the development of work in our society there are many different terms for men and women what they should do or not do, for example, women are identified if they are sexually active, have concerns that put in evidence, they feel they are doing something wrong. They're afraid to buy contraceptives and despite all the information given to them, many teenagers care more about "what they think of me" and neglect the care of your body without protection from unintended pregnancy or STIs, HIV and AIDS. Disclosed little information, guidance and appropriate sex education, which does not allow teens to talk openly about it with confidence, without fear that the judge and ignorance they do not know how your body works and possible changes that may occur if a pregnancy at this stag

    Impact of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances on network real-time kinematic services: CATNET study case

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    Medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) are fluctuations in the plasma density that propagate through the upper layer of the atmosphere at velocities of approximately 100 m/s and periods reaching some tens of minutes. Due to their wavelengths, MSTIDs can degrade the performance of differential positioning techniques, such as real-time kinematics (RTK) or network-RTK (NRTK). This paper defines a novel methodology as a tool for relating the errors in NRTK positioning based on an MSTIDs indicator using the second difference in time of the slant total electron content (STEC). The pro-posed methodology performs integer ambiguity resolution (IAR) on the undifferenced measurements instead of using double-differenced carrier-phase measurements, as it is usual in RTK and NRTK. Statistical tests are applied to evaluate the degradation in the position errors caused by the impacts of MSTIDs on RTK and NRTK positioning over a data set spanning one year gathered from the CATNET network; a dual-frequency network of fixed permanent GNSS receivers located at the mid-latitudes of northeastern Spain. With the development of the proposed methodology for measuring the position degradation, another results of the present research are the establishment of thresholds for the proposed MSTIDs index, which can be used to monitor the positioning solution and to warn users when the measurements are affected by MSTIDs events, relating the position error to MSTIDs that affect not only the user receivers but also of the reference receivers within the network.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evaluación de resultados de un programa en salud oral en una población capitada infantil en un centro ambulatorio entre 2009-2012

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    El propósito de este estudio fue analizar los resultados de una intervención primaria en salud oral de una población infantil entre edades de 7 a 12 años y establecer el comportamiento presentado en la población estudiada con respecto al índice internacional de salud oral COE Y COP, determinando aumento o disminución luego de la intervención. Para ello se utilizó un instrumento de recolección de datos, posterior a la observación de los registros clínicos, logrando conocer las características de las variables planteadas en el estudio en relación al Índice de Salud Oral COE y COP – D al inicio, final y comparativo de la intervención; número de eventos requeridos para la intervención, adherencia y cambios en patrón de morbilidad luego de la intervención. De acuerdo con los resultados se encontró que el comportamiento presentado en la población estudiada con respecto al índice de salud oral COE Y COP muestra una disminución que luego del análisis de resultados concluye con el cumplimiento de la meta internacional establecida por la OMS, estableciendo como objetivo para América Latina un COP-D de 1 a 2.9 para el año 2015; lo cual para esta investigación demuestra efectividad de la intervención al obtener un índice COP-D de 2,67.The purpose of this study was to analyze the results of a primary intervention in oral health of a child population between ages 7 to 12 and set the behavior presented in the study population with respect to the International Index of oral health COE and COP , determining increased or decreased after the intervention . This requires a data collection instrument , after the observation of clinical records , was used achieving knowing the characteristics of the variables under the study in relation to Oral Health Index COE and COP - D at the start , end and comparative intervention , number of events required for the intervention , adherence and morbidity pattern changes after the intervention . According to the results found that the conduct presented in the study population with respect to oral health index COE and COP shows a decline after the analysis of results concludes compliance with the international goal set by WHO , setting a target for Latin America, a COP - 1 to 2.9 D 2015 , which for this research shows effectiveness of the intervention to obtain a COP -D index of 2.67CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS EMPRESARIALES PARA LA PERDURABILIDA

    Retinal nerve fiber layer atrophy is associated with physical and cognitive disability in multiple sclerosis

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    Studying axonal loss in the retina is a promising biomarker for multiple sclerosis (MS). Our aim was to compare optical coherence tomography (OCT) and Heidelberg retinal tomography (HRT) techniques to measure the thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) in patients with MS, and to explore the relationship between changes in the RNFL thickness with physical and cognitive disability. We studied 52 patients with MS and 18 proportionally matched controls by performing neurological examination, neuropsychological evaluation using the Brief Repetitive Battery-Neuropsychology and RNFL thickness measurement using OCT and HRT. RESULTS: We found that both OCT and HRT could define a reduction in the thickness of the RNFL in patients with MS compared with controls, although both measurements were weakly correlated, suggesting that they might measure different aspects of the tissue changes in MS. The degree of RNFL atrophy was correlated with cognitive disability, mainly with the symbol digit modality test (r=0.754, P<0.001). Moreover, temporal quadrant RNFL atrophy measured with OCT was associated with physical disability. CONCLUSION: In summary, both OCT and HRT are able to detect thinning of the RNFL, but OCT seems to be the most sensitive technique to identify changes associated with MS evolution

    Evaluación de resultados de un programa en salud oral en una población capitada infantil en un centro ambulatorio entre 2009-2012

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    El propósito de este estudio fue analizar los resultados de una intervención primaria en salud oral de una población infantil entre edades de 7 a 12 años y establecer el comportamiento presentado en la población estudiada con respecto al índice internacional de salud oral COE Y COP, determinando aumento o disminución luego de la intervención. Para ello se utilizó un instrumento de recolección de datos, posterior a la observación de los registros clínicos, logrando conocer las características de las variables planteadas en el estudio en relación al Índice de Salud Oral COE y COP – D al inicio, final y comparativo de la intervención; número de eventos requeridos para la intervención, adherencia y cambios en patrón de morbilidad luego de la intervención. De acuerdo con los resultados se encontró que el comportamiento presentado en la población estudiada con respecto al índice de salud oral COE Y COP muestra una disminución que luego del análisis de resultados concluye con el cumplimiento de la meta internacional establecida por la OMS, estableciendo como objetivo para América Latina un COP-D de 1 a 2.9 para el año 2015; lo cual para esta investigación demuestra efectividad de la intervención al obtener un índice COP-D de 2,67.The purpose of this study was to analyze the results of a primary intervention in oral health of a child population between ages 7 to 12 and set the behavior presented in the study population with respect to the International Index of oral health COE and COP , determining increased or decreased after the intervention . This requires a data collection instrument , after the observation of clinical records , was used achieving knowing the characteristics of the variables under the study in relation to Oral Health Index COE and COP - D at the start , end and comparative intervention , number of events required for the intervention , adherence and morbidity pattern changes after the intervention . According to the results found that the conduct presented in the study population with respect to oral health index COE and COP shows a decline after the analysis of results concludes compliance with the international goal set by WHO , setting a target for Latin America, a COP - 1 to 2.9 D 2015 , which for this research shows effectiveness of the intervention to obtain a COP -D index of 2.67CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS EMPRESARIALES PARA LA PERDURABILIDA

    A prevalência da síndrome de Burnout em estudantes de medicina do distrito federal / The prevalence of Burnout syndrome in medical students in the federal district

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    A Síndrome de Burnout é caracterizada por exaustão física e emocional frente a uma resposta emocional crônica ao estresse desencadeado pela sobrecarga de funções. Para se caracterizar a síndrome é necessário os sintomas de exaustão emocional, descrença e ineficácia profissional.O propósito deste estudo foi observar através de questionários a prevalência da síndrome de burnout em estudantes de medicina do Distrito Federal e a identificação dos possíveis fatores estressores e protetores para o surgimento da síndrome.Dentre as universidades analisadas, o Centro Universitário de Brasília apresentou maior adesão à pesquisa e menores indícios para a síndrome, em oposição a Universidade Católica de Brasília que apresentou os maiores valores positivos para o desenvolvimento da síndrome 35,4%.O sexo feminino teve maior participação, 166 respostas, destas 24% estavam de dentro dos critérios de diagnóstico da síndrome. Em relação aos fatores protetores, observou-se que não morar sozinho, ter religião e praticar atividade física possivelmente podem diminuir as chances para o aparecimento da síndrome

    Propuesta de mejora de los procesos de atención posventa de solicitudes y reclamos del canal call center en Interbank

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    El Banco Interbank del Perú es una de las principales instituciones financieras del país, con una gran cantidad de clientes que requieren servicios de atención al cliente y soporte técnico. El sistema de call center es uno de los principales canales de comunicación entre los clientes y el banco, lo que lo convierte en un elemento clave en la relación con los usuarios. En este sentido, la calidad del servicio que se ofrece en el call center es fundamental para mantener la fidelidad de los clientes y mejorar la reputación de la empresa. Sin embargo, el sistema de call center del Banco Interbank del Perú no está exento de dolores y problemas que afectan tanto a los clientes como a los agentes que trabajan en él. La complejidad del proceso de atención al cliente, la necesidad de ofrecer soluciones rápidas y efectivas, así como el volumen de llamadas que se reciben diariamente, son solo algunos de los desafíos a los que se enfrenta el sistema de call center

    Early Detection and Intervention of ASD: A European Overview

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    Over the last several years there has been an increasing focus on early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), not only from the scientific field but also from professional associations and public health systems all across Europe. Not surprisingly, in order to offer better services and quality of life for both children with ASD and their families, different screening procedures and tools have been developed for early assessment and intervention. However, current evidence is needed for healthcare providers and policy makers to be able to implement specific measures and increase autism awareness in European communities. The general aim of this review is to address the latest and most relevant issues related to early detection and treatments. The specific objectives are (1) analyse the impact, describing advantages and drawbacks, of screening procedures based on standardized tests, surveillance programmes, or other observational measures; and (2) provide a European framework of early intervention programmes and practices and what has been learnt from implementing them in public or private settings. This analysis is then discussed and best practices are suggested to help professionals, health systems and policy makers to improve their local procedures or to develop new proposals for early detection and intervention programmes.The authors were supported by a research grant awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant PSI2016-80575-R) and European Union. DGSANCO. Ref.: SANCO/2014/C2/035.S