639 research outputs found
Economic Inequalities and the Level of Decentralization in European Countries: Cluster Analysis
This submitted article identifies relations between the degree of decentralization and economic imbalances on the basis of a cluster (exploratory) analysis. Two indicators have been chosen for measuring economic inequalities: an indicator of dispersion of regional GDP per capita as representative of the performance imbalances within countries (it measures the economic development gap among regions in European countries); and a multidimensional inequality-adjusted human development index as representative of inequalities in the distribution of wealth in the countries. Decentralization is measured by means of a decentralization index, which contains both quantitative and qualitative components. Although groups of countries characterised by a high degree of decentralization do not necessarily show the lowest degrees of economic imbalances, it is however possible to conclude that the countries in groups with a higher degree of decentralization are among those countries with more favourable values of the economic imbalances indicators monitored. As a part of the research, two clusters of countries were identified which are identical in their degree of decentralization, but differ in the results connected with economic imbalances. The differences are caused by different institutional qualities in the two groups
Measurement and Shift Assessment of Kotouč Quarry Ending Slope
Import 29/09/2010Cílem této diplomové práce je měření a vyhodnocení pohybů závěrného svahu lomu Kotouč. Měření navazuje na dlouhodobé sledování souboru trvale stabilizovaných bodů. Vyhodnocení stability svahu se provádí na základě porovnání výsledků měření s výsledky měření v předchozích letech 2000 až 2007.The aim of my thesis is measurement and evaluation of the movement of closing slope of the quarry Kotouč.The measurement is in accordance with longterm monitoring of the set of stabilized points. The evaluation of the stability was determined on the basis of the comparison of the measurement results and data from the previous years (2000 – 2007).Prezenční544 - Institut geodézie a důlního měřictvívelmi dobř
Travelling within the Socialist Period in the Awareness of Today's Youth
I subjected to a content analysis six Polish and six Czech history textbooks designed especially for secondary school students. Based on the results of that analysis, I compiled a questionnaire that included 15 questions. Empirical research was attended by three Polish lyceums (Cieszyn, Pszczyna, Wisła), three Czech grammar schools (Český Těšín, Havířov, Orlová) and the Polish language grammar school in Czech Republic (Český Těšín). The 499 students were engaged in that research, the ages of respondents ranged from 15 to 19 years. The main purpose of that empirical research was to determine the awareness among today’s studying youth of the socialist period, specifically about the former daily life of population. The questions concerned issues such as store supplying, home furnishings, anti-regime opposition, etc. In this article I would like to approach the topic of travelling in the period of communism, first as presented in textbooks, and secondly what awareness have today’s students of this issue
Design of portal for the improvement of customers´ awareness
Bakalářská práce pojednává o problematice bezdrátových sítí, problémech s rozsahem znalostí zákazníků v této oblasti, tvorbě internetových stránek a elektronickém obchodě. Obsahuje návody, postupy a potřebné informace, které jsou úzce spjaty s prosperitou firmy, jejím lepším postavením na trhu a rozšířením znalostí zákazníka. Výstupem práce je funkční návrh informačního portálu.This bachelor´s thesis deal with problems about wireless networks, problems with customers´ awareness in this area, web sites creations and e-commerce. It includes directions, procedures and necessary informations that are closely associated with firm prosperity, better position on market and better customer´s awareness. Output of this thesis is functional design of information portal.
Manufacturing of cast metal foams with irregular cell structure
Metallic foams are materials of which the research is still on-going, with the broad applicability in many different areas (e.g. automotive industry, building industry, medicine, etc.). These metallic materials have specific properties, such as large rigidity at low density, high thermal conductivity, capability to absorb energy, etc. The work is focused on the preparation of these materials using conventional casting technology (infiltration method), which ensures rapid and economically feasible method for production of shaped components. In the experimental part we studied conditions of casting of metallic foams with open pores and irregular cell structure made of ferrous and nonferrous alloys by use of various types of filler material (precursors).Web of Science152585
Long-Term Residence Permit in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and the Republic of Poland
In all three Central European countries, long-term residence is defined as residence for a specific purpose of more than 90 days. The requirements for granting this type of residence are generally similar with differences in the individual types of purpose of this residence permit. The Polish Act contains a category that could be defined as ‘above-framework’, expanding the range of options that make it possible to obtain long-term residence. The Slovak legislation contains the purpose of “special activities”. In comparison with the Czech legislation, the range of possibilities for obtaining long-term residence in Slovakia is more extensive and less rigid. Specifically, in the case of long-term residence for the purpose of study, there is a fundamental difference in the legislation in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, where Slovak legislators include in the term “study” all university, secondary, and higher vocational education. The Polish Act mentions only university studies and doctoral studies. The administration related to the admission of a foreign student to a specific school in the territory is certainly more extensive and demanding in Poland, with both the minister and the voivode enter the process beyond the
framework of standard state administration bodies. The arrangement of the Act reveals a fundamental difference in Poland, where the sequence and logic of the arrangement is different to the Czech or Slovak legislation, which is expressed in which institutions Poland focus greater attention and emphasis or importance. None of the countries completely leaves the issue of visas for aliens from third countries unregulated. Although the legislation is identical in many respects, there are differences between individual institutions and the periods for which a visa can be issued. However, the issue of alien law is, at first sight, very extensive and content-intensive in all the above Central European countries, as evidenced by the length of the legislation itself, the complexity of individual institutions, and specific
complexity of the provisions
On Learning to Write and Writing to Learn: An Interview with Charles Bazerman
The interview focused on several areas of Bazerman's research, including the continuous cultivation of writing abilities across the curriculum in colleges and universities through to disciplinary and scientific writing. In relation to this, the issue of non-native speakers/writers of English was frequently raised
Monolithic and iterative solution of Biot's poroelasticity
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá numerickým řešením Biotova systému v prostředí s puklinami. Je odvozeno iterační schéma typu fixed-stress splitting a popsána jeho implementace s využitím knihovny FEniCS. Dále je provedena výpočetní analýza konvergence v závislosti na relaxačních parametrech a na fyzikálních parametrech. Na základě předchozích zkušeností je navržena volba relaxačních parametrů pro oblast a puklinu, zajišťující konvergenci iteračního schématu. Nakonec je porovnána výpočetní náročnost monolitického a iteračního řešení redukovaného Biotova systému v závislosti na počtu elementů sítě a fyzikálních parametrech.This bachelor thesis deals with numerical solution of Biot's system in domains containing fractures. An iterative fixed-stress type splitting is derived and its implementation using FEniCS library is described. Further we perform computational convergence analysis according to the dependency on tuning parameters and physical parameters. Based on previous experience, we suggest a convenient choice of tuning parameters for the domain and the fracture, ensuring convergence of iterative scheme and compare computational costs of monolithic and iterative solution depending on the quantity of mesh elements and physical parameters
The rights and duties of a member of unlimited liability company and the possibilities of contractual alteration of the rights and duties
Práva a povinnosti společníka veřejné obchodní společnosti a možnosti jejich smluvní modifikace Abstrakt Diplomová práce se zabývá právy a povinnostmi společníka veřejné obchodní společnosti a možnostmi jejich smluvní modifikace. Práce se zaměřuje především na otázku, zda poskytuje současná právní úprava ve vztahu k vybraným právům a povinnostem společníků veřejné obchodní společnosti dostatečný prostor pro odchylná ujednání ve společenské smlouvě. Cílem diplomové práce nebylo pojednat o všech možných právech a povinnostech ani veškerých možných smluvních modifikacích. Diplomová práce se zaměřuje pouze na vybraná práva a povinnosti a nastínění možných modifikací ve společenské smlouvě včetně poukázání na určité limity, které nelze překročit, a představuje případné doktrinální spory a nejasnosti, přičemž se snaží nabídnout vlastní pohled a argumentaci. Diplomová práce je členěna na úvod, závěr a čtyři hlavní kapitoly, které se dále člení na podkapitoly. V první kapitole je obecněji pojednáno o charakteristických rysech veřejné obchodní společnosti odlišujících ji od ostatních forem obchodních korporací. Ve druhé kapitole je pojednáno o právu na podíl na zisku, které představuje právo majetkové povahy společníků veřejné obchodní společnosti, diplomová práce představuje možné způsoby a jednotlivá pravidla...1 The rights and duties of a member of unlimited liability company and the possibilities of contractual alteration of the rights and duties Abstract The thesis deals with the rights and duties of a member of an unlimited liability company and the possibilities of their contractual alteration. The thesis focuses primarily on the question whether the current legislation provides sufficient scope for derogatory provisions in the memorandum of association in relation to the rights and duties of the members of an unlimited liability company. The aim of the thesis was not to discuss all possible rights and duties and all possible contractual alterations. The thesis focuses only on selected rights and duties and outlines possible alterations in the memorandum of association, including pointing out certain limits that cannot be exceeded, and presents possible doctrinal disputes and ambiguities, while trying to offer its own perspective and argumentation. The thesis is divided into an introduction, conclusion and four main chapters, which are further divided into subchapters. The first chapter discusses in general terms the characteristics of an unlimited liability company that distinguish it from other forms of business corporations. In the second chapter, the right to a share in the profits, which is a right of a...Katedra obchodního právaDepartment of Business LawPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La
Influence of material base of coating systems onto wood durability
Diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem materiálové báze nátěrových systémů na trvanlivost dřeva při jeho vystavení vnějším podmínkám. Teoretická část se věnuje trvanlivosti dřeva a jeho odolností vůči povětrnosti s detailním popisem zkoušek trvanlivosti nátěrových systémů. Podstatná část teorie je věnována i popisu pojivové složky nátěrových hmot. V praktické části byl proveden experiment zkoumající vliv tloušťky nátěrového systému, typu nátěru (krycí či lazurovací) a rovněž typu pojivové báze (vodní disperze s alkydovou či akrylátovou pryskyřicí, příp. roztokový nátěrový systém s alkydovou pryskyřicí). Veškeré nátěrové systémy byly vystaveny přirozeným a umělým zkouškám stárnutí, kdy za hodnotící kritérium byla volena změna barevného odstínu.The thesis deals with the influence of the base material of the coating systems for wood durability when we exposed them to external conditions. The theoretical part is devoted to wood durability and weather resistance with a detailed description of the tests the durability of coating systems. A substantial part of the theory is devoted to description binder component of the coating material. In the practical part was performed the experiment, which examined the influence of the thickness of the coating system, the type of coating material (paint or lasure) as well as the type of binder (water dispersion with an alkyd or acrylic resin, respectively solution coating system with the alkyd resin). All coating systems were exposed to natural and artificial durability tests. The criterions for evaluation were chosen differences of colours.
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