307 research outputs found

    Analisis Hubungan Derajat Asma Kronik Berdasarkan Spirometri dengan Kadar Interleukin 4, Interleukin 13, dan Eosinophil Cationic Protein

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    Asma merupakan masalah kesehatan dunia yang tidak hanya ditemukan di negara maju tetapi juga di negara berkembang. Spirometri merupakan salah satu metode paling efektif untuk menunjukkan derajat asma. Kelemahan spirometri adalah keakuratan hasil pengukuran sangat tergantung dari operator. Pada asma berat, faal paru dari hasil spirometri dapat tidak mencerminkan faal saluran napas. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan klasifikasi derajat asma kronik berdasarkan paradigma imunopatologi yang lebih menggambarkan derajat inflamasi kronik saluran pernapasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubngan derajat asma kronik berdasarkan spirometri dengan IL-4, IL-13 dan Eosinophil Cationic Protein (ECP). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan disain penelitian potong lintang pada 46 pasien asma RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Kepada pasien penderita asma dilakukan spirometri untuk menentukan derajat asma yang diklasifikasikan menjadi asma berat (FEV1 < 80%) dan asma ringan (FEV1 ≥ 80%). Kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar IL-4, IL-13 dan ECP serum dengan metode Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Bagian Paru RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang dan Laboratorium Biomedik Universitas Andalas. Pelaksanaan penelitian pada bulan Januari 2017 sampai dengan Juni 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan bermakna (p<0,05) antara kadar IL-13 pada kelompok asma kronis derajat ringan dan kelompok asma kronis derajat berat. Sedangkan untuk kadar IL- 4 dan ECP tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara derajat asma dengan kedua variabel tersebut. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pemeriksaan kadar IL-13 dapat menjadi pilihan pemeriksaan yang lebih objektif untuk menentukan derajat severitas penyakit asma kronik selain penilaian secara gejala klinis dan faal paru dengan menggunakan spirometri. Kata Kunci : asma kronik, ECP, IL-4, IL13, spirometr

    Expression Collagen I and III in Anterior Vaginal Women with and without Pelvic Organ Prolapse

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    Objective: To find out the expression of collagen [ and III in the anterior vaginal wall of women with and without pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Method: The research was a cross sect ional study, conducted in Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo hospital and its networks from January 1, 2011 to April 1, 2012. The case group consisted of 35 women with POPlevel III and IV.The contro l group consisted of35 women without POP. The expression of collagen I and III were examined by immunohistochemical test with the stain ing of antibody of collagen I (mouse monoclonal collagen lab 90395 ) and the antibody collagen III (Mu167 4i).The data was then analyzed by using a computer statistic program with a significance level of 0.05. Result: It was found that in the group of women with POP, there were 28 cases of expression collagen III (84%), which is significantly higher than in women without POP, found in only 20 cases (58.8%), with p=0.02. Meanwhile, in the group of POP, 9.1% of subjects showed moderate expre ssion of collagen I, significantly less compared to the expressio n in the contro l group (35.3%), with p=0.007. For the ratio of collagen I and III, the result was weak in women with POP(58.5% ) while in the control group, the result was high (85.7%). Conclu sion: In terms of collagen I and III expression, there was no significant difference between the two groups. Keywords: collagen I, collagen III, pelvic organ prolapse, vaginal wal


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    Abstrak : Fokus penelitian yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini yaitu: Representasi Sufistik dalam Lirik lagu Album kala cinta menggoda karya Crishye yang dijabarkan menjadi (1) representasi bentuk sufistik pada lirik lagu album kala cinta menggoda karya Crismansyah Rahadi (Crishye).(2) representasi makna sufistik pada lirik lagu album kala cinta menggoda Crismansyah Rahadi (Crishye). Berkaitan dengan fokus penelitian tersebut peneliti bertujuan mendeskripsikan pembahasan representasi terhadap bentuk sufistik dalam lirik lagu album kala cinta menggoda karya Crishye. Representasi sufistik yang terkandung dalam lirik lagu album tersebut berupa bentuk dan makna sufistik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan, penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Data berupa lirik lagu yang diperoleh dalam album kala cinta menggoda dengan teknik baca, teknik catat, dan teknik riset kepustakaan. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah lirik lagu dalam album kala cinta menggoda karya Crishye. Instrumen penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri (human instrument). Keabsahan data diperoleh dengan pembahasan bahasa dan diperkuat hasil analisis data dengan expert judgment. Data dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif penelitian kualitatif.Kata Kunci: Sufi, Chrisye, Lagu, Lirik


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar berbasis web pada materi tata nama senyawa kimia yang memenuhi kualitas sebagai bahan ajar dan sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum 2013. Langkah-langkah pengembangan yang digunakan mengikuti model pengembangan ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluate). Materi tata nama senyawa kimia direpresentasikan dalam level makroskopik berupa fenomena dan gambar, mikroskopik berupa animasi dalam video, dan simbolik berupa rumus-rumus kimia serta penamaannya. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba terbatas, secara umum bahan ajar berbasis web pada materi tata nama senyawa kimia telah memiliki kualitas yang baik. Berdasarkan tanggapan guru, seluruhnya memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap aspek desain instruksional dan aspek bahasa. Sedangkan, 4 dari 5 guru memberikan tanggapan positif untuk aspek konten, aspek desain visual, dan aspek navigasi. Secara umum, hampir seluruh (96,92%) siswa juga memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap aspek konten, aspek bahasa, aspek desain visual, aspek motivasi, dan aspek navigasi. This study aims to produce a web-based teaching material on the matter of nomenclature of chemical compound that meet the quality as teaching material and corresponding with requirement curriculum of 2013. Steps of development follow development model of ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluate). Material nomenclature of chemical compound are represented in the form of the phenomenon and image, microscopic form of animation in video, and symbolic form of chemical formula and naming. Based on limited trial, in general web-based teaching material on chemical nomenclature have a good quality. Based on the teacher response, all give a positive response to aspect of instructional design and aspect of language. Meanwhile, 4 out of 5 teachers give positive response to aspect of content, aspect of visual design, and aspect of navigation. Generally, almost all (96.92%) students also gave a positive response to the aspect of content, aspect of language, aspect of visual design, aspect of motivational, and aspect of navigation

    Membentuk Karakter Kepemimpinan dan Kemandirian pada Siswa Boarding School dengan Strategi Musyrif

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    This study aims to determine the Musyrif strategy applied in the formation of leadership and independence character in SMA Insan Cendekia Mandiri Boarding School (ICMBS), Sidoarjo. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, data obtained through observation, documentation and in-depth interviews. Sources of data in this study were obtained through interviews on January 29 - February 7 2020 together with the Supervisior of the High School Dormitory, Musyrif, and board of the Santri Boarding Organization and SMA ICMBS Alumni as supporting data. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that in character building, the musyrif strategy is divided into two, namely (a) internal strategy includes six stages - planning, introduction, implementation, supervision, reward and punishment, and evaluation, and (b) external strategies namely introduction, supervision, and integrated evaluation through active communication with guardian parents in both formal and informal forms. So, it can be concluded that the musyrif strategy is very effective in shaping the character of leadership and student independence. Keywords: Musyrif Strategy, Leadership Character, Independence Characte

    Problematika Ontologis Pendidikan Islam

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    Theefforts to understand ontological meaning of Islamic education are not easy, furthermore the nature of Islamic education meaning is intended as an abstraction integrity of meaning that is accepted ideological, theoretical, and empirical. The existence of Islamic education is always in contact and grappling with the reality surrounding them. In historical perspective, the struggle between Islamic educations with socio-cultural realities faces two possibilities: influences or is influenced. The consequence is that Islamic education can be defined as a process of enculturation and or facilitation efforts (medium). If referring to the terms of Islam, Islamic education is personified to the term attarbiyah, at-ta'lim, at-ta'dib and ar-riyadah. Each of these terms has different accentuation meanings although it has the same outline. In understanding Islamic education, basic education and its goal formulation becomes noteworthy. Since the basis and purpose of demarcation will distinguish with other educations.Theefforts to understand ontological meaning of Islamic education are not easy, furthermore the nature of Islamic education meaning is intended as an abstraction integrity of meaning that is accepted ideological, theoretical, and empirical. The existence of Islamic education is always in contact and grappling with the reality surrounding them. In historical perspective, the struggle between Islamic educations with socio-cultural realities faces two possibilities: influences or is influenced. The consequence is that Islamic education can be defined as a process of enculturation and or facilitation efforts (medium). If referring to the terms of Islam, Islamic education is personified to the term attarbiyah, at-ta'lim, at-ta'dib and ar-riyadah. Each of these terms has different accentuation meanings although it has the same outline. In understanding Islamic education, basic education and its goal formulation becomes noteworthy. Since the basis and purpose of demarcation will distinguish with other educations


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    Inovasi teknologi televisi digital mulai digunakan di banyak negara menggantikan teknologi televisi analog yang telah lama digunakan. Indonesia sebagai negara anggota International Telecommunication Union (ITU) juga melakukan migrasi televisi analog ke televisi digital secara bertahap di seluruh Indonesia. Konsumsi media televisi masih menjadi media utama yang digunakan oleh masyarakat di Indonesia dalam kehidupan sehari – hari. Tercatat pada pemberitaan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Nielsen, 95% penduduk Indonesia menggunakan televisi sebagai media informasi. Namun sebagian besar pengguna televisi di indonesia masih didominasi oleh pengguna televisi analog daripada televisi digital yang mempunyai banyak kelebihan dibanding televisi analog