299 research outputs found

    Formación del profesorado, diversidad cultural, justicia social e igualdad: políticas, desafíos y posibilidades abandonadas en la educación de los maestros suecos

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    There is a history of policies from the late 1940s to 2000 for the introduction of research based knowledge in Sweden for supporting the intellectual preparation of future teachers for an integrated and inclusive school system. The development of these policies was initiated following the National School Commission Inquiry into the possibilities for a common unitary comprehensive school, which had identified the historical divisions (duality) in teacher education as an obstacle. Pulling these divisions together and educating teachers in a shared content developed from a common research base in the education field about the challenges faced in the realization of the comprehensive school vision was expressed as a possible solution. However, the project failed. The divisions have remained. Schools have not overcome social reproduction. And in recent decades challenges have intensified as hyper-diversity, globalization and a recent turn towards market governance have added new complications. Using the methods of explanatory criticism the aim with this article is to identify explanations as to why the planned reforms seem to have failed. Main findings: Reforms were ideologically grounded and have also been resisted from within universities but also from praxis fields, though for different reasons.Desde finales de la década de 1940 hasta 2000, en Suecia ha habido diferentes políticas para introducir conocimientos de investigación en la formación de los futuros profesores para un sistema escolar integrado e inclusivo. El desarrollo de estas políticas se inició tras la investigación de la Comisión Escolar Nacional sobre las posibilidades de una única escuela común, que identificó la división histórica (dualidad) en la educación de los maestros como un obstáculo. Aunar estas divisiones y formar maestros a partir de contenidos de educación basados en investigación fueron los desafíos a los que se enfrentó y las consideraciones señaladas como una posible solución para una escuela única común. Sin embargo, el proyecto falló y la división ha permanecido. Así, las escuelas no han superado la reproducción social. Y en las últimas décadas los desafíos se han intensificado a medida que la hiperdiversidad, la globalización y el giro reciente hacia la gobernanza del mercado han añadido nuevas complicaciones. Se ha utilizado una metodología basada en la crítica explicativa, con el objetivo de identificar explicaciones de por qué las reformas planificadas parecen haber fallado. Entre los principales hallazgos cabe destacar que las reformas tuvieron una base ideológica y también han sido frenadas tanto desde dentro de las universidades como desde los espacios de práctica, aunque por razones diferentes

    Researching in solidarity with marginalised groups: A meta-ethnography about research for educational justice and social transformation

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    This article uses meta-ethnography to identify the challenges of working in solidarity with the experiences and interests of marginalised and exploited social groups. It focuses on what the main challenges seem to be, and on how to overcome them in struggles to change education in just directions by means of educational research. It is therefore a paper of interest from a methodological and a research political perspective relating to how critical researchers challenge the status quo and undermine the dominant hegemony in education and education policy in their research. A clear message from the analysis concerns the importance of understanding of the ontological class position of research for change and what to do in research in the interests of justice based on this understanding. Another message relates to the subjective and objective sides of transformative action, and a third a two directional threat towards it

    Promoting professional growth to build a socially just school through participation in ethnographic research

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    We have used the concept of ethnography as explanatory critique in earlier research in three projects in Spain relating to teacher professional development and leadership for socially just schools. This research involved participant observations, interviews, informal conversations, document analysis and virtual ethnography. However, we have also conducted a meta- ethnographic analysis on research products from the projects. Our intention was to try to identify any potentially common themes and ideas concerning how interaction between researchers and participants may have influenced the research and the contexts they were part of as a means to generate useful knowledge for leadership and professional development for educational change and social justice. We describe and analyse these themes in the present article and conclude by highlighting key aspects and possible implications

    A Gendered View of Servant Leadership

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    No significant differences existed in the number of years of supervision or the participants’ perception of organizational change or stability. there were, however, significant differences between age groups and different work sectors with regard to servant leadership attitudes and behaviors. the results not only contribute to the literature concerning gender and servant leadership but also suggest that future research concerning servant leadership with respect to age and workplace sectors may be warranted

    Las escuelas rurales ante las políticas de mercado: Un análisis meta-etnográfico

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    La aplicación de políticas de mercado competitivas en diferentes contextos nacionales ha convertido las características geográficas, económicas y sociales de la ubicación de la escuela en un objeto de valor de mercado. Esto tiene efectos que pueden ser positivos o negativos en los discursos y prácticas de los maestros/as rurales sobre la participación de la familia y la comunidad. Utilizando un diseño metodológico meta-etnográfico, el objetivo de este artículo ha sido explorar esta dimensión de la diferencia a partir de una muestra de veinte publicaciones de estudios etnográficos o investigaciones cualitativas similares en diferentes países europeos. El artículo ha revelado la existencia de diferentes lógicas de participación. Estas lógicas incluyen discursos y prácticas más cercanas a modelos democráticos de participación en escuelas de zonas remotas, modelos de participación basados en la captación de clientes en escuelas más accesibles, y modelos próximos a una perspectiva burocrática de la participación en otros. Los discursos parecen corresponder a las interacciones que se producen dentro y fuera de cada uno de los espacios como expresión de sus diferentes lógicas de supervivencia en el contexto del mercado

    Access and Stratification in Nordic Higher Education. A review of cross-cutting research themes and issues

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    The purpose of this review is to investigate cross-cutting research themes and issues related to access and stratification in Nordic higher education (H.E.) (Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Sweden). We synthesise how recent changes in H.E. policy, practise, and appropriations have influenced educational opportunities along social class, gender and age. In this review we highlight results and conclusions shared by various recent Nordic studies. The emphasis is on the common trends and patterns related to social stratification in access.Non peer reviewe

    Access and stratification in Nordic higher education. A review of cross-cutting research themes and issues

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    The purpose of this review is to investigate cross-cutting research themes and issues related to access and stratification in Nordic higher education (H.E.) (Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Sweden). We synthesise how recent changes in H.E. policy, practise, and appropriations have influenced educational opportunities along social class, gender and age. In this review we highlight results and conclusions shared by various recent Nordic studies. The emphasis is on the common trends and patterns related to social stratification in access.</p