154 research outputs found

    Evaluación sobre el uso incorrecto de los dispositivos de inhalación Evaluation of the incorrect use of inhalation devices

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    Introducción: Un alto porcentaje de pacientes no utilizan correctamente los dispositivos de inhalación, lo que conlleva una disminución en el depósito del fármaco a nivel pulmonar y un mal control de la enfermedad. Metodología: Se realiza una revisión de los estudios que evalu´an el uso de los dispositivos de inhalación en pacientes con patología respiratoria donde obtenemos un elevado porcentaje de pacientes que no utilizan correctamente los dispositivos. Resultados: Los errores en la técnica de inhalación encontrados con mayor frecuencia son: la inadecuada exhalación antes de la administración del fármaco, la falta de apnea tras la inhalación y el fracaso para ejecutar una inhalación fuerte y profunda. Conclusiones: Es necesario intensificar la educación a los pacientes en el correcto manejo de los dispositivos, y el seguimiento y revisión posterior para optimizar el control de la enfermedad. Introduction: A high percentage of patients do not use inhaling devices correctly, which leads to a decrease in drug depot at the pulmonary level and poor control of the disease. Methodology: We conduct a review of the studies evaluating the use of inhalation devices in patients with respiratory pathology where we obtain a high percentage of patients who do not use the devices correctly. Results: Errors in the most commonly encountered inhalation technique are: inadequate exhalation prior to drug Administration, lack of apnea after inhalation, and failure to perform a strong, deep inhalation. Conclusions: It is necessary to intensify the education to the patients in the correct handling of the devices, and the follow-up and subsequent review to optimize the control of the disease

    Exploring the use of recombinant inbred lines in combination with beneficial microbial inoculants (AM fungus and PGPR) to improve drought stress tolerance in tomato

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    At a world scale, tomato is an important horticultural crop, but its productivity is highly reduced by drought stress. Combining the application of beneficial microbial inoculants with breeding and grafting techniques may be key to cope with reduced tomato yield under drought. This study aimed to investigate the growth responses and physiological mechanisms involved in the performance under drought stress of four tomato recombinant inbred lines (RIL) after inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Rhizophagus irregularis and the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) Variovorax paradoxus 5C-2. Results showed a variation in the efficiency of the different tomato RILs under drought stress and a differential effect of the microbial inoculants, depending on the RIL involved. The inoculants affected plant parameters such as net photosynthetic capacity, oxidative damage to lipids, osmolyte accumulation, root hydraulic conductivity or aquaporin abundance and phosphorylation status. RIL66 was the one obtaining maximum benefit from the microbial inoculants under drought stress conditions, due likely to improved CO2-fixation capacity and root hydraulic conductivity. We propose that RIL66 could be selected as a good plant material to be used as rootstock to improve tomato growth and productivity under water limiting conditions. Since RIL66 is highly responsive to microbial inoculants, this grafting strategy should be combined with inoculation of R. irregularis and V. paradoxus in order to improve plant yield under conditions of drought stress

    Mejoramiento de la Tenacidad de Polipropileno con nanopartículas de Carbonato de Calcio

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    ABSTRACT: Toe mechanical properties ofpolypropylene (PP)-calcium carbonate (CaCO3) nanocomposites were studied in this work. In this study stearic acid was used as a new interface modifier during the compounding of the nanocomposites with a twin screw extruder. The concentration in weight of the nanofiller in the compounds was of 1.5%, 2.5% and 5.0% respectively. Toe nanocomposites were characterized by impact resistance and tensile tests. Toe interaction between CaCOJ and stearic acid was analyzed by FTIR. Toe infrared spectra <lid not show any chemical reaction between CaCOJ and stearic acid. Toe elongation at break and impact resistance were increased in nanocomposites with interface modifier ( stearic acid in hopper ofthe extruder)

    Realfood and cancer: analysis of the reliability and quality of YouTube content

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    This study analyzes the quality and reliability of videos related to nutrition and cancer on YouTube. Study Design: An observational, retrospective, cross-sectional, time-limited study analyzing activity on the social network YouTube was proposed. Methods: The information from the videos was extracted through an API search tool, using the NodeXL software. The criteria to select the videos on YouTube were the keywords “real food”, “realfood”, and “cancer” and the hashtags #realfood and #cancer were present, videos in English and videos available on 1 December 2022. Results: The DISCERN value in the total number of videos viewed was 2.25 (±0.88) points, indicating low reliability. The videos uploaded by HRU represented only 20.8%. Videos suggesting that the use of foods defined as “real food” could cure cancer without the intervention of any other treatment accounted for 12.5%. Videos that provided external links to scientific/technical evidence verifying the information represented only 13.89% of the total number of videos. Of these videos, 70% corresponded to HRU. The DISCERN value for videos from HRU users was 3.05 (0.88), a value that reflects a good reliability of videos from these users. Conclusions: This study provides information on the content and quality of the videos that we can find on YouTube. We found videos of non-health users who do not base their content on any scientific evidence, with the danger that this entails for the population, but it also highlights that the videos published by HRU have greater reliability and quality, being better perceived by the population, so it is important to encourage healthcare professionals and health institutions to share verified information on YouTube.This research was funded by Fundación Banco Santander and Fundación Alfonso X el Sabio, grant number 1014011. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    El tabaquismo en los pacientes de hemodiálisis. Prevalencia de consumo y actitudes

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    El objetivo del estudio es conocer la prevalencia y las características del hábito tabáquico en los pacientes incluidos en hemodiálisis en nuestra provincia y estudiar así mismo, algunas actitudes y conocimientos relacionadas con este hábito que nos orienten en la creación de un Plan Sanitario para la disminución del consumo de tabaco en los pacientes de diálisis

    ICOS costimulation at the tumor site in combination with CTLA-4 blockade therapy elicits strong tumor immunity

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    Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) blockade therapy is able to induce long-lasting antitumor responses in a fraction of cancer patients. Nonetheless, there is still room for improvement in the quest for new therapeutic combinations. ICOS costimulation has been underscored as a possible target to include with CTLA-4 blocking treatment. Herein, we describe an ICOS agonistic aptamer that potentiates T cell activation and induces stronger antitumor responses when locally injected at the tumor site in combination with anti-CTLA-4 antibody in different tumor models. Furthermore, ICOS agonistic aptamer was engineered as a bi-specific tumor-targeting aptamer to reach any disseminated tumor lesions after systemic injection. Treatment with the bi-specific aptamer in combination with CTLA-4 blockade showed strong antitumor immunity, even in a melanoma tumor model where CTLA-4 treatment alone did not display any significant therapeutic benefit. Thus, this work provides strong support for the development of combinatorial therapies involving anti-CTLA-4 blockade and ICOS agonist tumor-targeting agents

    Sustained low disease activity measured by ASDAS slow radiographic spinal progression in axial spondyloarthritis patients treated with TNF-inhibitors: data from REGISPONSERBIO

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    Background To evaluate the influence of the disease activity on radiographic progression in axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) patients treated with TNF inhibitors (TNFi). Methods The study included 101 axSpA patients from the Spanish Register of Biological Therapy in Spondyloarthritides (REGISPONSERBIO), which had clinical data and radiographic assessment available. Patients were classified into 2 groups based on the duration of TNFi treatment at baseline: (i) long-term treatment (>= 4 years) and (ii) no long-term treatment (= 2 mSASSS units. At inclusion, approximately half of the patients (45.5%) were receiving long-term treatment with TNFi (>= 4 years). In this group of subjects, a significant difference in averaged Ankylosing Spondylitis disease Activity Score (ASDAS) across follow-up was found between progressors and non-progressors (2.33 vs 1.76, p=0.027, respectively). In patients not under long-term TNFi treatment (54.5%) though, no significant ASDAS differences were observed between progressors and non-progressors until the third year of follow-up. Furthermore, no significant differences were found in progression status, when disease activity was measured by Bath Ankylosing spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) and C reactive protein (CRP). Conclusions Patients on long-term TNFi treatment with a mean sustained low disease activity measures by ASDAS presented lower radiographic progression than those with active disease

    Signal integration and transcriptional regulation of the inflammatory response mediated by the GM-/MCSF signaling axis in human monocytes

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    In recent years, the macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF) cytokines have been identified as opposing regulators of the inflammatory program. However, the two cytokines are simultaneously present in the inflammatory milieu, and it is not clear how cells integrate these signals. In order to understand the regulatory networks associated with the GM/M-CSF signaling axis, we analyzed DNA methylation in human monocytes. Our results indicate that GM-CSF induces activation of the inflammatory program and extensive DNA methylation changes, while M-CSF-polarized cells are in a less differentiated state. This inflammatory program is mediated via JAK2 associated with the GM-CSF receptor and the downstream extracellular signal-regulated (ERK) signaling. However, PI3K signaling is associated with a negative regulatory loop of the inflammatory program and M-CSF autocrine signaling in GM-CSF-polarized monocytes. Our findings describe the regulatory networks associated with the GM/M-CSF signaling axis and how they contribute to the establishment of the inflammatory program associated with monocyte activation.This work was supported by grants from the Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2013– 2016 ISCIII (Institute of Health Carlos III; PI16/01318, PI17/01244, PI17/ 0119, PI16/1900, and PI19/00184); the Gobierno del Principado de Asturias; the PCTI-Plan de Ciencia, Tecnologı´a e Innovacio´ n 2013-2017 (grant IDI/ 2018/144); FEDER ‘‘Funding Program of the European Union’’; the Red Española de Investigación Renal (REDinREN) (RD16/0009/0020, RD016/0009/002, and RD016/0009/001); the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (ayuda Juan de la Cierva-Incorporaciόn; IJCI-2017-33347 to R.M.R.); and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Contratos Sara Borrell; CD16/00033 to C.H.). CIC bioGUNE support was provided by the Basque Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Etortek and Elkartek programs), the Innovation Technology Department of Bizkaia County, the CIBERehd Network, and Spanish MINECO, the Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation (SEV-2016-0644