5 research outputs found

    To compare metaphysical thoughts of Molavi & Lobsang Rampa based on the idea of holographic world.

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    1. Introduction Molavi Rumi is a thoughtful poet who has timelessly proposed new solutions to human beings challenges. Lobsang Rampa, a well-known Tibetan monk, looks for creating educative reforms in humans, too. Based on the idea of holographic universe in which the world of beings is considered a giant hologram; all the ever beings are only an imagined reflection of their original prototype from another reality beyond time and place. The objective of this current study is to answer this RQ that what could be the relationship among Rumi's observation-as a Muslim observer and Lobsang Rampa- a non Muslim observer, and the idea of holographic universe. Within our conduction it's been highlighted that Rumi & Lobsang Rampa have even utilized the same terms to explain their understandings of the world. Interestingly, the idea of holographic universe has enough evidence to support their metaphysical theories about the existence of cosmos. 2. Methodology In order to respond the research question, Masnavi & Ghazaliat-e- Shams of Rumi beside ramp’s two books, you forever and the third eye have been studied. Thereafter, the concepts of their works which are in accordance to the Holographic Universe realm of theory have gone under comparison. The research design is Library search and analytical- descriptive. 3. Discussion The idea of holographic world was first announce by two scientists, David Bohm a physicist in London University and Carl Pribram a neurophysiologist expert from Stanford University. Although the two were moving in different directions in their fields of interest, both came to the same conclusions including mankind unity with Universe and his mental ability by which many metaphysical concepts can be easily comprehended. They believed in leaving the study of particles and magnetic fields and slanting toward the study of quantum world and creating the existanciology realm for studies. To some scientists, whatever the mystical poems have come to were a shallow understanding of frequencies world. Based on Talbots works, most of the findings of mystical people are in accordance with holographic universe ideas like the creation of the world, the appearance of whole in part, the performance of part with the power of whole, the comprehension of matter and the originality of intelligence and considering awareness as light. Rumi and Rampa have also mentioned metaphysical concepts like the separation of soul and body, belief in invisible world. Rampa has created a definition in which the supersonic molecules bound together and create the body and even in dream there is a protective power which doesn’t allow us to disintegrate from being. Rumi argued that the obstacle of reaching to the other world is mind, senses and mental layers. However, because of the religious differences, Rumi and Rampa eventuate their understanding in different worlds. Rampa believes in reincarnation but Molavi as a Muslim scientist rejects such idea of being. 4. Conclusion In this study the similarity of Rumi and Rampa’s works have been mentioned relying on their findings about the part- whole relationship, the unity of part with whole, awareness as the light and matter comprehension. Moreover, through scrutinizing their works, it has been recognized that within the realm of body and soul a concepts exists that causes our body stay connected to our soul even during sleeping. The religious- cultural differences have caused these two scientists to motion different reasons for the world to be formed like this

    A report about a rare case of tail gut cyst (TGC) in a 90-year-old man with sacrum ulceration

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    مقدمه: تیلگات کیست (Tailgut cyst=TGC) یک ضایعه کیستیک غیر شایع با منشا بقایای رودهPostnatal است که در فضای خلف رکتوم ایجاد می گردد. گزارش مورد: آقای 90 ساله اهل میناب با شکایت زخم در ناحیه ساکروم در مرکز آموزشی درمانی شهید صدوقی یزد پذیرش شد. بیمار در گرفتن شرح حال همکاری لازم را نداشت. بعد از انجام آزمایشات معمول، بیمار تحت عمل جراحی قرار گرفت و ناحیه مربوطه از نظر ترشحات تخلیه و ترمیم شد و طی عمل جراحی به توده ای در ناحیه ساکروم برخورد گردید، بعد از برش کامل و خارج کردن آن در بررسی آسیب شناسیTGC تشخیص داده شد. نتیجه گیری: با اینکه بروز بدخیمی در تیلگات کیست نادر است ولی باید در تشخیص افتراقی، تمام تومورهای خلف رکتوم به ویژه در زنان میانسال مورد توجه قرار گیرد

    Effect of Protein Supplementation on the Growth of Infants Weighing Less than 1,000 Grams Hospitalized on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Akbar Abadi Hospital in Tehran, Iran (2015-2016)

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    Background: Breast milk provides adequate protein to facilitate growth for term infants. Appropriate nutrition is necessary for the growth of preterm infants. Extremely-low-birth-weight (ELBW) infants require higher protein intakes to achieve adequate growth. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of protein supplements on the physical growth of infants weighing less than 1,000 grams through the serial measurement of their anthropometric indices (weight, height, and head circumference) during admission at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Methods: This triple-blind, randomized clinical trial was conducted on 64 infants weighing less than 1,000 grams, who were admitted to the NICU of Akbar Abadi Hospital in Tehran, Iran during 2015-2016. Data on the daily nutritional intake of the subjects were recorded until discharge from the hospital. Data analysis was performed in SPSS version 24. Results: In total, 63 infants were enrolled in the study. Mean daily weight gain of the infants was 55.92±36.90 and 30.80±13.91 grams in the case and control groups, respectively (P=0.001). Mean weekly linear growth in the case and control groups was 0.77±0.67 and 0.76±0.29 centimeter, respectively (P=0.939). Mean weekly head circumference growth in the case and control groups was 0.51±0.10 and 0.34±0.16 centimeter, respectively (

    De Qeurvian Tenosynovitis: Clinical Outcomes of Surgical Treatment with Longitudinal and Transverse Incision

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    AbstractObjectives: De Quervain disease is a mechanical tenosynovitis due to inadequacy volume between abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis and their tunnel. Treatment methods include immobilization, steroid injections, and operation. For the first time Fritz De Quervain described surgical treatment of this disease. Since then, various ways of treatment have been reported. The purpose of this study is to compare the clinical outcomes of a longitudinal incision with a transverse incision in De Quervain disease.Methods: This was a randomized controlled clinical trial conducted in three hospitals in Iran, Yazd from March 2003 to September 2008. One hundred-twenty patients with De Quervain disease who did not respond to conservative treatment were operated with two different incisions. The patients were followed for three months to compare the surgical outcomes.Results: During a three month follow-up, a significant difference was shown between the two methods (p=0.03). Results of surgical treatment with longitudinal incision were excellent (only 5 hypertrophic scars), but there were 13 postoperative complaints with transverse incision.Conclusion: According to our findings, longitudinal incision in surgical treatment of De Quervain disease is better than transverse incision