200 research outputs found

    Environment determinants in business adoption of Cloud Computing

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of Technology Providers, Public Administrations and R&D Institutions on Cloud Computing adoption. This research also considers Killer Applications and Success Cases as other environmental factors. Design/methodology/approach – Factorial analyses and structural equation models were used on a sample of high-technology firms located in technological parks in Southern Europe, with more than ten employees and sustained investments in R&D. Findings – Results show that Technology Providers and Success Cases are determinant in Cloud Computing adoption. Moreover, Killer Applications are a forerunner for Success Cases. Practical implications – An appropriate fit between the tools and resources provided by suppliers and the internal resources of the company is needed to create competitive advantages. Firms should evaluate Technology Providers, identify Success Cases to Cloud Computing adoption and implement technological benchmarking. Originality/value – This study contributes to Cloud Computing adoption literature because it includes Technology Providers, Public Administrations and R&D Institutions simultaneously as well as other variables as Killer Applications and Success Cases. The importance of the external agents on information technology (IT) adoption, especially when the technologies to be adopted are new and in an emergent stage, together with the lack of prior investigations focusing on specific environmental factors affecting the adoption of these new, emerging IT, justify the value of this research

    Estudio de diferentes modelos de transiciones entre guías de onda de tipo rectangular, ridge y coaxial

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    Máster en Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónLos sistemas de comunicaciones han ido evolucionando con el fin de facilitar el intercambio de información, utilizando nuevas metodologías capaces de cumplir requerimientos como latencias bajas o mayor cobertura y velocidad de transmisión. Las interferencias son un problema real debido a la explotación del espectro de frecuencias, obligando a los sistemas a utilizar tecnologías novedosas y a trabajar en bandas de operación cada vez más altas para evitar efectos de desvanecimiento o interferencias. Los radares militares, radioenlaces terrestres o los sistemas de tele-emergencia son sistemas que integran dichas metodologías mejorando la calidad de los enlaces. El uso de estas nuevas metodologías, se debe al aumento de las pérdidas por propagación en espacio libre al trabajar en bandas altas del espectro. Entre ellas, destacan las guías de onda, que utilizan su dieléctrico para transportar las ondas electromagnéticas a altas potencias y con bajas pérdidas, mejorando así la calidad del enlace. Para analizar la propagación de dichas ondas, se resuelven las ecuaciones de Maxwell con las condiciones de contorno que determinen los materiales del sistema; a las soluciones se las denomina modos. En microondas, algunos de los medios guiados por soporte físico son el cable coaxial, guía rectangular y ridge, que son los utilizados en este Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM), operando cada uno a un modo diferente. El canal de transmisión es el medio que soporta la propagación de las señales, utilizando una banda del espectro específica. Para enlazar al receptor y transmisor de los sistemas que operan en bandas de microondas o milimétricas se necesitan componentes hardware: multiplexores, filtros, acopladores, etc. Estos dispositivos, en el sistema, o para su caracterización experimental, necesitan de transiciones que permitan convertir la energía que se transporta entre medios de transmisión de diferentes características. El diseño de estas transiciones, en banda X y S, es el objeto principal de este trabajo. Se han estudiado diferentes topologías, entre guías de onda de tipo rectangular, ridge y coaxial, para hacer los transformadores modales, buscando un equilibrio entre niveles de pérdidas de retorno, ancho de banda, tamaño y simplicidad. También se valora el nivel de tolerancia de las diferentes transiciones para posibles construcciones

    Diseño de un modelo HIL como periférico en un procesador empotrado

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    El control de convertidores conmutados se implementa cada vez de forma más frecuente mediante reguladores digitales por las características ventajosas que presenta, quedando un sistema mixto por la naturaleza analógica (planta) y digital (control). Es de gran importancia comprobar el correcto funcionamiento de los reguladores para evitar que algún transitorio genere corrientes o tensiones indeseadas. No basta con cerciorarse de que el regulador es estable en simulación, sino que es necesario comprobar que funciona, una vez implementado el regulador en código o hardware. Hay diferentes alternativas de simulación para sistemas mixtos comercializadas, pero todos presentan un elevado tiempo de simulación. Para solventar el problema, se puede digitalizar la planta mediante un modelo matemático implementado en hardware y éste se integra en un sistema embebido, quedando un sistema único que permite una emulación en tiempo real con un paso de integración muy bajo; esta técnica de simulación se llama HIL (Hardware In the Loop). Hay varias posibilidades de modelado de la planta pero, como se verá, la aritmética en coma fija parametrizable presenta ventajas con respecto a las demás implementaciones, por ello es la que utiliza el modelo que se integra en este Trabajo de Fin de Grado. La principal ventaja de la coma fija parametrizable es que puede configurarse en tiempo de ejecución (sin necesidad de resintetizar el modelo) para poder adaptarse a condiciones diferentes de simulación (tensiones, corrientes, frecuencias de conmutación, etc.). Sin embargo, el principal inconveniente es que el modelo precisamente debe configurarse con la posición de la coma en cada variable, característica que no es necesaria en el caso de la coma flotante. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es dotar de comunicación al sistema y que el usuario sea capaz de configurar el modelo de la planta a través del ordenador, aprovechando así las características de la coma fija parametrizable. El trabajo presenta el diseño de un modelo para un convertidor de potencia con diferentes aritméticas, la integración del modelo de planta como un periférico de un microprocesador en una FPGA, y la comunicación para poder configurar la planta. En los resultados se pueden observar distintas emulaciones, configuradas por el usuario por el puerto serie, sin haber resintetizado el modelo.Control of switched-mode converters is increasingly being implemented with digital controllers digitally given the advantageous characteristics it presents, leaving a mixed system by the analogical (plant) and digital (control) nature. It is of great importance to check the correct operation of the plant regulators to avoid any damage caused by an undesired current trip. It is not enough to make sure that the regulator does not fail individually but to check that it works risklessly with the plant and all the necessary components. There are different simulation alternatives for mixed systems commercialized, but all of them have a high simulation time. To solve the problem, the plant can be digitalized using a mathematical model implemented in hardware that is integrated into an embedded system; leaving a unique system that allows a real-time emulation with a very low integration step; this simulation technique is called HIL (Hardware In the Loop). There are several possibilities of modeling the plant, but parametric fixed point arithmetic presents advantages over other implementations, so it is the one used by the model that is integrated in this thesis. The main advantage of parametric fixed point arithmetic s that it can be configured at runtime (without the need to resynthesize the model) to be able to adapt to different simulation conditions (voltages, currents, switching frequencies, etc.). However, the main drawback is that the model must precisely be configured with the position of the point in each variable, a characteristic that is not necessary in the case of the floating point. The main objective of this project is to provide communication to the system and give the user the ability to configure the model of the plant through the computer; taking advantage of the characteristics of the parametric fixed point. This work presents the design of a power switch with different arithmetic, the integration of a plant model in an embedded system with a microprocessor in an FPGA and the communication to be able to configure the plant. The results show different emulations, configured by the user, without having resynthesized the model

    Principle of progressive autonomy, participation, and recognition of agency. Substantive citizenship in the transition from childhood to adolescence

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    It is necessary to talk about children's and adolescents' education for citizenship beyond the vindication of spaces for citizen action. It is necessary to incorporate the principle of progressive autonomy highlighted by the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989 in terms of 'evolving capacities', from the knowledge of their rights and their exercise. This article aims to analyse the concept of substantive citizenship of children and adolescents based on their right to participation and from the recognition of their agency, as well as the promotion of and respect for the principle of progressive autonomy. Based on a participatory narrative research with a socio-critical perspective, 23 discussion groups were carried out with 210 young people between 15 and 19 years old in five Iberoamerican cities: Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Madrid and Sao Paolo. From the content analysis of their contributions, three dimensions emerge: to know oneself as a subject of rights from the knowledge of these rights, the importance of intergenerational relations in recognising progressive autonomy, and the incidence of age in the development of their autonomy. As conclusions, it should be noted that young people in the five cities know their rights and recognise that family, school and social networks favour their recognition as subjects of rights and responsibilities. It also reveals that age is a limiting element and a fundamental factor for the development of substantive citizenship

    El desafío de la calidad : un mensaje pedagógico básico para el trabajo experimental en química analítica

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    El trabajo se orienta hacia el logro del mejoramiento de la enseñanza experimental en el laboratorio de química analítica y se realiza desde el modelo de la investigación-acción. La química analítica es una actitud intelectual y se la considera una disciplina científica; la enseñanza de su teoría y de la programación del análisis mediante la aplicación del proceso analítico tiene, como objetivo pedagógico básico, generar una actitud intelectual. Se presenta un enfoque conceptual del proceso analítico total para la enseñanza experimental, orientada para que el estudiante aprenda a obtener información analítica de calidad. Se reúnen y evalúan diferentes prácticos en el laboratorio, de complejidad creciente, analizándose los resultados de las experiencias. El desafío pedagógico invita a revisar con profundidad la concepción sobre la educación permanente en química analítica y, en particular, del trabajo experimental, dado que las nuevas tecnologías sufren rápidos cambios y generalmente no son utilizadas en su máximo rendimiento.The aim of this work is to improve the experimental teaching in Analytical Chemistry Labs. It is being developed from the investigation-action model. Analytical Chemistry is an intelectual attitude. We think about it as a scientific subject. The basic pedagogic aim of teaching theory and programming the analysis applying the analytical process is to incorporate it into mental structures. A conceptual approach to complete analytical process in experimental teaching is shown. The student is guided to obtain qualified analytical information. Different practical works of increasing complexity are gathered and evaluated. The results of these experiencies are analysed. The pedagogic challenge is to revise thoroughly the understanding of everyday teaching in Analytical Chemistry. Specially experimental work, since new technologies undergo quick changes and they are not always efficiently applied

    Ignimbrite textural properties as determinants of endolithic colonization patterns from hyper-arid Atacama Desert

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    This study explores the photosynthetic microbial colonization of rhyolitic ignimbrites in Lomas de Tilocalar, a hyper-arid region of the Atacama Desert, Chile. Colonization appeared in the form of a green layer a few millimeters beneath the ignimbrite surface. Some ignimbrite rocks revealed two distinct micromorphological areas of identical mineralogical and chemical composition but different textural properties. According to texture, colonization patterns varied in terms of the extension and depth of colonization. The diversity of photosynthetic microorganisms was assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of the 23S rRNA gene and by generating clone libraries of the 16S rRNA gene. We observed a low diversity of  photosynthetic microorganisms colonizing the ignimbrite microhabitat. Most rRNA gene sequences recovered greatly resembled those of  Chroococcidiopsis hypolith clones from arid deserts. These results point to highly restrictive conditions of the hyper-arid Atacama Desert conditioning the diversity of cyanobacteria, and suggest that microbial colonization and composition patterns might be determined by the microscale physico-chemical properties of the ignimbrite rocks. [Int Microbiol 2014; 17(4):235-247]Keywords: Chroococcidiopsis sp. · endoliths · ignimbrite · rock porosity · volcanic rock · Atacama Deser

    Another source of soluble salts in urban environments due to recent social behavior pattern in historical centres

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    In this study, the process of anthropic decay on stone materials and on the lithobiontic microbial colonization associated was investigated by means of both laboratory simulation (granite) and field experiments (dolostone´s historical quarry), all of them stone materials traditionally used in heritage construction. A wide variety of salts including sulphates, phosphates and chlorides resulted from the interaction between urine and stones after a several month urine treatment under controlled conditions. Moreover, the structure of lithobiontic lichen thalli was investigated, after the direct application of human urine in a field experiment carried out in a historical quarry under the most real conditions, revealing cellular damage in the upper cortex and in the photobiont layer.Peer Reviewe

    Enzyme bioprospection of marine-derived actinobacteria from the Chilean Coast and New Insight in the aechanism of keratin degradation in Streptomyces sp. G11C

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    Marine actinobacteria are viewed as a promising source of enzymes with potential technological applications. They contribute to the turnover of complex biopolymers, such as pectin, lignocellulose, chitin, and keratin, being able to secrete a wide variety of extracellular enzymes. Among these, keratinases are a valuable alternative for recycling keratin-rich waste, which is generated in large quantities by the poultry industry. In this work, we explored the biocatalytic potential of 75 marine-derived actinobacterial strains, focusing mainly on the search for keratinases. A major part of the strains secreted industrially important enzymes, such as proteases, lipases, cellulases, amylases, and keratinases. Among these, we identified two streptomycete strains that presented great potential for recycling keratin wastes—Streptomyces sp. CHA1 and Streptomyces sp. G11C. Substrate concentration, incubation temperature, and, to a lesser extent, inoculum size were found to be important parameters that influenced the production of keratinolytic enzymes in both strains. In addition, proteomic analysis of culture broths from Streptomyces sp. G11C on turkey feathers showed a high abundance and diversity of peptidases, belonging mainly to the serine and metallo-superfamilies. Two proteases from families S08 and M06 were highly expressed. These results contributed to elucidate the mechanism of keratin degradation mediated by streptomycetes

    Characterizing the Microbial Colonization of a Dolostone Quarry: Implications for Stone Biodeterioration and Response to Biocide Treatments

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    15 pages, figures, and tables statistics.This study examines the microbial colonization of three fronts of an abandoned dolostone quarry (Redueña, Madrid, Spain) exposed to atmospheric conditions for different time periods since Roman times to the present. Through scanning electron microscopy in backscattered electron mode (SEM-BSE), endolithic colonization was predominantly detected in the most recently exposed front, while in the longer exposed quarry fronts, epilithic forms of growth were most often observed. These observations were confirmed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis. Based on the distribution pattern of microbial colonization in the different quarry fronts, we then established a sequence of colonization events that took place over this long time frame. Bioalteration processes related to this sequential colonization were also identified. Characterizing these sequential processes can be useful for interpreting biodeterioration processes in historic dolostone monuments, especially those affecting constructions in the area of the Redueña stone quarry. In a second experimental stage, different biocide treatments were tested on this quarry rock to find the best way to avoid the microbial colonization effects identified. Through combined SEMBSE/ DGGE analysis, the efficacy of several biocides against the microorganisms inhabiting the dolostones was assessed after 4 and 16 months treatment. In general, all treatments were effective at reducing around 80% of the lichen cover, although effects on endolithic lithobiontic communities were dependant on how well the rock surface had been mechanically cleaned prior to treatment and gradually disappeared over time.This study was supported by grants GEOMATERIALES (S2009/MAT-1629/GEOMATERIALES) from the CAM and CTM2009-122838-C04-03 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and by a predoctoral fellowship (FPI program, BES-2007-15145) awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.Peer reviewe

    Characterizing the Microbial Colonization of a Dolostone Quarry: Implications for Stone Biodeterioration and Response to Biocide Treatments

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    15 pages, figures, and tables statistics.This study examines the microbial colonization of three fronts of an abandoned dolostone quarry (Redueña, Madrid, Spain) exposed to atmospheric conditions for different time periods since Roman times to the present. Through scanning electron microscopy in backscattered electron mode (SEM-BSE), endolithic colonization was predominantly detected in the most recently exposed front, while in the longer exposed quarry fronts, epilithic forms of growth were most often observed. These observations were confirmed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis. Based on the distribution pattern of microbial colonization in the different quarry fronts, we then established a sequence of colonization events that took place over this long time frame. Bioalteration processes related to this sequential colonization were also identified. Characterizing these sequential processes can be useful for interpreting biodeterioration processes in historic dolostone monuments, especially those affecting constructions in the area of the Redueña stone quarry. In a second experimental stage, different biocide treatments were tested on this quarry rock to find the best way to avoid the microbial colonization effects identified. Through combined SEMBSE/ DGGE analysis, the efficacy of several biocides against the microorganisms inhabiting the dolostones was assessed after 4 and 16 months treatment. In general, all treatments were effective at reducing around 80% of the lichen cover, although effects on endolithic lithobiontic communities were dependant on how well the rock surface had been mechanically cleaned prior to treatment and gradually disappeared over time.This study was supported by grants GEOMATERIALES (S2009/MAT-1629/GEOMATERIALES) from the CAM and CTM2009-122838-C04-03 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and by a predoctoral fellowship (FPI program, BES-2007-15145) awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.Peer reviewe