177 research outputs found

    Endoscopy in Intracranial Pathology

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    Setting up and modelling of overflowing fed-batch cultures of Bacillus subtilis for the production and continuous removal of lipopeptides

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    This work is related to the setup of overflowing exponential fed-batch cultures (O-EFBC) derived from carbon limited EFBC dedicated to the production of mycosubtilin, an antifungal lipopeptide belonging to the iturin family. O-EFBC permits the continuous removal of the product from the bioreactor achieving a complete extraction of mycosubtilin. This paper also provides a dynamical Monod-based growth model of this process that is accurate enough to simulate the evolution of the specific growth rate and to correlate it to the mycosubtilin specific productivity. Two particular and dependant phenomena related to the foam overflow are taken into account by the model: the outgoing flow rate of a broth volume and the loss of biomass. Interestingly, the biomass concentration in the foam was found to be lower than the biomass concentration in the bioreactor relating this process to a recycling one. Parameters of this model are the growth yield on substrate and the maximal specific growth rate estimated from experiments led at feed rates of 0.062, 0.071 and 0.086 h --1. The model was extrapolated to five additional experiments carried out at feed rates of 0.008, 0.022, 0.040, 0.042 and 0.062 h --1 enabling the correlation of the mean specific growth rates with productivity results. Finally, a feed rate of 0.086 h --1 corresponding to a mean specific growth rate of 0.070 h --1 allowed a specific productivity of 1.27 mg of mycosubtilin g --1 of dried biomass h --1

    Risques et réponses institutionnelles en Equateur – Cartes et méthodes

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    Este artículo corresponde a la síntesis de un estudio sobre los riesgos de origen natural realizado para las organizaciones no gubernamentales COOPI (Italia) y OXFAM (Reino Unido). El interés es triple: propone un ejemplo de geografía aplicada, describe una metodología operacional de investigación y presenta una nueva reflexión sobre la noción de riesgo, su evaluación y cartografía. El análisis de la dinámica positiva del riesgo mediante la respuesta institucional destinada a reducirlo y la cartografía asociada por cantón, constituyen una de sus principales originalidades.L'article constitue la synthèse d'une étude sur les risques d'origine naturelle en Equateur réalisée pour le compte des Organisations Non Gouvernementales COOPI (Italie) et OXFAM (Royaume Uni). Il présente un triple intérêt : il fournit un exemple de géographie appliquée, il présente une méthodologie opérationnelle de recherche et propose une réflexion nouvelle sur la notion de risque, son évaluation et sa cartographie. La prise en compte de la dynamique positive du risque à travers la réponse institutionnelle susceptible de le réduire, et la cartographie résultante par canton, constituent l'une de ses principales originalités

    Belgium létrejöttének historiográfiája, 1830-1849

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    Mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet from 1958 to 2007

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    We combine estimates of the surface mass balance, SMB, of the Greenland ice sheet for years 1958 to 2007 with measurements of the temporal variability in ice discharge, D, to deduce the total ice sheet mass balance. During that time period, we find a robust correlation (R2 = 0.83) between anomalies in SMB and in D, which we use to reconstruct a continuous series of total ice sheet mass balance. We. find that the ice sheet was losing 110 ± 70 Gt/yr in the 1960s, 30 ± 50 Gt/yr or near balance in the 1970s-1980s, and 97 ± 47 Gt/yr in 1996 increasing rapidly to 267 ± 38 Gt/yr in 2007. Multi-year variations in ice discharge, themselves related to variations in SMB, cause 60 ± 20 more variation in total mass balance SMB, and therefore dominate the ice sheet mass budget. Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union

    Evolutional origin of the both-sexes exaggerated structures

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    In animal realm, we often meet with body structures that in varying degrees go beyond the limits of their effectiveness and may seems like a burden for its owner rather than a benefit. In case these exaggerated structures are found only with representatives of one sex (we don't think artificial selection applied by humans on their domesticated fauna or sporadic pathological mutations), it is usually not a problem to explain their evolutionary origin through sexual selection. In most of these cases it is sexual selection applied by females on males. The situation is getting complicated, when these traits are present on representatives of both sexes. The search for explanation is less straightforward, and while we are doing it, we must pay thorough attention to the ecology and genetic dispositions of the specific species. Key words animals, exaggerated structures, evolutionV přírodě se u zvířat často setkáváme se strukturami, které v různé míře přesahují hranice své účelnosti a svému nositeli mohou na první pohled život, oproti jimi poskytovaným benefitům, spíše komplikovat. Nacházejí-li se tyto excesivní struktury pouze u zástupců jednoho pohlaví (pomineme-li umělý výběr aplikovaný člověkem na své domestikanty a ojedinělé patologické mutace), nebývá většinou problém s vysvětlením jejich evolučního původu pomocí pohlavního výběru, přičemž v majoritním procentu případů se jedná o pohlavní výběr prováděný na samcích ze strany samic. Situace se komplikuje, pokud jsou tyto struktury přítomné u zástupců obou pohlaví. Pátrání po vysvětlení je pak méně přímočaré a u jednotlivých druhů je musíme provádět s přihlédnutím k jejich ekologii a genetickým dispozicím. Klíčová slova živočichové, excesivní struktury, evoluceKatedra filosofie a dějin přírodních vědDepartment of Philosophy and History of SciencePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Non-destructive determination of fat content in green hams using ultrasound and X-rays

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    [EN] This work addresses the use of ultrasound (US) and medical dual energy X-ray absorptiometry methods to predict the fat content in green pork hams. Ultrasonic velocity (õ) and X-ray absorption were measured in 78 green hams. An increase in the fat content involved an increase in õ and a decrease in the X-ray attenuationmeasured at 2 °C.Models developed to predict the fat content fromthe ultrasonic velocity or X-ray parameters provided errors of 2.97% and 4.65%, respectively. The combination of both US and X-ray technologies did not improve prediction accuracy. These models allowed green hams to be classified into three levels of fatness, with 88.5% and 65.4% of the hams correctly classified when using models based on ultrasonic and X-ray parameters, respectively. Therefore, US and X-rays emerge as useful quality control technologies with which to estimate the fat content in green pork hamsThis work was supported by the spanish Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) (contracts n. RTA2010-00029-CO4-01/02) and by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) through the FPI grant given to Marta de Prados (SP-1.2011-S1-2757).Prados Pedraza, MD.; Fulladosa, E.; Gou, P.; Muñoz, I.; García Pérez, JV.; Benedito Fort, JJ. (2015). Non-destructive determination of fat content in green hams using ultrasound and X-rays. Meat Science. 104:37-43. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2015.01.015S374310

    Endoscopic transnasal approach to sellar tumors

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    Transsphenoidal surgery for sellar region tumors is traditionally done only by neurosurgeons. The use of endoscopes has permitted a direct transnasal approach to the sphenoidal sinus, without dissection of the septal mucosa, reducing postoperative morbidity. AIM: The purpose of this study was to assess the technical difficulties, and per and postoperative complications of the otolaryngological management of the endoscopic transnasal approach to the sellar region. MATERIAL AND METHOD: 159 patients undergoing sellar region surgery between March 2001 and December 2006 were assessed retrospectively. 91 patients who underwent 95 endoscopic transnasal procedures were included in this study. Study design: a clinical retrospective study. RESULTS: The endoscopic transnasal technique was feasible for every patient, independent of age, anatomical variations, tumor characteristics, tumor etiology, and previous surgical history. There was no need to remove the middle turbinate or septal deviations in any of the cases. The most significant peroperative complication was CSF leak during tumor removal (13.68%). Postoperative complications were: nasal bleeding (8.42%), CSF leak (8.42%), and meningitis (2.19). CONCLUSION: The transnasal endoscopic approach was accomplished with minimal invasion, preserving nasal structures in all 95 procedures, independent of age, anatomical variations, tumor characteristics,tumor etiology, and previous surgical history.A cirurgia dos tumores selares é tradicionalmente um campo de atuação dos neurocirurgiões. O uso do endoscópio permitiu acesso transnasal direto ao seio esfenoidal sem a necessidade de descolamento do septo nasal, com menor desconforto e morbidade pós-operatória inferior aos métodos tradicionais. OBJETIVO: Verificar as dificuldades técnicas, intercorrências e complicações pós-operatórias, no manejo otorrinolaringológico do acesso endoscópico transnasal à sela túrcica. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram analisados retrospectivamente os prontuários dos pacientes submetidos à cirurgia da região selar, entre março de 2001 e dezembro de 2005. Foram incluídos 91 pacientes submetidos a um total de 95 procedimentos por via transnasal endoscópica. Desenho científico: Clínico retrospectivo. RESULTADOS: Foi possível a realização da técnica endoscópica transnasal em todos os pacientes estudados. Não houve necessidade de remoção da concha média ou de desvios septais em nenhum dos casos. A principal intercorrência foi fístula liquórica durante a remoção de tumores (13,68%). As complicações pós-operatórias foram: sangramento nasal (8,42%), fístula liquórica (8,42%), e meningite (2,11%). CONCLUSÃO: O acesso endoscópico transnasal aos tumores selares pôde ser realizado de forma minimamente invasiva, preservando-se as estruturas nasais nos 95 procedimentos estudados, independente da idade do paciente, características e etiologia do tumor.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina setor de RinologiaUNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP-EPM setor de NeuroendocrinologiaUNIFESP-EPM Depto. de ORL e CCPUNIFESP, EPM, setor de RinologiaUNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP, EPM setor de NeuroendocrinologiaUNIFESP, EPM Depto. de ORL e CCPSciEL