231 research outputs found

    Hacia una contextualización histórico-cultural de "Brigada Central" /TVE 1:1989): leyendo la transición democrática en España en el drama televisivo de calidad y el género policiaco

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    The present paper is an introduction to the historical and cultural context of the Spanish TVseries Brigada Central (TVE 1: 1989). The three main aims of this article are, firstly, to analysethe series according to the characteristics of quality television drama (Thompson, 1996);secondly, to examine the image of the police in the social context of the period and toplace the series within the historical production of the detective genre in Spanish television;and finally, to study how ethnic, geographic and social identities are represented in thisfiction and to establish the links between the series and the Post- Franco Era.A qualitative methodology based on textual analysis will be used in this paper. Besides, wewill use a model of data reading close to Cultural Studies academic field in order tocontextualize the object of study.This analysis of Brigada Central highlights that the series is a precursory quality televisiondrama in Spain that followed the trail of Hill Street Blues (NBC: 1981-87). It also has asceptical look at Spanish police, which wouldn’t be changed until late nineties. Finally, weconclude that the series represents somehow the so-called disillusion with the SpanishDemocratic Transition, which can be seen singularly in Inspector Flores’ character arc.Este artículo supone una aproximación al contexto histórico y cultural de la serie detelevisión española Brigada Central (TVE 1: 1989). Los tres objetivos fundamentales de estetrabajo son, en primer lugar, analizar la serie dentro de los patrones definidos para el dramatelevisivo de calidad (Thompson, 1996); en segundo, examinar la representación de lapolicía en el imaginario social de la época e insertar la serie dentro de la producciónhistórica del género policíaco en la televisión española; y, por último, estudiar cómo laidentidad étnica, geográfica y social se representa en la ficción y cómo se establecenvínculos entre la serie y el periodo postfranquista.Se empleará una metodología cualitativa de análisis textual combinada con unainterpretación de los datos próxima a la corriente académica de los Cultural Studies paracontextualizar el objeto de estudio.El análisis de Brigada Central expuesto en estas páginas pondrá de manifiesto que la serienace, de forma precursora en España, bajo los preceptos del llamado drama televisivo decalidad en la línea trazada por Canción triste de Hill Street (Hill Street Blues, NBC: 1981-87).Por otro lado, se argumenta que enuncia un discurso escéptico con el cuerpo policial quela ficción española no revertiría hasta finales de los noventa. Por último, se concluye que,de alguna manera, representa el espíritu de desencanto con la Transición democráticaespañola, singularmente explicitado a través del arco de personaje de su protagonista, elInspector Flores (Imanol Arias)

    The psychosocial portrayals of immigrants in Spanish prime time television fiction (2016-2017)

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    The present research shows the results of an analysis of Spanish entertainment television aired in prime time between 2016 and the first semester of 2017 by the leading Spanish TV networks. The aim is to draw a comparison between immigrants and the natives in violent and health behaviours, personality traits, and also the number of conversation topics used by immigrants compared to the natives. Content research was used for this analysis, where a sample of 723 characters (n723) was taken. The final result shows there are different tendency patterns in the index of victims of violent behaviour being the native the ones with the highest score. No significant statistical differences in other indexes were observed. However, other variables are statistically related to immigrants/ foreigners, such as drug abuse, topics regarding health or politics, and furthermore, immigrants are also prone to have personality traits such as ‘unfair’, ‘seductive’ or ‘perverse’.En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados de una investigación en la que se han analizado las series de televisión españolas emitidas en prime time entre 2016 y el primer semestre 2017 por las principales cadenas generalistas con el objetivo de conocer qué comportamientos violentos y de salud, qué atributos de personalidad y qué grado de riqueza conversacional manifestaban sus personajes inmigrantes/extranjeros en comparación con los autóctonos. El método utilizado en la investigación fue el análisis de contenido en una muestra de un total de 723 personajes (n= 723). Se concluye que existen diferencias tendenciales en el índice de víctima de comportamientos violentos siendo los autóctonos los que mayor puntuación presentan. En el resto de índices no se aprecian diferencias estadísticamente significativas. No obstante, se observa que variables individuales como “consumir drogas”, abordar temas de conversación como salud o política y tener rasgos de personalidad como “injusto”, “seductor” o “perverso” están estadísticamente relacionados con la condición de inmigrante/extranjero

    As representações sociais de jovens participantes de projeto social de inserção no mercado de trabalho

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    This article deals with social characteristics of young participants in a social project concerned with their first experience in the labor market. Understanding the thinking of these young people leads to the conclusion that a sine qua non condition for beginning in the labor market is to have an attitude, one which signals their difference from other youths in the community. It increases their purchasing possibilities and extends their conviviality and relationships as well as providing better employment situations. Work acquires many meanings. The company is seen as a professional environment as well as a family, interested in their future. In addition, the company's effort to conciliate the youth's aspirations with available possibilities was quite evidentEn este artículo se analizaron, a partir de un estudio de caso en una empresa multinacional de relieve en responsabilidad social con proyecto social orientado a la inserción a través del trabajo, las representaciones sociales formadas por los participantes sobre empleo y futuro profesional. Fueron entrevistados 2 gestores y 26 participantes del proyecto, incluyendo ex-alumnos, hoy contratados en la empresa. A partir de la comprensión de las expectativas de esos jóvenes, se puede verificar que, para ellos, la condición fundamental para la entrada en el mercado de trabajo es tener o no tener "actitud", condición que hoy ya los distingue de otros jóvenes de sus comunidades, favorece el acceso a posibilidades de consumo, y amplía los círculos de convivencia próxima. El trabajo adquiere diferentes sentidos. La empresa es vista tanto como espacio de profesionalismo cuanto como "una familia" interesada en el futuro de ellos. Existe todo un esfuerzo de movilización de la subjetividad en el sentido de aproximar el sueño de los jóvenes a las posibilidades existentes en la empresaO presente estudo analisou, a partir de estudo de caso em empresa multinacional de destaque em responsabilidade social com projeto social voltado à inserção via trabalho, as representações sociais formadas pelos participantes sobre trabalho e futuro profissional. Foram entrevistados dois gestores e 26 participantes do projeto, incluindo ex-alunos, hoje empregados na empresa. A partir da compreensão do imaginário desses jovens, pode-se verificar que, para eles, a condição fundamental para a entrada no mercado de trabalho é ter ou não "atitude", condição que hoje já os diferencia de outros jovens de suas comunidades e que favorece o acesso a possibilidades de consumo, bem como amplia os círculos de convívio próximo. O trabalho adquire diferentes sentidos. A empresa é vista tanto como espaço de profissionalismo quanto como "uma família", interessada no futuro deles. Há todo um esforço de mobilização da subjetividade no sentido de aproximar o sonho dos jovens das possibilidades existentes na empres


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    The study in this article addressed the perception of how young, talented business administration students value a socially responsible posture when it comes to choosing firms to work for or to do apprenticeship. The goal was to ascertain whether the CSR provides a focus of attraction for young talents. The main findings were: CSR is rated average in importance when choosing a firm; CSR showed up as a more important factor in talent retention rather than attraction. Better career prospects, benefits and salaries offered, the firms’s reputation in the market, as well as investments in training and development, emerge as the most significant factors in firm selection. It also stood out the notion that the young students’ main concern is the firm’s behavior towards employees (internal dimension of Social Responsibility). These data reinforce the importance of Human Resources policies as a factor of attraction and retention of talents.Este artigo apresenta um estudo que buscou conhecer a percepção de jovens talentos do curso de administração de empresas sobre a importância que dão ao posicionamento socialmente responsável no momento de escolha da empresa em que gostariam de trabalhar/estagiar. Queria-se verificar se a Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) constitui-se em um fator de atração para os jovens talentos. Entre os principais resultados do estudo encontram-se: Quando escolhem uma empresa, dão à questão da RSC uma importância média; RSC apareceu como fator mais importante para a retenção do que para a atração de jovens talentos. Como os principais fatores pesados no momento de escolha apareceram a possibilidade de ascensão na carreira, os benefícios e a remuneração que a empresa oferece, a reputação da empresa no mercado, bem como ter investimentos em treinamento e desenvolvimento. Outro destaque foi a identificação de que a preocupação maior dos jovens está em relação à conduta da empresa com os funcionários (dimensão interna da Responsabilidade Social), dados estes que reforçam a importância das políticas de RH como fator de atração e retenção de talentos

    Cómo son los personajes inmigrantes en las series españolas emitidas en plataformas de streaming

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    Introduction. The number of fiction series has increased considerably with the development of streaming platforms. At the same time, in recent years Spanish society has been transformed towards multiculturalism, as a result of new migratory processes.  However, this new audiovisual scenario has hardly been the subject of research studies, since the representation on platforms constitutes an area scarcely explored in the Spanish academic context. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to analyze the current representation of immigration in television series broadcast on the main streaming platforms. Methodology: For this purpose, a content analysis was carried out on 38 Spanish-created series, broadcast between 2017 and 2020, and on a total of 1509 characters (n=1509). Results: Among the main results of this work, it was found that immigrant characters are underrepresented and, when present, they hardly occupy leading roles. Together with the scarce presence of these types of characters, stereotypical features and characteristics in their forms of representation are appreciated. Discussion: Despite the presence of foreign/immigrant characters in Spanish production series, they are still a minority and their representation is biased and often stereotypical, as reflected, for example, by the significant relationship between the nationality of the character and the socioeconomic level with which he/she is represented.  For all these reasons, the new sphere of Spanish fiction series does not seem to reflect the Spanish socio-cultural reality through its plots and characters.Introduction. The number of fiction series has increased considerably with the development of streaming platforms. At the same time, in recent years Spanish society has been transformed towards multiculturalism, as a result of new migratory processes.  However, this new audiovisual scenario has hardly been the subject of research studies, since the representation on platforms constitutes an area scarcely explored in the Spanish academic context. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to analyze the current representation of immigration in television series broadcast on the main streaming platforms. Methodology: For this purpose, a content analysis was carried out on 38 Spanish-created series, broadcast between 2017 and 2020, and on a total of 1509 characters (n=1509). Results: Among the main results of this work, it was found that immigrant characters are underrepresented and, when present, they hardly occupy leading roles. Together with the scarce presence of this type of characters, stereotypical features and characteristics in their forms of representation are appreciated. Discussion: Despite the presence of foreign/immigrant characters in Spanish production series, they are still a minority and their representation is biased and often stereotypical, as reflected, for example, by the significant relationship between the nationality of the character and the socioeconomic level with which he/she is represented.  For all these reasons, the new sphere of Spanish fiction series does not seem to reflect the Spanish sociocultural reality through its plots and characters.Introducción: La oferta de series de ficción ha aumentado de forma considerable con la entrada en escena de las plataformas de streaming. Al mismo tiempo, en los últimos años la sociedad española ha vivido una importante transformación hacia la multiculturalidad, fruto de nuevos procesos migratorios. Sin embargo, este nuevo escenario audiovisual apenas ha sido objeto de estudios de investigación, pues la representación en plataformas constituye un área escasamente explorada en el contexto académico español. Por eso, esta investigación tiene como principal objetivo analizar la representación actual de la inmigración en las series de televisión emitidas en las principales plataformas de streaming. Metodología: Para ello, se ha efectuado un análisis de contenido a 38 series de creación española, emitidas entre los años 2017 y 2020, y a un total de 1509 personajes (n=1509). Resultados: Entre los principales resultados de este trabajo se ha comprobado que los personajes inmigrantes están infrarrepresentados y, cuando están presentes, apenas ocupan papeles protagonistas. Junto con la escasa presencia de este tipo de personajes se aprecian rasgos y características estereotípicas en sus formas de representación. Discusión: La presencia de personajes extranjeros/inmigrantes en las series de producción española sigue siendo minoritaria y su representación está sesgada y es, a menudo, estereotípica, como refleja, por ejemplo, la relación significativa entre la nacionalidad del personaje y el nivel socioeconómico con el que se representa.  Por todo ello, la nueva esfera de series de ficción españolas no parece reflejar la realidad sociocultural española a través de sus tramas y personajes

    In silico Analysis of the Entire P. glaucum Genome Identifies Regulatory Genes of the bZIP Family Modulated in Response Pathways to Water Stress

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    The literature reviewed places P. glaucum as a cereal characterized by its nutritional quality and high tolerance to drought stress. However, very little is known about the fine mechanism it uses in response to water stress. To try to clarify this point, we carried out an analysis of the modulation of the expression of regulatory genes of the FT bZIP family. A full genome screening of P. glaucum identified 52 putative FT bZIPs, identifying 9 FT PgbZIP differentially expressed under water stress conditions filtered from RNA-seq data from a Transcriptome deposited at the NCBI. The promoter regions of these genes presented multiple elements or cis ABREs and DRE motifs, thus suggesting their double modulated participation in the slow or adaptive response and in the rapid response of this cereal to water stress. The findings of this study provide complementary data for the understanding of the mechanism behind the adaptation of P. glaucum under water stress, and may be relevant for molecular applications of potential crops.Fil: Garay Farías, Laura Beatriz. Universidad Federal de la Integración Latinoamericana; BrasilFil: Litwiñiuk, Sergio Leandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Rojas, Cristian Antonio. Universidad Federal de la Integración Latinoamericana; Brasi

    Memoria final del proyecto de innovación docente “Fomento de la creatividad en el EES”

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    Memoria ID-336. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2013-2014.[ES] Innovación y Producción Digital, que a su vez se enmarca en el programa SP1.1 USAL 2.0 del Campus de Excelencia Internacional Studii Salamantini, el cual tiene como objetivo general consolidar a la Universidad de Salamanca como una universidad de futuro, en constante innovación. Con este proyecto se pretende incentivar una actividad más creativa entre los alumnos de la USAL, a partir del desarrollo de talleres de creatividad, como parte del trabajo práctico de determinadas asignaturas de Grados, Diplomaturas, Licenciaturas y Másteres de la Universidad de Salamanca. El fomento de la creatividad, es un área de trabajo esencial de MEDIALAB USAL. Para ello, se pone a disposición de la comunidad universitaria de forma permanente una oferta de talleres enfocados a trabajar la creatividad con los alumnos. Para favorecer el desarrollo de los talleres y el enfoque de los mismos, las actividades se organizan vinculadas a asignaturas de grado y posgrado. Los profesores, junto con el equipo de MEDIALAB USAL, marcan los objetivos del taller y los aspectos que se trabajan y posteriormente, desde MEDIALAB se diseña el programa de actividades