10 research outputs found

    Immune profiling in Puerto Rican injection drug users with and without HIV-1 infection

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    Antiretroviral therapy has been effective in suppressing HIV viral load and enabling people living with HIV to experience longer, more conventional lives. However, as people living with HIV are living longer, they are developing aging-related diseases prematurely and are more susceptible to comorbidities that have been linked to chronic inflammation. Coincident with HIV infection and aging, drug abuse has also been independently associated with gut dysbiosis, microbial translocation, and inflammation. Here, we hypothesized that injection drug use would exacerbate HIV-induced immune activation and inflammation, thereby intensifying immune dysfunction. We recruited 50 individuals not using injection drugs (36/50 HIV+) and 47 people who inject drugs (PWID, 12/47 HIV+). All but 3 of the HIV+ subjects were on antiretroviral therapy. Plasma immune profiles were characterized by immunoproteomics, and cellular immunophenotypes were assessed using mass cytometry. The immune profiles of HIV+/PWID−, HIV−/PWID+, and HIV+/PWID+ were each significantly different from controls; however, few differences between these groups were detected, and only 3 inflammatory mediators and 2 immune cell populations demonstrated a combinatorial effect of injection drug use and HIV infection. In conclusion, a comprehensive analysis of inflammatory mediators and cell immunophenotypes revealed remarkably similar patterns of immune dysfunction in HIV-infected individuals and in people who inject drugs with and without HIV-1 infection

    Presenilin Controls CBP Levels in the Adult Drosophila Central Nervous System

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    Background: Dominant mutations in both human Presenilin (Psn) genes have been correlated with the formation of amyloid plaques and development of familial early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, a definitive mechanism whereby plaque formation causes the pathology of familial and sporadic forms of AD has remained elusive. Recent discoveries of several substrates for Psn protease activity have sparked alternative hypotheses for the pathophysiology underlying AD. CBP (CREB-binding protein) is a haplo-insufficient transcriptional co-activator with histone acetly-transferase (HAT) activity that has been proposed to be a downstream target of Psn signaling. Individuals with altered CBP have cognitive deficits that have been linked to several neurological disorders. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using a transgenic RNA-interference strategy to selectively silence CBP, Psn, and Notch in adult Drosophila, we provide evidence for the first time that Psn is required for normal CBP levels and for maintaining specific global acetylations at lysine 8 of histone 4 (H4K8ac) in the central nervous system (CNS). In addition, flies conditionally compromised for the adult-expression of CBP display an altered geotaxis behavior that may reflect a neurological defect. Conclusions/Significance: Our data support a model in which Psn regulates CBP levels in the adult fly brain in a manner that is independent of Notch signaling. Although we do not understand the molecular mechanism underlying th

    3D genomics across the tree of life reveals condensin II as a determinant of architecture type

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    We investigated genome folding across the eukaryotic tree of life. We find two types of three-dimensional(3D) genome architectures at the chromosome scale. Each type appears and disappears repeatedlyduring eukaryotic evolution. The type of genome architecture that an organism exhibits correlates with theabsence of condensin II subunits. Moreover, condensin II depletion converts the architecture of thehuman genome to a state resembling that seen in organisms such as fungi or mosquitoes. In this state,centromeres cluster together at nucleoli, and heterochromatin domains merge. We propose a physicalmodel in which lengthwise compaction of chromosomes by condensin II during mitosis determineschromosome-scale genome architecture, with effects that are retained during the subsequent interphase.This mechanism likely has been conserved since the last common ancestor of all eukaryotes.C.H. is supported by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds; C.H., Á.S.C., and B.D.R. are supported by an ERC CoG (772471, “CohesinLooping”); A.M.O.E. and B.D.R. are supported by the Dutch Research Council (NWO-Echo); and J.A.R. and R.H.M. are supported by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF). T.v.S. and B.v.S. are supported by NIH Common Fund “4D Nucleome” Program grant U54DK107965. H.T. and E.d.W. are supported by an ERC StG (637597, “HAP-PHEN”). J.A.R., T.v.S., H.T., R.H.M., B.v.S., and E.d.W. are part of the Oncode Institute, which is partly financed by the Dutch Cancer Society. Work at the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics is sponsored by the NSF (grants PHY-2019745 and CHE-1614101) and by the Welch Foundation (grant C-1792). V.G.C. is funded by FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Foundation and Higher Education Personnel) grants 2016/13998-8 and 2017/09662-7. J.N.O. is a CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research. E.L.A. was supported by an NSF Physics Frontiers Center Award (PHY-2019745), the Welch Foundation (Q-1866), a USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative grant (2017-05741), the Behavioral Plasticity Research Institute (NSF DBI-2021795), and an NIH Encyclopedia of DNA Elements Mapping Center Award (UM1HG009375). Hi-C data for the 24 species were created by the DNA Zoo Consortium (www.dnazoo.org). DNA Zoo is supported by Illumina, Inc.; IBM; and the Pawsey Supercomputing Center. P.K. is supported by the University of Western Australia. L.L.M. was supported by NIH (1R01NS114491) and NSF awards (1557923, 1548121, and 1645219) and the Human Frontiers Science Program (RGP0060/2017). The draft A. californica project was supported by NHGRI. J.L.G.-S. received funding from the ERC (grant agreement no. 740041), the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (grant no. BFU2016-74961-P), and the institutional grant Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu (MDM-2016-0687). R.D.K. is supported by NIH grant RO1DK121366. V.H. is supported by NIH grant NIH1P41HD071837. K.M. is supported by a MEXT grant (20H05936). M.C.W. is supported by the NIH grants R01AG045183, R01AT009050, R01AG062257, and DP1DK113644 and by the Welch Foundation. E.F. was supported by NHGR

    Ground-glass opacity heralding invasive lung adenocarcinoma with prodromal dermatomyositis: a case report

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    Abstract Background Dermatomyositis, an inflammatory myopathy with cutaneous involvement, is associated with malignancy and often manifests paraneoplastically. While co-occurrence with small cell carcinoma is well attested, primary lung adenocarcinoma, which may present as focal ground-glass opacification on computed tomography of the thorax, is less frequently coincident. Case presentation We report the case of a 72-year-old female patient with dermatomyositis — treated with a combination of prednisone, methotrexate, and intravenous immunoglobulin — and an indolent, subsolid, non-hypermetabolic pulmonary lesion, which was determined to be invasive primary lung adenocarcinoma. Supporting a paraneoplastic basis, immunosuppressive therapy was discontinued following tumor excision without relapse of signs or symptoms of dermatomyositis. Conclusions While dermatomyositis prodromal to lung adenocarcinoma is not without precedent, association with an indolent, subsolid lesion has, to the best of our knowledge, not been reported. The case described herein illustrates the importance of maintaining a high index of suspicion for malignancy in the setting of dermatomyositis

    A congenital activating mutant of WASp causes altered plasma membrane topography and adhesion under flow in lymphocytes

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    Leukocytes rely on dynamic actin-dependent changes in cell shape to pass through blood vessels, which is fundamental to immune surveillance. Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASp) is a hematopoietic cell–restricted cytoskeletal regulator important for modulating cell shape through Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerization. A recently identified WASpI294T mutation was shown to render WASp constitutively active in vivo, causing increased filamentous (F)–actin polymerization, high podosome turnover in macrophages, and myelodysplasia. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of WASpI294T expression in lymphocytes. Here, we report that lymphocytes isolated from a patient with WASpI294T, and in a cellular model of WASpI294T, displayed abnormal microvillar architecture, associated with an increase in total cellular F-actin. Microvillus function was additionally altered as lymphocytes bearing the WASpI294T mutation failed to roll normally on L-selectin ligand under flow. This was not because of defects in L-selectin expression, shedding, cytoskeletal anchorage, or membranal positioning; however, under static conditions of adhesion, WASpI294T-expressing lymphocytes exhibited altered dynamic interaction with L-selectin ligand, with a significantly reduced rate of adhesion turnover. Together, our results demonstrate that WASpI294T significantly affects lymphocyte membrane topography and L-selectin–dependent adhesion, which may be linked to defective hematopoiesis and leukocyte function in affected patients