31 research outputs found

    Jóvenes y redes sociales: hábitos de consumo informativo y credibilidad de las noticias.

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    Las redes sociales se han erigido en un soporte de suma eficacia para la difusión de la información de actualidad entre sectores cada vez más amplios de la población, provocando un cambio en el ecosistema comunicativo de indudable trascendencia. En este contexto, marcado por el crecimiento exponencial de recursos digitales y la diversidad de contenidos y fuentes, la credibilidad de las informaciones se encuentra más cuestionada que nunca. La abundancia genera dificultades para identificar noticias veraces en un entorno donde los medios de comunicación tradicionales están dejando de ser la referencia frente a fórmulas no periodísticas de dudoso criterio profesional. El objetivo principal de este trabajo reside en analizar el consumo informativo en redes sociales de los jóvenes españoles de entre 15 y 24 años, con la intención de conocer cómo acceden a las noticias, qué interacciones suscitan y qué factores les generan confianza, a través de un cuestionario online suministrado a una muestra representativa de la población objeto de estudio (n=1.068). Los resultados reflejan una alta exposición diaria a las redes, constituidas en canal preferente de consumo informativo para los jóvenes, quienes muestran serias carencias a la hora de contrastar las noticias pues no tienen el hábito ni la formación suficiente para buscar referentes de calidad. La mayoría de las informaciones las reciben de manera involuntaria, limitándose por lo general a leerlas; y suelen suscitarles poca confianza, aunque variables como la edad, el nivel formativo y el posicionamiento ideológico de los jóvenes influyen en la credibilidad que otorgan a los contenidos de actualidad difundidos por las redes

    MYC as therapeutic target in leukemia and lymphoma

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    MYC is a transcription factor that is involved in the expression of many genes. Deregulated MYC is found in about half of human tumors, being more prevalent in hematological neoplasms. Deregulation mechanisms include chromosomal translocation (particularly in lymphoma), amplification, and hyperactivation of MYC transcription. Here we review MYC involvement in the major types of leukemia and lymphoma. MYC rearrangements appear in all Burkitt lymphomas and are common in other lymphoma types, whereas in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, lymphoproliferative, and myeloproferative diseases, they are less frequent. However, MYC overexpression is present in all types of hematological malignancies and often correlates with a worse prognosis. Data in leukemia-derived cells and in animal models of lymphomagenesis and leukemogenesis suggest that MYC would be a good therapeutic target. Several MYC-directed therapies have been assayed in preclinical settings and even in clinical trials. First, peptides and small molecules that interrupt the MYC–MAX interaction impair MYC-mediated tumorogenesis in several mouse models of solid tumors, although not yet in lymphoma and leukemia models. Second, there are a number of small molecules inhibiting the interaction of MYC–MAX heterodimers with DNA, still in the preclinical research phase. Third, inhibitors of MYC expression via the inhibition of BRD4 (a reader of acetylated histones) have been shown to control the growth of MYC-transformed leukemia and lymphoma cells and are being used in clinic trials. Finally, we review a number of promising MYC-mediated synthetic lethal approaches that are under study and have been tested in hematopoietic neoplasms

    Jóvenes y adolescentes ante la información: principales hábitos y confianza en las noticias.

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    Esta investigación se propone examinar, de forma generalizada, los hábitos de consumo informativo de los jóvenes y adolescentes españoles de entre 15 y 24 años, identificando las principales fuentes de información a las que acceden y sus actitudes frente a las noticias. En esta misma línea, se valorará la credibilidad de la información recibida a través de distintos canales y el grado de confianza de sus fuentes informativas. Para ello, se realizó una encuesta online tomando como universo la población española de entre 15 y 24 años (n=1.865, nivel de confianza 95% y error muestral +/-2,27). Se partió de un muestreo proporcional a los valores teóricos del colectivo, controlando las variables sexo, edad y comunidad autónoma. Entre otros, los resultados evidencian que la principal fuente de noticias de los jóvenes y adolescentes españoles son las redes sociales (78,3%), a gran distancia de otros canales como la televisión (59,5%) o los medios online (30,7%). Cuando reciben información por esta vía, la actitud más frecuente es limitarse a leerla (40,8%), rara vez escriben una valoración (13,5%). A pesar de que las redes sociales (33,8%) son el medio más utilizado, en términos de credibilidad quedan por detrás de la televisión (48,6%), la prensa –en papel (44,1) y online (35.8%)– o la radio (42,3%). Aunque ninguna red destaca en este aspecto, Instagram (37,2%), Youtube (35,6%) y TikTok (34,7%) resultan más creíbles. Las fuentes de información que generan mayor confianza cuando se reciben noticias a través de redes sociales son las webs especializadas (52,2%), seguidas de cerca de familiares y amigos (48,3%). En contraposición, youtubers e influencers (27%) y políticos (19,9%) ocupan las últimas posiciones.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Mannose-binding lectin gene variants and infections in patients receiving autologous stem cell transplantation

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    BACKGROUND: Serious infections are common in patients undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) mainly because of the effects of immunosuppression. The innate immune system plays an important role in the defense against different infections. Mannose binding lectin (MBL) is a central molecule of the innate immune system. There are several promoter polymorphisms and structural variants of the MBL2 gene that encodes for this protein. These variants produce low levels of MBL and have been associated with an increased risk for infections. METHODS: Prospective cohort study. The incidence, severity of infections and mortality in 72 consecutive patients with hematologic diseases who underwent ASCT between February 2006 and June 2008 in a tertiary referral center were analyzed according to their MBL2 genotype. INNO-LiPA MBL2 was used for MBL2 gene amplification and genotyping. Relative risks (RR) (IC95%) as measure of association were calculated. Multivariate analysis was performed using logistic regression. RESULTS: A statistically significant higher number of fungal infections was found in patients with MBL2 variants causing low MBL levels (21.1%versus1.9%, p=0.016). In this MBL2 variant group infection was more frequently the cause of mortality than in the MBL2 wild-type group (p=0.05). Although not statistically significant, there was a higher incidence of major infections in the MBL2 variant group as well as a higher number of infections caused by gram-positive bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: Low-producer MBL2 genotypes were associated with an increased number of fungal infections in ASCT patients, which would suggest that MBL has a protective role against such infections. ASCT patients with MBL2 variant genotypes are more likely to die as a result of an infection

    High p27 protein levels in chronic lymphocytic leukemia are associated to low Myc and Skp2 expression, confer resistance to apoptosis and antagonize Myc effects on cell cycle

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    Myc (c-Myc) counteracts p27 effects, and low p27 usually correlates with high Myc expression in human cancer. However there is no information on the co-expression of both genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). We found a lack of correlation between RNA and protein levels of p27 and Myc in CLL cells, so we determined the protein levels by immunoblot in 107 cases of CLL. We observed a high p27 protein expression in CLL compared to normal B cells. Ectopic p27 expression in a CLL-derived cell line resulted in cell death resistance. Surprisingly, Myc expression was very low or undetectable in most CLL cases analyzed, with a clear correlation between high p27 and low Myc protein levels. This was associated with low Skp2 expression, which is consistent with the Skp2 role in p27 degradation and with SKP2 being a Myc target gene. High Myc expression did not correlate with leukemia progression, despite that cell cycle-related Myc target genes were upregulated. However, biochemical analysis showed that the high p27 levels inhibited cyclin-Cdk complexes even in Myc expressing CLL cells. Our data suggest that the combination of high p27 and low Myc is a marker of CLL cells which is mediated by Skp2

    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in lymph nodes show frequent NOTCH1 activation

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common adult leukemia in the Western world. Pathogenic mechanisms involve multiple external events (such as microenvironmental and antigenic stimuli) and internal events (genetic and epigenetic alterations) that are associated with the transformation, progression and evolution of CLL. CLL is characterized by an accumulation of mature B cells in peripheral blood, bone marrow and lymphoid tissues. Extracellular stimuli play an important role in the development and maintenance of neoplastic cells. B-CLL cells proliferate and activate pathogenic signaling pathways in anatomical structures known as proliferation centers, which are usually more conspicuous in involved lymph nodes.1 Its clinical course is quite heterogeneous, whereby some patients progress rapidly and have short survival, whereas others have a more stable clinical course that may not need treatment for years.This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (SAF2013-47416-R) Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)- FEDER – MINECO- AES (CP11/00018, PI10/00621, RD012/0036/0060), and Asociación Española contra el Cancer (AECC). MS-B is supported by a Miguel Servet contract from ISCIII-FEDER (CP11/00018). Salary support to SG is provided by CP11/00018, from ISCIII-FEDER. JG-R is supported by a predoctoral grant from the Fundación Investigación Puerta de Hierro.S

    First Report of a Case of Prostatitis Due to Acanthamoeba in a Dog

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    The first case of prostatitis in a ten year old mixed breed dog due to Acanthamoeba genotype T4 is reported. The dog was suffering from kidney dysfunction and was admitted for exploration of its organs by echography. All organs were in normal conditions with the exception of the prostate which showed signs of inflammation. An ultrasound-guided puncture was thus performed for further cytological and microbiological study. When the obtained fluid was observed under the microscope, Acanthamoeba trophozoites were detected in a high number. No other pathogens were isolated. Both culture and PCR were positive for Acanthamoeba genus and the isolate was later identified as genotype T4. Unfortunately at this stage, the dog’s owner decided to reject any kind of treatment or therapy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of prostatitis in a dog due to Acanthamoeba genus

    Integration of the archaeological Almohad remains in Granada metro station. The multidisciplinary research for the project and contemporary infrastructure development in the historic centres

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    La ejecución del tramo subterráneo del metropolitano de Granada ha permitido el hallazgo de los restos arqueológicos de la alberca del Alcázar Genil, residencia regia musulmana periurbana del siglo XIII. El Albercón, de 128 × 27 metros, fue devorado en sus extremos durante el crecimiento urbano del siglo XX, salvándose el tramo central pisado por el Camino de Ronda, vial bajo cuyo trazado discurre el metropolitano. El emplazamiento en Alcázar Genil de una estación subterránea posibilitará la integración de los restos arqueológicos de la alberca, recuperándolos, poniéndolos en valor y haciéndolos visitables.El proyecto de la estación Alcázar Genil aúna los esfuerzos conjuntos de diversas disciplinas que ponen al mismo nivel las ingenierías de los siglos XIII y XXI con una visión interdisciplinar básica para abarcar la complejidad de todo el proyecto con el objetivo de compatibilizar las infraestructuras contemporáneas con el pasado oculto bajo la piel de nuestros viejos centros históricos.The execution of the Granada Metropolitan’s underground line made possible the discovery of archeological remains of a water tank in Alcázar Genil, a royal muslim residence of the 13th century. The water tank, 419 × 88 ft, was destroyed at its ends due to the growth of the city of Granada during the 20th century and today remains only its center section, under Camino de Ronda, exactly where the future Metropolitan will take place. The location of an underground station will allow the recovery, the integration and the exhibition of the archaeological remains of this water tank. The Alcázar Genil station project brings together the work of several disciplines which put in the same level engineering of the 13th and of the 20th century. These different teams work in an interdisciplinary approach to respond to the complexity of the entire project. The aim is to make contemporary infrastructures compatible with the past that is hidden under the skin of our historic centres

    La Imposiblidad Económica Sobrevenida y no Prevista en la Ejecución de los Contratos

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    At head of title: Universidad de Murciahttps://ecollections.law.fiu.edu/diaz-cruz-pamphlets/1450/thumbnail.jp