22 research outputs found

    Differential Influence of Components Resulting from Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma on Integrin Expression of Human HaCaT Keratinocytes

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    Adequate chronic wound healing is a major problem in medicine. A new solution might be non-thermal atmospheric-pressure plasma effectively inactivating microorganisms and influencing cells in wound healing. Plasma components as, for example, radicals can affect cells differently. HaCaT keratinocytes were treated with Dielectric Barrier Discharge plasma (DBD/air, DBD/argon), ozone or hydrogen peroxide to find the components responsible for changes in integrin expression, intracellular ROS formation or apoptosis induction. Dependent on plasma treatment time reduction of recovered cells was observed with no increase of apoptotic cells, but breakdown of mitochondrial membrane potential. DBD/air plasma increased integrins and intracellular ROS. DBD/argon caused minor changes. About 100 ppm ozone did not influence integrins. Hydrogen peroxide caused similar effects compared to DBD/air plasma. In conclusion, effects depended on working gas and exposure time to plasma. Short treatment cycles did neither change integrins nor induce apoptosis or ROS. Longer treatments changed integrins as important for influencing wound healing. Plasma effects on integrins are rather attributed to induction of other ROS than to generation of ozone. Changes of integrins by plasma may provide new solutions of improving wound healing, however, conditions are needed which allow initiating the relevant influence on integrins without being cytotoxic to cells

    Artenvielfalt und Wirtsbaumartenspezialiserung totholzbewohnender Käfer in verschiedenen Wäldern Deutschlands

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    Chapter I The gradual turnover of dead organic material into mineral nutrients is a key ecological function, linking decomposition and primary production, the essential parts of the nutrient-energy cycle. However, disturbances in terms of species or resource losses might impair the equilibrium between production and decomposition. Humanity has converted large proportions of natural landscapes and intensified land-use activity for food production. Globally, only very few areas are totally unaffected by human activity today. To ensure the maintenance of both essential ecosystem services, knowledge about the interplay of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning as well as effects of intensified management on both is crucial. The vast majority of terrestrial biomass production as well as decomposition take place in forest ecosystems. Though forestry has a long sustainable history in Europe, its intensification during the last century has caused severe impacts on forest features and, consequently, on the associated biota, especially deadwood dependent organisms. Among these, saproxylic beetles are the most diverse group in terms of species numbers and functional diversity, but also most endangered due to habitat loss. These features classify them as ideal research organisms to study effects of intensified forestry on ecosystem services. The BELONGDEAD project located in Germany aimed to investigate deadwood decay and functional consequences of diversity changes in the associated fauna on the decomposition process from the initialisation of deadwood decay to complete degradation. As part of the BeLongDead project, this dissertation focussed on saproxylic beetle species, thereby evaluating (1) regionally effects of tree species identity of fresh deadwood and (2) forest management of varying intensities on the diversity, abundance and community composition of saproxylic beetles (chapter II); (3) the specialisation degree of different trophic guilds of saproxylic beetles, and thus the stability and robustness of their interaction networks against disturbances (chapter III); (4) the impact of environmental features of local to regional spatial scales on species richness of saproxylic beetles differing in their habitat niche in terms of deadwood decay stages (chapter IV). Chapter II The vast majority of European forest ecosystems have been anthropogenically affected, leaving less than 1% of the about 1 milliard hectare as natural forests. A long history of forestry and especially the technological progress during the last century have caused massive habitat fragmentation as well as substantial loss of essential resources in European forest ecosystems. Due to this, the substrate-dependent group of saproxylic beetles has experienced severe species losses. Thus, investigations concerning saproxylic diversity and deadwood volume were badly needed. However, the importance of different deadwood in terms of tree species identity for the colonization by saproxylic beetles under different local and regional management regimes is poorly understood. Therefore, we studied possible regional differences in colonization patterns of saproxylic beetle species in a total of 688 fresh deadwood logs of 13 tree species in 9 sites of managed conifer and beech forests, and unmanaged beech forests, respectively. We found that tree species identity was an important driver in determining saproxylic species composition and abundance within fresh deadwood. However, saproxylic species showed different colonization patterns of deadwood items of the same tree species among the study regions. Regionally consistent, conifer forests were most diverse. We attribute the latter result to the historically adaption of saproxylic beetle species to semi-open forests, which conditions are actually best reflected by conifer forests. To preserve a diverse local species pool of early successional saproxylic beetles, we suggest an equal high degree of deadwood diversity in a tree species context in due consideration of regional differences. Chapter III The extinction risk of a particular species corresponds with its species-specific requirements on resources and habitat conditions, in other words with the width of the species` ecological niche. Species with a narrow ecological niche are defined as specialists. Members of this group experience higher extinction risk by resource limitation than generalists, which are able to utilize a variety of resources. For the classification of species as specialists or generalists, thus evaluating possible extinction risks, ecologists use the concept of interaction networks. This method has often been applied for mutualistic or antagonistic plant-animal interactions, but information for networks of detritivores is scarce. Therefore, saproxylic beetle species sampled as described in chapter II were categorised according to their larval diet; additionally their interaction networks (N=108) with 13 dead host tree species were analysed. Specialisation degree was highest for wood-digesting beetles and decreased with increasing trophic level. Also the network indices evaluating robustness and generality indicated a higher susceptibility to species extinctions for xylophagous than for mycetophagous and predatory beetles. The specialisation of xylophagous species on specific tree species might be an adaption to tree species specific ingredients stored for defence against pathogens and pests. However, we conclude that the high specialisation degree of xylophages and thus their higher extinction risk by resource loss harbours certain dangers for ecosystem function and stability as species diversity is positively linked to both. Chapter IV Populations depend on individual emigration and immigration events to ensure genetic exchange. For successful migration it is of utmost importance that spatially separated populations are obtainable by specimen. Migratory success depends on the one hand on the species dispersal abilities and on the other on the availability of suitable habitats in the surrounding landscape in which the distinct host populations exist. However, consequences of intensive forest management correspond not only to severe reduction of local deadwood amount, but, among others, also a change in tree species composition and high levels of fragmentation in the surrounding forest area. Saproxylic beetle species differ in their dispersal behaviour according to the temporal availability of their preferred habitat. Generally, early successional saproxylic beetles are able to disperse over large distances, whereas beetles inhabiting advanced decayed wood often remain close to their larval habitat. Due to this, environmental factors might affect saproxylic beetle guilds differently. We classified the saproxylic beetles sampled as described in chapter II according to their calculated habitat niche as early, intermediate or late successional saproxylic beetles. For the different guilds the effects of 14 environmental factors on different spatial scales (stand factors at 0.1 km radius, landscape composition at 2 km radius, and regionally differing abiotic factors in 400 km to 700 km distance) were investigated. Consistently for all guilds, species richness decreased with fragmentation at local and landscape scale, and increased in warmer climate. However, we found contradictory results between the guilds to some extent. We relate this to guild specific habitat requirements of the saproxylic beetles. Therefore, for the development of appropriate conservation practices guild-specific requirements saproxylic beetles have to be considered not only locally but on larger spatial scales. Chapter V In conclusion, this dissertation identified main drivers of early successional saproxylic beetle species richness on various spatial scales. Our results emphasize the importance to develop management schemes meeting species-specific and guild-specific habitat requirements of the saproxylic beetle fauna at relevant spatial and temporal scales. Therefore, short-term actions suggested for sustainable forest management should be the focus on a diverse tree species composition consisting of indigenous tree species with respect to regional differences. Moreover, senescent trees, fallen and standing deadwood should remain in the forests, and some tree individuals should be allowed to grow old. Long-term actions should involve the reduction of forest fragmentation and the connection of spatial widely separated forest fragments. Furthermore, to fully understand the effects of forest management long-term research should be conducted to compare habitat requirements of intermediate and late successional beetles with the results presented in this dissertation.Kapitel I Die Mineralisierung von toter organischer Materie nimmt eine Schlüsselfunktion innerhalb eines Ökosystems ein, da sie die beiden essentiellen Komponenten des Energie-Nährstoff-Zyklus - Zersetzung und Primärproduktion - miteinander verbindet. Anthropogen bedingte Störungen wie z.B. Arten-, oder Ressourcenverluste können jedoch das Gleichgewicht zwischen den beiden wichtigen Ökosystemdienstleistungen Produktion und Abbau aus der Balance bringen. Um die Nahrungsversorgung der Menschheit zu gewährleisten, wurde bereits ein großer Teil der Natur in Agrarflächen umgewandelt und die Produktion durch intensive Bewirtschaftungsformen gesteigert. Weltweit gibt es nur noch wenige Gebiete ohne menschliche Beeinflussung. Um dauerhaft essentielle Ökosystemdienstleistungen zu gewährleisten, sind Kenntnisse über die Auswirkungen von intensiver Bewirtschaftung auf das Zusammenspiel zwischen Artenvielfalt und Ökosystemfunktionen unabdingbar. Der größte Teil der terrestrischen Biomasseproduktion wird von Wäldern geleistet. Obwohl die Waldbewirtschaftung in Europa lange Zeit nachhaltig war, wirkte sich deren Intensivierung während des letzten Jahrhunderts massiv auf die Waldstruktur und die damit assoziierte Fauna aus. Besonders betroffen sind die obligatorisch an Totholz gebundenen Organismen. Innerhalb der Totholzfauna sind xylobionte Käfer eine artenreiche und funktional hoch diverse Gruppe, doch aufgrund von Lebensraumverlusten sind viele Arten stark bedroht. All diese Eigenschaften klassifizieren Totholzkäfer zu idealen Forschungsobjekten, um die Auswirkungen von intensiver Waldbewirtschaftung auf Ökosystemfunktionen zu untersuchen. Das BELONGDEAD-Projekt hat als Ziel, die funktionalen Auswirkungen von Veränderungen in der Artengemeinschaft auf die Abbauraten von Totholz zu analysieren. Der Untersuchungszeitraum des in Deutschland beheimateten Projekts umfasst die Initialisierung des Zersetzungsprozesses bis zum vollständigen Abbau von experimentell ausgelegten Totholzstämmen unterschiedlicher Baumarten. Als Teil des BELONGDEAD-Projekts lag der Fokus der vorliegenden Dissertation auf der Totholzkäferfauna. Wir untersuchten (1) regionale Effekte der Baumartenzugehörigkeit von frischem Totholz und (2) die Auswirkungen von Waldbewirtschaftung unterschiedlicher Intensität auf die Artenvielfalt, Abundanz und Struktur der Artengemeinschaften von totholzbewohnenden Käfern (Kapitel II); (3) den Spezialisierungsgrad verschiedener trophischer Gilden von Totholzkäfern, sowie die Stabilität und Robustheit ihrer jeweiligen Netzwerke gegen Störungen (Kapitel III); (4) den Einfluss von Umweltfaktoren auf die Artenvielfalt xylobionter Käfergilden auf mehreren räumlichen Skalen. Kapitel II Der Großteil der europäischen Wälder ist anthropogen beeinflusst. In Europa bilden Naturwälder weniger als 1% der gesamten Waldfläche von ca. 1 Mrd. Hektar. Traditionelle Waldbewirtschaftung und vor allem der technologische Fortschritt des letzten Jahrhunderts fragmentierten die Waldfläche in hohem Maß, und verursachten beträchtliche Verluste an lebensnotwendigen Ressourcen. Besonders innerhalb der obligatorisch an Totholz gebundenen Gruppe der xylobionten Käfer verzeichnete man einen rasanten Artenrückgang. Daher gab es einen großen Bedarf an Studien, die Untersuchungen zur Mindestmenge an lokal vorhandenem Totholz zur Sicherung der xylobionten Artenvielfalt durchführten. Wenig beachtet wurde bisher jedoch die Bedeutung der Baumartenzugehörigkeit von Totholz für die Besiedlung durch xylobionter Käfer in verschiedenen Waldbewirtschaftungssystemen auf lokaler und regionaler Ebene. Wir untersuchten daher mögliche Unterschiede zwischen 3 Regionen im Besiedlungsmuster xylobionter Käfer bei insgesamt 651 experimentell ausgelegten Baumstämmen in einem frühen Sukzessionsstadium von 13 Baumarten auf jeweils 9 Untersuchungsflächen in bewirtschafteten Buchen- und Nadelwäldern, sowie in unbewirtschafteten Buchenwäldern. Bei den ausgelegten Totholzstämmen war die Baumartenzugehörigkeit ausschlaggebend für die Struktur der Artengemeinschaften und Abundanzen xylobionter Käfer. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen regionalen Artenpools divergierten die Besiedlungsmuster xylobionter Käferarten von Totholz der gleichen Baumart in den verschiedenen Regionen stark voneinander. In allen Regionen zeigten die Totholzkäfer in Nadelwäldern die höchste Artenvielfalt. Dieses Ergebnis lässt sich auf die - historisch bedingte - Anpassung der Totholzkäferfauna an eine halboffene Waldstruktur zurückführen, die derzeit am besten durch Nadelwälder widergespiegelt wird. Um eine diverse lokale Artengemeinschaft xylobionter Käfer zu gewährleisten ist eine große Variabilität vom baumartspezifischen Totholz unabdingbar, wobei regionale Unterschiede in Betracht gezogen werden müssen. Kapitel III Das Aussterberisiko einer Art ist abhängig von den artspezifischen Ansprüchen an ihre Umwelt und den dort vorkommenden Ressourcen –auch definiert als die ökologische Nische der betrachteten Art. Arten mit geringer Nischenbreite sind per definitionem Spezialisten. Mitglieder dieser Gruppe stehen durch Verarmung ihres Ressourcenangebots unter einem höheren Aussterberisiko als Generalisten, die eine größere Variabilität in ihrem Ressourcenspektrum aufweisen. Interaktionsnetzwerke dienen in der Ökologie als wichtiges Werkzeug um das Aussterberisiko spezifischer Arten zu bewerten und eine Einteilung hinsichtlich Spezialist oder Generalist vorzunehmen. Bei mutualistischen oder antagonistischen Tier-Pflanzen-Interaktionen ist diese Methode etabliert, doch für die Gruppe der Zersetzer ist das Netzwerk-Konzept bisher nur sporadisch angewandt worden. Daher teilten wir die xylobionten Käferarten, die im Rahmen des in Kapitel II beschriebenen Experiments gesammelt wurden, anhand ihres larvalen Ernährungstyps in drei trophische Gilden (Xylophage, Mycetophage und Räuber) ein; anschließend wurden ihre Interaktionsnetzwerke (N= 108) mit den 13 Wirtsbaumarten analysiert. Rein xylophage Arten wiesen den höchsten Spezialisierungsgrad auf, der mit zunehmendem trophischem Grad geringer wurde. Die Netzwerkparameter Robustheit und Generalität ließen ebenfalls auf eine höhere Anfälligkeit für Artenverluste bei xylophagen als bei mycetophagen oder räuberischen Arten schließen. Die Spezialisierung xylophager Arten auf spezifische Baumarten ist möglicherweise eine Adaption an artenspezifische sekundäre Inhaltsstoffe, die als Schutz vor Schädlingen und Krankheitserregern in Holz und Rinde gespeichert werden. Der hohe Spezialisierungsgrad xylophager Käfer bedingt ein höheres Aussterberisiko bei Ressourcenverlust. Dies würde die Stabilität des Ökosystems und dessen Ökosystemfunktionen nachhaltig schwächen da eine hohe Artenvielfalt Garant für ein funktionierendes Ökosystem ist. Kapitel IV Individuelle Immigrations- und Emigrationsereignisse sind für die Sicherstellung des genetischen Austauschs zwischen Populationen essentiell. Daher ist von größter Wichtigkeit, dass die räumliche Distanz zwischen Populationen von den zu- oder abwandernden Individuen überwunden werden kann. Der Migrationserfolg ist dabei zum einen von der artspezifischen Ausbreitungsfähigkeit, und zum anderen von der Verfügbarkeit an geeigneten Habitaten in der Umgebung der Populationen abhängig. Die Folgen intensiver Waldbewirtschaftung sind jedoch nicht nur ein drastische Verminderung des lokalen Totholzvolumens, sondern unter anderem auch die Veränderung der Baumartengesellschaften, sowie hochgradige Fragmentierung der Waldflächen und der umgebenden Landschaft. Xylobionte Käferarten unterscheiden sich in ihrem Ausbreitungsverhalten hinsichtlich der zeitlichen Verfügbarkeit ihres bevorzugten Habitats. Im Allgemeinen können Besiedler früher Sukzessionsstadien weite Strecken überwinden, wohingegen Bewohner von Alttotholzstrukturen meist nahe ihrem Ursprungshabitat verbleiben. Dies legt die Vermutung nahe, dass Umweltparameter verschieden auf unterschiedliche Habitatgilden einwirken. Um diese Vermutung zu überprüfen, wurde für die gesammelten xylobionten Käferarten ihre jeweilige Habitatnische berechnet. Wir klassifizierten die Arten als Besiedler von entweder frühen, mittleren oder alten Totholzstrukturen. Für jede Gilde wurde der Einfluss von 14 Umweltparametern auf verschiedenen räumlichen Skalen - Standortfaktoren der Untersuchungsfläche (Radius: 100 m), Landschaftsparameter im Umkreis von 2 km der Untersuchungsfläche, sowie regionenspezifische abiotische Faktoren (Distanz zwischen den Regionen: 400 – 700 km) - untersucht. Bei starker lokaler und landschaftlicher Fragmentierung nahmen die Artenzahlen in den xylobionten Gilden ab, während sich höhere Jahresdurchschnittstemperatur positiv auf die Artenvielfalt auswirkte. Jedoch gab es hatten nicht alle Umweltfaktoren den gleichen Effekt auf die Gilden. Wir führen dies auf die unterschiedlichen Habitatansprüche der xylobionten Gilden zurück. Um adäquate Schutzmaßnahmen für Totholzkäfer zu entwickeln, müssen die spezifischen Habitatansprüche der verschiedenen xylobionten Gilden, nicht nur auf lokaler, sondern auch auf größeren räumlichen Ebenen in die Planungen miteinbezogen werden. Kapitel V In der vorliegenden Dissertation konnte ich wichtige Triebfedern der Artenvielfalt xylobionter Käfer identifizieren. Unsere Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit der Entwicklung von nachhaltigen Waldbewirtschaftungskonzepten, die den art- und gildenspezifischen Anforderungen xylobionter Käfer an den Lebensraum auf den relevanten räumlichen und zeitlichen Skalen gerecht werden. Kurzfristige Maßnahmepläne für eine nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft sollte die Förderung von Mischwäldern mit einer vielfältigen Baumartengemeinschaft mit standortgemäßen einheimischen Hölzern unter Berücksichtigung regionaler Besonderheiten beinhalten. Alte Bäume, sowie liegendes und stehendes Totholz sollten im Wald verbleiben und einzelne Bäume aus der Nutzung genommen werden um die Strukturen altgewachsener Bäume langfristig zu gewährleisten. Langfristige Ziele sind die Verringerung der Waldfragmentierung und das Anlegen von Biotopverbundsystemen, um weit auseinanderliegende Waldflächen wieder miteinander zu verbinden. Um die Auswirkungen kommerzieller Forstwirtschaft im vollen Umfang zu erfassen, sind Langzeitstudien notwendig die die Habitatansprüche xylobionter Käfer aus mittleren und alten Totholzsukzessionsstadien mit den Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Dissertation vergleichen

    Themenheft 22 "Hautkrebs"

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    In den letzen Jahrzehnten hat die Bedeutung des Hautkrebses in der Bevölkerung zugenommen. Die Hauptursache der seit den 1970er Jahren steigenden Neuerkrankungsrate (Inzidenz) ist in einem veränderten Freizeitverhalten und einer damit einhergehenden zunehmenden Belastung mit UV-Strahlen zu sehen. Der in der Allgemeinbevölkerung bekannteste Hautkrebstyp, das maligne Melanom der Haut, verursacht 3 % aller bösartigen Neubildungen

    2013b) Differential influence of components resulting from atmospheric-pressure plasma on integrin expression of human HaCaT keratinocytes

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    Adequate chronic wound healing is a major problem in medicine. A new solution might be non-thermal atmospheric-pressure plasma effectively inactivating microorganisms and influencing cells in wound healing. Plasma components as, for example, radicals can affect cells differently. HaCaT keratinocytes were treated with Dielectric Barrier Discharge plasma (DBD/air, DBD/argon), ozone or hydrogen peroxide to find the components responsible for changes in integrin expression, intracellular ROS formation or apoptosis induction. Dependent on plasma treatment time reduction of recovered cells was observed with no increase of apoptotic cells, but breakdown of mitochondrial membrane potential. DBD/air plasma increased integrins and intracellular ROS. DBD/argon caused minor changes. About 100 ppm ozone did not influence integrins. Hydrogen peroxide caused similar effects compared to DBD/air plasma. In conclusion, effects depended on working gas and exposure time to plasma. Short treatment cycles did neither change integrins nor induce apoptosis or ROS. Longer treatments changed integrins as important for influencing wound healing. Plasma effects on integrins are rather attributed to induction of other ROS than to generation of ozone. Changes of integrins by plasma may provide new solutions of improving wound healing, however, conditions are needed which allow initiating the relevant influence on integrins without being cytotoxic to cells

    Landscape heterogeneity rather than crop diversity mediates bird diversity in agricultural landscapes

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    <div><p>Crop diversification has been proposed as farm management tool that could mitigate the externalities of conventional farming while reducing productivity-biodiversity trade-offs. Yet evidence for the acclaimed biodiversity benefits of landscape-level crop diversity is ambiguous. Effects may strongly depend on spatial scale and the level of landscape heterogeneity (e.g. overall habitat diversity). At the same time, contrasting within-taxon responses obscure benefits to specific functional groups (i.e. species with shared characteristics or requirements) if studied at the community level. The objectives of this study were to 1) disentangle the relative effects of crop diversity and landscape heterogeneity on avian species richness across five spatial scales ranging from 250 to 3000 m radii around focal winter wheat fields; and 2) assess whether functional groups (feeding guild, conservation status, habitat preference, nesting behaviour) determine the strength and direction of responses to crop diversity and landscape heterogeneity. In central Germany, 14 landscapes were selected along independent gradients of crop diversity (annual arable crops) and landscape heterogeneity. Bird species richness in each landscape was estimated using four point counts throughout the breeding season. We found no effects of landscape-level crop diversity on bird richness and functional groups. Instead, landscape heterogeneity was strongly associated with increased total bird richness across all spatial scales. In particular, insect-feeding and non-farmland birds were favoured in heterogeneous landscapes, as were species not classified as endangered or vulnerable on the regional Red List. Crop-nesting farmland birds, however, were less species-rich in these landscapes. Accordingly, crop diversification may be less suitable for conserving avian diversity and associated ecosystem services (e.g. biological pest control), although confounding interactions with management intensity need yet to be confirmed. In contrast, enhancement of landscape heterogeneity by increasing perennial habitat diversity, reducing field sizes and the amount of cropland has the potential to benefit overall bird richness. Specialist farmland birds, however, may require more targeted management approaches.</p></div

    Description of landscape parameters and species richness variables.

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    <p>Description of landscape parameters and species richness variables.</p

    Effects of crop diversity and landscape heterogeneity on bird richness.

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    <p>Effects of crop diversity and landscape heterogeneity on bird richness.</p

    Bark-scratching of storm-felled trees preserves biodiversity at lower economic costs compared to debarking

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    The simultaneous control of insect pests and compliance of conservation targets in conifer-dominated forests has intensified public debate about adequate post-disturbance management, particularly in protected areas. Hence, mechanical bark treatments, such as debarking, of disturbance-affected trees have been widely promoted as an on-site method of pest control that accounts for conservation targets because woody biomass is retained. However, the effects of debarking to non-target biodiversity remain unclear. We analyzed data from a two-and-a-half-year field survey of wood-inhabiting fungi, saproxylic beetles and parasitoid wasps in twelve artificial windthrows, created by pulling down mature Norway spruce trees (Picea abies) with winches. Each experimental windthrow comprising one control tree, one completely debarked tree and one bark-scratched tree. Insects were sampled using stem emergence traps. Fruiting bodies of wood-inhabiting fungi, number of wood wasp emergence holes, and number of holes made by foraging woodpeckers were assessed by visual counts. We recorded the amount of time needed to complete debarking by machine, bark-scratching by machine and bark-scratching by chainsaw each on 15 separate trees to estimate the economic costs of mechanical bark treatments. Our results revealed that both debarking and bark scratching significantly decreased numbers of the emerging target pest Ips typographus to in median 4% (debarked) and 11% (scratched bark) of the number of individuals emerging from untreated control trees. Compared to control trees, debarking significantly reduced the species density of wood-inhabiting fungi, saproxylic beetles, and parasitoid wasps. By contrast, bark-scratching did not reduce the overall species density of wood-inhabiting fungi, saproxylic beetles or parasitoid wasps. The time needed for bark-scratching by machine was significantly lower than debarking, whereas bark-scratching by chainsaw needed a similar amount of time as conventional debarking. However, bark-scratching did have some negative effects in common with debarking, such as the significant reduction of wood wasps emergence holes and the reduction of holes made by foraging woodpeckers. Hence, bark-scratching of downed trees, like debarking, might affect higher trophic levels of biodiversity and should be applied only if pest management is urgently needed. We urge policy makers and natural resource managers to rapidly shift current pest management toward new techniques of barkscratching, particularly in protected areas. Such a shift in post-disturbance pest-control will foster ecosystem integrity at lower economic cost compared to debarking

    Data from: Trophic level, successional age and trait matching determine specialization of deadwood-based interaction networks of saproxylic beetles

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    The specialization of ecological networks provides important insights into possible consequences of biodiversity loss for ecosystem functioning. However, mostly mutualistic and antagonistic interactions of living organisms have been studied, whereas detritivore networks and their successional changes are largely unexplored. We studied the interactions of saproxylic (deadwood-dependent) beetles with their dead host trees. In a large-scale experiment, 764 logs of 13 tree species were exposed to analyse network structure of three trophic groups of saproxylic beetles over 3 successional years. We found remarkably high specialization of deadwood-feeding xylophages and lower specialization of fungivorous and predatory species. During deadwood succession, community composition, network specialization and network robustness changed differently for the functional groups. To reveal potential drivers of network specialization, we linked species' functional traits to their network roles, and tested for trait matching between plant (i.e. chemical compounds) and beetle (i.e. body size) traits. We found that both plant and animal traits are major drivers of species specialization, and that trait matching can be more important in explaining interactions than neutral processes reflecting species abundance distributions. High network specialization in the early successional stage and decreasing network robustness during succession indicate vulnerability of detritivore networks to reduced tree species diversity and beetle extinctions, with unknown consequences for wood decomposition and nutrient cycling

    C5a2 can modulate ERK1/2 signaling in macrophages via heteromer formation with C5a1 and beta-arrestin recruitment

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    The complement system is a major component of our innate immune system, in which the complement proteins C5a and C5a-des Arg bind to two G-protein-coupled receptors: namely, the C5a receptor (C5a1) and C5a receptor like-2 receptor (C5a2, formerly called C5L2). Recently, it has been demonstrated that C5a, but not C5a-des Arg, upregulates heteromer formation between C5a1 and C5a2, leading to an increase in IL-10 release from human monocyte-derived macrophages (HMDMs). A bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) assay was used to assess the recruitment of β-arrestins by C5a and C5a-des Arg at the C5a1 and C5a2 receptors. C5a demonstrated elevated β-arrestin 2 recruitment levels in comparison with C5a-des Arg, whereas no significant difference was observed at C5a2. A constitutive complex that formed between β-arrestin 2 and C5a2 accounted for half of the BRET signal observed. Interestingly, both C5a and C5a-des Arg exhibited higher potency for β-arrestin 2 recruitment via C5a2, indicating preference for C5a2 over C5a1. When C5a was tested in a functional ERK1/2 assay in HMDMs, inhibition of ERK1/2 was observed only at concentrations at or above the EC50 for heteromer formation. This suggested that increased recruitment of the β-arrestin-C5a2 complex at these C5a concentrations might have an inhibitory role on C5a1 signaling through ERK1/2. An improved understanding of C5a2 modulation of signaling in acute inflammation could be of benefit in the development of ligands for conditions such as sepsis