90 research outputs found

    L'innovation au secours de la compétitivité chilienne

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    Destination paix du Nigérian Ola Balogun pour le CICR : un élargissement des perspectives sur la représentation de l’Afrique

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    Pionnier du cinéma nigérian, le réalisateur Ola Balogun est mandaté en 1988 par le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge pour tourner un documentaire qui prendra le titre Destination paix. Balogun se différencie des autres réalisateurs ayant œuvré pour le CICR depuis 1921 par ses origines : il n’est pas européen, mais africain, plus exactement nigérian. Destination paix présente les actions du CICR dans différents pays dont le Salvador, la Thaïlande, l’Éthiopie, la Somalie, le Zimbabwe et le Nigéria, son pays natal. À ce dernier, Ola Balogun consacre une séquence de six minutes dont la forme contraste fortement avec le reste du film. Cet article montrera que le réalisateur utilise ces six minutes pour représenter, de manière assez inattendue, tout du moins pour le CICR, une « Afrique telle qu’elle existe réellement », représentative de sa propre vision en tant qu’intellectuel

    Biomineral repair of Abalone shell apertures

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    The shell of the gastropod mollusc, abalone, is comprised of nacre with an outer prismatic layer that is composed of either calcite or aragonite or both, depending on the species. A striking characteristic of the abalone shell is the row of apertures along the dorsal margin. As the organism and shell grow, new apertures are formed and the preceding ones are filled in. Detailed investigations, using electron backscatter diffraction, of the infill in three species of abalone: Haliotis asinina, Haliotis gigantea and Haliotis rufescens reveals that, like the shell, the infill is composed mainly of nacre with an outer prismatic layer. The infill prismatic layer has identical mineralogy as the original shell prismatic layer. In H. asinina and H. gigantea, the prismatic layer of the shell and infill are made of aragonite while in H. rufescens both are composed of calcite. Abalone builds the infill material with the same high level of biological control, replicating the structure, mineralogy and crystallographic orientation as for the shell. The infill of abalone apertures presents us with insight into what is, effectively, shell repair

    Orai1 Channel Inhibition Preserves Left Ventricular Systolic Function and Normal Ca2+ Handling After Pressure Overload

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    Background: Orai1 is a critical ion channel subunit, best recognized as a mediator of storeoperated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) in non-excitable cells. SOCE has recently emerged as a key contributor of cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure but the relevance of Orai1 is still unclear. Methods: To test the role of these Orai1 channels in the cardiac pathophysiology, a transgenic mouse was generated with cardiomyocyte-specific expression of an ion pore-disruptive Orai1R91W mutant (C-dnO1). Synthetic chemistry and channel screening strategies were used to develop JPIII, a small-molecule Orai1 channel inhibitor suitable for in vivo delivery. Results: Adult mice subjected to transverse aortic constriction (TAC) developed cardiac hypertrophy and reduced ventricular function associated with increased Orai1 expression and Orai1-dependent SOCE (assessed by Mn2+ influx). C-dnO1 mice displayed normal cardiac electromechanical function and cellular excitation-contraction coupling despite reduced Orai1-dependent SOCE. 5 weeks after TAC, C-dnO1 mice were protected from systolic dysfunction (assessed by preserved left ventricular fractional shortening and ejection fraction) even if increased cardiac mass and pro-hypertrophic markers induction were observed. This is correlated with a protection from TAC-induced cellular Ca2+ signaling alterations (increased SOCE, decreased [Ca2+]i transients amplitude and decay rate, lower SR Ca2+ load and depressed cellular contractility) and SERCA2a downregulation in ventricular cardiomyocytes from C-dnO1 mice, associated with blunted Pyk2 signaling. There was also less fibrosis in heart sections from CdnO1 mice after TAC. Moreover, 3 weeks treatment with JPIII following 5 weeks of TAC confirmed the translational relevance of an Orai1 inhibition strategy during hypertrophic insult. Conclusions: The findings suggest a key role of cardiac Orai1 channels and the potential for Orai1 channel inhibitors as inotropic therapies for maintaining contractility reserve after hypertrophic stress

    À tout á l'heure!. Euskera

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    Recomendado para primeros lectoresCartonéDatos tomados de la cub.Traducción de: À tout á l'heure!Libro troquelad

    Purification de phospholipides Ă  partir de viande de dinde

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    * CR de Nantes. Unité Régionale de Documentation. BP 1627, 44316 Nantes cedex 03 Diffusion du document : CR de Nantes. Unité Régionale de Documentation. BP 1627, 44316 Nantes cedex 0

    Caractérisation perceptivo-acoustique de la parole dans le cadre d’une paralysie faciale périphérique avec anastomose hypoglosso-faciale : étude de cas unique

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    Peripheral facial paralysis is a common pathology with many physical, psychological and social repercussions. Certain rehabilitation techniques, such as hypoglossal-facial anastomosis (HFA), have been developed to overcome these difficulties, but the contributions are sometimes made at the cost of a certain sacrifice, including on the articulation level. We wanted to analyze the characteristics of speech before and after HFA, in a unique case study, by proposing an assessment protocol integrating phonetic, perceptual, acoustic, sensorimotor analyzes and self-evaluation, to determine the functional consequences of surgery on the articulation. All the results seem in favor of a general deterioration in speech and in the articulation between the pre and post operative assessment. We found correlations between the speech assessment according to objective measures and the assessment of the handicap perceived by the patient according to subjective measures of self-evaluation. The different alterations noted suggest that they are due to the surgical act and not exclusively to the initial facial paralysis. A case study including more subjects would confirm these initial results.La paralysie faciale périphérique est une pathologie fréquente qui présente de nombreuses répercussions physiques, psychologiques et sociales. Certaines techniques de réhabilitation, telle que l’anastomose hypoglosso-faciale (AHF), se sont développées pour pallier ces difficultés, mais les apports se font parfois au prix d’un certain sacrifice, notamment sur le plan articulatoire. Nous avons souhaité analyser les caractéristiques de la parole avant et après l’AHF, lors d’une étude de cas unique, en proposant un protocole d’évaluation intégrant des analyses phonétiques, perceptives, acoustiques, sensori-motrices et une auto-évaluation, afin de déterminer les conséquences fonctionnelles de la chirurgie sur l’articulation. L’ensemble des résultats semble en faveur d’une dégradation générale de la parole et de l’articulation entre le bilan pré et post opératoire. Nous avons retrouvé des corrélations entre l’évaluation de la parole selon les mesures objectives et l’évaluation du handicap perçu par le patient selon les mesures subjectives d’auto-évaluation. Les différentes altérations relevées laissent à penser qu’elles sont dues à l’acte chirurgical et non exclusivement à la paralysie faciale initiale. Une étude de cas incluant davantage de sujets permettrait de confirmer ces premiers résultats
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