2,458 research outputs found

    Spectacular Role of Electron Correlation in the Hyperfine Interactions in 2D5/2^2D_{5/2} States in Alkaline Earth Ions

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    The low-lying n(=3,4,5)d 2D5/2^2D_{5/2} states alkaline earth ions are of vital importance in a number of different physical applications. The hyperfine structure constants of these states are characterized by unusually strong electron correlation effects. Relativistic coupled-cluster theory has been employed to carry out {\it ab initio} calculations of these constants. The role of the all order core-polarization effects was found to be decisive in obtaining good agreement of the results of our calculations with accurate measurements. The present work is an apt demonstration of the power of the coupled-cluster method to cope with strongly interacting configurations.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letters, 3 figures and 5 table

    How much vector control is needed to achieve malaria elimination?

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    Roll Back Malaria's ambitious goals for global malaria reduction by 2015 represent a dilemma for National Malaria Control Programs (NMCPs) that are still far from malaria elimination. Current vector control efforts by NMCPs generally fall short of their potential, leaving many NMCPs wondering how much vector control it will take to achieve malaria elimination. We believe the answer is detailed in the relationships between the entomological inoculation rate (EIR) and four epidemiological measures of malaria in humans. To achieve adequate vector control, NMCPs must evaluate EIRs to identify problematic foci of transmission and reduce annual EIRs to less than one infectious bite per person

    Technical Note: Mesocosm approach to quantify dissolved inorganic carbon percolation fluxes

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    Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) fluxes across the vadose zone are influenced by a complex interplay of biological, chemical and physical factors. A novel soil mesocosm system was evaluated as a tool for providing information on the mechanisms behind DIC percolation to the groundwater from unplanted soil. Carbon dioxide partial pressure (<i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub>), alkalinity, soil moisture and temperature were measured with depth and time, and DIC in the percolate was quantified using a sodium hydroxide trap. Results showed good reproducibility between two replicate mesocosms. The <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> varied between 0.2 and 1.1%, and the alkalinity was 0.1–0.6 meq L<sup>−1</sup>. The measured cumulative effluent DIC flux over the 78-day experimental period was 185–196 mg L<sup>−1</sup> m<sup>−2</sup> and in the same range as estimates derived from <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> and alkalinity in samples extracted from the side of the mesocosm column and the drainage flux. Our results indicate that the mesocosm system is a promising tool for studying DIC percolation fluxes and other biogeochemical transport processes in unsaturated environments

    Complete two-loop correction to the bound-electron g factor

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    Within a systematic approach based on the dimensionally regularized nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics, we derive the complete result for the two-loop correction to order (α/π)2(Zα)4(\alpha/\pi)^2 (Z \alpha)^4 for the gg factor of an electron bound in an nSnS state of a hydrogenlike ion. The results obtained significantly improve the accuracy of the theoretical predictions for the hydrogenlike carbon and oxygen ions and influence the value of the electron mass inferred from gg factor measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Cell-Autonomous Death of Cerebellar Purkinje Neurons with Autophagy in Niemann-Pick Type C Disease

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    Niemann-Pick type C is a neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in either of two genes, npc1 and npc2. Cells lacking Npc1, which is a transmembrane protein related to the Hedgehog receptor Patched, or Npc2, which is a secreted cholesterol-binding protein, have aberrant organelle trafficking and accumulate large quantities of cholesterol and other lipids. Though the Npc proteins are produced by all cells, cerebellar Purkinje neurons are especially sensitive to loss of Npc function. Since Niemann-Pick type C disease involves circulating molecules such as sterols and steroids and a robust inflammatory response within the brain parenchyma, it is crucial to determine whether external factors affect the survival of Purkinje cells (PCs). We investigated the basis of neurodegeneration in chimeric mice that have functional npc1 in only some cells. Death of mutant npc1 cells was not prevented by neighboring wild-type cells, and wild-type PCs were not poisoned by surrounding mutant npc1 cells. PCs undergoing cell-autonomous degeneration have features consistent with autophagic cell death. Chimeric mice exhibited a remarkable delay and reduction of wasting and ataxia despite their substantial amount of mutant tissue and dying cells, revealing a robust mechanism that partially compensates for massive PC death

    Rifting of the oceanic Azores Plateau with episodic volcanic activity

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    Extension of the Azores Plateau along the Terceira Rift exposes a lava sequence on the steep northern flank of the Hirondelle Basin. Unlike typical tholeiitic basalts of oceanic plateaus, the 1.2 km vertical submarine stratigraphic profile reveals two successive compositionally distinct basanitic to alkali basaltic eruptive units. The lower unit is volumetrically more extensive with similar to 1060 m of the crustal profile forming between similar to 2.02 and similar to 1.66 Ma, followed by a second unit erupting the uppermost similar to 30 m of lavas in similar to 100 kyrs. The age of similar to 1.56 Ma of the youngest in-situ sample at the top of the profile implies that the 35 km-wide Hirondelle Basin opened after this time along normal faults. This rifting phase was followed by alkaline volcanism at D. JoAo de Castro seamount in the basin center indicating episodic volcanic activity along the Terceira Rift. The mantle source compositions of the two lava units change towards less radiogenic Nd, Hf, and Pb isotope ratios. A change to less SiO2-undersaturated magmas may indicate increasing degrees of partial melting beneath D. JoAo de Castro seamount, possibly caused by lithospheric thinning within the past 1.5 million years. Our results suggest that rifting of oceanic lithosphere alternates between magmatically and tectonically dominated phases.Peer reviewe

    Effects of the Hydrous Domain in the Mantle Wedge on Magma Formation and Mixing at the Northeast Lau Spreading Center, SW Pacific

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    Abundant volcanic activity occurs in the back-arc region of the northern Tofua island arc where the Northeast Lau Spreading Center (NELSC) propagates southwards into older crust causing the formation of numerous seamounts at the propagating rift tip. An off-axis volcanic diagonal ridge (DR) occurs at the eastern flank of the NELSC, linking the large rear-arc volcano Niuatahi with the NELSC. New geochemical data from the NELSC, the southern propagator seamounts, and DR reveal that the NELSC lavas are tholeiitic basalts whereas the rear-arc volcanoes typically erupt lavas with boninitic composition. The sharp geochemical boundary probably reflects the viscosity contrast between off-axis hydrous harzburgitic mantle and dry fertile mantle beneath the NELSC. The new data do not indicate an inflow of Samoa plume mantle into the NELSC, confirming previously published He isotope data. The NELSC magmas form by mixing of an enriched and a depleted Indian Ocean-type upper mantle end-member implying a highly heterogeneous upper mantle composition in this area. Most NELSC lavas are little affected by a slab component implying that melting is adiabatic beneath the spreading center. The DR lavas show the influence of a component from the subducted Louisville Seamount Chain, which was previously thought to be restricted to the nearby arc volcanoes Niuatoputapu and Tafahi. This signature is rarely detected along the NELSC implying little mixing of melts from the low-viscosity hydrous portion of the mantle wedge beneath the rear-arc volcanoes into the melting region of the dry mantle beneath the NELSC.Peer reviewe

    Satellite-Derived Variability in Chlorophyll, Wind Stress, Sea Surface Height, and Temperature in the Northern California Current System

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    Satellite-derived data provide the temporal means and seasonal and nonseasonal variability of four physical and biological parameters off Oregon and Washington ( 41 degrees - 48.5 degrees N). Eight years of data ( 1998 - 2005) are available for surface chlorophyll concentrations, sea surface temperature ( SST), and sea surface height, while six years of data ( 2000 - 2005) are available for surface wind stress. Strong cross-shelf and alongshore variability is apparent in the temporal mean and seasonal climatology of all four variables. Two latitudinal regions are identified and separated at 44 degrees - 46 degrees N, where the coastal ocean experiences a change in the direction of the mean alongshore wind stress, is influenced by topographic features, and has differing exposure to the Columbia River Plume. All these factors may play a part in defining the distinct regimes in the northern and southern regions. Nonseasonal signals account for similar to 60 - 75% of the dynamical variables. An empirical orthogonal function analysis shows stronger intra-annual variability for alongshore wind, coastal SST, and surface chlorophyll, with stronger interannual variability for surface height. Interannual variability can be caused by distant forcing from equatorial and basin-scale changes in circulation, or by more localized changes in regional winds, all of which can be found in the time series. Correlations are mostly as expected for upwelling systems on intra-annual timescales. Correlations of the interannual timescales are complicated by residual quasi-annual signals created by changes in the timing and strength of the seasonal cycles. Examination of the interannual time series, however, provides a convincing picture of the covariability of chlorophyll, surface temperature, and surface height, with some evidence of regional wind forcing

    Технико-экономические и экологические аспекты утилизация шламов, содержащих соединения цинка

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    По причине токсичности перед сбросом в водоемы ионы цинка выделяются из сточных вод в виде твердых соединений, которые осаждаются в виде шлама в прудах-накопителях. Приведены данные по количественному и качественному составам шлама в накопителеотстойнике предприятия по производству вискозного волокна. Отмечено, что такой накопитель в г. Красноярске является техногенным образованием содержащем ценное сырье - цинк. Поэтому необходима разработка и внедрение технологий переработки и утилизации цинксодержащих шламов различных производств.Zinc ions are toxic and they are isolated from sewage in the form of solid compounds before discharge into water bodies. Precipitation occurs in the form of slime in storage ponds. Data on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the sludge in the reservoir-settler of an enterprise for the production of viscose fiber are given. It is noted that such a storage facility in Krasnoyarsk is a technogenic for mation containing valuable raw materials - zinc. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and implement technologies for processing and utilization of zinc-containing slurries of various industries