37 research outputs found

    The novel mitochondria-targeted hydrogen sulfide (H2S) donors AP123 and AP39 protect against hyperglycemic injury in microvascular endothelial cells in vitro.

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    The development of diabetic vascular complications is initiated, at least in part, by mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in endothelial cells. Hyperglycemia induces superoxide production in the mitochondria and initiates changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential that leads to mitochondrial dysfunction. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) supplementation has been shown to reduce the mitochondrial oxidant production and shows efficacy against diabetic vascular damage in vivo. However, the half-life of H2S is very short and it is not specific for the mitochondria. We have therefore evaluated two novel mitochondria-targeted anethole dithiolethione and hydroxythiobenzamide H2S donors (AP39 and AP123 respectively) at preventing hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress and metabolic changes in microvascular endothelial cells in vitro. Hyperglycemia (HG) induced significant increase in the activity of the citric acid cycle and led to elevated mitochondrial membrane potential. Mitochondrial oxidant production was increased and the mitochondrial electron transport decreased in hyperglycemic cells. AP39 and AP123 (30-300nM) decreased HG-induced hyperpolarisation of the mitochondrial membrane and inhibited the mitochondrial oxidant production. Both H2S donors (30-300nM) increased the electron transport at respiratory complex III and improved the cellular metabolism. Targeting H2S to mitochondria retained the cytoprotective effect of H2S against glucose-induced damage in endothelial cells suggesting that the molecular target of H2S action is within the mitochondria. Mitochondrial targeting of H2S also induced >1000-fold increase in the potency of H2S against hyperglycemia-induced injury. The high potency and long-lasting effect elicited by these H2S donors strongly suggests that these compounds could be useful against diabetic vascular complications

    Brigatinib causes tumor shrinkage in both NF2-deficient meningioma and schwannoma through inhibition of multiple tyrosine kinases but not ALK

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    Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2) is an autosomal dominant genetic syndrome caused by mutations in the NF2 tumor suppressor gene resulting in multiple schwannomas and meningiomas. There are no FDA approved therapies for these tumors and their relentless progression results in high rates of morbidity and mortality. Through a combination of high throughput screens, preclinical in vivo modeling, and evaluation of the kinome en masse, we identified actionable drug targets and efficacious experimental therapeutics for the treatment of NF2 related schwannomas and meningiomas. These efforts identified brigatinib (ALUNBRIG®), an FDA-approved inhibitor of multiple tyrosine kinases including ALK, to be a potent inhibitor of tumor growth in established NF2 deficient xenograft meningiomas and a genetically engineered murine model of spontaneous NF2 schwannomas. Surprisingly, neither meningioma nor schwannoma cells express ALK. Instead, we demonstrate that brigatinib inhibited multiple tyrosine kinases, including EphA2, Fer and focal adhesion kinase 1 (FAK1). These data demonstrate the power of the de novo unbiased approach for drug discovery and represents a major step forward in the advancement of therapeutics for the treatment of NF2 related malignancies

    Traditional And Systems Biology Based Drug Discovery For The Rare Tumor Syndrome Neurofibromatosis Type 2

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    Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) is a rare tumor suppressor syndrome that manifests with multiple schwannomas and meningiomas. There are no effective drug therapies for these benign tumors and conventional therapies have limited efficacy. Various model systems have been created and several drug targets have been implicated in NF2-driven tumorigenesis based on known effects of the absence of merlin, the product of the NF2 gene. We tested priority compounds based on known biology with traditional dose-concentration studies in meningioma and schwann cell systems. Concurrently, we studied functional kinome and gene expression in these cells pre- and post-treatment to determine merlin deficient molecular phenotypes. Cell viability results showed that three agents (GSK2126458, Panobinostat, CUDC-907) had the greatest activity across schwannoma and meningioma cell systems, but merlin status did not significantly influence response. In vivo, drug effect was tumor specific with meningioma, but not schwannoma, showing response to GSK2126458 and Panobinostat. In culture, changes in both the transcriptome and kinome in response to treatment clustered predominantly based on tumor type. However, there were differences in both gene expression and functional kinome at baseline between meningioma and schwannoma cell systems that may form the basis for future selective therapies. This work has created an openly accessible resource (www.synapse.org/SynodosNF2) of fully characterized isogenic schwannoma and meningioma cell systems as well as a rich data source of kinome and transcriptome data from these assay systems before and after treatment that enables single and combination drug discovery based on molecular phenotype

    Loss of Med28 in MEFs results in lack of reprogramming.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Western blot analysis shows that Med28 expression is much higher in ES cells compared to MEFs. <b>(B)</b> Western blot shows reduced Med28 expression in <i>Med28</i><sup><i>fl/fl</i></sup> MEFs at 6 days post-infection with Ad-Cre compared to Ad-empty control adenovirus. <b>(C)</b> Immunofluorescent staining of <i>Med28</i><sup><i>fl/fl</i></sup> MEFs demonstrates significant reduction of Med28 (red) in Ad-Cre-infected cells compared to Ad-empty control. DAPI staining (blue) of cell nuclei is shown. <b>(D)</b> Quantitation of number of iPSC colonies (triplicate experiments) from <i>Med28</i><sup><i>fl/fl</i></sup> primary MEFs infected with OKSM and rtTA followed by infection with Ad-empty (OKSM+Ad-empty) or Ad-Cre (OKSM+Ad-Cre) one day after Dox treatment. Note that infection with OKSM+Ad-Cre produced no colonies. Data are presented as mean +/- SD (*<i>p</i><0.05).</p

    Targeted disruption of <i>Med28</i>.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Schematic representation of the targeted allele and null allele. Targeted <i>Med28</i> allele in mouse ES cells with neo cassette in the reverse orientation (top, Med28(fl-frt), targeted <i>Med28</i> allele without neo cassette after transient transfection with Flp (middle, Med28(fl)) and Med28 null allele with Exon 1 and 2 deletions after breeding with Protamine-Cre mouse (bottom, Med28(-)). Shaded boxes with numbers represent the exons. Open triangle: loxP site; closed triangle: Frt site; B: BspH1 restriction site; S: SpHI restriction site. Numbered arrows represent PCR primers used for genotyping. Short solid bar represents 5’ probe outside the homologous region used for Southern blot analysis. <b>(B)</b> Representative Southern blot analysis used to confirm correct targeting. DNA was digested with either BspHI or SpH1 restrict enzymes and the 5’Probe (shown in <b>A</b>) outside the homologous region was used to detect wildtype (+), floxed (fl) and null (-) alleles at expected sizes for WT (+) allele, 14.6 kb (BspHI) or 15.2 kb (SpHI); floxed allele without neo (fl), 15 kb (BspHI) or 12 kb (SpHI); and null (-) allele, 12.1 kb (BspHI) or 12.7 kb (SpHI). <b>(C)</b> Representative PCR analysis using primers 1 and 2 (shown in A) confirm the presence of 5’loxP site (top panel, 324 bp) and WT allele (top panel, 290 bp). PCR analysis using primers 1 and 3 (shown in <b>A</b>) confirm presence of only the null (-) allele (bottom panel, 310 bp). <b>(D)</b> Histological analysis of 6.5-dpc (E6.5) presumed to be Med28 mutant embryos shows disorganized extraembryonic tissue with no discernible epiblast. Sections from whole decidual swellings were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Arrow, epiblast; arrowhead, trophoblast giant cell.</p